Stopthatgirl7 , avatar

The only problem with the Democratic Party is that not only is it run by geriatrics who are out of touch, all their advisors are also geriatrics who are out of touch.

JIMMERZ , avatar

I mean, when people say “both parties are the same” they are correct in this particular metric. We need term limits and younger representation.

mozz Admin ,
mozz avatar

What the fuck

Before he said something weird on a podcast a few weeks ago, I hadn't thought about James Carville since 32 years ago when he was active in politics in a nontrivial capacity. But now that I take a look at him again I am impressed by the strangeness of him. Among other things, he came out swinging against Barack Obama as a presidential candidate and attacked people who supported him, he wanted to "jettison" the Democratic primaries and caucuses and let Nancy Pelosi pick all the candidates, and his international résumé is interesting reading. He's just an all-around very weird guy it sounds like.

Jaysyn , avatar

Just another lead addled boomer. They will be the death of us all.

Ensign_Crab ,

he wanted to “jettison” the Democratic primaries and caucuses and let Nancy Pelosi pick all the candidates

Yes, James Carville is a centrist Democrat.

mozz Admin , (edited )
mozz avatar

Yeah. It's actually pretty instructive to look at his example to see how far the party has moved left since Clinton. He used to be squarely in the mainstream of Democratic politics, then he was shocked and outraged by Obama (and showed for whatever reason an unerring instinct to gravitate to the worst candidates available, Pelosi and Hilary being two good examples), and now Biden's doing a bunch of things that would have been unthinkable even for Obama, so a one-time Democratic king maker is now on the far outskirts raging against the whole dominant culture of the Democratic party as it currently exists.

Ensign_Crab ,

Carville doesn't want primaries because he's a centrist Democrat. Neat deflection.

lefaucet ,

I've always hated this asshat. He's always seemed like a guy trying to run a football game instead of having a platform based in policy.

He never spends his time on TV talking about an issue that matters. It's just whatever bullshit talking point of the day on the news which will be promptly forgotten about the next. He's Newt Gingrich dressed blue... Okay, maybe not the satan shitpile Newt Gingrich is, but I hate when people are dying and windbags like this are going on about Iowa straw polls.

Who gives a damn what Puskatawnee Phil says about the election; our future generation is fucked if we dont nail down climate change, the economy which is based on exponential growth and the whole slavery thing thats still alive and well and everyone is worse off for it...

Hell, child labor laws are being repealed and women are being jailed for having a miscarriage. But tell me again how so-and-so shoulda spent more time campaigning in that county because its a purple county in a swing state instead of, I dunno doing what won Bill Clinton the Election... Carville's one big win. He talked about the economy and healthcare after Bush Senior had trashed it by sending us to war in Iraq to try to clean up the mess he made when he was head of the CIA... I hate politics

HarbingerOfTomb ,

Goodbye Jimmy!

recapitated ,

How amusing. A preachy male is trying dominate a culture with no point other than complaining that women talked about issues. WTF is the call to action supposed to be here, just steam and be a fucking baby like this man?

Guntrigger ,

Oh look, another "political strategist" who literally looks like a reanimated corpse talking shit.

stoly ,

LOL talk about projection.

Binthinkin ,

Remember, Democrats are just right wingers that use subversion to get votes. They’re not the left. They’re less vitriolic conservatives.

The left wants UBI and Medicare for all.

Carville is a dumb shit asshole who doesn’t need any platform yet my low key racist democrat obese never did anything but complain aunts keep him paid.

Same with that other cock holster Bill Maher.

Fedizen ,

Old man wearing diaper goes full baby mode.

lath ,

"Grumpy old man yells at the sky."

jordanlund Mod , avatar

Looks like I'll be the first to say it...

Is he OK? Seriously, has anyone checked in on him and made sure he's not, you know, stuck in a chair somewhere?

I'd be worried he had a stroke or something...

Cruxifux ,

It’s fucking James Carville. What did you think the thought?

His episode on 30 Rock was hilarious though.

Potatos_are_not_friends ,

Sounds like another whiney ass boomer that is pissed a woman is talking.

Ensign_Crab ,

Sounds like the cornerstone of the centrist movement once again triangulating between the worst of the Republican party and the meekest Democrat. I don't know why anyone expected him to stop.

Dkarma ,

Always has

Draegur ,


Carville is the preachiest bitch of them all.

Can't wait for history to be rid of his FILTH.

HopeOfTheGunblade , avatar
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