

This profile is from a federated server and may be incomplete. For a complete list of posts, browse on the original instance.

Ziggurat ,

J'avance dans elden ring, et à mon avis, je vais écrire ça chaque semaine pendant un moment :)
Je viens de connement perdre de quoi passer un niveau :(
mais au moins ça me fait avancer dans la quête principale, plutôt que de retourner là où j'ai perdu mes XP

Is There a Way to Officially Disable a Lemmy Account?

I would like to know if there is an "official" way to set an account as disabled. For now, I am plan on posting this on Asklemmy, changing my password to some random string that I won't remember, and then logging out. If I'd like to come back later, there's a chance of my account being revived through the "forgot password"...

Ziggurat ,

Pretty sure there is a way to delete an account. Just look in the profile setting.

Ziggurat ,

Internal alpha-therapy.
Imagine attaching a radioactive atom to an antibody that would fix to a cancer, then as alpha radiation do a lot of damage, at a very short range destroy the cancer without doing much damage to the rest of the body

See that documentary for example

maegul , to Fediverse
@maegul@hachyderm.io avatar

People are actually on BlueSky

There's now a decent measurement of user numbers (https://bskycharts.edavis.dev/edavis.dev/bskycharts.edavis.dev/bsky_users_total.html) ...

They've got about 1.6M MAUs ...
& 0.8M Weekly unique users & 0.340M Daily.

That's not nothing!

Roughly double mastodon and 60% more than the whole fediverse (by MAUs, see fedidb.org).

Bluesky is quite "international" with large Japanese and Brazilian popltns, and there's real attrition happening IMO.

Still, let the protocol wars begin I suppose?


Ziggurat ,

It's crazy that people would rather migrate to a social media managed by a power hungry capitalist than to a "libre" platform

Ziggurat ,

Half of US «War movies» It's not like the US soldier were less evil than the person they fight

Ziggurat ,

Totally depending on the game/setting/campaign genre. I see the classic you're in a tavern as a bad practice and try to avoid-it (OSR may be an exception). In general, I would address the group consistency/relationship/and why they want to work together as part of character creation, but sometimes I'll start in media res by breaking the PC relax life with a dramatic event

Ziggurat ,

I'veran a beam saber test game, and plan a campaign soon. If you're not hyped by D&D but with mecha, it May be a solid alternative

Ziggurat ,

Yup at this point I call that a free checked bag.

Free ? With the new Ryan air policy, it's not free anymore

Ziggurat ,

ike if the option was to pay $100 more and get 2 checked bags, a meal, and more legroom, I’m still not going to do it.

It's depending whether you need check bags. As soon as you need check bags, suddently, main airlines becomes competitive with cheap ones like Ryanair, especially considering the airport they desserve which tend to be better located (The difference between a Metro ticket for the main one, and a 20 € Shuttle bus to a remote one also impacts the total price

Ziggurat ,

we cure about your privacy, It's very valuable for us, so please, all your data are belong to us

Linking Fediverse identities

When posting from Lemmy in my profile I can look for all of my posts but when I reply to a comment from, let's say, a Mastodon account is not shown as my post because it was created from another account. Is there any way to link my accounts, at least in Lemmy, to show that all posts from a different account belong to the same...

Ziggurat ,

Do you really want to do it ?

I think some people here know my mastodon account, and some people can link my mastodon account to my real-life self. I tend to like the idea of being hard to track, which is something I don't like with mainstream social media. At the moment, there is not enough person on Lemmy to make-it worth rebooting the account yearly, but it's something I might consider (also, looking where mbin is going, I may swith my main account to mbin anyway)

Ziggurat ,

Big difference between microblock like Calckey or Xitter and threaded conversation like Lemmy or reddit is that, here you post in a community to trigger a discussion.
For example if you want to talk about rpg you go to !rpg and if you want to talk about world news you go to !world and so on. The great part is that you'll interact way more than with just people following you.

If you're interested by the micro-blog feature, check mbin which has threaded conversations and micro blogs together (and of course fully compatible with lemmy).

Ziggurat ,

There is at least 2 eclipse per years, so I don't see why this one would specifically generate conspiracy theories over all the others.

People will do prediction that will realize by default (Earthquake, people dying, and so on) and claim to have super power, same shit as usual

Ziggurat ,

it's already hard for Afghan, Syrian or Palestinian to get the refugee status.

Also, even though US has a lot of issue, it's not like the rest of the west is doing that much better. In several European countries, far right parties are doing high score with the same kind of bullshit has US republicans, I've even saw a video of french "sovereign citizens interacting with the police recently". The billionaire hoarding all the wealth isn't only an US problem (Even though due to your *taxation is theft myth, it may be worse).

We tend to import all the bad stuff from US, but a decade latter :(

Ziggurat ,

There is ads in public toilet, so sure, they'll put ads anywhere.

Ziggurat ,

Never got why people are so obsessed by combining both which would basically turn it into sparkling water. Individually both have a chemical action, but mixing both wouldn't bring anything

Ziggurat ,

I'm surprised that nobody has done an extraction of organic/aromatic content in an oil/fat ?
Have you never backed some "space cakes" ? I haven't but I've seen people doing it, and it's pretty advanced chemistry when you think well

Ziggurat ,

This one is pretty location specific but I agree that US law doesn't make any sense.
Like, physician and pharmacist spend 10 years at university to learn all the details about prescription medication and then have to get yearly retraining, so how do you even do ad's for that

Ziggurat ,

Government should found more art and research, also donation and crowd funding aren't passive income. I believe OP talked about the Marxists bourgeoisie the class of people who live off dividends or rent and doesn't need to work

Ziggurat ,

How is that even legal somewhere ?

Ziggurat ,

There is already too much absurds downvotes, and many instances deactivate them.

So don't worry other lemmings, and bots Will do it for you.

Ziggurat ,

Remember that

  • Unless your a professional communicator, talking to media is always dangerous. They can totally change what you say using "editing", and loaded question can quickly trap you. There is a reason why there is so many job in communication and media assistant, you don't want to let people talk unsupervised

  • Honestly, if only a sub reddit keeps a political movement alive, it isn't a political movement

Ziggurat ,

Big city, I am an urban animal, I enjoy having a wide cultural/activity offer, having a grocery store down my stairs, and be able to do tons of stuff by walking/cycling.

Ziggurat ,

It's interesting seeing "random encounter" coming back in grace, I have the impression that they were universally considered as a "bad practice" for at least 2 decades, and now i see people defending them again. Is it an effect of both the OSR and Rule-light zero-prep ? Or is it that I spend more time on english speaking communities dominated by more "classical D&D perspective"

My issue, and why I (quickly in my GM career) stopped putting "random combat" is that, as a "low combat GM" random combats end-up interrupting the game for no reasons, and end-up being either "clay shooting practice" (So a few easy ennemies to roll some dices without bringing anything to the story) or a "catastrophic event" throwing all the PC plan away as they walked injured out of that fight and will need a lot of in game time to recover which basically breaks the game. If there is a combat, the PC called for it, either by their action or their non action, but not just by "simply existing in the game world"

However, I can totally see how for games with more focus on combat, it can still be interesting, just "not my cup of tea"

Ziggurat ,

For the 2 short films I ever edited, I used YouTube audio library.

May be a free/ creative commons musical platform like Jamendo is stll around. Haven't checked for a while

Ziggurat ,

Don't use amazon !

The money you spent in a billionaire owned shop is less money for family owned shop in your community. Not only it transfer tons of wealth to billionaire, but having a nice neighbourhood bookstore, and other small business nearby is a real improvement to your local community and everyone benefits from it.

Ziggurat ,

Ça y est ils ont fait une série netflix ? Ce bouquin est excellent, ne regardez pas la série, lisez le.

Point interessant de l'interview :

Il y a tout un fantasme orientaliste qui considère que l’œuvre d’un auteur chinois peut être représentative de la vision chinoise du futur. Mais en réalité, sa grammaire narrative est celle de la science-fiction mondiale, qui est un genre assez universel. Sans compter que Liu Cixin était un grand lecteur d’Arthur C. Clarke, d’Asimov et de Jules Verne. Sa conception de la construction d’un récit, l’intérêt qu’il porte aux sciences et à la cohérence scientifique n’ont rien de proprement chinois.

Donc non c'est pas la vision chinoise du futur, même si pour une fois c'est les chinois qui sauvent le monde

Les Chinois parlent très volontiers de politique et ils peuvent se montrer très critiques envers le gouvernement mais il faut poser les questions de sorte à ce qu’ils puissent répondre sans se mettre en danger. Pendant

Ça m'a surpris, la seule fois où j'ai été en Chine, je me suis crus en France tellement que les Chinois se plaignaient du gouvernent.

Ziggurat ,

Is it an AMA ?

Is it yet another VTT ? How does it compare to other VTT ? Why use this one rather than roll-20/Let's role/Foundry ?

Do you need to program a rule-set or is it a LLM reading a rule-book and turning it into a dynamic application ?

How does it deal with "story NPC" rather than just rules and combat (Remembering who wants want and who has which information ? ) Similar question for lore, which in some games/campaign can be intimidating

How much room does it let to the GM ? Fudging the dice, changing a map/monster on the fly and all the stuff that GM do

Ziggurat ,

9 month already ?

Well, I was already active on mastodon, and had a pixelfed account (but not active there) for years. So the reddit fiasco was the right time to move.

Moving to lemmy wasn't such of a big change as I was familiar with the federation, and the fediverse in general, was already considering it for a while.

Ziggurat ,

Je me permet de rappeler aussi !europe et en français !actualite
Après la question qui tue est quel espace ça laisse à c/france si on lu retire le contenu détendu, l'actualité européenne et internationale ? dans une communauté de 2000 personnes dont probablement la moitié sont des alts de camus.

Ziggurat ,

I generally go to self-scan line, so it's the order in which I bought these.
When I go to a more classical line, Heavy, then cold, then light so the heavy stuff goes on the bottom of the bag, the cool stuff in the middle (where they are a bit protected) and the light things on top

samxavia , to Asklemmy
@samxavia@mastodon.social avatar

@asklemmy What do you think it would take for people to drop Twitter & Reddit and move to the Fediverse?

Ziggurat ,

User interface.
OK miss/calc/shark key has it but mastodon is pretty rough, and lemmy isn't that nice. Yes I know for Lemmy Alexandrite is neater than the official app, but it's already some power user level, same for instances having the photon and old front-end.

Ziggurat ,

Considering how powerful is the copyright mafia (Remember that the pirate bay founder got jail-time) I totally understand why the people running the instance are doing so. I get why user are pissed off, but they're free to host their own instance and deal by themselves with the legal liability

Ziggurat ,

In term of UX the miss/calc/shark key beat Mastodon.

However, Mastodon has way more instances (including many ran by well established organisations) and a stabler codebase (while, regarding *key, I am a bit concerned by the amount of forks)

It's the same fediverse so you would see the sa me federation from both

Ziggurat OP ,

I often say that the more I age the less combat I put in my game.
It's a tendency that has been ongoing over more than 20 years of game.

Firstly, we had discussion with other players about shooting at target isn't interesting, combat needs to be challenging and dangerous which basically involve removing any easy/useless encounters like this easy ambush to warm-up the party which doesn't bring much to the story, and I slowly evolved to combat still happens every session but it's one big/relevant combat rather than small random combat.

Then, when not having a "student agenda anymore", I had less time to play, when you need to finish the game-night at midnight rather than at 04, you need to cut-down stuff, and this is how I switched to occasional combats rather than regular combats.

In the last decade, I've been doing more and more drama-focused games rather than action focused game making combat even more useless. Even in more classical games, I often end-up skipping the combat, So you're well prepared the terrain have the advantage of the number, the surprise and the terrain, no need to roll the dice. This trends also goes with my players, like recently I had players solving a Cy_Borg one shot only by talking using spies drone (even though it's a game where I would have expected some fight) turn-out that when they understood *PCs are weak, fights are dangerous) they've done everything to avoid-it.

Ziggurat OP ,

I still prepare maps, though.

I almost never use battlemap, but sometimes I prepare map, as they help for more than just combat. A map of the crime-scene sometimes really helps the PC figuring out how the clues say something about the story. Knowing how dorm are organized in the university campus can really help when you want to play campus drama. Thinking about how the "servant can bring food from the castle-kitchen to the ballroom* suddently means that you have a whole network of small corridors which can be used for an infiltration.

And then even though I suck at it it's sometimes quite fun to do

Ziggurat OP ,

Wait, what’s the difference? A grid?

I'd say that the difference is mostly the intended use but you're right a map could be used for a battle or for role-play depending on the circumstance. You may-want to use the map just to fight, or want to use the map to set some "game elements", the tavern has some private lounge on the side, room where you can "buy some love" on the upper floor, and in the basement there is a few cages where the local mafia keep persons who needs to have a talk with the boss (and may loose some finger in Yakuza inspired scene)

Ziggurat OP ,

We will have to look into this. I assume you would prefer that the posts do get automatically tagged as French

If the community has a default language yes, it would be great to have tagged automatically in the default language

The language settings on Lemmy generally need some work to make them more intuitive, imo. New users are often confused by them.

Indeed, this isn't intuitive (and something you find on the fedi, but less on mainstream social media). Also when using the wrong Language, Lemmy doesn't return any error but just refuse to accept the post. Which is a great way to confuse anyone.

Thanks for looking at it

Ziggurat OP ,

Thanks for coming here.
My concern before going tot the issue tracker is that it seems to work on some instance and not on some other. so it was not clear whether it's an instance specific problem or a software issue. hence firstly a discussion here.

If necessary I can try to open a ticket on the github.

Ziggurat ,

Ça mérite pas un post mais mediapart est un accès libre ce week-end https://mediapart.social/@mediapart/112104885774958578 et a un tarif réduit d'abonnement

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