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madcaesar ,

Conservatism / Religiosity is a plague that's been retarding our species since the dawn of man.

madcaesar ,

The guy you're arguing with is the reason so many people simply tune out animal activists. He reminds me of the hippy character from Futurama on the poppers episode 😂

madcaesar ,

Democrats always try to straddle the fence of keeping the status qou and slowly advancing civil rights and worker protection, all the while always protecting corporate interest.

Republicans give ZERO shits about civil rights or worker rights and are balls deep in corporate money, but they keep selling themselves by pushing culture wars and pretending to be "for the people" because "tax cuts"

The average voter is dumb as shit and swallows the Republican bullshit readily because it absolves them of any blame. It's always someone else's fault, the gays, the blacks the immigrants... There is always someone to blame.

So yea... We have two parties, one center right and one batshit crazy right.

Idiots seem to not understand that if you want politics to move more left you have to defeat the far right nut jobs, you aren't going to go left by refusing to vote democrat because they are not left enough for you. You need to put pressure on the Republicans so they have to move back towards the center, then Democrats will be forced to move more left.

But this is already too much text and nuance for the average voter so they'll keep screaming about both sides and "I'd like to have a beer with x..."

madcaesar ,

Hating somone because of who they love is such a mean and cruel thing.

madcaesar ,

Then I'll just start downloading videos and playing them back skipping ads.

All of the ai bullshit out there, there might actually be a good use for ai, is cutting out ads out of video.

Fuck YouTube and fuck Google.

madcaesar ,

We desperately need a radarr/sonarr type setup to auto download youtube channels

madcaesar ,

Hm good point that would be a challenge, then again if it's downloading the ads too, so google thinks you're watching them and then strips them with ai after saving them could be ok

madcaesar ,

Are Bavarians as stupid as Floridians? Voting for morons every election cycle?

madcaesar ,


I fully support a cease fire, but I also put ZERO blame on Biden for what another democratic country does.

People blaming Biden for Israel are either trolls or massive morons that do not understand geopolitics.

madcaesar ,

Before the maga moron movement was there any cool red baseball caps? I feel bad for people, never being able to wear a red hat anymore because it's basically a sign "I'm a racist moron" 😕

madcaesar ,

Germany should spend more time on making their cars better instead of the over engineered, over priced garbage they are producing.

madcaesar ,

You have no idea about cars or the repairs you have to do on them to make such a statement.

It's not 1990 anymore.

Actually your entire tone makes me wonder if you aren't the moron all long 🤔

madcaesar ,

Serious question, wtf is all the money going??

Everything is fucking expensive as shit, yet somehow none of the workers are getting paid? And I'm not seeing AA posting some trillion dollar profits every quarter.

What is going on?

madcaesar ,

Because no viable alternatives have been shown to work.

Unregulated capitalism is untenable, but regulated capitalism is and remains the best system we've been able to come up with.

I'm all for new ideas, but you've got to show some kind of precedence of it working in order to change the largest system in the world.

madcaesar ,

Being in public with obscenities on you / your property is the most cringe / childish / idiotic thing I can think of.

madcaesar ,

He also gave us Palin, the precursor of brain dead politicians.

madcaesar ,

What could possibly be gained from this that you couldn't do much easier faster with a little submersible?

madcaesar ,

% based tips are bullshit and always have been. And moving the scale up to 18,20,22 is insane.

madcaesar ,

It's hard because, yes you are right, but when can you start calling somone a fascist? Do you have have to wait for them to actually start rounding you up and putting you in prison, or can you point it out early in order to avoid the complete fascist takeover?

I guess my point is that, once a group is actually fully fascist, you will no longer be allowed to call them that.

madcaesar ,

That's absolutely not what they are doing. Biden has delivered on a lot of his promises and done a great job.

If you are still bOtH sIdInG after you've seen the damage Trump had done, you are beyond reason.

madcaesar ,

You do realize that Joe Biden isn't president of Israel?

madcaesar ,

You do realize we sell weapons to most of the world? Is Joe responsible for every gun fired ever?

I don't even know why I'm engaging with this, you're clearly either a troll or a bad faith actor.

madcaesar ,

Guys! He's just acting retarded to appeal to us retards! He'll be presidential once he's in the white house!

I don't think they even realized how idiotic they were being.

I just hate how short lived people's memory is... After W there shouldn't have been a Republican president for the next 50 years... Yet people forgot after it seems even worse because you've got morons on here already bOtH sIdInG like the fucking orange traitor never happened.

madcaesar ,

Hate and anger will make you ugly on the inside and outside.

madcaesar ,

Every once in a while I'll see a maga comment, and honestly the first I think is this person has some kind of mental disability. The commets are always deranged and from an alternate reality.

madcaesar ,

Gaza and Israel has been a Christmas gift for the Russian / Right wing saboteurs

madcaesar ,

Who among us hasn't cheated on their pregnant wife with a porn star, then paid her off to keep quiet, and then lied about it?

I'm sure you'd totally waive it off, if Biden had done the same thing and you wouldn't be foaming at your mouth like a lunatic, right...? Right?

madcaesar ,

😂 This made me chuckle out loud

madcaesar ,

TL/DR: A list of made up bullshit.

madcaesar ,

This is ridiculous take. Hamas existed before the war and have been a terrorist organization for decades.

Criticize Israel and the handling of the war all you want, that is fair. But this white washing of Hamas as if they weren't deranged extremists is just ridiculous.

madcaesar ,

I guess I misunderstood. I've read a lot of comments on here trying to paint Hamas as some good guy under dog.

Sorry for the confusion.

Why Megadonors Are Unfazed by Donald Trump’s Guilty Verdict | Money flowed into the former president’s re-election campaign from Wall Street and Silicon Valley following Thursday’s historic conviction ( )

With the billionaires backing him, it's going to be on us as individual Americans to make sure Trump doesn't end up in the White House again. That means not just voting but talking with people around you, volunteering and donating

madcaesar ,

Everything here to make any difference, a person would have to have compassion. You won't find that in Republican judges.

madcaesar ,

Look man, I'm as cynical as it gets but this is good news and a step in the right direction.

Personally the hush money stuff to me is the least consequential but it opens the doors hopefully to nail the fucker on his other crimes.

madcaesar ,


Any of you watch the NBA? I usually just tune in for the playoff, but holy fucking shit. Every square inch of the screen is fucking ads. Commercial breaks every possible millisecond of stoppage.

I don't know how anyone can watch this shit regularly.

the mods have gone psycho over at reddit

someone on a subreddit said they had brain bleeding. i asked how it happened. a mod immediately removed it and said that it was an intrusive comment or some nonsense..i messaged them asking them to explain how, and i explained how i thought it would actually be beneficial for the readers if they decided to answer and that they...

madcaesar ,

If you still have to use reddit for some stuff, don't comment / vote giving them engagement and content.

If you do you are part of the problem.

madcaesar ,

Greenhouse gas emissions from transportation primarily come from burning fossil fuel for cars, trucks, ships, trains, and planes.

That's one hell of a grouping. I'd wager that the majority of that is commercial and factory bullshit.

madcaesar ,

Ah yes, this was an attack on democracy yet orange man is running around free after literarily trying to overthrow the government.

Get fucked judge.

madcaesar ,

Sounds like a next Republican senator.

madcaesar ,

Hyperbole is a literary device used to draw emphasis through extreme exaggeration. Hyperbole is not meant to be taken literally, but rather understood as a means of communicating something specific. Those who hear or read the hyperbole should understand that it is an exaggeration.

madcaesar ,

Hyperbole =/= lying. Re-read what I wrote.

madcaesar ,

Fuck anyone supporting the Republican party and their barbaric views on women. This is beyond cruel.

All you fucksticks posting anti Biden memes need to read this story and get it through your thick head what is at stake.

madcaesar ,

Thank you for sharing this.

I found this long time ago then lost the link.

madcaesar ,

Fuck the banks giving these voltures loans to pull this shit.

We all end up paying for this with fees and loan costs.

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