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orcrist ,

They're looking after wealthy supporters. Rich folk, not middle class folk.

orcrist ,

It would be so easy for Google to improve its comment system at all, and that itself would have a major impact on battling misinformation. But they don't care. Meh.

orcrist ,

No, but you could stop using Adobe. There are several excellent free alternatives available.

orcrist ,

Your challenge is accepted. We will happily prepare for that. I'm not sure it will turn out how Adobe wants it to turn out, though.

orcrist ,

The question is not what Democrats can do, but who saw this coming and what Democrats could have done for the last two decades. All of us who are old enough and were paying attention know what the answer to that is, and we know that the situation now is one that veteran Democrat lawmakers happily embraced.

orcrist ,

All of those questions are entirely unreasonable, because they're all manipulative.

Many years ago my old boss gave me an interview before I got a promotion and he asked me if I was still going to be working for the company in 20 years. And I lied and said that I thought I probably would. But why did he ask me? I believe he was trying to pressure me into saying that I would be there, knowing that I have integrity, knowing that if I said it then I might be less likely to quit.

Except that he didn't have any integrity, and he had on other occasions promised employees that they would get promotions and then delivered them nothing, or even let them go when the contract ran out.

And that's normal. Every medium to large sized company in the world has bosses like this.

Anyway, so if you're in a situation where they make you lie, then you lie, and then you ask them to improve the quality of the workplace. You just said that you're planning to stay there for many years into the future, so now you're wondering what concrete steps the bosses are going to do keep your wonderful co-workers happy enough to stick around and build that bright future together with you, bearing in mind that the best way to retain employees is to pay them more.

orcrist ,

To me that's the minor issue. The real question is whether people can vote online. Clearly they should be able to, we ought to be able to devise stable systems where they can, and in some states voters already do to some degree.

orcrist ,

This post kind of ignores basics of grammar instruction that we've known for centuries. Some people try to teach grammar from a prescriptive fashion. They tell us what the rules are, they have us memorize them, and then we can speak perfectly.

The problem is, that's not how language works in reality. Even if you had a perfect language to begin with, something with no exceptions of any kind, after 20 years people would have added their own changes. So then the original instruction that you gave, that wouldn't prepare future language learners for reality.

This is why we have to teach grammar and spelling descriptively. We're talking about what actually happens in the world when people actually speak and write in English. Of course it's nice to point out common customs and conventions, but we don't get to ignore all of the irregular things just because they're irritating to memorize.

And this is true for all languages that are used by even a medium-sized population over time. You cannot avoid it, you'll find it in every language, sorry.

orcrist ,

It's not a "healthcare system". It's a "health insurance system". And like all insurance systems, it's designed to make money for the insurance companies. It functions quite well in that respect.

Many countries in the world actually have health care systems, but the US does not.

orcrist ,

I love the mixed levels of irony here. On the one hand, it's been 4 years, so it looks like a failure. At the same time, $15 just isn't enough. What a joke. Also at the same time, if he could actually push hard on raising the minimum wage now, he could probably drum up some votes in the election.

It's cool that all of those facts are at play in this one little statement.

orcrist ,

I remember history different. I remember Gore losing the debates because he listened to his advisors. That was cringey.

But you think it's the voters who blew it every time. You even think minority voters in hardcore Red states blew it, which is quite absurd.

Maybe the candidates were shit? Maybe their policy positions sucked? Hmm. That might be relevant too.

orcrist ,

Maybe you're making an apples to oranges comparison. But anyway, nobody I know thinks Apple has good intentions with regard to their data.

orcrist ,

Meaning what? In the long run, we all get off the ride.

orcrist ,

And we have an electoral college, so actually you can still vote earnestly in most states without major concern.

orcrist ,

Only if your vote might change the results. Which isn't true for millions of Americans.

orcrist ,

Your argument is made every four years. The someday you talk about never seems to arrive. Which means the reasoning is missing something important.

orcrist ,

"corrected" yeah no ... signalling, sigh.

orcrist ,

Oh my God oh my God if the landlords have to sell, that would be... Check notes... That would be really good for people who want to buy houses.

orcrist ,

If you're talking about a government that is ignoring other factors, which is not true in this situation. Go read the article.

But even in general, if you're trying to argue that the government can't possibly solve the problem of mega corporations buying up tons of property, making tons of money, and screwing over millions of Americans, then you might be right but I sure hope you're wrong.

orcrist ,

And you did not write it, not before, and not now. So it's hard to give more insightful feedback than what everyone here already wrote.

That's not a great way to get good information from the community.

orcrist ,

Hahahahahaha. He worked hard to get bribed.

orcrist ,

How many hours did you practice? What did you practice? These are fundamental questions for any new instrumental hobby.

If you are doing everything solo, it's easy to have misplaced expectations or a bad practice menu, or even worse, no solid practice menu at all. Screwing around is cool once you have a basic level of proficiency.

But also, it's OK to try it and later realize that you don't like it.

orcrist ,

War, you mean like the war at the southern border?

orcrist ,

The general awareness that alcoholics tend to do far more damage to their lives and people around them than potheads do, that goes back a very long time.

Even if we weren't looking at raw data, common sense and basic powers of observation let us draw solid general conclusions.

orcrist ,

Wow that's wonderful, what a brilliant creation. Kudos to the artist.

orcrist ,

It tastes the same if you close your eyes.

orcrist ,

It wasn't a mistake. Did they make money? ... Checks notes ... lots of it.

orcrist ,

If you read some of the answers, you'll find some interesting practical ones that don't involve burning bridges. But we should also keep in mind that the company itself matters. If some random schmuck from HR is interviewing you, and you decide to spice things up a little, how exactly is this going to come back to hurt you? It's theoretically possible that they'll move companies when you're searching for a job in the future, but maybe it's not that likely.

orcrist ,

Do you know if it was productive and informative for them?

For example, I left a job several years ago, and not long before I left, I met with the boss and explained some of the massive issues facing my department. He sounded interested, but of course he never did anything about those problems, and my former co-workers have told me that the situation is worse than it was before. In my observation, and that of my friends, this is what happens most of the time. After all, if they didn't listen to you before, and especially if they didn't ask you before, then why would we expect them to care what you say now?

orcrist ,

It's also about the justice system. If you are I commit multiple felonies, will get locked up. If we tried screwing around in court that much, if we were held in contempt multiple times, the same result would occur. But he's rich and famous, at least for now, so he gets away with it, or at least he gets away with it for a lot longer.

orcrist ,

Who told you that? People who support those two parties? The corporations that fund those two parties? Maybe you've been played.

orcrist ,

I feel the same way about what you wrote.

Where is the substance? Nothing you wrote actually addressed the issue, and your speculation was inaccurate as well. Meh.

orcrist ,

Chrono Trigger
Super Mario World
Super Mario Bros 3
Wolfenstein 3D
Doom 2

That's eight. Not to recommend them, only to note what made my life exciting

orcrist ,

I didn't think the Supreme Court would go this far. We knew they would be bad, that's why they were appointed, but they've tried and succeeded at making themselves so completely illegitimate, so completely out of touch with what the American public needs. And that only pushes people towards significantly more activism. Who do they hate? Who don't they respect? Women, ethnic minorities, librarians, anyone who isn't rich.

orcrist ,

Ah, take out a loan, pay ourselves, declare bankruptcy, walk away. Classic.

orcrist ,

The exact details are complicated but the general idea is simple. Three different things tend to happen in setups like this.

First, one company can own multiple shell companies, it can borrow in one of the shell companies and funnel that to one of the other shell companies, and walk away with money after declaring bankruptcy.

Second, a company can take out a large loan and then pay some of the bosses, promising to pay back the loan knowing that they never will.

Third, a company can use multiple shell companies to create just the right tax setup such that most of those companies don't have any taxable income even though combined they definitely would.

orcrist ,

I don't see any problem with creating an account and then posting about political topics if that's what you're interested in. Perhaps you could come up with something more specific that you think they're doing that's problematic.

This particular post might be a little boring but I don't see it as manipulative. And if I were going to be critical of them, I would probably make remarks about their artistic prowess, or lack thereof, except that they are already far more skilled than I am, so I'm just going to shut up about it and hope they don't see this comment and hold it against me later.

orcrist ,

Of course he's just scumbag, but you don't blame a single person for a national failure that goes back centuries.

If cops lost their badges for any unjustified killing, if cops were locked up for manslaughter or murder whenever they killed someone unnecessarily, the death count would drop overnight. Systemic problems requires systemic solutions, and we know exactly what to do. The problem is making it happen.

orcrist OP ,

Thank you, and it does!

orcrist OP ,

There are libraries full of articles, but only a fraction of a percent of those are actually exciting. I'm looking for ones that catch the reader's attention.

orcrist ,

No. But even if they were, it's still unconscionable to kill hospital staff and patients. You can argue that some people should distance themselves from Hamas or bear the risk. I think that's mostly victim blaming, but at least you could argue that, and perhaps some surprising discussion could occur... Except here we're talking about people who are sick or injured. They really couldn't go anywhere.

orcrist ,

I love how Fortune always deflects from the actual issue: wages aren't matching prices, which means the average American is getting screwed by company owners and wealthy investors, at work, at the bank, at university.

It's not about interest rates or inflation, although those are both relevant. If inflation were evenly balanced, it wouldn't hurt most people, right? That is definitional. And high interest rates block house purchases, but in theory they also benefit house owners who have fixed interest rates. So again, if people were able to afford houses in the yhr past few decades, this wouldn't be such a big issue.

orcrist ,

The simple issue is that this is genocide. Full stop.

And we should stop it. After that, let's look into the complex issue you're trying to raise. Conflating the two is how people justify doing nothing.

orcrist ,

Oh this is getting interesting. Now you're telling me there's some massive Iranian propaganda machine that's getting all around the globe, and somehow it's magically stronger than the U.S. propaganda machine. If that's true, can we just fire all of the top brass in the Pentagon because they're basically incompetent?

If what you're saying is accurate, but seems like people ought to lose their jobs.

orcrist ,

It's true that the US doesn't have the draft, but it does have horrible situations where many young people see an obvious path to economic stability, and that's joining the military. Maybe the military is their only clear way out of poverty. And predictably, as has been the case for decades, recruiting sergeants will lie about what these young men and women are going to be asked to do. But once they sign the papers, it's too late. And years later, when they leave the service, they'll be stuck trying to get medical care from the VA. Sometimes that works, but there are countless horror stories out there.

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