
Kristi Noem says the story demonstrates her willingness to "do what needs to be done." ( )

She decided to kill the 14-month-old dog she was training to hunt birds when it attacked chickens, an understandable mistake for a young dog IMO, and bit her once when she grabbed it's collar (no word on how seriously). She killed a goat by shooting it twice because she didn't like it, calling it mean and smelly. Apparently...

Trump camp plans sit-down with outside groups after FEC relaxes coordination rules ( )

Typically, events such as these are organized by the Koch Family. They handle the nuts-and-bolts and technical end of things. Trump's campaign may have called this meeting, but I guarantee the Kochs will be providing the support....

Tunak Tunak Tun (Mid 2000s) ( )

Daler Mehndi's 1998 music video, in which the singer performs with 4 "clones" of himself. "Mehndi claims his music was often criticized for only being popular due to the abundance of beautiful, dancing women in his videos The singer responded by creating a video that featured nobody but himself." Apparently he wasn't wrong and...

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