TropicalDingdong , to politics in Takeaways from the third 2024 Republican presidential debate


I don't think that I will..

TropicalDingdong , to politics in US House Oversight panel will issue subpoenas to president's son, brother to appear

Does any one give a shit about what this house does?

randon31415 , to politics in Democrats' dilemma: Biden's agenda is popular, but he is not

Maybe Biden should push more for "Biden's agenda". It feels like Biden is pushing harder for COPPA (require people to be 18 and have a license to go on the internet, allow state attorney general to censor LGTBQ stuff online) then popular stuff like marajana legalization or Roe codification.

Son_of_dad ,

I'm not surprised Biden isn't pushing marijuana reform. He's one of the biggest proponents of the horribly racist, classist, and murderous drug war. He's from a generation that thinks reefer madness is an accurate representation of pot, and his personal prejudice towards recreational drugs is widely known.

He's always been the wrong candidate, but the Democrats can't seem to find anyone better. All we can hope is that Republicans stay home and he gains votes that way

Melkath ,

Its not that Democrats can't find anyone better. It's that they won't allow anyone better to advance through the ranks.

Its that Biden is exactly who the DNC wants in office.

Once upon a time, there was an argument that at least some Democrats tried to represent their constituents.

Those days are long gone. Citizens United stands. Corporations are "the people" the federal government represents. Money is speech. If you don't have the money, they don't have ears for you. Both parties represent the corporations, not the people, and Biden has a wonderful history of supporting all of those corrupt things that make the corporate overlords happy.

spaceghoti OP ,

Please stop with the "both sides are the same" bullshit. We don't need repetitions of Republican talking points.

Melkath ,

Please stop with the "my color good, your color bad" bullshit.

I have never heard a republican say they are the same as a Democrat.

But just like a republican, if it doesn't pledge fealty to your color, it's the other color and its bad.

Stop treating America like a Grease high school rivalry.

Stop supporting corrupt politicians.

spaceghoti OP ,

We've seen how the government works when Democrats have control. No one will call it perfect, but it works and they generally try to help people.

We also see repeatedly how government works with Republicans in power. They don't do shit to help anyone but themselves and their donor class.

Until we fix the first past the post electoral system, these are our choices. Whining about it won't fix it. We first have to eliminate the fascist threat posed by Republicans, then we can talk about reform.

Just because you've never heard a Republican declare they're the same as a Democrat doesn't mean you aren't repeating Republican propaganda. They don't care what you think of them. If you have no faith in government, they win. If you think Democrats are just as bad, they win. Shrinking government until it can be drowned in the tub is the point. Then they can break up its functions and sell them off to private interests. If you want to see a return to feudalism, keep repeating this bullshit. Just don't think you're going to be welcomed into the new nobility.

Melkath ,


Democrats had the oval office and a congressional supermajority.

The Patriot Act still exists in full form. Citizens United still exists in full form. Gitmo is still operational. Roe v Wade has not been codified.

In those years where we could have gotten universal Healthcare, they delivered everyone must pay for health insurance, employed or not.

In those years, the Iraq War not only continued, but the US added arial drone warfare to the military industrial complex.

When Obama spoke, he inspired, he lead, he made you feel something positive. He didn't follow through on ANYTHING though.

Biden got us out of Iraq. I think he botched the exit, but at least we got out of Iraq under his presidency. Then he decided to triple down on funding a genocide.

I can name 3 democrats (and politicians in general for that fact) I still trust. Bernie Sanders, AOC (though the longer she is hanging out with the dogs, the more I fear she is hosting some fleas) and Katie Porter.

The rest of em are Hilary progressives that are only concerned with cozying up with wall street insiders and lobbyist funders.

spaceghoti OP ,

Well, I see the Russian disinformation crew had joined us. Congratulations to lemmy for growing enough to become a target!

Melkath ,


Imma hope you were shittin' yer britches during the Obama administration and that's your defense for being that ignorant.

Ensign_Crab ,

Can't refute? Just make wild accusations!

spaceghoti OP ,

There's no point in refuting Republican talking points that were discredited thirteen years ago. The Democrats had their supermajority for a total of two weeks at the end of 2009. Not nearly enough time to pass anything and everything they wanted. That talking point is dead and buried and is more than enough evidence that I'm not dealing with someone arguing in good faith.

Is that your intent as well? Sealion me so I waste my time rehashing old, dead arguments?

Melkath ,

Biden is funding a genocide. Wants to be given the power to do so closed door.

New argument.

Go. Tell me why this man is worthy of being my leader.

You don't get to reference Trump. Or Republicans in general.

Why should I vote for a man fervently enabling genocide?

Argongas ,

There are a lot of great Democrats out there, but there are plenty of bad ones too. I don't think we'll see real change until most of the boomers are dead and gone.

There's also the issue that with Republicans losing their damn minds, big money and corporations have been shifting their support to Dems.

Melkath ,

Because The Party is The Party.

But I agree that Boomers are the worst offenders of voting R or D regardless of whose name the letter is next to because they fancy their letter the lesser evil.

Gen X really amped up the problem on the D side though.

gravitas_deficiency , to World News in US plans precision bombs transfer to Israel

Wow, so instead of giving stuff to Ukraine, which actually does their level best to avoid civilian targets in their war, we give them to Israel, which does… well… whatever they fuck they’re doing, they don’t give a single shit about civvies.

xenomor , to World News in White House suggests 'pauses' in Israel-Hamas conflict to get people out

If the US helps get people out of Gaza, and Israel eventually blocks their return, then the US has directly participated in ethnic cleansing. I mean, I think we are already culpable in Israel’s multifaceted war crime factory, but this is a remarkable escalation of that policy. I suppose that I’d have more respect for the US if it didn’t try to cloak its support of apartheid and genocide in feel good bullshit rhetoric like “democracy” and “defense” and “humanitarian pause”. In reality Israel is fascist ethnostate, this is a genocide, and we are facilitating ethnic cleansing. The Biden administration is monstrous.

gravitas_deficiency ,

I agree with everything you said.

And simultaneously, I’m thinking about how that’s going to be used as a bullet point for GOP activists to push their campaign next year, and there’s a decent chance it’ll be Trump. If Trump was still calling the shots, he’d be screaming at his generals to send half of our B-52s to carpet-bomb Gaza into dust.

I hate that we are forced to choose between “participating in ethnic cleaning” and “enthusiastically participating in ethnic cleansing” for our national leadership.

Chainweasel , to News in Clarence Thomas loan report spurs new ethics criticism of US Supreme Court

If the previous few dozen ethics violations have had literally no consequences whatsoever and there's absolutely no sign that anything is about to change on that front, I feel like the only purpose of these stories is to desensitize us to it and make it feel normal.

lennybird , avatar

Ethics violations only work on Democrats.

It's the nature of Democrats actually holding themselves to a higher standard and avoiding hypocrisy / cognitive dissonance.

But this is the MO of the GOP -- One standard for Dems; no standards for themselves.

Reverendender , to Today I Learned in TIL - J and J knew for decades that asbestos lurked in its Baby Powder and failed to disclose it to regulators or the public. avatar

I’m certain that justice will come swiftly to those responsible.


gravitas_deficiency ,

And that, ladies and gentlemen, is the real American Dream.

PrinzMegahertz , to World News in US intelligence report alleging Russia election interference shared with 100 countries

Imagine they would put the same effort into making their own country a decent place to live

RaoulDook ,

America is a wonderful place to live. It is not free to live here, but we do have freedom.

I wouldn't trade my life in the USA to move anywhere else, unless it was an offer that came with a substantial financial incentive that would pay for me to live comfortably without needing a job.

PrinzMegahertz ,

The famous American freedom!

RaoulDook ,

Name any freedom that I don't have as an American that anyone else has elsewhere.

jeffw , to politics in US House Republicans nominate hardliner Jim Jordan for speaker avatar

Sounds like the same story we heard earlier this week. Just replace "Jordan beats Scott" with "Scalise beats Jordan."

Do we just keep going until they run out of people to nominate?

IchNichtenLichten , avatar

They could cut to the chase and nominate George Santos. It’s a step down from Galactic Emperor but he might go for it.

autotldr Bot , to World News in Hamas official says group is open to discussions over truce with Israel

This is the best summary I could come up with:

Oct 9 (Reuters) - A senior Hamas official said the group is open to discussions over a possible truce with Israel, having "achieved its targets."

Moussa Abu Marzouk told Al Jazeera in a phone interview that Hamas was open to "something of that sort" and "all political dialogues" when asked whether the Islamist group is willing to discuss a possible ceasefire.

The original article contains 61 words, the summary contains 61 words. Saved 0%. I'm a bot and I'm open source!

Zerlyna , avatar

0%. Bad bot.

Blapoo , to History in Tests of footprints in New Mexico confirm earlier human arrival in North America than believed

Man, shoes really fucked our feet up. Look how long their toes were!!

spacecowboy ,

I noticed that too. Toes actually splayed out like they’re supposed to be!

DrBob ,

Are you sure it's not because they were walking through mud? I mean that's why the footprints are preserved.

gravitas_deficiency , to News in Trump reaped over $100 million through fraud, New York says as trial starts

If I was a betting man, I would say that Trump’s personal gain from this crap is probably being under-counted by a factor of at least 10

LEDZeppelin , to News in Trump reaped over $100 million through fraud, New York says as trial starts

Naturally, republicans are nominating him to be the next house speaker.

gravitas_deficiency ,

To be fair, they did that in January too, and nobody took it seriously.

gravitas_deficiency , to Technology in Exclusive: UK regulator to push for probe into Amazon, Microsoft cloud dominance

I mean… there’s a simple reason. Running a fuck-off huge data center - let alone a few dozen spread around the world - takes a similarly fuck-off huge amount of capital investment. Doubly so at the beginning, when AWS wasn’t really a thing yet. Only huge companies with a specific interest in hosting compute would be able to do it. Thus: Microsoft, Amazon, and Google are far and away the market leaders. Apple probably could have done it too, but it’s not an area they care about, because their whole business model is about vertical integration, and hosting VMs and baremetal and any number of other things that aren’t locked into osX is antithetical to Apple’s whole thing.

gravitas_deficiency , to News in Biden, US officials warn of hunger for millions in a government shutdown

Remember: without exception, every single society and government on the face of the planet is 9 meals away from total anarchy.

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