@chknbwl@lemmy.world cover
@chknbwl@lemmy.world avatar



Jaded. Please, fuck off.

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chknbwl ,
@chknbwl@lemmy.world avatar

I would do this, specifically for pollinators (i.e. honeybees, hummingbirds, butterflies, bats). They co-habitate fairly well and vertebrate pollinators help keep insect pest populations under control.

A nice bonus would be to add a sizeable water feature to encourage dragonfly growth. Of course, this all depends on the geography.

chknbwl ,
@chknbwl@lemmy.world avatar

"In case you haven't caught on, I just slipped my dick down your throat, and you thanked me for it."
~ Negan Smith Elon Musk

chknbwl ,
@chknbwl@lemmy.world avatar

The last (and only) supreme court justice to be removed from their position in the history of the United States was almost six decades ago.

AFAIK there is unfortunately no legal precedent set for this situation. It seems our best shot is to simply vote in our future elections. Otherwise, unprecedented situations call for unprecedented solutions.

chknbwl ,
@chknbwl@lemmy.world avatar

That man does black metal a disservice. I speak on behalf of many metalheads:


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  • chknbwl ,
    @chknbwl@lemmy.world avatar

    This is something me and my brother always did whenever we collectively bought a new game for our N64/GameCube. I'll never forget snapping that shrink wrap off, popping open the case, and whiffing in the wood-pulpy smell of a freshly-printed, made-with-love Wind Waker manual. It was all ogre when we bought the walkthrough manual; not even my wife smells that good.

    Or should I have mentioned Pokemon Stadium...?

    chknbwl ,
    @chknbwl@lemmy.world avatar

    the Zelda material is super sad for me as well because my late baby sister and I bonded tightly over the Zelda games

    First off, I hope you have been able to find your solace. Losing family sucks, but when it's someone that close to you it frankly changes you. This internet stranger's heart is with you, FWIW.

    My brother and I bonded over the Zelda franchise (specifically the OoT/MM era, plus WW). We grew up rough, weren't sure if we would even make it to our thirties, and those adventure games helped us escape from some pretty crappy experiences. To us, it's more than a franchise: it's a culture.

    Link is (usually) never the same character in the games; they're like reincarnations. Being a Link doesn't mean being one singular person. To me, being a Link means being steadfast, flexible, compassionate and, above all, adventurous. Things anyone can do/be, and that's why I think the Zelda franchise fosters some truly amazing gamers when they play those games. Although I do find myself regularly curbing the invasive thoughts to break people's pots... small price to pay!

    I digress, the explosive prevalence of the Internet has led to printed walkthrough manuals being a thing of the Early Aughts. Ahh, it's great getting older!

    chknbwl ,
    @chknbwl@lemmy.world avatar

    It sounds like she was a great person, and I'm happy you've found peace. I'm sure she'll rest well knowing that.

    I know all too well that time holds no prejudice to anyone. Take care, friend.

    chknbwl ,
    @chknbwl@lemmy.world avatar

    Who do I crowdfund to DDoS the DDoS'ers?

    The Internet Archive, and by extension the Wayback Machine, are integral to Internet democracy and accountability. We can't lose that.

    chknbwl ,
    @chknbwl@lemmy.world avatar

    Raspberry leaf, hibiscus, and rosehips. Citrus peel instead of rosehips if you prefer a more fruity blend. Cold press with a teaspoon or two of wildflower honey, add a mint leaf for freshness and you have wonderfully refreshing summertime tea. Add boba for the kids and they don't mind the low sugar content!

    chknbwl ,
    @chknbwl@lemmy.world avatar

    Cheese cloth works works amazingly well to wrap your leaves in, no cold press necessary!

    chknbwl ,
    @chknbwl@lemmy.world avatar

    Kika meowing loudly because she "hunted" something

    Our 10yo Tabby has done this since the first day I adopted her. We found it so endearing we bought her a stuffed rat that's almost bigger than her own noggin.

    In regards to sleep hygiene, that was arguably the worst decision we've ever made.

    Still love the rascal to pieces!

    Cat tax: https://lemmy.world/pictrs/image/d2d6564c-a2a8-41e3-a315-235bb8347ad0.jpeg

    chknbwl ,
    @chknbwl@lemmy.world avatar

    It's not so much about paying more, but rather directing where my taxes go. I already pay out the ass in taxes where I live, I'd just rather see my hard-earned income spent on public comprehensive healthcare... primary and undergrad education... automating as much production as possible... universal basic income.

    Not blowing people up.
    Not digging for oil.
    Not bailing out corporations.
    And CERTAINLY not funding police with military surplus used to oppress and murder our very own citizens.

    The people using my money for those purposes, and more, can go Fuck themselves to death. Preferably in the least enjoyable way possible.

    House votes to require delivery of bombs to Israel in GOP-led rebuke of Biden policies ( apnews.com )

    The House delivered a rebuke to President Joe Biden Thursday for pausing a shipment of bombs to Israel, passing legislation that seeks to force the weapons transfer as Republicans worked to highlight Democratic divisions over the Israel-Hamas war....

    chknbwl ,
    @chknbwl@lemmy.world avatar

    Mine is hiding behind a submission form requiring a permanent address in their district in order to contact them.

    Looks like I'll just have to show up at their office to ask why they sent bombs to kill thousands of innocent women and children.

    chknbwl ,
    @chknbwl@lemmy.world avatar

    Cool, can't wait to get shot by one of these assholes next year.

    chknbwl ,
    @chknbwl@lemmy.world avatar

    Boof bro chugs beer out of a bong shoved up Thomas' ass

    I want to will this prediction into existence.

    chknbwl ,
    @chknbwl@lemmy.world avatar

    Barbed wire-wrapped, splintering baseball bat?

    chknbwl ,
    @chknbwl@lemmy.world avatar

    In preface, I think everyone can believe in whatever they want. Religion is simply a habit of congregational reverence over some kind of object. There is nothing inherently wrong with this fact.
    However, being a staunch atheist myself, the continued antonymic assimilation of church-and-state within government is proliferating regressive politics. Personally stated, any Nat-C in government (i.e. MTG, Flynn) is a drivelling baboon that should be put on trial for willful ignorance. Unfounded opinion will continue to rend apart any pragmatic governance until all that's left is Their One God. This dangerous downward slope needs to end for the benefit of humanity as a whole, as well as our planet.

    chknbwl ,
    @chknbwl@lemmy.world avatar

    I'd hope no one would agree with my linked article, it was included specifically for it's absurdity.

    What is going on today isn't about secularism vs Christianity. This is about group hate [...]

    While I don't disagree with your sentiment, Christian denominations have played a historically definitive role in shaping the US's government. Furthermore, a significant portion of US citizens want Christianity to influence government. A nice little cherry on top is that, since the Second Continental Congress in 1776, nearly every US president has opted to include the Christian bible and the phrase "so help me God" (both entirely optional) while being sworn into office.

    chknbwl ,
    @chknbwl@lemmy.world avatar

    I guess when you suck so bad at the Game, the only way to win is to cheat. Fuck these mouth breathers.

    chknbwl ,
    @chknbwl@lemmy.world avatar

    But who will be our representative for Jewish Space Lasers?? Imagine the atrocities of such an unchecked system!!

    chknbwl ,
    @chknbwl@lemmy.world avatar

    Sorry, being chronically late is sort of my character flaw.

    chknbwl ,
    @chknbwl@lemmy.world avatar

    I used to have the same thoughts on the matter, but honestly it does a disservice to those fine, intelligent people who are doing something against our broken socioeconomic system. We all know that fear and anger are significant driving forces in the political atmos'fear', but hope and compassion can be an order of magnitude more effective than the former duo; especially when unjustly destroyed. I believe that Bernie, being the smart congressman he is, is setting the stage for reactive politicking in order to find the chink in Capitalism's armor. We as a species can't afford to waste any opportunity we have, otherwise we acquiesce with some disgusting Corpo Oligarchy and obliterate the one and only planet we have. For profit, of course.

    chknbwl ,
    @chknbwl@lemmy.world avatar

    This is almost word-for-word an interaction I had with a coworker yesterday. Said she voted Orange this primary because "he's the only one to fix this damn gender issue", so I asked her what she thought of his policies on foreign affairs and the domestic wage gap.

    I got a double-chinned shrug and an "idunno". Lmfao our country is going to burn because a vast swath of people would rather see hundreds of thousands prosecuted for socially-engineered offenses instead of nurturing the human condition.

    On a solemn note, our country's governance has become a joke. A circus of clowns too busy honking horns and throwing pies at each other to notice the tent around them is ablaze. To everyone, please, do not take our country's governance as a joke. Serious, irreversible consequences oft come from impotent or non-existent legislative power.

    We stand at a precipice, so please vote. Vote. VOTE. VOTE.

    Wisconsin Ethics Commission alleges illegal scheme by Trump fundraising committee and Rep. Janel Brandtjen ( www.jsonline.com )

    A state oversight panel is recommending Wisconsin prosecutors pursue a slate of felony charges against a fundraising committee for Donald Trump and a Republican state lawmaker in a scheme to evade campaign finance laws surrounding an effort to unseat one of the most powerful Republicans in Wisconsin, Trump foe Assembly Speaker...

    chknbwl ,
    @chknbwl@lemmy.world avatar

    As an unfortunate citizen of of that part of the Midwest, I can attest that alt-right propaganda is beginning to flourish with the upcoming election. Historically blue states within our region are no exception; many of the youth within the rural town I live in have unfortunately fallen trap to misinformation. I see more MAGA flags/hats, "fuck Biden" stickers on gas pumps, and hear more slavering bullshit spill from their mouths. There is still much more work to be done in repairing our democracy from fascist agendas.

    PLEASE: Remember to vote for every election you can. It only takes one afternoon of one day to cast your ballot, but it means e v e r y t h I n g in how our country is delegated. It doesn't matter what color tie they wear, but it is crucial they care for the health of our globe and people as much as they do their country.

    This is our home. Let's show it we care.

    chknbwl ,
    @chknbwl@lemmy.world avatar

    If I had to deal with the same smooth-brain at work every day while they insist to make my job more difficult for no other reason than they can, I'd lose a fuck or two along the line as well.

    chknbwl OP ,
    @chknbwl@lemmy.world avatar

    Geographically speaking they're a pretty spaced-out corporation, so they're difficult to get ahold of.

    I heard the CEO is pretty hot tho...

    chknbwl ,
    @chknbwl@lemmy.world avatar

    He's ready to fuck his enemies into non-existence.

    chknbwl ,
    @chknbwl@lemmy.world avatar

    I was an Assistant Manager of a well-established, popular restaurant franchise about eight years ago now. Business was fine, probably showing a modest black line on their financial reports.

    "This location is no longer in operation."

    That's all the advance notice I received when I arrived for my scheduled shift and all the doors were locked. No two-week-notice, no severance package.

    Publicly-traded corporations don't care about their employees, their only concern lies within how to spend as little money as possible. Employee benefits included.

    chknbwl ,
    @chknbwl@lemmy.world avatar

    These people embody the worst of American voters.

    Miss "Middle America" has a hard time coming to grips that correlation does not imply causation. Any public school teacher should know that and it scares me that people like her are in charge of our country's youth and their ability to think.

    Our business friend is just a straight-up smooth-brain. Debt rises during times of war as strategic services and trade routes get bungled, as well as the marked increase of weapon-related transactions. We saw it with Vietnam, Afghanistan, and now to a smaller degree in Ukraine and the Israeli-Palestinian war. Biden is dealing with (albeit poorly, imo) the ramifications of two wars he did not start, so it should be obvious businesses are not getting hand-outs like Trump offered (i.e. PPP loans).

    Saving the best for last, Colonel Asshat shows remarkable sociopathic qualities. He only cares for himself, and fucking says as much.

    The first two people could be educated on their poor political foundations and presumably become effective voters in a proper democratic system. The older gentleman on the other hand is a lost cause, and simply speaks volumes that socioeconomic issues in America will not change for the better until the older generation of politicians are removed from their positions of power.

    chknbwl ,
    @chknbwl@lemmy.world avatar

    I wasn't allowed to adopt a pet when I was growing up, my father and legal guardian didn't like how "dirty and destructive" they were.

    As soon as I graduated 12th grade I moved to another town for uni, finally renting my own apartment. I got into a serious relationship and together we felt our home needed more life; a cat. We visited our local humane society and as soon as we entered one room holding at least 15 cats, we knew who to bring home. Our little Chicky climbed my six foot frame like a tree and stood upon my shoulders as if she were a fanged parrot. We as humans go to these shelters thinking "who will I pick", but instead she picked us.

    A few years later, my relationship ended poorly. I was already prone to mental health issues (yay, genetics) but her infidelity along with the pressures of school and work broke me. I tried to take my own life one day. As I was sitting on the bathroom floor and it welled up inside of me I knew I was ready.

    In walks this little creature, nary a care about exam deadlines and romantic security. She must've known something was happening as she walked over to me and laid in my lap, just staring at me. She saved me that day. Since then, I've developed an emotional bond with this little animal that is stronger than anything I've felt before.

    About two years ago was when life really started to challenge both feline and myself. During a dental check at the vet, they noticed her bad breath and ran a blood test and UA. It was confirmed that afternoon that she had moderate renal disease. It wasn't end-stage at the time, but for her only being 7 years old at the time it just dug a little deeper into my heart.

    She has doubly beaten her vet's prognosis of one year, but I'm beginning to see the disease whittle her away. She's skinnier, sleeps deeper, and doesn't always come when called now. It's tough seeing something you love so much slowly fade away.

    Before her diagnosis, my fiancee and I had lost our other 13 year old cat to SCC quite suddenly. In a span of one week Teah went from jubilant to lethargic and leaving traces of blood in her food. That was the most difficult thing we've ever had to endure. It still hurts today.

    Just one year ago as well we had to put our good boy pup to rest for liver failure and a heart murmur. He lived a very long life though, so we're happy he is able to rest now.

    You're not just losing a pet when they pass. You're losing structure. Compassion. A friend. It's never easy, especially when they're taken too soon. Grief is the price we pay for love, so cry as hard as you loved them and understand they'll be waiting for you on the other side.

    "To love at all is to be vulnerable. Love anything and your heart will be wrung and possibly broken. If you want to make sure of keeping it intact you must give it to no one, not even an animal. Wrap it carefully round with hobbies and little luxuries; avoid all entanglements. Lock it up safe in the casket or coffin of your selfishness. But in that casket, safe, dark, motionless, airless, it will change. It will not be broken; it will become unbreakable, impenetrable, irredeemable. To love is to be vulnerable." --C.S. Lewis

    chknbwl ,
    @chknbwl@lemmy.world avatar

    You know this...
    I know this...
    Literates know this...

    His cultists on the other hand? That shit was rolled up, fried, and gobbled down like an Independence Day barbecue. The entitled ape is actively trying to spearhead the start of an American Civil War II because he didn't win.

    MAGA grifters cash in selling fake cures to imaginary disease ( boingboing.net )

    This time around, the grifters are telling their suckers that Hillary Clinton and the round-earthers have cooked up a diabolical pathogen called "Disease X" to rid the planet of "excess population," "install a corporate world government," and "enslave humanity." If you don't want your body to get covered in festering boils and...

    chknbwl ,
    @chknbwl@lemmy.world avatar

    This is why education, thusly critical thinking, is so important in a digital and globalized world. These unfortunate people who lack the skills to understand these obvious lies for what they are become the ramifications of voting corruption into power, who then go on to limit school funding in favor of personal gain. It's a vicious circle we are in, but I think if we keep voting for pro-education, pro-social-welfare politicians then the cycle can be broken. The most important thing to do is to never give up a steadfast defence against facism, bigotry, and corruption. Our very existence as a democracy could depend quite a bit on these next few rounds of voting.

    chknbwl ,
    @chknbwl@lemmy.world avatar

    You're definitely right, however that is by design. "Education" systems (i.e. religion-based private learning) attenuate critical thinking by replacing scientific analysis with theological opinion. Yet in my eyes that's not education, that's pushing an agenda.

    The climate can’t afford another Trump presidency. His approach to the environment: ignore it ( www.theatlantic.com )

    On the last Saturday before Donald Trump took office, in January 2017, I watched the controlled chaos of a hackathon unfold in a library at the University of Pennsylvania. Volunteer archivists, librarians, and computer scientists were trawling government websites, looking for data sets about climate change to duplicate for...

    chknbwl ,
    @chknbwl@lemmy.world avatar

    This dude, in the same breath as claiming to be a dictator "on day one", said his main priority is to drill, baby, drill. He, along with all of his voters, have openly opted to make the climate crisis worse. Simply put, republicans are Eco-terrorists. The world, not just the US, cannot afford to have Republicans in charge anymore.

    chknbwl ,
    @chknbwl@lemmy.world avatar

    For the average American, a retirement fund of $1 million is required to sustain such a lifestyle from age 67 (National Retirement Age) to age 77 (National Life Expectancy).

    Elon Musk's reported net worth is $180 billion dollars. For purposes of this exercise, let's leave this multi-billionaire 20% of his hoarded wealth, which leaves us with a tidy $144 billion.

    This one guy, if given a very conservative wealth tax, could pay for 144,000 people's retirements.

    One guy.

    chknbwl ,
    @chknbwl@lemmy.world avatar

    A-fucking-men, I couldn't have said this any better myself. It's always been the ultra-rich causing problems for the Common Man, not the poor or public servants. The problem then, one that may be solvable by us, is figuring out how to shake-awake the brainwashed from their IV drip of late-stage Capitalism. More people need to congregate behind global wealth management for anything to truly be changed.

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