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Zacryon ,

Yes. Being exploited by greedy publishers and a failing academia system, while barely making a living for example.

Zacryon ,

Water? Over here it's just a plethora of sugar pearls.

Zacryon ,

They literally said:

Perpetual growth in a finite system is impossible

I don't see how your comment applies to that.

Knowlegde growth may be sustainable, but it is also impossible to grow forever. (Supposing knowlegde is finite, which is, as far as I see it, the case as long as we make the definition of knowledge depend on characteristics like repition-free and new. For example, you could learn the number pi to even longer lenghts forever, but doing that is not necessarily something new to know as it's just a manifestation of a repition which was already discovered.)

I'm intrigued how you would explain that economies could grow independently of resources. From my perspective, it looks a lot like each and every form of economy relies somehow on some form of resource or resources. As resources are finite, economies can't grow forever.

Zacryon ,

You can by creating more accounts.

Zacryon ,

Service needs workforce performing the service. Workforce are usually human resources. Thereby, limited again. Or did I get it wrong?

Zacryon ,

Fear of the unforknowable.

Zacryon ,

Isn't the firey interpretation popularized by Dante's Inferno?

Zacryon ,

Wicca (English: /ˈwɪkə/), also known as "The Craft",[1] is a modern pagan, syncretic, earth-centered religion.

Zacryon ,

Here is a nice visualisation of the logical paradox:

Zacryon , (edited )

Or Islam, Judaism, Hinduism or any other major religion.

But no, suddenly I am the maniac for believing that – in reality – we are pink elephants, hopping on the moon and imagining life as we believe it to be true. No one can prove I am wrong. But uh oh, sky grandpa mad.

(/s I don't believe anything. Just making a sarcastic point.)

Zacryon ,

Okay, got it. Print the PDF, then scan it and save as PDF.

Or get some monks to get a handwritten copy, like the good old times.

Zacryon ,

I assume they meant meat in general. Supposed lab-grown meat aims to be a similar experience, the given answer is self-explanatory.

Btw, you can get lab-grown meat in a reastaurant in Singapore iirc.

Zacryon ,

If that's fine for them, why not? But I'd rather like to have a taste of myself. Always wondered what I would taste like.

Zacryon ,

A tree donation.

Zacryon ,

If you have a lawn to get rid of, sure. If you don't have an area to grow a tree yourself, a tree donation still is a feasible alternative.

Zacryon ,

The fact that I have negative points for asking a simple question is a textbook example of ideologues' hostility to even the slightest bit of what one would strain to even call 'dissent'. Pitiful.

I'm going to take the rage bait on this one, in hopes that you're not trolling:

No. It's stuff like this, which makes several of your comments here earning downvotes.

If it were "a simple question" you wouldn't whine about getting downvotes. The fact, that you care about votes here and in this context at all is a sign of your "ideologues' hostility" towards contrary opinions. If it were "a simpue question" you wouldn't be so condescending to call downvotes "ideologues' hostility" or "pitiful".

Your "simple question" can still be suggestive and carry a message which clearly show that your intentions are not to neutrally ask a question but to challenge the readers and the common opinion found among them. Given this context, such questions can even seem ridiculuous to ask at all, as the amount of wealth accumulated by wealthy people is insane. (See for example this one of many illustrations: ) In other words: your question seems a bit like rage bait.
Combined with your other comments here, a clear picture cristallises about your opinion on this topic, which further hardens, that it's not just "a simple question".

It's totally fine for me and probably a lot of other users here if you've got a different opinion. If people disagree with you or don't like it, you get downvotes. That's the way of Lemmy. Heck, I'll probably earn a downvote from you. Do I care? No. Not really. Of course it would be nice if we could agree. But I accept that you probably won't like what I've written here and that you're giving me a downvote for that. It's an expression of your opinion. And that's ok.

If you were about to get banned for your "simple question", or your question got removed, then we could talk again about hostility. Until then it's political discourse. Isn't democracy beautiful? ;)

Zacryon ,

My coworker is lazy [...] I'm not.

And if we now think about why you see this as a bad thing, we can see how deeply brainwashed you were by our capitalistic, profit-driven, society.

Zacryon ,

that capitalism [...] does provide motivation to workers

I wonder how all of those people in other civilisations survived which didn't had a capitalistic system.

In other words: I hope you're aware that capitalism is not the only way to motivate people to do stuff. As if people weren't interested in ensuring their survival or even progress.

Zacryon ,

Win 7, because I can use it as bargain to trade with locals who help me to get out of the forest and back to civilisation. No one would be interested in Win 11 so that choice is obvious.

Zacryon ,

How does this apply for the aforementioned case of being pulled over by police?

Zacryon ,

People suck.
Removing money doesn't stop people from being assholes.

Zacryon ,

The reason, that you already got some upvotes for this, shows, that Lemmy has more users who are able to read more than a couple of words.

Zacryon ,

According to a quick read on Wikipedia, you are right. He was charged, But not sentenced.

On January 6, 2011, Swartz was arrested by Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) police on state breaking-and-entering charges, after connecting a computer to the MIT network in an unmarked and unlocked closet and setting it to download academic journal articles systematically from JSTOR using a guest user account issued to him by MIT.[15][16] Federal prosecutors, led by Carmen Ortiz, later charged him with two counts of wire fraud and eleven violations of the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act,[17] carrying a cumulative maximum penalty of $1 million in fines, 35 years in prison, asset forfeiture, restitution, and supervised release.[18] Swartz declined a plea bargain under which he would have served six months in federal prison.[19] Two days after the prosecution rejected a counter-offer by Swartz, he was found dead in his Brooklyn apartment.[20][21]

Zacryon ,

Did she ever pop a pimple? Volcanoes build up an insane amount of pressure.

Zacryon ,

Thank you, kind geology enthusiast.

Really barely comprehensible how immense those volcanic activities are.

On a side note, you've listed insane unit after insane unit of death and destruction. And then there is this sentence:

There is evidence that it occurred on an autumn afternoon

That was a cute turn and I laughed. :D

Zacryon ,

And still highly problematic to deliver such hateful imagery.

Zacryon ,
Zacryon ,

Great idea! That way you are making it easy for the bear to find you, distracting from the other person and thereby helping them to get out. As a bonus, we will have one less human like you on the planet.

Zacryon ,

Ironic, coming from someone who defends people who say that she should get raped.

I'm not wishing harm towards you. I am just happy if there are less people with mindsets like yours.

Zacryon ,

In the context of the comment you're defending, it isn't clear whether it is a joke.

Also, making such "jokes" in contexts like these, still carry a hateful message. If you don't mean it and don't want to shit on people like that, then simply don't do it. It doesn't get better to defend it as a "joke" as it is not clear what the true intentions are. As such "jokes" can also form opinions / views about some topic, it is reckless not to mind the hazards created by such "jokes". Furthermore, stuff like this is often seen in Motte-and-bailey fallacies.

What's next? Laughing about all the Jews who were gased by Nazis? Or all the vicitims in Ukraine who get fucked in the ass by Russia?

I think, there are some clear lines.

Zacryon ,

I never said that.

You did not say that she should get raped. That's correct. You misread my text, if that's what you understood. You are just defending people, who say that she should get raped. Isn't much better imo.

However, I replied to that in the other comment. Don't think it's funny. And regarding the one you're defending, it's not clear to me whether that's truly a "joke" given the context of the preceding text. Let's continue that there.

Edit: BTW, if you think both are jokes, then why are you getting so upset about it, that you say: "if I [...] had to chose between spending time with someone who posts shit like this and a bear in both cases Id probably run away screaming"?

Edit: Added a quote and said something about it.

Zacryon ,

I did not wish them harm. I detailed how their behaviour could lead to a deadly end inflicted by the bear and noted that I am happy if there are less people with such mindsets. Whether they die or not is not important for the latter.

But I understand that my chosen words can make such a misleading impression as the important details are more fine-grained and left open for interpretation to the reader.

Sorry for that.

To clarify:
I don't really wish anyone harm. I am just sick of people who think there are justifications for raping people or doing some other unethical shit.
That's what formed the basis for my sarcastic comment.
This doesn't mean that anyone should get killed for thinking that way. But, I hope that such people will realize that this is not a reaction tolerable in a civilised and peaceful modern community, leading to a change in their mindset.

I don't know whether your "EDIT" note is about my comment or the other one from the othe person. In case it's about mine, I did not edit it, as should be visible depending on your Lemmy client.

BTW: I find it sad that you just criticise me for the impression I would wish someone harm, but not also the other one who wished for someone to get raped. Doesn't seem very consistent to me.

Zacryon ,

/i marks Irony

/s Sarcasm

/j Joke

In the context of my comment it was an ironic reference to the hashtag wich, as I understood it, was often used by men downplaying the concerns of women and relativising common problems and fears they encounter by saying that not all men are that way. While technically true, it undermined the severity of the issues. As it was the case wih the original commenter here, who meanwhile deleted his comment or got it deleted. Their original comment reminded me of the hashtag.

After a few downvotes I added the irony flag, as I got the impression that my ironic use of the hashtag was not obvious to some readers here.

Zacryon ,

They contribute sometimes by creating jobs, so they can get richer and fatter while still exploiting those who are taking those new jobs.

Zacryon ,

I'm not. Idk how you missed the harsh criticism in my comment.

Zacryon ,

If you slip, fall and hit your head and loose conciousness during that, in a way such that you are lying exactly on the border between two or three nations, to which hospital will you be brought? And how are insurances going to deal with this?

Zacryon ,

Getting banned for different views (assuming they were presented in a civilized manner) creates echo chambers. Surpressing other opinions will uniform thinking and perception. That enforces echo chambers.

Sure, Lemmy leans a lot more to the left due to it's user base. That doesn't necessarily mean it's an echo chamber as a whole. You can easily evade snowballing effects here by sorting your posts differently, e.g., scaled. There is no algorithm which tries to keep you on the platform by serving you stuff you like and hiding stuff you don't like. Thereby again, defying what's typical for echo chambers.

You can voice your views and opinions and sometimes surely get downvoted to hell for that. But as long as it doesn't break any "be nice" rules it's usually going to be still visible and seen by others. People might disagree, but you are not surpressed. Thereby again, not an echo chamber.

It becomes problematic though if specific instances or communities ban you for having a different (harmless and civilised expressed) opinion. That will indeed create echo chambers as only that is allowed which is similar to the common tone.
And admittedly, having a user base which is dominated by politically left leaning users, seems not to be helpful in terms of diverse political discussions (although I don't see how conservatives have ever been objectively or ethically right about something :p ), but from my experience this hasn't become a problem here, since even left folks love to shoot each other in the feet and have diverse and deep (often fruitful) discussions.

Zacryon ,

That may depend on the instance you're on and the communities others from your instance susbscribed to as well those you subscribed to.

Also, sorting matters a lot. If you go by popular post, i.e. hot or top, it's not surprising to see many rather left-leaning posts as it's the result of a majority of like-minded people. In that case you're absolutely right and make a good point. If you then change to scaled for example you may encounter more diverse posts. I saw a bunch of pro-NRA posts just yesterday by changing the sorting.

But that are the posts. In the comments that picture may become different. It's not as rare to me to encounter opposing views and sometimes clearly stuff which I wouldn't categorise as politically left.

Zacryon ,

I don't say that each and every single conservative is an evil asshole who wants to let certain groups of people suffer. But even if the individual reasons for voting conservatives seems innocent, it's not as innocent what such a party could ultimately do (or actually did in the past).

Even though his only motivation might have been that he saw his religion threatened, voting conservatives still shows a lack of critical thought in my opinion. What about the other goals the conservatives pursued back then and today? Voting them will give them the power to achieve those. Sure, maybe his religion will be protected that way. But what about all of the suffering the other goals will (or did) cause?

It's a decision to make of what's worse on the greater scale. Picking a party just because of one point on their agenda with which someone can identify, but ignoring the rest, seems like a short-sighted and potentially very harmful idea to me, which might – in the long run – even be detrimental to the one who voted for such a party.

It feels like voting for a party which will bring doom and damnation over the whole world, but at least you get to pet a puppy once a week.

Zacryon ,

So it's not a lack of critical thinking, but not being able to take the time to critically think about one's decision is not a lack of critical thinking?

I don't think it's responsible to vote for a party if one is not able to critically think about their choice. Then he maybe shouldn't have voted at all, if there was really no time to think a bit about it. And it really doesn't take that much. However, the limiting the available information is indeed a problem to form such critical thoughts. Still, making a choice despite knowing one is not able to form a well-informed opinion, is again a sign of a lack of critical thinking to me.

No, of course they don't want to. They just do.
My wording was a figure of speech of course, but still, in my experience and from what I can tell, conservative parties have been more detrimental to the progress and benefit of a society as a whole than being beneficial.

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