Teri_Kanefield ,
@Teri_Kanefield@mastodon.social avatar

Okay, I finished this week's blog post.

This took me a long time.

About 3 hours ago, I was sure it made sense. Then I kept working. I hope it still makes sense LOL.


I discuss the criminal liability for behaving like a gold-plated bucket of slime and offer a few mind-bending legal puzzles.

It's super fun, sort of.

timothyjohnson ,
@timothyjohnson@mastodon.sdf.org avatar

Hi Teri, thanks so much. Love reading your blog, it is very informative.

My question is, how does a case like this get to trial if the prosecution can't clearly define the crime?

Teri_Kanefield OP ,
@Teri_Kanefield@mastodon.social avatar


When I read the opening arguments, I thought, "I would have filed a motion to dismiss."

So I looked and the defense did that. In the response, the government listed lots of possible crimes, so they withstood the motion to dismiss.

There are possible crimes, but the case is being framed as "election interference" even though the possible crimes are not.

That's why Jed and others think it was a cynical political ploy for headlines.

They may get a tax conviction.

mastodonmigration ,
@mastodonmigration@mastodon.online avatar


Great piece! As always, thank you very much. Lots of food for thought.

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