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@gnutelephony@floss.social avatar



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lowqualityfacts , to random
@lowqualityfacts@mstdn.social avatar

Well you can't be good at everything.

gnutelephony ,
@gnutelephony@floss.social avatar

@lowqualityfacts he was also bad at tic-tac-toe.

wdlindsy , to random
@wdlindsy@toad.social avatar

Daily Beast reports,

"Trump told supporters in Indianola on Sunday that even if they were 'sick as a dog,' it was worth braving the chill to vote. If they then passed away, 'it’s worth it,' the former president added."

Andy Levy responds:

“So ‘Vote and Die,’ ... that is the new slogan. If you want anything that sums up Trump perfectly, I mean, this is it. ‘Go out and do this thing for me, and then if you die, it’s fine.’”


gnutelephony ,
@gnutelephony@floss.social avatar

@wdlindsy the problem is "vote blue no matter who" is really no different. It is a gun held to your head telling you who to vote for, and so your not permitted to try changing who is in power, and this is true regardless of the circumstances it happened under. Voting in America is just as free as Putin's Russia at that point. Whether it ever resurrects or not, Democracy is already effectively dead in the US right now.

gnutelephony ,
@gnutelephony@floss.social avatar

@wdlindsy Biden telling people this is "saving democracy" is gas lighting and purely insulting. Telling people why we are stuck here more honestly, and then how or what you will try to do to prevent this from ever happening again would be a far more decent thing to do. Decency is dead too, it seems.

gnutelephony ,
@gnutelephony@floss.social avatar

@wdlindsy yes, actually, at some level, he is too. I don't like being a hostage. He could have stepped aside and said let's have a genuine primary, and then made rule changes to assure it too. That would have been saving democracy rather than exploiting the present moment.

gnutelephony ,
@gnutelephony@floss.social avatar

@wdlindsy vote blue no matter who is being just as much a hostage with a gun to the head. Is it even worse in some ways that other people hold it for Biden since it makes everyone else accomplices, too? I am not sure, but I know this is not democracy, and as much not democracy as Russia or NK. To pretend otherwise is to lie to ourselves, too.

gnutelephony ,
@gnutelephony@floss.social avatar

@wdlindsy I am tired of living this hellhole, and I am out of this fucking country. I am not going to live a lala fake democracy or a nazi utoptia.

gnutelephony ,
@gnutelephony@floss.social avatar

@wdlindsy I don't, but will do so anyway. I can go back to Indian country, and we will continue to arm ourselves because we have no choice. I'd rather fight and die the deprivations there than live in this shithole.

gnutelephony ,
@gnutelephony@floss.social avatar

@wdlindsy I had meant to go 2 years ago since I was not getting any help with anything I was trying to do, before becoming sick and blind. Destitution is not as harsh in Indian country because people help each other rather than watch you suffer and hope to see you die in front of their eyes. While the IHS hospitals have very few resources, they also don't throw sick people too inconveniently unprofitable to treat out on the street like garbage.

gnutelephony ,
@gnutelephony@floss.social avatar

@wdlindsy at Pine Ridge (where avg male life expectancy is 47 years...yes, you heard that correct) the land is in "trust", and so no new house have been permitted to be built by the US govt since the 1970's. This is why sometimes we have up to 20 people living in a house. Often unrelated families. Because, hard as it is to do, really we will not let our people sleep on the streets.

gnutelephony ,
@gnutelephony@floss.social avatar

@wdlindsy other PoC in poor places I have seen who, maybe not to the same degree, seem to understand this, too. Living "white poverty", on the other hand, actually looks and feels much worse to me. I will leave you that to think about, because I think you do understand what is behind that better than many.

wdlindsy , to random
@wdlindsy@toad.social avatar

Robert B. Hubbell offers (citing NBC News) a rundown of the Iowa electorate:

∙ White voters account for 97% of Iowa caucusgoers.
∙ Evangelical white Christians account for 51% of caucusgoers.
∙ 66% said they don't think President Joe Biden legitimately won in 2020.
∙ 58% of GOP caucusgoers say they'd favor a federal law banning all or most abortion.
∙ 63% of caucusgoers say they consider Trump fit for office even if he is convicted.



gnutelephony ,
@gnutelephony@floss.social avatar

@wdlindsy they are not a true random sample, though, but a self selecting one, and represent perhaps 5% of total Iowa voters. But that is the most positive take-away I can offer...

lowqualityfacts , to random
@lowqualityfacts@mstdn.social avatar
gnutelephony ,
@gnutelephony@floss.social avatar

@lowqualityfacts "bad girls" was a tv series about one such girl scout troop often confused with "mean girls", which was a movie about mafia wives made on location in north Jersey.

lowqualityfacts , to random
@lowqualityfacts@mstdn.social avatar
gnutelephony ,
@gnutelephony@floss.social avatar

@lowqualityfacts "of mouse and men" is a book about moose lust.

wdlindsy , to random
@wdlindsy@toad.social avatar

"In the Mar-a-Lago case, Judge Cannon has just refused to enforce a routine deadline & it's entirely clear she has no intention of letting this case go to trial before the election or possibly ever."

~ Joyce Vance as quoted by Natalie Venegas

Aileen Cannon continues to be a disgrace to the Florida bar and the national judiciary.

#Trump #AileenCannon #LawandOrder #Republicans


gnutelephony ,
@gnutelephony@floss.social avatar

@wdlindsy no doubt she sees herself a future supreme court trump nominee. Maybe she will get to take over Uncle Thomas's seat some day... I imagine, like Nick Haley, she can say she's black, too.

wdlindsy , to random
@wdlindsy@toad.social avatar

Madeleine Jane and Ayodeji Rotinwa report that, despite allegations by more than 2 dozen followers of rape, forced abortions, and torture the Pentecostal megachurch ministry founded by Nigerian TB Joshua, The Synagogue, Church of All Nations (SCOAN), is now being replicated across continents.

Joshua claimed to be a prophet who raised the dead, cured HIV, and fixed the "demon" of homosexuality.



gnutelephony ,
@gnutelephony@floss.social avatar

@wdlindsy these types seized control of local charities like food banks that are given state funding, and then declared they have the religious right to refuse charity to some.

wdlindsy , to random
@wdlindsy@toad.social avatar

"Christie was the last high-profile GOP contender who was fighting for whatever remains of the soul of a Republican Party that, for all intents and purposes, has evolved into an authoritarian cult of personality with Trump as its center—posing what the former governor described as a real and present threat to democracy and national security."

~ John Nichols


gnutelephony ,
@gnutelephony@floss.social avatar

@wdlindsy Gov fatass was not a choice either, but yes, I agree, he was the best of the lot that are the other candidates in today's GOP.

wdlindsy , to random
@wdlindsy@toad.social avatar

"The original Constitution was written when democracy meant something radically different than it does today. Over time, Americans have amended the Constitution to make it more democratic, but shortcomings remain."

~ Larry Schwarzol and Justin Florence



gnutelephony ,
@gnutelephony@floss.social avatar

@wdlindsy curiously, gerrymandering is so severe that despite this the Senate is now (slightly) more democratically representative than the house.

wdlindsy , to random
@wdlindsy@toad.social avatar

"Snow [i.e., the rapid loss of snowpack due to rising temperatures] is a reminder that, actually, a lot of the changes we’re dealing with aren’t that incremental. We may not be able to see rising temperatures in quite the same way. But in many cases, those changes are just as sudden and dramatic and are happening faster than people thought they were."

~ Zoë Schlanger



gnutelephony ,
@gnutelephony@floss.social avatar

@wdlindsy crisis in "civilized" societies tend to produce reactionary leaders. This is because people want "strong leadership", and to often now mistake narcissist personality traits for such things, the kind who probably will make the situation even worse, thereby creating greater desire for even ore of "strong leadership" in a viscous feedback loop to oblivion.

lowqualityfacts , to random
@lowqualityfacts@mstdn.social avatar

I remember learning this in geometry class.

gnutelephony ,
@gnutelephony@floss.social avatar

@lowqualityfacts he also proved the golden rectangle was just iron pyrite, but the history books don't talk about that.

wdlindsy , to random
@wdlindsy@toad.social avatar

Jason Linkins asks why the self-anointed grave arbiters of everything in our mainstream media have been so quick to go to very strange lengths to discount "the one part of the Constitution that was designed to prevent the crisis we now face" with Trump running for the presidency.

These are the same media gurus who told us when he was president that he'd "grow into" gravity and presidential behavior.



gnutelephony ,
@gnutelephony@floss.social avatar

@wdlindsy qualification clauses exist for a reason. It's not the people deciding thru "election" if somebody less than 35 can be president, if someone not native born can be president, etc. Nor, as made clear in the 14th amendment, is it up to election whether someone who had been an insurrectionist during while holding or having held a public office can be elected to one again.

lowqualityfacts , to random
@lowqualityfacts@mstdn.social avatar
gnutelephony ,
@gnutelephony@floss.social avatar

@lowqualityfacts this may not be a joke, as the imperial grant wizard of the coast would love to make it so for marriage again...

lowqualityfacts , to random
@lowqualityfacts@mstdn.social avatar

I can confirm that my cats don't watch it.

gnutelephony ,
@gnutelephony@floss.social avatar

@lowqualityfacts The Bob Newhart Show was intended to be an action series.

gnutelephony ,
@gnutelephony@floss.social avatar

@lowqualityfacts You I will miss

lowqualityfacts , to random
@lowqualityfacts@mstdn.social avatar
gnutelephony ,
@gnutelephony@floss.social avatar

@lowqualityfacts the status of liberty was also originally supposed to be doing a handstand...

lowqualityfacts , to random
@lowqualityfacts@mstdn.social avatar

Those were the good old days.

gnutelephony ,
@gnutelephony@floss.social avatar

@lowqualityfacts it was actually was until 1961. It still is possible to fly with your gun depending on the state and if it is in a locked firearm case declared at check-in as checked baggage.

lowqualityfacts , to random
@lowqualityfacts@mstdn.social avatar

Wow, I never would have guessed.

gnutelephony ,
@gnutelephony@floss.social avatar

@lowqualityfacts but a football field is a "standard" unit of English measure. The use of this unit began when Henry V successfully measured out all of France in terms of Agincourt fields...

lowqualityfacts , to random
@lowqualityfacts@mstdn.social avatar

Everyone: Hello, we would like society to improve.

Billionaires: Too bad, go scream into the void instead.

Everyone: Okay.

Billionaires: Also, we have bought all the voids. It now costs $100 to scream into the void.

gnutelephony ,
@gnutelephony@floss.social avatar

@lowqualityfacts they charge you for the echos, too...

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