@squid_slime@lemm.ee avatar



Just a humble squid that over produces slime. Buy my slime, its a medical wonder, cures halitosis, weird eye syndrome, bolding.

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squid_slime , (edited )
@squid_slime@lemm.ee avatar

image of a press release
i am not sure how credible this is (cant verify whether this was only streamed to 1 of the 3 platforms) I'm all for bashing on a nazi but if what hes saying is true then we probably shouldn't spread this as gospel

Edit: if false and knowingly supporting a factious narrative then this becomes a slur and not a report on a hypocritical nazi. what is said in the above link looks to be reasonable, as when streaming to multiple platforms it would be highly likely that this would be done from a single instance of obs, so when only 1 of the 3 hosting sites has gay porn streamed to it it is reasonable to believe that a hacker has hijacked the stream apposed to the nazi using 3 streaming applications, disconnecting 2 and continuing to watch gay porn on 1, nonsensical.

squid_slime ,
@squid_slime@lemm.ee avatar

he sounds like a class A twat tbf.

saw a clip of the stream and seems very much like he was hacked as the video was not normal porn but a compilation akin to fail/shock videos.

squid_slime ,
@squid_slime@lemm.ee avatar

the stream had ended on all 3 hosting sites and then on 1 of the hosting sites a stream started up after seconds of the stream ending. it depicted a shock style compilation of gay porn. it was the type of video used to troll and not the sort for getting off to

squid_slime ,
@squid_slime@lemm.ee avatar

Telegram link in top right of the stream, and just porn full screen with multiple clips one after another, mostly fisting but hard to tell with the video being censored and seems to be sped up considerably.

Funny enough though I did see earlier reports of viewers seeing a tab open in the nazis browser linking to trans porn this was last year but ive not looked too much into that yet.

squid_slime ,
@squid_slime@lemm.ee avatar

Fuck em indeed but spreading falsities will only discredit the left. Besides character assignation is low brow fascist behaviour.

squid_slime ,
@squid_slime@lemm.ee avatar

Think communism is bad then read up about Americas involvement in Vietnam or capitalist El Salvador, and many other countries.

squid_slime , (edited )
@squid_slime@lemm.ee avatar

Orwell is amazing though he was a social democrat and he never argued directly against communism, he was against totalitarianism authoritarianism.

And no I wouldn't say both are bad, one is geared towards betting the lives of the many, the other is geared towards betting the live of the elite, issue being bad actors have always managed to manipulate and hijack

squid_slime , (edited )
@squid_slime@lemm.ee avatar

it adds a backdrop to the statement "fuck communists" as if capitalism is the only way forward whereas really for a capitalist to be happy a dozen more must indirectly suffer.

squid_slime ,
@squid_slime@lemm.ee avatar

for a few to live dignified lives in capitalism many must suffer, this is a feature of capitalism one which progressively worsens as time goes on and can be seen in any 3rd and even 1st world country whereas communism has systems to counter these issues, it also has systems against corruption which like in capitalism have been subverted by bad actors only difference is that capitalism more often then not rewards these bad actors.

Another thing to think about is our bias, capitalism has a vested interest in quashing communism and socialism this is made apparent in Manufacturing Consent, where our western world view is made up of glimpses shown to us by media corporations, tax funded misinformation campaigns.

Does Cuba deserve to suffer embargo's? Its an indiscriminate way to kill a population. North Korea and its forgotten war where america spent years killing indiscriminately with napalm, threatening nuclear escalation which eventually lead a fledgly communist state to turn hermit and its leader a quasi-god. Vietnam wanted independence from France and america dropped agent orange across much of its fields and people again killing indiscriminately as well as napalm and setting embargo's. The USSR didn't have secret police for no reason, the USSR was under constant threat from western powers. Much of the issues in communism is a reaction to imperialism/capitalism.

squid_slime , (edited )
@squid_slime@lemm.ee avatar

Its an acknowledgment of why things had gone the way they did. america have a history of monitoring and imprisoning communist and socialist, black panthers and even recently blm had undercover agents within the movement.


This is common within the us intelligence structure.

What reading style do you consider more tedious to read, A) short, concise, and precise, but using non-layperson vocabulary, B) using layperson vocabulary, but it's longer, drawn out, and not precise?

I've seen a lot of people on here be teased for difficulty expressing themselves. Either people complain "you're using big person words to describe mundane things" when they're aiming for precision or "woah, we don't need that damn wall of text" when they're aiming for clarity. It's like people just want to complain.

squid_slime ,
@squid_slime@lemm.ee avatar

Vaping and pulling at my beard whilst stood with an uncomfortably wide gate and shifterly looking around every several seconds.

squid_slime ,
@squid_slime@lemm.ee avatar

Spent 6 years sofa surfing, its less a fear and more a reality for some. Sadly in most western countries homelessness is seen as a punishment and housing programmes stipulate no alcohol, no drugs, curfew. all of which put people back on the streets.

squid_slime ,
@squid_slime@lemm.ee avatar

Good thanks, reading Orwell's lessor known books, getting a tan and sold newspapers for my political party at the rail drivers picket line.

squid_slime ,
@squid_slime@lemm.ee avatar

mccarthyism, red scare, American and western Europe propaganda. listen to Blow Back podcast it explains a lot of political meddling and how capitalism is working in its best interest in crippling socialism

squid_slime ,
@squid_slime@lemm.ee avatar

read the resent news of Julian Assange or John Pilger there'd be a lot more if i could think to name them

Will I ever be seen as truly British?

My family immigrated to the UK from Poland when I was six. I'm 20 now, speak much better English than Polish and feel like this is my land/culture. However I have a Polish first and last name, Polish passport and "unique" accent everyone picks up on, so despite this I'm usually perceived as an outsider. It makes me really sad...

squid_slime ,
@squid_slime@lemm.ee avatar

No ones truly anything, nationalism is a horrid thing and sorry people have treated you as they have, its more they're own insecurity then anything to do with you.

squid_slime ,
@squid_slime@lemm.ee avatar

Just finished reading George Orwell's Down and Out In Paris and London. Spuddle seems apt

squid_slime ,
@squid_slime@lemm.ee avatar

Down and Out had me audible laughing at points mostly in the bistro or the communist waiter who was drinking all the milk to spite the restaurant.

Sadly Orwell's 1984 and animal farm are both misused as properganda by right wingers whilst skipping over Orwell's own political ideas.

squid_slime ,
@squid_slime@lemm.ee avatar

Thanks for getting me on to Coming Up for Air, half way through and its a nice steady pace. Shooting an Elephant will be my next read.

squid_slime , (edited )
@squid_slime@lemm.ee avatar

That was disgusting, I breathly thought about that scene whilst biting into a hotdog last night 😂

The guarding of billy beef is something out of bullshit jobs and the way he expresses and explains it with the old gent reverting back to gardening, basically started a farm, this is my favourite scene so far, and Christ he's mad about trout!

squid_slime ,
@squid_slime@lemm.ee avatar

The tables have turned my friend O.o

But seriously I hardly notice this stuff, and females have historically been treated miserably

squid_slime , (edited )
@squid_slime@lemm.ee avatar

Yea like the brother never inherited the family business, and the brother was sold off to a rich older lady to marry, or the brother for goes university in place of his sister, the brother having a bastard child meant he was ostracized from the family and sent to a Catholic nunnery to learn the ways of god.

Women have historically been repressed through out many culture in history and even to present wealth be damned.

squid_slime ,
@squid_slime@lemm.ee avatar

Converting a class traitor to socialism

squid_slime ,
@squid_slime@lemm.ee avatar

As a member of the democratic socialist party I often am out speaking to people and for the most part I receive a sincere and accepting response from the regular public, but sometimes I will speak with a working class right winger and they either dont want to know or regurgitate false information usually of the fear mongering verity so I dont think people are put off due to members, not saying it never happens where a member has put someone off but I can't imagine it to be all that regular.

squid_slime , (edited )
@squid_slime@lemm.ee avatar

Why would you be apposed to equality of outcome? Don't you think the homeless on the streets deserve a liveable life, or the African Americans a way out of repression, and women should be able to walk home at night with out fear of rape. Then internationally the poorer country's having their resources plundered by the capitalist while the residents have no education or clean water, hospitals, this all allowing the rich to live exceedingly extravagant lives.

I doubt your racist or a Nazi but rather poorly information in socioeconomic and the greater reach capitalism has in devastating lives.

squid_slime , (edited )
@squid_slime@lemm.ee avatar

Equality of opportunity does not work, the richest 1% continue to get richer year over year whilst the poorest get poorer and this isn't a slogan this is a real statistic we can see. Even the middle classes are entitled to less now and the trend will only continue. Then we have inherited wealth, people tend not to work for they're fortune its often inherited.

So if the intention of equality of opportunity is to bring prosperity than its failed the largest percentage of people. Really I think its a way for people to say "well we tried, we gave them the opportunity" and in that way they can sleep at night.

The USSR took place 1922 to 1991 where homelessness fell drastically, literacy bloomed to near 100%, people who'd only heard of electricity suddenly had electricity, 'diets became much better as well as food portions' (this is power phrased from a leaked FBI document which detailed nutrition being better of an american), work was a given thing if someone was of ably body and mind they'd have a consistent job. In truth the USSR worked amazingly at points, especially considering the state it came from, they skipped capitalism and were feudal before the revolution so had no modern infrastructure like farm equipment, industry and others.

The USSR was a messy thing and to understand the full context would take a lot of explaining, inside the politburo there were bad actors for sure but externally the USSR had to deal with Americas mccarthyism and strong arm tactics, setting nukes on the Russian border or training and supplying arms to terror organisation to economically drain the USSR which the damage can be seen current day in the middle east and even in the USA and Russia with the opioid crises.

But the best part is that once the USSR crumbled we'd like to think the victory of capitalism lead to prosperity and liberation of Russia but the standard of living has dropped, social housing is now privately owned and rented at prices most can't afford, the average age has declined in Russia, dietary standards have dropped, domestic abuse risen, education levels fallen.

With your last statement I'm sure the feudalist said the same to early capitalism.

squid_slime , (edited )
@squid_slime@lemm.ee avatar

I found the reason people call you names. I'm only here for a polite disagreement. Take it easy

squid_slime ,
@squid_slime@lemm.ee avatar

hospitality stuff.

squid_slime ,
@squid_slime@lemm.ee avatar

No hospitality is part the service sector, front of house is known as hospitality. Making and serving coffee or selling cloths in our current society adds little to the world other than extraction of wealth, repression of third world country's and the company's that specialise in these sectors are often awful to they're employees.

squid_slime ,
@squid_slime@lemm.ee avatar

My ex that I am not over calling me to come visit and that she misses me then saying that we have a slim chance of getting back together 😭😭😭 and my mother.

"MAGA Communism" potentially becoming a threat beyond the terminally online.

I was looking at an old thread about "patsocs" and I saw the following comment, which I believe to be true - I have written this in a rush so sorry for any mistakes. EDIT: I was asked what the question was, so tl;dr it would be: is the threat of patsoc, particularly the "MAGA communism" development a significant threat beyond...

squid_slime ,
@squid_slime@lemm.ee avatar


Short hand for patriotic socialism. Which goes against Marxist ideals

squid_slime ,
@squid_slime@lemm.ee avatar

I commend the amount of effort this post took, thank you for sharing as I didn't know of maga communism which off the bat is an oxymoron akin to national socialism

squid_slime ,
@squid_slime@lemm.ee avatar

I should imagine its another vehicle to a dictatorship

squid_slime ,
@squid_slime@lemm.ee avatar

The real crime is the property market, UK law recently limiting right to squat in empty buildings and the relationship between the working class and owning class

squid_slime , (edited )
@squid_slime@lemm.ee avatar

Its because toris and the bosses didn't like they're investment being highjacked by the commoners.
Next time you walk through town look at a begger and 5star restaurant and study dichotomy between the two. Humanity is sickening.

6.1% of home in england are empty.

squid_slime ,
@squid_slime@lemm.ee avatar

you can get fuel delivered to your house, install a few tanks, or straight to your vehicle

Just 57 companies linked to 80% of greenhouse gas emissions since 2016 | Analysis reveals many big producers increased output of fossil fuels and related emissions in seven years after Paris accord ( www.theguardian.com )

Note that this represents who extracted, rather than who burned. Responsibility for burning fossil fuels is much more broadly distributed.

squid_slime ,
@squid_slime@lemm.ee avatar

All that money will be useful when the worlds on fire

squid_slime OP ,
@squid_slime@lemm.ee avatar

This is very true, maybe the quite comfort is the enemy of progress fits here.

squid_slime ,
@squid_slime@lemm.ee avatar

I am saying to unionise rentals as it'll serve to limit hikes and evictions

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