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aelwero ,

Imminently relatable... I'm a centrist libertarian, and I'm not a fan of Dems, but I like current Republicans considerably less...

aelwero ,

Kinda feels that way :)

aelwero ,

Look man, I'll defend your right to say that stupid ass shit and make stupid ass assumptions about me, and I'll defend it with my life, but you're getting the Steve Harvey look right now...

aelwero ,

I'm purely about individual liberties for all individuals.

That makes me absolutely centrist, and in defiance of the societal definitions of the word "libertarian", I'm using it in that specific context.

If you've got a better term, lay it on me :)

aelwero ,

Hendrix. Hendrix is the fosbury of music. Dude went off in his own direction in both technical and compositional terms, and a lot of people followed.

There's solid points in the comments, but I feel like we're talking about a single individual ignoring convention here, and there's really only one answer in that context :)

aelwero ,

There were others who changed sports as well... Fosbury didn't cause the Olympic committee to implement any bans, which is to say that others arguably attempted much larger changes...

He simply tried something way the hell off the beaten path and it caused people to think differently about how to go about doing their thing.

Jimi wasn't even the only revolutionary influence in his time, you could argue chuck berry had more influence at the time, you could argue Charlie christian had more influence at sorta the same time, you could argue Zeppelin, Sabbath, the Beach boys...

Nobody came crashing into music from deep left field like Hendrix did though, just like nobody came into the Olympics from deep left field the way fosbury did (I'd argue for korbut, but nobody followed her lead due to pretty much everything she did getting banned).

I get what you mean and don't disagree, but I did say I was speaking to a specific context ;)

aelwero ,

Attachment to either party is waning among younger voters. A plurality (41%) of them call themselves independents.

I swear this is a generational thing. Silent Gen were rebellious bastards, boomers were not, gen x are rebellious bastards, millennials are not, gen z going with being rebellious bastards totally checks out .

My old gen x ass is 100% with you my little dudes/dudettes... Gotta fight for your right to party ;)

aelwero ,

"It’s important not to lose sight of the fact that any vote that’s not cast for Joe Biden supports a second Trump term,”

God fucking damnit...

I actually like whitmer, she seems to trend less partisan than most, but disparaging Biden does not make someone a fucking trump supporter...

A typical trump supporter is a jonestown-esque cult member. It's not someone who isn't kissing Bidens ring.

I'm sick as absolute fuck of the binary bullshit that you gotta choose red or blue... There's a purple libertarian party, and if you're really off kilter, there's the greens... Just because they only pull 2% of the votes doesn't mean they don't exist, you're still talking about millions of people.

Biden is a puppet, his whole administration has their hands up his ass making his mouth move while they all do the actual talking. That doesn't mean the Biden administration isn't doing well, and it sure as fuck doesn't mean trump is a good idea, but fuck Biden. Without supportimg trump, and without disparaging the way shits going...

Stop buying this shit, and whitmer, you should be ashamed of propagating it

aelwero ,

The very first presidential election I was eligible to vote in, one in six voters chose neither a Democrat nor a Republican.

If you want to preserve any semblance of democracy, stop buying the snake oil. We absolutely can vote for neither, and I go back far enough to have seen 18% of the population go out to the ballots and prove it.

aelwero ,

Might think they aren't fucking around, but take a shot at random folks ringing the doorbell and theyll definitely find out... Cops are gonna show up, and they're likely to be a little grumpy.

aelwero ,

Regardless of where you stand on the matter of trump-putin, this has been the narrative for almost a decade, so trotting it back out kinda seems a little tired.

It's also a little silly that even with all the dragging this shit back out to beat a dead ass horse, there's zero mention of trump, in an interview, claiming he'd end the Russia Ukraine issue overnight... I'd personally say that's of much greater relevance than trying to subtly imply financial relations or even the little hint of blackmail she went for.

There's only one way you end that shit overnight... You hand Ukraine over to Russia.

There's plenty of people that wouldn't vote for that... You wanna talk trump-putin in an attempt to influence votes, that's the sound bite ya want.

aelwero ,

Link wants me to download an app and that ain't happening, is that Nazis, KKK, or something totally benign? What's the context here?

aelwero ,

The symbol isn't exclusive to Nazis, and the styling suggests it's something else... Not saying it isn't Nazis because I don't know, but I feel it's not a good assumption.

It pretty clearly was intended to imply it though, based on the lower photo, which is far less ambiguous.

aelwero ,

There was a time when assuming what you see on the internet was what it appeared to be and not misleading in any way was considered foolish...

I guess I'm old

U.S., Dozens of Rogue California Police Agencies Still Sharing Driver Locations with Anti-Abortion States ( )

The EFF and ACLU letter lists 35 specific police agencies which either have informed the civil liberties organizations that they plan to keep sharing ALPR information with out-of-state law enforcement, or have failed to confirm their compliance with the law in response to inquiries by the organizations....

aelwero ,

Totally fine for California to have all that data though...

I don't think the sharing part is really the issue here.

aelwero ,

I'd say that it's not a good path to tread to have courts deciding who can and can't be on the ballot, however, in this particular case, it was put to the voters, and these guys knew the rule when they broke it, so c'est la vie

As for their argument, I'd say go with it... Let them run, let them get elected, then bar them for the term... That's actually how the wording works out... Theyre correct that they can technically run, but it's pretty specific about being unable to seve the term.

Fuck around and let a district go unrepresented for a term because legislators wanna play the "well ackshually" game, and the voters will sort that shit right out.

New-wave reactor technology could kick-start a nuclear renaissance — and the US is banking on it ( )

Off the Siberian coast, not far from Alaska, a Russian ship has been docked at port for four years. The Akademik Lomonosov, the world’s first floating nuclear power plant, sends energy to around 200,000 people on land using next-wave nuclear technology: small modular reactors....

aelwero ,

The risk of anything whatsoever happening to any given individual from nuclear is miniscule compared to the very real risk to literally everyone everywhere posed by coal and gas power...

We're all on a runaway train barreling towards catastrophe, and you're essentially saying the bathroom needs a floor mat so someone doesn't slip and fall. That's about how the risks compare

aelwero ,

Fuckin bullshit... If you or I, any normal citizen, wins a punitive judgement, the courts will do absolutely fuck all to collect it for you.

This should be the standard for ALL damages imposed by ALL courts for * everyone*, not just a special case because it's everyone's favorite fucking oompah loompah.

aelwero ,

Wildly untenable concept in modern society...

I'm sure it would work great in a video game or something, but In the real world, this shit goes crony AF guaranteed.

We don't measure aptitude or ability in our society, we absolutely suck at it. A person's ability is measured by what pedigree they purchased at degrees R us, or worse, by how articulate and verbose they were when typing a resume. Occasionally, ability is measured by how well someone likes a person even...

Competence is valued in a very select few enterprises. Trades, IT, and at higher echelons, math nerds... That's about it...

Bidencare Is a Really Big Deal ( )

Biden, as part of the 2022 Inflation Reduction Act, largely resolved these problems, reducing maximum premium payments (net of subsidies) and eliminating the cliff at 400 percent. The result is to make health insurance coverage substantially more affordable, especially for middle-income Americans who previously earned too much...

aelwero ,

Biden deserves some political reward for this good news, given that Donald Trump and many in his party...

Fucking election year, everybody fire up the spin. I hate politics :/

This is wildly better than whatever shit the repub propaganda machine is gonna fart out though, so I reckon I'll be avoiding Facebook and YouTube for a bit ;)

aelwero ,

They aren't actually doing much... This is something they did a while ago, they're just trotting it out and showing it off because there isn't anything current going on.

aelwero ,

the money, which will be adjusted for inflation since 2015, will be put into a state fund and used for projects and initiatives in the area impacted by the dam collapse.

Lol... That won't get abused at all.

aelwero ,

Or maybe give it to the people who were actually affected by it? The ones in who's names the judgement was made?

It literally says it's a punitive assessment for emotional damages... I don't think the government got its feelings hurt...

aelwero ,

A punitive assessment for the emotional damage from deaths and destruction of personal property on a grand scale, including the environment the damaged parties live in, is entirely appropriate.

Levying it under that pretense, but putting it in a discretionary fund under purview of government is essentially a 100% tax on the damages done to the victims.

Claiming it will be used to benefit those victims is a whitewash... It never goes to the victims unless it's awarded to them.

There's absolutely nothing wrong with the punitive assessment, my objection is purely to the recipient.

China's Alarming Experiment With a 100% Fatal Covid-Like Pangolin CoronaVirus ( )

China has reportedly embarked on a controversial path of experimenting with a new Covid-like virus, characterized by a 100% fatality rate in mice. The unfolding scenario raises concerns about the potential risks associated with such experiments, especially the prospect of the virus spilling over into the human population.

aelwero ,

And if a novel virus outbreak occurs and the genesis is near a facility fucking around with this stuff, it's totally a coincidence and you should never even think about suggesting otherwise, because reasons.

Utah House passes transgender bathroom ban ( )

Utah’s Republican-controlled House voted Friday to pass a sweeping proposal to keep transgender people out of restrooms and locker rooms that match their gender identity in taxpayer-funded buildings, sending the measure to the state’s majority GOP Senate for consideration just three days after the start of the session....

aelwero ,

while existing ones must be studied to assess “the feasibility of retrofitting or remodeling” facilities to improve privacy.

Well that's a nice silver lining...

aelwero ,

Fair point...

Ya know, in '94 I was stationed in Korea, they had bars off base that catered to us military, and they had "juicy girls", which were basically just women who went around looking for simps to buy them an orange juice for $20 (and they were pretty successful at it).

Anyways, most of the bars had one bathroom. You'd go in there and use the urinal and occasionally one of the girls would walk right in and use the stall.

It was weird as hell, but only once... After the initial "wtf" time, it was just meh, whatever, the OB beer's cheap enough :)

It's not actually that serious...

aelwero ,

"we voted, you lost"

"No I didn't"

Thanks trump, now we got this stupid ass kindergarten playground political strat we get to deal with.

aelwero ,

It's "we" if I'm a Republican...

I'm not, but I'm not a Democrat either

aelwero ,

These small devices also leak formaldehyde

Anytime I see this cited, I summarily dismiss the entirety of the article in question.

Why? Because you know what produces formaldehyde? Humans do.

So does a leaf blower produce less formaldehyde than the mouth breather in the break room at work? More than a Taylor Swift concert? Can't tell without numbers... If you're just gonna say that leaf blowers should be banned because formaldehyde, are you also suggesting genocide?

aelwero ,

It's pie in the sky to have polls this early, and even if it wasn't wildly premature to look at polls, they aren't great at actually predicting the outcome, because the people who conduct polls have a tendency towards polling people and areas that'll tell them what they want to hear...

aelwero ,

I agree with this... Getting people to turn up to vote in key places is the determining factor this time, same as last time. Biden won specifically because people showed up. It was very much a "not on my watch" kinda thing

aelwero ,

Okay... Should congress likewise be allowed to pass laws without any oversight from the president or the courts?

Should the court not be constrained by the laws created by Congress and approved by the president?

(Just to be clear, that's a fuck no...)

What the hell do you mean half the population doesn't think checks and balances should be maintained? It's a very fundamental concept of our governmental structure... If you suspend the system if checks and balances, the partisanship we're currently struggling with becomes an absolute nightmare, for everybody... Imagine a president that can willingly ban whatever they don't like... A congress that can fund everything, or nothing, at will... Courts that can convict on feelings...

Y'all crazy

aelwero ,

Well, Bidens currently the guy that'll get the magic wand... So... Maybe not so great?

It was phrased as a hypothetical though, so I get it. Still silly, as eventually the pendulum comes back.

aelwero ,

Imagine AI Carlin having a one on one conversation with George Carlin... I can't even fathom the amount of hostility :)

aelwero ,

You need way more details here...

Basement or crawlspace? Do you have piers already? What's under the wood, and is the wood above or below grade?

aelwero ,

The Biden White House has also maintained the tariffs on Chinese products worth $370 billion imposed by predecessor Donald Trump.

That's a hell of a sentence :) I guess we can agree on some things... Tarrifs on china, truly bipartisan...

aelwero ,

How many people spend 45 years in prison on a legitimate rape conviction?

aelwero ,

I imagine they'd specify that? There is a complete lack of any reference to priors, and in context, that implies there were (because they'd make a point to specify no priors in an article like this...), but just the life sentence on a rape charge, and dude wasn't paroled, seems a bit much, ya know?

aelwero ,

To describe phenomena on the scale of atoms, we use the second great theory: quantum mechanics, which differs from general relativity in basically everything. It uses flat space-time and a completely different mathematical apparatus

It's weird to me, that the common method of attempting to describe a four dimensional thing is to immediately reduce the three dimensional thing to two dimensions...

The word "curved" is problematic for the concept of space-time because it invokes one or two dimensional thought. Space-time is a four dimensional model.

The best description of the effect of gravity on space-time on my opinion is actually a joke... Gravity sucks :)

aelwero ,

If only there was a cost effective and fuel efficient way to get large amounts of cargo across the US... Oh wait, we figured that out 150 years ago at promontory Utah didn't we? What happened with that? Oh yeah, that panama canal thing was cheaper...

Modernization and electrification of rail is the answer to this problem, and quite a few others. Expand that OG rail run through Utah, and add one through the south end of the Rockies from LA to Atlanta. Full double set of electrified rails to run bidirectional traffic coast to coast in a northern and southern corridor.

We had an answer already, this was a shortcut :)

aelwero ,

Lol... 3/4 of the traffic is US bound. The Pacific is half the planet, so anything not stopping in the Americas has a shorter route in the other direction.

Essentially... yeah I do :)

aelwero ,

How does this differ from saying that women belong in the kitchen, or that being black means you rob people?

Stereotyping has, for my entire lifetime, until the past few years (trump I guess, until trump...), been something you'd only really see happening among the Republican types.

Now it's become almost an exclusively Dem thing...

I get the whole "statistically speaking" aspect (I have a LOT of neighbors with lifted ram trucks on very clean mud tires) of your comment, but that same logic is behind all the other stereotypes as well... How is yours good and theirs bad?

aelwero ,

So pay raises for 22 years without the union, or pay raises for 5 years with the union...

Yeah that's cool, yay for "progress"...

aelwero ,

So... Just turn a blank round into a live bullet...

we shouldn't promote individual responsibility *instead* of corporate accountability. we should promote individual responsibility *because it leads to* corporate accountability ( )

Not my OC but what I've believed for years: there's no conflict between reducing your own environmental impact and holding corporations responsible. We hold corps responsible for the environment by creating a societal ethos of environmental responsibility that forces corporations to serve the people's needs or go bankrupt or be...

aelwero ,

People don't vote with their wallets for the best option, they vote with their wallets for what they can afford.

Everyone would like a Tesla model geewiz with zero emissions, but what they can afford is a 30 year old shitbox that burns as much oil as it does gas. They'd love to buy your supergreen organic carbon neutral groceries, but they can afford pb&j and ramen. They'd love to buy widgets made by fat happy employees that earn a living wage in a 100% renewable powered factory, but they can afford chinesium widgets made in a smelly ass factory that dumps it's waste out the back door full of workers paid a dollar a week...

People can't afford for their needs to dictate how society is structured. The structure of society dictates the needs of a huge majority of people. The exact inverse of what you're suggesting is what the simple reality is.

aelwero ,

Just go back to cigarettes and pay the fucking taxes ffs... vaping is becoming the sole purview of those willing to do the legwork and sort out how to build and mix everything from scratch, and the rest are doomed to be sacrificed on the altar of government revenue streams.

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