@idkmybffjoeysteel@hexbear.net cover
@idkmybffjoeysteel@hexbear.net avatar



Everybody jealous of my 100 house plants

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idkmybffjoeysteel ,
@idkmybffjoeysteel@hexbear.net avatar

There are microplastics in your testes perhaps. Not mine. I'm built different.

idkmybffjoeysteel ,
@idkmybffjoeysteel@hexbear.net avatar

be funny if China put an export tariff on the production materials

idkmybffjoeysteel ,
@idkmybffjoeysteel@hexbear.net avatar
idkmybffjoeysteel ,
@idkmybffjoeysteel@hexbear.net avatar

On your last point, if somebody wants an example of how ordinary everyday capitalism is violent, they should imagine what will happen to them if they do not pay their debts or cannot make their rent. These things are enforced with violence.

idkmybffjoeysteel ,
@idkmybffjoeysteel@hexbear.net avatar

Plot twist: the bombs were intended for use in Rafah and Biden feared they only might be.

idkmybffjoeysteel ,
@idkmybffjoeysteel@hexbear.net avatar

Fewer beardless people to bully others into shaving, the cycle will continue to reinforce itself until system collapse

idkmybffjoeysteel ,
@idkmybffjoeysteel@hexbear.net avatar

There is an axis of authoritarian states and I'm living in one lol. The fact that I live in relative comfort within the imperial core says nothing of the world wide suffering inflicted by this regime. If it is not authoritarian to crack down on dissenters (anti-genocide protestors) then what is? Funny how nearly a century later they still put Hermann Goering's methods into play.

idkmybffjoeysteel ,
@idkmybffjoeysteel@hexbear.net avatar

that's what you get for trying to turn DND woke I hope you learned your lesson

Why are Palestinian protests filled with feds?

Went to a Palestinian solidarity protest/rally with some new folks who’d become radicalised against America/the West over the last six months. They aren’t socialists (yet, I’m working on it) - but they’re good people. So, seeing the genocide and its support by our governments filled them with disgust. We talked about the...

idkmybffjoeysteel ,
@idkmybffjoeysteel@hexbear.net avatar

I would say that I unironically support 10,000 more October the 7ths, except that besides costing me my job, it is quite literally illegal to do so, so I will not say that I wish 100 9/11s upon the state of Israel either, as I have said, that would be illegal, what I will say is that it is really funny that if I call for the murder of everyone in Palestine, and in fact if I go there myself, shoot a Palestenian child, rape a palestenian woman, and then come back, that also would not be illegal.

idkmybffjoeysteel ,
@idkmybffjoeysteel@hexbear.net avatar

Adults who were born in Israel, yes, children, no, but your handwringing is funny, since dead Israeli toddlers are purely hypothetical, and you clearly give no fucks about dead Palestinian babies.

Stick your hand in a blender and turn it on.

idkmybffjoeysteel ,
@idkmybffjoeysteel@hexbear.net avatar

What my comrades said, and also, stick your other hand in the blender too

Would you teach your kids how to pirate?

My gf and I have had discussions about teaching morals to kids. In that vein, I asked myself, would I teach piracy to my kids? Yes, it’s technically illegal and carries inherent risks. But so does teenage sex carry the risks of teenage pregnancy, and so we have an obligation to children to teach them how to practice safe sex....

idkmybffjoeysteel ,
@idkmybffjoeysteel@hexbear.net avatar

Until their frontal lobe fully develops I will do it for them.

idkmybffjoeysteel ,
@idkmybffjoeysteel@hexbear.net avatar

I submit in evidence your honour exhibit A proving definitively once and for all that Hexbear is a pretty cool dude

idkmybffjoeysteel ,
@idkmybffjoeysteel@hexbear.net avatar

You could ask that for any of them, I didn't see a single post that looked even remotely harmful

idkmybffjoeysteel ,
@idkmybffjoeysteel@hexbear.net avatar

We're not looking to return to anything, we're hoping to finally win the fight against greedy psychopaths

When / why / how did "I hope you are well" become a standard email intro?

Practically every email I've received in maybe the past year has started with "I hope you are well". I even had an LLM draft a placeholder email for me and it started with the same thing. This has not always been the case and it's strange to me that everyone I interact with begins their emails with this line. Frankly, it's...

idkmybffjoeysteel ,
@idkmybffjoeysteel@hexbear.net avatar

can you imagine if they began every email with "how are you?"

then every time you would panic and wonder if you should reply

idkmybffjoeysteel ,
@idkmybffjoeysteel@hexbear.net avatar

Read through her whole "apology", she's got to be paranoid schizophrenic, nobody can be so far deep up inside their own arsehole, what the fuck is she on about?

Capitalism illustrated ( media.mas.to )

Cartoon about a cat and a pig.
The cat is scruffy, the pig wears a suit.

Cat: Can I buy a house?

Pig: I already bought all the houses.

Cat: Well how much to buy one off you?

Pig: More than you could ever afford.

Cat: Is the rent cheap at least?

Pig: No it's double the mortgage so I can buy more houses.

Cat: We truly live in the best economic system possible.

The pig is now talking to a police dog while pointing at the cat.

Pig: Yes officer that's the one that was annoying me.

The police dog looks angry as he holds his baton in his hand.
idkmybffjoeysteel ,
@idkmybffjoeysteel@hexbear.net avatar

First of all, let's subtract the capital repayment part of the mortgage, if it isn't an interest only mortgage to begin with, then let's set interest rates to basically zero for over a decade. Now find me a single instance of rent being cheaper than a corresponding mortgage. You can't. You can't ever find a single example, except by charity. It isn't possible. It doesn't exist. Get it through you stupid fucking thick head. It has never happened. It is never going to happen. And if it ever does happen, it will only be true for a moment, because you know what happens to your rent every year? It goes the fuck up. Your fucking rent goes up. That means you pay more the next year than you did the year previous. Do you get that? Is that hard for you to understand? Do you know what happens to your mortgage one year to the next? You wanna know what happens? It stays the fuck the same. Do you follow? So imagine this, it's 1995, you just bought a house for 100k, you put down a 20k deposit, your mortgage is 80k, interest rates are low, so lets say your repayment is 500 per month on average. 25 years later, you make your final payment, you now own your home outright, but guess what, it has been 25 years, and your home has doubled in value not once, but twice, and it keeps on growing, your house is now worth 450k, you couldn't buy it today with a 20k deposit, you need a 90k deposit minimum, and what's the repayment on a 350k mortgage? 2k? now imagine if you had been renting. over the course of 25 years, the landlord would take that mortgage repayment (including the capital repayment), add on their other expenses, then add on profit, so you would start off paying 600 per month, and over the course of 25 years, you would accumulate nothing, you would save nothing, you would own nothing, and now your monthly rent would be 2400 a month minimum. I have done the maths. My fucking career is this kind of maths. I went to university for this shit. I know what the fuck I'm talking about. Does your stupid fucking pigeon brain comprehend how many times over you would pay off your landlords mortgage over the course of 25 years, with rent going up every year? 5 fucking times minimum, 7 or 8 if you live in a capital city. Don't fucking insult my intelligence telling me hyuck well sometimes you can get rent cheaper than a mortgage. It isn't fucking true. You cannot will this shit to be true by saying it. It is false. a lie. untrue. incorrect. fucking wrong. but you know what is true? every fucking time I hear someone defending the rental system, they eventually admit to being a landlord themselves. fuck off porky.

well the landlord has to pay for expenses as well 🤓

fucking nerd

you know what I hate about landlords the most though is you can never fucking get them to admit that they are making money, they always cry they are barely able to cover the mortgage, and I say, OK, you can cover the mortgage, so that's a 50% profit margin already, go fuck yourself

idkmybffjoeysteel ,
@idkmybffjoeysteel@hexbear.net avatar
idkmybffjoeysteel ,
@idkmybffjoeysteel@hexbear.net avatar

He stans Israel so uniroincally yes he does support actual Nazis.

idkmybffjoeysteel ,
@idkmybffjoeysteel@hexbear.net avatar

I have read Ender's Game something like twenty times now over the course of only a few years and the drop off in quality between this book and his others is severe.

idkmybffjoeysteel ,
@idkmybffjoeysteel@hexbear.net avatar

I had this exact question the other day, because I would type in lemmygrad into search and only four communities would come up.

idkmybffjoeysteel , (edited )
@idkmybffjoeysteel@hexbear.net avatar

Could be a reference to Thoth, the ancient Egyptian god of knowledge, or alternatively could refer to Israeli special forces


idkmybffjoeysteel ,
@idkmybffjoeysteel@hexbear.net avatar

No it's special forces

The link says they use the Ibis as their emblem

idkmybffjoeysteel ,
@idkmybffjoeysteel@hexbear.net avatar

Literally just high speed rail. I would settle for an underground rail system that wasn't the same temperature as the sun though.

idkmybffjoeysteel ,
@idkmybffjoeysteel@hexbear.net avatar

Musk unironically identifying as an ancap would be so fucking funny. Vibes based political order.

idkmybffjoeysteel ,
@idkmybffjoeysteel@hexbear.net avatar

Senior management people making 200k a year for all the work have to be the most cucked people on the planet. It is pathetic that we let every org get taken over by people less useful than a sponge, and we pay them hundreds of millions for the privelege. Even so called mutuals and co-operatives which are in theory owned by their own members still succumb to this embarassing plague. I don't know who among these losers first decides on behalf of everyone else we need to get a daddy dom and become pay pigs.

idkmybffjoeysteel ,
@idkmybffjoeysteel@hexbear.net avatar

Guarantee this person is in denial about the actual and very well documented ongoing genocide in Palestine. OP too, for that matter.

idkmybffjoeysteel ,
@idkmybffjoeysteel@hexbear.net avatar

Surely you can find a source that spins it in a negative way?

idkmybffjoeysteel ,
@idkmybffjoeysteel@hexbear.net avatar

love how that guy who climbed the fence and got shot by his own guys on the walk back wasn't considered a terrorist by the media despite 1) being a lone wolf and 2) not operating as part of an authorised military action. I suppose that latter point is because all Israeli's take part in an authorised military action as an occupying force every second of every day.

idkmybffjoeysteel ,
@idkmybffjoeysteel@hexbear.net avatar

I declare all of Sweden a homeland for the oppressed Stalinists (I have an incredibly remote connection to Norse settlers along with almost everyone else in my country)

idkmybffjoeysteel ,
@idkmybffjoeysteel@hexbear.net avatar

Sure I was born in Britain with British citizenship, but I identify as Middle Eastern so I should be granted somebody else's land where they are currently living.

These people should be blasted into fucking space if they need a homeland so badly. Zionism cannot even exist without the antisemitic belief in a fifth column. Are Jews an alien element in Western society, or do they belong to the societies in which they were born?

I will tell you this: Middle Eastern people do not eat schnitzel.

Piracy is so confusing these days

It was so easy when I was growing up. I would just type my search into LimeWire and if it turned out to be weird porn I would delete it. Then we had The Pirate Bay, and I could go through reviews to see whether something was a virus or not. Now all public sites I am aware of are riddled with viruses, and I am warned that...

idkmybffjoeysteel ,
@idkmybffjoeysteel@hexbear.net avatar

Forced labour is when you have to get a job.

Why is it not forced labour when US prison population does it? Why not when the job centre forces you to do two weeks unpaid work for Tesco or else your benefits will be cut off?

We know why.

idkmybffjoeysteel ,
@idkmybffjoeysteel@hexbear.net avatar

Sorry buddy but the price of energy in the UK is no longer correlated with supply and demand and hasn't been for at least two years now.

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