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kandoh ,

Animals have no idea of sexuality, they are only seeking pleasure and release. They have no idea they are boys or girls or that sex leads to pregnancy

kandoh ,

They're not mindless, they have feelings and instincts, they can remember things.

But they don't have language, so they can't organize their thoughts. They're like humans who were born blind and deaf before Helen Keller.

How does an animal know sex leads to pregnancy? They don't, they're just horny or they aren't.

kandoh ,

He was also in the Simpsons as the curator of the Jedidiah Springfield museum

kandoh ,

Let's try to make a list of where America went wrong

  1. The Louisiana Purchase: turned the nation into an expansionist empire.

  2. Andrew Jackson ignoring the rule of law so he could genocide the natives

  3. Lincoln keeping Johnson as his VP while at war with the south.

  4. Ending reconstruction early

  5. FDR not hanging the conspirators in the business plot

  6. Nixon using the Southern Strategy to win his election

  7. Ford pardoning Nixon

  8. Everything Ronald Reagan did

  9. Ruby Ridge, Waco, and NAFTA radicalization of rural Americans

  10. Supreme Court awards GWB the presidency

  11. The Iraq War

  12. Unregulated banks allowed to crash the global economy

  13. Limited US involvement in the Arab Spring fails to capitalize on popular movement, Syrian refugee crisis sends far right into overdrive

  14. Allowing the host of celebrity apprentice to be President

  15. Ignoring the COVID pandemic until it's too late then not locking down hard enough.

  16. Supporting Israeli genocide in Gaza

kandoh ,

I'm Canadian

kandoh ,


kandoh ,

Covered under #8!

kandoh ,

Cars are only the third largest aspect of our pollution.

Second is houses.

First is diet.

kandoh ,

It will have to get very very bad in order for the average person to support action

kandoh ,

My mistake

kandoh ,

The cars are pushed as the number one thing because it's something that only requires you to just drive less and puts the onus on car manufacturers to make more efficient or electric.

It avoids the #1 and # 2 factors because doing anything about those would hurt the economy.

kandoh ,

In 2008 the Tories just put up signs every saying 'CANADIAN ACTION PLAN IN EFFECT' without actually doing any actions.

They will simply say, over and over again, that they have built more homes than ever before - without evidence - and people will believe it because they've heard it so many times.

kandoh ,

That wing recently gained control of the GOP finances and has embedded itself pretty securely.

The one thing that they have going against them is that right-wing people hate losers and the weak.

Who knows how they'll react to another loss. I can see them shifting harder towards populism like the right-wing people in the UK and Canada have.

kandoh ,

You're right, the ideology requires a personality that captivates their base like Trump and Boris Johnson do.

kandoh ,

He should definitely stop asking young children to suck his tongue

kandoh ,

It's also possible that those sources are running cover for polical reasons

kandoh ,

The sources you provided are all people invested in keeping up the appearance of their political figure.

This looks like it went a little further than just a translation error


kandoh ,

Truely a testament to the hubris of man building a city there

kandoh ,

The thing these chuckle fucks don't get is that a castrated rapist is still capable of rape.

Ethics committee investigating Matt Gaetz over alleged sexual misconduct ( www.theguardian.com )

A bipartisan Capitol Hill committee is investigating Matt Gaetz, the far-right Republican congressman and vocal Donald Trump supporter, over longstanding allegations of sexual misconduct, illicit drug use and other alleged ethical breaches, it said on Tuesday....

kandoh ,

She is an adult now and became a sex worker which for some reason the authorities think that makes the crime less severe.

kandoh ,

How else is he supposed to get it? His personality?

kandoh ,

Building those houses means current homeowners would miss out on hundreds of thousands of dollars when they eventually sell their homes.

If you were to ask most politicians to describe their constituents, they would said 'married, kids, two cars, and a house with a mortgage'. That's who they are looking after, that's their priority. You are not considered a real person or a focus unless you fall into the above description.

kandoh ,

They're in such a bubble they think the rich folks are average

kandoh ,

They won't need the bunkers, they'll easily convince the dumbest half of the population that the climate crisis is a result of too many brown, black, and yellow people and that any action taken should be against those people. We're speeding towards ecofacism.

kandoh ,

Hate LA but the people there are very friendly and charming

kandoh ,

Lawns are one of those things we do without thinking about it because it's what everyone else has.

If you have space for a lawn, why not turn it into something beautiful and productive like a garden?

Oh, because your neighbors will get made at you for being different.

kandoh ,

I always thought he killed himself when Bush got reelected

kandoh ,

The last two weeks or so it's been like a switched was flipped on the algorithms. Tiktok and X are now pushing right-wing stuff super hard.

kandoh ,

The failure of the western political class these past 30 years can be summed up as this:

If it makes a lot of money, how can it be a bad thing?

kandoh ,

Likening your ideological opponents to rats and other vermin was used by the Nazis to brutally persecute Jews and other minorities.[1]

By portraying a group's ideology as a sickness or infestation, it becomes easier to justify segregating, oppressing, or even killing them under the guise of social hygiene or self-defense against this perceived plague.[1][2] This dehumanizing rhetoric lays the groundwork for escalating violence.

[1] Losing France's Imperial War on Rats - U-M Library Digital Collections https://quod.lib.umich.edu/cgi/t/text/idx/w/wsfh/0642292.0047.006/--losing-frances-imperial-war-on-rats?rgn=main%3Bview%3Dfulltext
[2] Anti-LGBT rhetoric - Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anti-LGBT_rhetoric

kandoh ,

That animosity is a policy failure because they should have just vaccinated and castrated all resistance just like farmers do with sheep. I can say that because I am a Christian, so it's fine as the connotations are different.

kandoh ,

Sheep hold significant symbolism in Christianity, representing God's people and their relationship with Jesus as the Good Shepherd. Here are some key points about the symbolism of sheep in Christianity:

Sheep represent God's followers who are helpless and in need of guidance, protection, and provision from the Shepherd (Jesus).[1][2] They are portrayed as defenseless, prone to wandering, and entirely dependent on the Shepherd's care, mirroring humanity's need for God's guidance and salvation.

Jesus refers to himself as the "Good Shepherd" who lays down his life for his sheep (John 10:11).[1][2] This metaphor highlights Jesus' sacrificial love, leadership, and intimate knowledge of his flock (believers).

Sheep are contrasted with goats, representing the separation of believers and non-believers on the day of judgment (Matthew 25:31-46).[1] The sheep (believers) will inherit eternal life, while the goats (unbelievers) will face punishment.

The imagery of a shepherd tenderly caring for his sheep is used to depict God's compassionate love and attentive care for his people (Isaiah 40:11, Psalm 23).[1][3] Sheep recognize the Shepherd's voice and follow him, just as believers are called to follow Christ's guidance.

Jesus is also called the "Lamb of God" (John 1:29), symbolizing his sacrificial death to take away the sins of the world.[1][3] This connects the imagery of sheep and lambs to Christ's atoning work on the cross.

[1] What is the significance of sheep in the Bible? | GotQuestions.org https://www.gotquestions.org/sheep-in-the-Bible.html
[2] Why are Christians Called Sheep? — BLOG POSTS — ILI Team https://iliteam.org/coreleadership/why-are-christians-called-sheep
[3] Sheep of Christ https://godcangodcares.com/sheep-of-christ/
[4] Why Jesus compares us to sheep (it's kinda funny) https://www.christianparenting.org/articles/why-jesus-compares-us-to-sheep-its-kinda-funny/
[5] Christianity literally degrades its own followers by calling them sheep https://www.reddit.com/r/TrueAtheism/comments/jtbv4i/christianity_literally_degrades_its_own_followers/

kandoh ,

What do you think the phrase 'Jesus is King' means? It's a political statement.

kandoh ,

It's about the divine right of kings, you probably know the Chinese version which is the mandate of heaven

The divine right of kings was a political and religious doctrine that asserted monarchs derived their authority directly from God, not from the people or any earthly authority.[2][3] It held that kings were accountable only to God and rebellion against them was a sacrilegious act.[2][3]

The key principles were:

  • Monarchs were ordained by God to rule and were not subject to the will of the people, aristocracy, or church.[2][3]
  • Any attempt to depose or restrict the monarch's powers went against God's will and constituted treason.[2][3]
  • The monarch was accountable only to God, not to any earthly authority.[2][3]

The doctrine emerged in Europe during the medieval period, rooted in the idea that God bestowed earthly power to kings, just as He gave spiritual authority to the church.[3] It gained prominence under monarchs like James I of England and Louis XIV of France in the 16th-17th centuries, justifying their absolute authority in political and spiritual matters.[2][3]

[1] Divine right of kings - Oxford Reference https://www.oxfordreference.com/display/10.1093/oi/authority.20110810104754564
[2] Divine right of kings - Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Divine_right_of_kings
[3] Divine Right of Kings - New World Encyclopedia https://www.newworldencyclopedia.org/entry/Divine_Right_of_Kings
[4] What is the divine right of kings? | GotQuestions.org https://www.gotquestions.org/divine-right-of-kings.html
[5] divine right of kings - Britannica Kids https://kids.britannica.com/kids/article/divine-right-of-kings/476251

kandoh ,

Jesus is King. The United States is part of God's Kingdom on Earth irregardless of whatever form of government it has, and God would not permit any individual to hold power in government without His consent and blessing. Man's opinion on this is irrelevant.

kandoh ,

Then you've never lived in a rural area with animal herds. The Sheppard has a responsibility to take care of the animals, he doesn't ask the sheep if it's comfortable getting a shot.

kandoh ,

Your view implies that God is not all powerful

kandoh ,

The government operates with God's blessing, or it does not operate

kandoh ,

Just started a huge fire, thanks Lemmy. 7 people are dead now.

kandoh ,

The highway system in america was built by Eisenhower after he came back from Europe because he saw how awesome the Autobahn was for moving tanks across the country. That's why they're raised like that, to support heavy tanks and artillery.

American military can project force within the United States in a way that it couldn't within Afghanistan.

kandoh ,

Imagine being 13 in 2002 and seeing this come up when they were playing Rambo 3 on TV

kandoh ,

I remember my mother taking us to go see it in theaters. I remember being upset that it was making fun of ninjas, whom I thought were the peak of cool

kandoh ,

The library of Alexandria but people just filled it with junk mail.

kandoh ,

Only thing I can think of is among low information voters it sort of looks like both democrats and republicans are charging one another with crimes

kandoh ,

Confusing leftists with liberals again.

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