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otacon239 ,

I can recommend myNoise if you’re looking for an app with quality soundscapes. Unfortunately not free for all of them, but they are all very high quality and they offer an unlock all option.

otacon239 ,

Dang. I thought I was the only person who had ever heard of this one. Might have to boot it up in an emulator one of these days and give it a go.

otacon239 ,

Screenprinting. I also did work as a quality tech for machining. Manufacturing jobs in general do not seem to get any public recognition even though they can be some of the most engaging and can cater to a lot of people that don’t enjoy the employee-customer relationship.

That being said, finding the sweet spot for management can be a challenge.

It’s a career path that’s practically ignored in schools and I wish math classes used more examples from engineering and manufacturing to answer the age-old “Where am I ever going to use this?” question.

otacon239 ,

Infected Mushroom. They have a sound unlike anything I’ve heard anywhere else. I recommend the album Army of Mushrooms to newcomers, but their entire collection is solid.

otacon239 ,

Also The Program on Netflix. It’s a really well put together documentary made by one of the students at a similar school.

otacon239 ,

I watch this every time it’s posted. Might be my favorite from them.

otacon239 ,

This is just so out of touch. Windows by far has a worse situation for dialogs, errors, and annoyances. Not to mention the ads. What are they thinking?

otacon239 ,

Yesss. The way the lines all sort of sway always gives it such a unique look. I was worried the remaster would take some of this away, but it looked just as good.

I wish we could have gotten a proper sequel. RIP Clover Studios.

While less popular, Viewtiful Joe also still holds up for similar reasons.

otacon239 ,

Wow. This wasn’t on my radar at all! Definitely going to be checking this out.

otacon239 ,

I never watched this one back when it was new. Does it hold up at all?

otacon239 ,

I’ve been thinking about all of these major companies sending data by default and how this can’t be good for government contractors and the like.

I imagine accidentally (or someone who doesn’t know any better purposely) clicking an AI assist option and sending military or aerospace prints or medical records to an outside party. I know Adobe Reader has this built in now. How long before they’re processing classified documents?

otacon239 ,

Not sure if this applies, but “You can never love someone else until you love yourself” was a lesson my dad taught me from a very young age.

If you don’t like yourself, you’ll almost inevitably end up with someone who is taking advantage because you won’t be able to stand up for yourself and you won’t speak up when they hurt you.

There are the very rare exceptions, but they are the ones who help you help yourself. Someone who truly helps you will not shower you with gifts or compliments, but rather will help you recognize and change what you don’t like about yourself. In other words, “Only a true friend would be that truly honest.”

‘My whole library is wiped out’: what it means to own movies and TV in the age of streaming services ( www.theguardian.com )

*What rights do you have to the digital movies, TV shows and music you buy online? That question was on the minds of Telstra TV Box Office customers this month after the company announced it would shut down the service in June. Customers were told that unless they moved over to another service, Fetch, they would no longer be...

otacon239 ,

I went the route of a physical collection, but man do they make it difficult unless you get a commercial player that is likely to have ads and doesn’t integrate well into a home theater setup.

I’ve taken to doing everything I can to play things through my computer, but they do everything in their power to make them unplayable. This includes things like adding hundreds of bogus playlists so you don’t know which one to play, adding extra layers of encryption that cause image corruption a few chapters into the movies, and more.

If they just allowed you to easily watch and rip the movies that I pay actual money for, I think a lot more people would be open to a physical collections of their favorites. As it stands, I can’t really recommend it.

otacon239 ,

For DVDs, I’ve never had an issue. They just amplified the BS on BluRays tenfold.

otacon239 ,

I totally forgot about these. Man they were fantastic.

otacon239 ,

I’ve actually been in a couple of the exhibits from the artist who makes rooms like these. They’re super surreal and even though the rooms are only a few square feet, they feel absolutely massive.

otacon239 ,

Her name is Yayoi Kusama. Really fascinating artist: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yayoi_Kusama

I saw her Fireflies exhibit at the Phoenix Art Museum: https://phxart.org/exhibition/fireflies/

As well as one of the ones at The Broad: https://www.thebroad.org/visit/mirror-rooms

otacon239 ,

1, 6, 7, 8, and 10 are all saying the same thing.

2 and 4 are also pretty similar.

And none of these suggest that an external factor could be changed to improve things. I’ve often felt significantly better after finding a different job. And the day to day situation was often drastically different by the time I left these positions.

Your own mentality and approach are not always to blame if your job isn’t going well.

Side note: don’t tell me what I haven’t tried.

otacon239 ,

That is shockingly good for being generated. I can’t spot a single giveaway. If you don’t count the ridiculous scenario, that is.

otacon239 ,

This is why you should use a very unique typewriter model so the extra on Law & Order gets to play the local typewriter shop salesman that can instantly identify the typeface.

otacon239 ,

Nah. Sun just acts as the Queen Atom. Without it, you’d end up with a Helvetica Scenario. This is basic science.

otacon239 ,

Old Boy is a movie that constantly has you on edge because you can tell something is going horribly wrong, but you’re not sure what it is. Once you find out, the whole thing is fucked six ways to Sunday.

otacon239 ,

I’ve found it useful for getting approaches to programming projects. Rarely does it completely solve my problems, but it keeps me headed in the right direction.

I’m also partway through making my first ARG and it’s super useful for generating ideas, especially when I feed it my established lore because it can keep ideas within that universe.

I’ve found overall, it’s best to use it to fill in the gaps on ideas I have in general. I theoretically could make all of the content myself from scratch, but I’m honestly terrible at all the little details in many cases. It allows me to not dwell on the little stuff.

What was your most recent dream?

This post was inspired by a dream misadventure I had last night where I was just minding my own business getting gophers out of the rice field, then suddenly on the intercom/announcements (which I did not expect to have in my dream, since I was outside, not in a building), a voice said "attention, this is a representative of the...

otacon239 ,

I had ended up in Japan, but without any luggage, ID, passport, etc. All I had was my phone. I’m pretty sure I was with my high school band and one of my coworkers was on the trip to, but I had lost the group. I tried calling multiple people but couldn’t because my phone was from the US. I was really worried I wouldn’t make it back home and that I would get stuck there.

otacon239 ,


otacon239 ,

I’m curious how this was specifically related to UT2004. One of my favorites growing up.

otacon239 ,

Baby Driver was the first movie I saw 3 times at the theater. Gets me hooked beginning to end.

otacon239 ,

I know someone who acted on Veronica Mars. I haven’t talked to them since I worked a show with them, but they’d probably respond if I reached out

otacon239 ,

A couple of weeks ago, I had a giant rip where the ass meets the thigh. Like, big enough my arm fit through. I didn’t realize they were ripped until I was halfway to work.

I somehow managed to keep track of line of sight on everyone and sit down whenever I thought someone might notice and made it through a full shift without anyone noticing.

I mentioned it to my coworker the next day and they had no idea.

otacon239 ,

San Francisco Rush 2049 for me. Looked so much better than on the other consoles, too.

Also Crazy Taxi. So much Crazy Taxi.

otacon239 OP ,

Thank you so much! It’s been a heck of a journey. I’ve learned a ton and honestly never thought I’d get to this point. I’ll try to remember to come back and let you know when the album drops.

otacon239 ,

Maybe don’t own an animal you’re not prepared to take care of?

otacon239 ,

Steam Deck, hands down. I’d probably spend a decent amount of time just hitting backlog games.

otacon239 ,

I’ve always seen it like this: Being single and content with yourself is always better than being in a relationship where they make you doubt yourself. And this is coming from being single for about 8 years now.

If the person you’re with makes you feel unsafe, they’re ultimately not benefiting you. It’s a trap you can find yourself in where you attach the happy moments to the present.

On top of all of this, anyone who demands access to your phone is just not someone I would trust. They assume you have something to hide because they have something to hide themselves.

otacon239 ,

I’m a simple man and enjoy the sheer size and simplicity of the sunflower. Plus a field of them is just gorgeous.


otacon239 ,

This guy’s videos are great. The one with 100 car batteries is terrifying.

otacon239 ,

Piggybacking off this, CNC machining has a lot in common if you don’t mind getting your hands just a bit dirty. It’s a lot less manual labor than you’d expect and you typically won’t ever have to deal with a customer.

GCODE is simple to pick up the basics if you have any familiarity with 3D coordinates and many colleges will offer a fast-track course for around $2-3k. Depending on the area, some shops will even cover this cost while you’re starting.

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  • otacon239 ,

    This quote from Banksy is pretty much my take on advertising:

    People are taking the piss out of you everyday. They butt into your life, take a cheap shot at you and then disappear. They leer at you from tall buildings and make you feel small. They make flippant comments from buses that imply you’re not sexy enough and that all the fun is happening somewhere else. They are on TV making your girlfriend feel inadequate. They have access to the most sophisticated technology the world has ever seen and they bully you with it. They are The Advertisers and they are laughing at you.

    You, however, are forbidden to touch them. Trademarks, intellectual property rights and copyright law mean advertisers can say what they like wherever they like with total impunity.

    Fuck that. Any advert in a public space that gives you no choice whether you see it or not is yours. It’s yours to take, re-arrange and re-use. You can do whatever you like with it. Asking for permission is like asking to keep a rock someone just threw at your head.

    You owe the companies nothing. Less than nothing, you especially don’t owe them any courtesy. They owe you. They have re-arranged the world to put themselves in front of you. They never asked for your permission, don’t even start asking for theirs.

    It’s not enough to just block them on your own computer. Ads are literally everywhere and pretty much inescapable unless you’re a forest hermit living on the land.

    otacon239 ,

    Travis Bickle from Taxi Driver. Excellent movie but quite dark and twisted. Much like the rest of these characters.

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