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Jim_Just_Jim ,

Ok. Lesson learned. When someone tries to kill me, if they lose the fight and need medical attention, I'll leave them on the street.

At least then I won't be viewed as inhumane.

Jim_Just_Jim , (edited )

Have you ever fought in a war? Because if you haven't, then you really can't understand the decisions that warfighters make in the moment.

That's the problem with most of these people. You all seem to think that when you're actively engaged in a conflict you'll exercise a degree of judgement that exists in a completely different world.

And if you haven't fought in a conflict and tried to save the very person that's shot at you, then you have absolutely no room to judge.

I've served for 18 years in several conflicts. And I always operate in a manner that ensures that I come home every night to my family. So yeah, I don't blame those guys for strapping that asshat to the hood.

You have no right to judge these people for operating in a warzone and SAVING LIVES OF THEIR ADVERSARY if you haven't looked the guy who is trying to kill you in the face.

So fuck all of you for assuming that strapping a murderer to a hood to transport them to medical is somehow inhumane.

Fight a war, watch children die, and then come at me with your laughable morals. That guy was lucky someone strapped him up. Because I would have killed him. And I would expect that if you saw a 6 year old get ragdolled across concrete and then scooped her brains up so her father could give her a a funeral, you'd think differently too. But you sit here behind your keyboard and judged like some sort of moral authority.

I'm speaking from literal personal experience. Hand a father his child's brains. Then look me in the eye and tell me that strapping the responsible murderer to a hood and transporting him to a hospital is an immoral decision. You can't. But you can insult and disparage the Israeli soldiers like you somehow have the high ground. You all have absolutely no idea what is happening on the ground if you haven't been there.. but you all circle jerk in your own little echo chamber.

Jim_Just_Jim , (edited )

LMAO@ navy seal copy pasta. That's a reflection of your own lack of knowledge of how the US wages war or supports allies. You seem to think that only the seals experience conflict? That assumption is not only absolute fiction but also insulting to the USMC, USN, ARMY, USAF, USCG, and all contractors. I'm sorry that you exist in a world where the navy seals seem to solve all the world problems, but I encourage you to enlist in literally any other service so you can experience the real world.

Great job at discrediting literally every branch of military service and every paramilitary civilian force. Your comment reflects your ignorance on war fighting. Did you know that the US Navy is carrying the burden of defense of the Red Sea? Did you know that the the USCG is hyper focused on defending the Pacific? Did you know that that the entire world is focused on defending the east Mediterranean sea from instability? You probably didn't because you exist in a world where the navy seals make the news. I'm sorry that you seem to think the only people that dodge bullets are the ones that were made famous because they captured bad guy.

As I said, pick up a child's brains, hand them to a grieving father, and then disparage the forces trying to stop the killing.

You literally can't. And you're all hypocritical for shaming the soldiers who are trying and acting like you understand anything at all about fighting a war.

You're all pieces of shit for acting like you are better than these people.

Jim_Just_Jim ,

By your reading comprehension and lack of emotional regulation, I'm guess you are a college student.

If you wish to better understand how the US defends itself from adversaries, please tell me where you reside, and I will happily meet with you and your local recruiter.

Jim_Just_Jim ,

I'm so fuckin encouraged by all of you. You pretend that this is copypasta and that this doesn't affect you. You all just want an excuse to hate a government and can't understand the decisions the warfighters of any government could make. You're all pieces of shit who have never served. So your voice means nothing. Enjoy your circle jerk.

Jim_Just_Jim ,

My final comment is agnostic to all the liberal and delusional fuckwads. This war is real. And terrorism must be defeated. Take up arms and fight. Look around you. The west has been brainwashed by the media, but they don't live your life. You alone hold the power.

Jim_Just_Jim ,

Clap for yourself when the terrorists throw your homosexuals from towers because their orientation is blasphemy.

Jim_Just_Jim ,

I don't even understand what that means. But when you watch your radical Muslim terrorists (hamas) toss gays from towers you can understand how important it is to defeat terrorism. But probably not because you're clearly already brainwashed to support anything anti USA.

And if I'm your enemy because I fight those people... Then you are absolutely a piece of shit.

Jim_Just_Jim ,

I'm upvoting this because it was clearly a hilarious copypasta adopted to attack me. And written tongue in cheek. In spite of the fact that the writer has centered upon my unique experience of "scooping up brains" as nobody has ever actually discussed that openly before. Good job fella. The fact is that many faiths require a whole body to ensure a person's soul make it to heaven. I have no confirmed kills. I hope that you feel better about yourself. You are clearly a fucking coward.

And I hope that you remain coward. You escape the trauma of loss of life as a result of your own actions. And that's a good thing. Best of luck, you worthless fuckwads.

Jim_Just_Jim ,

Good job, coward. You clearly have never fought for anything worthwhile in your life. Sounds like you're a USAF 4 year who got "PTSD" because you relayed bomb coords. Best of luck you worthless pussy. Your family must be proud.

Jim_Just_Jim , (edited )

Hey now. My DS has done NOTHING WRONG!! It's innocent!!!!1!

Since you hit me below the belt I'm gonna toss it out there. Sounds like you're a good person and if you have a 3ds...

We could totally fight this out on Smash or something!!!

Jim_Just_Jim , (edited )

Your reply is such a relief. I'm so happy that someone can disagree with me and also call me out in a manner that is respectful but also aggressive enough to put me in my place. Thanks so much for not dehumanizing me but also challenging me in a manner that causes me to question my own mindset and experience. Moving forward you should totally use that tactic to derail people that disagree with you.

But also.... It's clear you could probably kick my bottom in smash 3ds or even Mario Kart. I would love someone to play with even if they defeat me because it makes me happy to be connected to someone!

Thanks for your patient and assertive response!

Jim_Just_Jim ,

Thanks for engaging with me. I am very appreciative all around. But you should totally get smash bros 3ds because it's like the best game ever!! Plus I want to be friends with people who disagree with me!! You're missing out if you don't get with the 3ds!!!

Jim_Just_Jim ,

Omg it is more innovative than the switch!!! It's crazy! So the 3ds will project one image to your left eye and another to your right eye so that the screen looks 3D! It doesn't have the overall performance of the switch but the 3d games are so fun!!

Jim_Just_Jim ,

No offense intended, but deliberately placing yourself in the vicinity of potentially violent protests is also deliberately subjecting yourself to a certain amount of risk.

Jim_Just_Jim ,

largely non-violent

Jim_Just_Jim , (edited )

Is Kyle Rittenhouse close to his mother and sister? If so then I feel like maybe he should help, as he has to have been profiting off of his new found fame. If not, then who cares? And why is this news? Because otherwise someone shouldn't be expected to help estranged family members. If his mother was abusive would he be shamed by the press for not helping her?

There's always another side to the story. But people always seem quick to hop on a bandwagon that fits their narrative. I left reddit because the toxic community. Seems Lemmy is no different.

I must be the only guy in the whole damn world who doesn't immediately judge the decisions someone makes based on surfaces facts. Just hanging out on social media has done a lot to help me better understand why hyper polarization and hyper radical voting is happening in this world.

This is the part where where I insert the Skinner "It's the children who are wrong" meme. Mark my words. So long as you contribute to the chaos, the chaos will grow. I'm unsubbing from this toxic "news" community. It's nothing more than an echo chamber and supermarket tabloid.

Jim_Just_Jim ,

Your posts make me jealous. I wish we were friends.

Bravely Default 3DS ( lemmy.world )

I finally blew the dust off of my copy of Bravely Default for the 3ds.. I'm only a few hours in but this might be the most beautiful jrpg I've played on this console. The story so far seems somewhat stereotypical, but the art is gorgeous and the gameplay has been amazing so far! Just wanted to share!

Jim_Just_Jim OP ,

Your comment was the first indication of any sort of midgame hurdle. A reviewer on YouTube vaguely described a point where things suddenly became unbearably repetitive. Does that sound like the hurdle to which you were referring?

Jim_Just_Jim OP ,

Aren't we all.

Jim_Just_Jim OP ,

So far, if Bravely Second is as good as good as the original, then I definitely look forward to it.

Jim_Just_Jim OP ,

It is good, isn't it!? Playing with headphones is the best.

Jim_Just_Jim OP ,

Ok. Well your opinion is encouraging. If I find myself at that point I will be sure to press through. Frankly I've been playing with the encounter rate at maximum so far just to rapidly level up, so I feel like just maybe my tolerance for redundancy is high. I really hope it's not a game-breaking experience.

Jim_Just_Jim OP , (edited )

I absolutely plan to report on how it turns out. So far, it sounds like I've made a mistake, but everyone here will know soon enough!

Jim_Just_Jim OP ,

I have to admit.... The prices here in the west are just so expensive. I recently opened an Ali express account for a side business and when I saw this price I just thought I'd roll the dice and see what happens. It was all circumstantial and impulsive.

Jim_Just_Jim ,

I will not be voting for any person who does not support Ukraine, even if it means straying from my normal political views.

Jim_Just_Jim , (edited )

Or how about, and hear me out now, because I know it sounds crazy...

How about you stop shunning people because you perceive them as "far" right or "far" left?

How about voting for politicians that seek compromise?

How about you stop contributing to polarization and start treating those with opposing views with respect and work to find a common ground upon which you can build mutual trust and cooperation?

What do I know? I'm just a middle class dude who loves hearing everyone's perspectives when they can treat me with respect, hear mine, and then discuss the reasons why we see the world differently.

I'm also married to a woman who disagrees with me constantly on political matters, and we love each other even more because we can challenge each other to see the world differently.

While understand that these people have experienced trauma, division is not the answer. Division is the foundation upon which hate is built.

Edit: seeing a downvote trend without further comments. To be totally honest if you disagree I would absolutely love to hear your thoughts. I can't grow or learn from others' perspectives without being challenged.

Jim_Just_Jim , (edited )

I have not seen that, but I don't think I agree with it. But maybe I'm misinterpreting the image because I'm admittedly feeling a bit defensive?

So that I can better understand, I ask a completely innocent question. Do you perceive my comment as encouraging people to tolerate intolerance?

For some clarification, I put "far" in parenthesis because I feel the term "far", in this age of "outrage culture" is relative and influenced largely by propaganda, social media, and rhetoric. Additionally, the term "shun" means to keep away from or take pains to avoid.

These people should not be shunned. You can and absolutely should have a conversation with someone you perceive as intolerant. Because I feel the term "far" is relative these days, I believe we are often quick to label people based on their emotional expressions, short sighted social media posts, or impulsive comments. So if you find yourself suspecting that someone is intolerant, I would encourage you to have a conversation. If your conversation further confirms that someone is expressing intolerant beliefs, you owe it to yourself and the other party to respectfully challenge them and express your interpretation of their perspective.

My personal experience is that if you are fortunate enough to find yourself engaging with someone open to debate, you should stand fast on your perspective. If you can respect each other, the words you speak are more likely to resonate. If you disrespect the opposing party, then you will almost certainly be dismissed, no matter how morally right you are, or perceive yourself to be. The other person will almost certainly see your disrespect as some sort of confirmation of their own perspective.

Seeking common ground puts you in a position to build trust and credibility, so that you can offer an alternate perspective as an ally and without being dismissed as an opponent. Don't avoid. Engage and change. If you ignore a weed, it continues to grow and pollinate. It must be effectively uprooted.

Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk.

Edit: I am observing a trend of down voting this without further engagement. That's unfortunate. I would love to hear other's opinions. I'm honestly not a hater or troll, and do love to hear opposing opinions! Use your voice to share your thoughts!

Jim_Just_Jim ,

I hate to sound cynical but when I read the replies here, I see more close mindedness that won't do anything to affect change. You can't change a culture if you're so hateful or resentful that you refuse to engage.

My opinion is that if you're not picking up the hammer and building the bridge, then you're part of the problem.

That's my experience as a once hyper conservative whose perspective only changed because someone approached me with respect and engaged me to change my perspective.

But it's clear that many here don't want to be true agents for change, but prefer to inflame division. You will never change a culture through hatred. You'll only cause them to "dig in".

But y'all keep doing you and post your hate so you can your upvotes.

Jim_Just_Jim ,

Your definition of "far" seems to be "people who want to kill you for what you are". But others' definition of "far" is "people who disagree with you and vote against your cause". Those are not the same. And conflating the two only exacerbates the division.

Jim_Just_Jim OP , (edited )

Whew. I hear you so hard. FWIW, I did actually win the cartridge in this auction as well, but since it's just a cartridge and no box, I didn't think many people here would appreciate a pic of a cart as much as they would a pic of the manual.

I'm also an old man yelling at clouds so I'm right there with you. Isn't it crazy that we've found ourselves here so quickly?

And also, mad props for referencing Jon Lajoie. A very talented individual who doesn't get enough credit. I love his work! For anyone reading this thread who has never heard of him, I encourage you to check him out. He has an awesome sense of humor!

I commiserate with you. The days of manuals are gone. And for what it's worth, the Zelda material is super sad for me as well because my late baby sister and I bonded tightly over the Zelda games. So these games are just super bitter sweet to me as well for so many reasons. When I play these games, I hear her laughter and feel her next to me. The games mean more to me than most, I suspect.

You're not alone. In fact, it sounds like you're my favorite kind of people! Thanks so much for commenting. I wish it weren't true, but the day of the manual has come to a close and you and I are the minority. But you are not alone. Let's appreciate what we have left. The next generation will never be so fortunate!! Do not be discouraged. Sounds to me like you're pretty rad!

We all have sad days. You are not alone!

Jim_Just_Jim OP ,

I remember going to Toys R Us with Dad, picking a game out, and then eagerly reading the game manual on the long drive home. It got me SO hyped!! Definitely wish they still made manuals!

Jim_Just_Jim OP ,

Thanks for the supportive and insightful reply. It sounds like your experience was similar to mine, as we also struggled through adversity together (our N64 was powered by a light socket and we couldn't run the heater if we wanted to play it). Unfortunately she couldn't overcome our childhood trauma, became addicted, and in the end decided to take her own life.

The Zelda obsession started with OOT for her. Eventually her love for the games led her to a degree in computer science and a hobby restoring consoles. I grew up, enlisted, and unfortunately we parted ways for the rest of her life. In spite of geographic separation, we always kept in touch and often shared the joy of the next Zelda products and rumors.

Whenever I play the games, hear the timeless soundtrack, or see any Zelda artwork, I remember her laughter as Darunia burst into dance at hearing Saria's Song, her groans of sadness as the Great Deku Tree passed away, her gasp of delight as Anju and Kafai were reunited, and even her grumbles of anger as the Skull Kid declared that he "got rid of" Epona.

Bittersweet memories, but no matter how much sadness I feel at her loss, the games ultimately remind me of the happy moments and warm my heart. I am happy to have had her as my sister, even if only for a relatively short time.

"The flow of time is always cruel... its speed seems different for each person, but no one can change it... A thing that does not change with time is a memory of younger days..."

Jim_Just_Jim OP ,

Thanks! Just hoped that it would make someone out there smile!

Jim_Just_Jim OP ,

And for all you manual lovers that wish new games came with them, there is a very talented artist who goes by the name "mbpuk" that makes some really awesome mini manuals that fit in the Switch game case!

Jim_Just_Jim ,

Looks great! I regularly cruise through my town's thrift shops and chase garage sale signs often in hunt for a good CRT. Jealous of your find and your awesome skills!!

Jim_Just_Jim OP ,

Thanks for the advice. I gave that a try and it seems to have helped a little. Maybe I just need to grow a stronger thumb lol.

Jim_Just_Jim OP ,

I did the cardstock mod and it improved it a little, but the force needed is still uncomfortable. Does your thumb hurt after long play sessions?

Jim_Just_Jim OP ,

I'm not sure. I did buy a GBA corpse on eBay to harvest the OEM membranes, just in case that's the issue.

Satisfying Game Boy Restoration ( lemmy.world )

"Do you want this old thing?" My uncle asked, pulling the old Game Boy from an end table drawer. "Your cousin didn't want it anymore so I've kept it. Your aunt and I played Tetris on it for years, but now the screen's all messed up and the buttons hardly work."...

Jim_Just_Jim OP ,
Jim_Just_Jim OP ,

You know what's bittersweet about this is that my aunt died of dementia. My uncle said she held onto it and played it for years. It makes me wonder what she thought about as she held her son's favorite toy.

Jim_Just_Jim OP , (edited )

Hey! So I had to clean the contacts on the motherboard fairly vigorously with rubbing alcohol and a microfiber cloth in order to get the buttons to register again. In my case it appears that something sugary had been spilled on the Gameboy and seeped down to the motherboard. I didn't have to replace the buttons, just clean the button membranes of residue.

And the Oxyclean solution I used on the housing was about 1/4 cup liquid concentrated Oxyclean to 32 oz of warm water. I soaked all plastics for 2 hours and then I brushed with a soft bristle toothbrush. It won't damage the color of your plastics at all, but may lighten them to the degree that you can see in my pics. Lots of people use the Oxyclean solution for colored Gameboys. There are suggestions out there for stronger solution recipes but I didn't want to take any risks. More than anything, it seems like Oxyclean helps with the yellowing that occurs over time, but beyond that, the soak helps make the grime loosen up so it can be brushed out of the crevasses.

Edit: you will need a precision screwdriver set that includes triwing bits to disassemble the Gameboy. I got a budget set on Amazon by a company called "Jorest" for $9 USD. It included all the right bits and spudgers and picks to get it cleaned up no problem. I'm not sure if links to products are allowed here so I'm not comfortable providing a direct link. Part number was AJJOJM0101ORDCAR1 if that helps.

Jim_Just_Jim OP , (edited )

I got updates! I got my hands on a copy of Link's Awakening. I forgot how awesome this machine is.


Jim_Just_Jim OP ,

You can do it! Dive in, and provide us with an update when you get it up and running!

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