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Thief_of_Crows ,

Anything that suggests you believe the current state of the world is acceptable outs you as a lib. Saying things like "Yeah Biden's got some problems, but at least he didn't do a few of the things trump did." If you believe that things would have been fine were it not for trump, you're a lib. Or a moron, I cant always tell the difference.

Heres a great summary of liberalism: "If we put forward good policies into the politics machine, then other people will too, and because I have absolute faith in the system established by a bunch of slave owners, whatever comes out MUST be just and good." Which of course implies that if the result you want or need DOESNT come out of the politics machine, it is right and just that you should not get it.

Like, they fundamentally don't realize that the politics machine is capable of breaking, and that it has been broken for a LONG time (basically the moment it was asked to value the needs of someone who wasn't wealthy, white, and male.)

Thief_of_Crows ,

"I'm sorry sir, I thought this PS4 was bananas".

Thief_of_Crows ,

How many people celebrate Christmas, comparatively?

Thief_of_Crows ,

Presumably the Yacht had engine trouble and he and Crowe are on an island with Ginger, Maryanne, and the captain.

Thief_of_Crows ,

This would be a lot more meaningful if America didn't implicitly condone the actions when done by Israel or anybody on our side. As is, it simply looks hypocritical for Americans to criticize a war crime, while we take no issue with it elsewhere.

Where was the MSM calling this amove used by terrorists when Israel Triple Tapped an aid truck? It makes us look stupid at best and like outright liars at worst.

Thief_of_Crows ,

Democrats trying to hand the election to Republicans again, I think you mean. Or did Jill stein secretly trick Biden into supporting a genocide? Did Jill stein convince the DNC in 2016 that the data that showed Bernie would have won wasn't true or something?

Thief_of_Crows ,

Liberals aren't blue maga, and Jimmy Dore isnt a leftist. Not sure why you felt the need to identify that you're an idiot in your username, surely we all could have come to that conclusion ourselves after reading one comment by you, no?

Liberals aren't Blue MAGA because,for the most part, they hold their beliefs for reasons involving logic, and in their minds, if "The Right Information" came across their desk, they'd change their mind. Though in reality they are falling for propaganda only marginally less dumb than what trump supporters believe. It just that trump supporters believe all the liberal propaganda, AS WELL AS the utterly ridiculous shit too, such as QAnon.

That said, liberals ARE exactly as bad as MAGA when it comes to ignoring awful shit their candidate does in the name of winning. Both sides expect us to ignore that their candidate is actively horrible, because supposedly it was chosen to be this way democratically.

Thief_of_Crows ,

This is an incredibly toxic mindset. Without real proof of what you claim, you're just deciding that people's opinions don't count if they're far enough away from your own. People are becoming nihilistic because that's basically the best case scenario right now. It's obvious that voting for Democrats won't work to fix the big problems we have, and if you try to go around the Dems with a reasonable outsider like Sanders, they will literally just fall on their sword and ensure the nut job gets elected instead, while simultaneously blaming you for not falling in line hard enough for their horrible candidate.

Are the commenters you're referring to shills, or do they do a shitty job arguing their case? Both can't be broadly true.

Are the commenters quitting because they get yelled at, or are they shills who will keep writing that stuff until they stop getting paid? Again, both cannot be broadly true.

Thief_of_Crows ,

If a government prevents any somewhat good candidate from getting nominated, then it is not your fault if you don't vote for the bad candidates. It's theirs. It is a form of illegitimate government. It is not on the people to concede on the idea of getting an acceptable candidate, the only duty we the people have on that front is to overthrow a government which refuses to hold democratic elections.

Thief_of_Crows ,

Im a socialist and regularly say things similar to Democrat party. I use the term "lib" derogatorily, for one. Democrats have nothing to do with me and I oppose them, so why would I use their preferred language that implies they value democracy? In my experience, libs constantly use claims of shills as an excuse to ignore me, despite the fact that I'm very clearly not a shill. Whether or not I'm right or not, every time I voice opinions disagreeing with the majority liberal view, I get called a shill. Even times where I was wrong and they should have been able to have a better argument.

Thief_of_Crows ,

I picked it up from people who dislike the Democrats. You act like that's somehow nefarious. I would vote for Biden, except the rules regarding genocide explicitly prohibit good people from voting for genociders. Don't blame me, I didn't make the rules. The Democrats really did tie my hands and do it to themselves. They could have ran anybody else and won easily. Instead they're forcing a ton of good people on the left to vote against them.

I don't actually think Russia should have them, but I very much don't want America to be involved over there at all. We need to let nature take it's course, Ukraine isn't our responsibility to protect. If thateans Russia gets back some land it lost like 30 years ago, who cares? Honestly it'd be a net positive for the world if Russia got strong enough to be a real check on America. Ideally America wouldn't do shit like genocide Palestinians and we wouldn't need that, but, here we are.

Thief_of_Crows ,

Why would we want China to curb their green energy exports? Isn't that literally the whole point of trying to fight climate change, finding ways to use more green energy?

Thief_of_Crows ,

The requirement was never "Biden calls for a ceasefire". It was "Biden forces a ceasefire and stops selling weapons to a genocidal state." Also everyone who y'all call a Russian troll is just a leftist that you disagree with.

Thief_of_Crows ,

Irrelevant. We have the biggest military in the world, and with great power comes great responsibility. We should have bombed their capitol and assassinated Netanyahu months ago. Biden is complicit in genocide.

Thief_of_Crows ,

That's incredibly speculative. What reason do you have to think Trump cares HOW the conflict ends? When has trump ever cared about anyone besides himself?

Thief_of_Crows ,

Why are you in favor of genocide rather than regime change? You act like it isn't MORE violent to let Netanyahu remain in power.

Thief_of_Crows ,

True, my answer was simply the most obvious one, there are certainly better ways to depose Netenyahu and israels genocide. But if Biden wants an easy answer, its to just fucking kill him and force israel to end their genocide.

Thief_of_Crows ,

I suggest just not saying anything about it ever, and just tell the US govt you're not a citizen at all if they ask.

Thief_of_Crows ,

America doesn't have a left party, what are you talking about? Do you think Bernie won the presidency or something?

Thief_of_Crows ,

Comparing Putin to Hitler is absurd. Get better comparisons. Not every war is a threat to global peace, and acting like it is minimalizes the things that actually are. Just because you dislike that he's trying to take a small sliver of Ukraine which voted to secede from Ukraine, doesn't make him after global domination.

Thief_of_Crows ,

You can say what you like about my views, but I do believe them. Y'all are way too quick to deflecting. Why do you need to reflect if I'm so obviously wrong?

Thief_of_Crows ,

Typical lib, deflecting all criticism with accusations of trolling. Or better, call me a Russian agent, that'll prove you're right.

Thief_of_Crows ,

That's not what he's fighting a war over. Has he taken any land that wasn't part of the initial declaration? I see zero reason to think that what he has said and which he is currently doing are lies.

Thief_of_Crows ,

That does t make any sense, Russians are historically the most anti Nazi country.

Thief_of_Crows ,

Exhibited by the fact that they fucking murdered almost all of them. Meanwhile America was handing them money left and right.

Thief_of_Crows ,

That can't be true, you sure seemed to be on a debate stage when you were looking for any reason at all to dismiss me entirely.

Thief_of_Crows ,

It's anti Nazi to murder Nazis. Russia did that the most, and this they are the most anti Nazi country. Are you trying to read it as that stupid "antifa are fascists" BS that used to get spewed by morons?

Thief_of_Crows ,

Those people were wrong, but I'm right. Most people who say what I did are right. You're leaving out the many, many times in history a country did not try to take over the world after winning a war.

Thief_of_Crows ,

Comparing it to a flat earth theory is ridiculous, it is entirely possible that the popular opinion, especially among Americans, is wrong. American media has historically been quite unreliable about foreign affairs, often intentionally.

Thief_of_Crows ,

You're saying that a primarily American community, centered around a podcast run by 3-4 Americans, is Russian propaganda? C'mon bro, listen to yourself.

Thief_of_Crows ,

You're going to accuse ME of bad faith bullshit and then try to tell me a fake version of history? Russia was literally at war with Germany before America was. And no, they're not committing genocide, or any of that shit. I highly suggest you get your news from places less biased than USA, historically they have produced a fuck ton of fake news, especially about Russia.

Thief_of_Crows ,

Oh man I hope so, America needs to stop screwing around in other people's business. The only Americans who benefit from wars are those who sell the bombs. If Putin decides he's gonna be a real problem, fight him then. Otherwise we are just lighting all our money on fire (literally) for no gain.

Thief_of_Crows ,

Oh, well if they got downvotes... Of course we can tell he's a bad person, he disagreed with the hive mind. And we can tell that he was wrong in all those instances because he got downvoted.

Best to just fully disengage from anybody who disagrees with the hive mind, to be safe.

Edit: InB4 this person writes exactly the same thing about me. Hey, why don't we just ban anyone who has negative karma and just be done with it?

Thief_of_Crows ,

He might do that. But we all know that trump saying something has a very low correlation with him actually doing it. He ended the war in Afghanistan, a war which Biden spent 8 years overseeing and not ending. And I don't think trump can personally gain from the genocide continuing, so I don't see a reason he wouldn't end this too. Trump has a history of peace, his rhetoric isn't as bad as Bidens, what he actually says he will do isn't as bad as what Biden says he will do, AND... he isn't currently the guy doing it. I pretty much only care about this issue at this point, and I just don't see trump actually being worse than Biden on it. Biden's handlers care about maintaining the military industrial complex. Trump's handlers care about scamming the government $1 million at a time. If the end result is Trump steals a billion dollars and attempts a coup again, that is a fantastic outcome for us.

Thief_of_Crows ,

Explain why it is disinformation to tell people true facts, if you don't mind.

Thief_of_Crows ,

Reading anything trump says and acting like it should make sense is dishonest. He talks like a person (a very, very weird person), not a machine focused only on sound bites, and as a result you get that nonsense. You and I talk the same way to an extent, we just don't have a microphone on us 24/7.

Thief_of_Crows ,

Afaik, Biden could not possibly have gotten out of Afghanistan in 2-3 months without actual moves that were made by the trump admin.

Idk how the drone strike issue lines up, but I mean, at least the ones trump did hit military personnel. Obama went after all of: an American citizen, a wedding, and a hospital. Trump could certainly be worse than Obama on that though.

It's not like I want to vote for trump. I'm just obviously going to pick the doofus con artist over the guy currently committing a genocide. I would vote for trump over Hitler, Stalin, and Pol Pot too, to be clear. Yeah, trump might just keep doing it. But he also might not. And we know Joe ain't gonna do shit to end it.

Thief_of_Crows ,

Do you actually think I'm a Russian agent? You sound actually serious, are you actually not just deflecting when your beliefs are challenged? Haven't I written like 10-20 paragraphs to you explaining exactly what my reasoning is? Why would a Russian agent ever do that? Is it worth Russias money to have an agent write 10-20 paragraphs to one single person who clearly can't have their mind changed? They would have been hitting you with endless logical fallacies and gone the "just asking questions" route. And even moreso, they wouldn't have wasted as much time writing as I did.

People on this site call me a Russian agent constantly, it is beyond absurd. I swear to God, Russia got so much more mileage out of idiot libs they don't even pay calling others shills, than they ever did out of anybody they actually paid to do it. They probably paid like 10 guys for a week 4 years ago, and then just let you guys run with it to make them appear to be everywhere. Now some other dumbass is going to see your comment calling a guy who's never even left North America a shill, and he will be convinced that I actually was, so then when he sees someone else making literally any argument he disagrees with, he thinks it's actually reasonable to think every socialist is a shill.

What I'm saying is, you're literally the one falling for russian disinformation here, and it is both hilariously ironic, and deeply troubling. Like, you saw another lib call a socialist a Russian agent, so now you believe they actually exist, and thus this other socialist, me, is clearly also a Russian agent. It's just turtles all the way down.

Please start questioning your beliefs more, liberalism is literally the stupidest possible belief system when you actually stop to think about it. The whole thing relies on an insane assumption that the status quo is as good as things will ever be. And also that infinite growth using finite resources is actually possible.

Thief_of_Crows ,

Oh okay, so you are just delusional like all the rest of them. Damn. I was hoping you might actually be able to explain why so many people fell for this moronic hoax. Btw, if you gave one single shit about backing up your outlandish claim, you'd already know I'm not Russian. Consider that there is literally nothing any random socialist will ever be able to do to convince you we are Americans. And you are actually just breaking out the deflection even still.

Ohh. Are YOU actually a Russian agent? That would kind of explain a lot. You are actually, for sure. I can tell by how stupid you seem to be.

Thief_of_Crows ,

I want to know why seemingly every lib is suffering from the same delusion. Though I guess the deflecting implies the rest of it was all deflection too? Like, it's such an absurd thing to believe, surely it's not an easy story to tell yourself about pretty much every socialist.

Thief_of_Crows ,

It was weird, because some weirdo on the internet called me a Russian agent for no reason apparently, and then decided to change the subject entirely

Thief_of_Crows ,

Shut the fuck up, pussy. Nothing worse than a coward who can't even defend their beliefs.

Thief_of_Crows ,

Have you noticed that a lot of people aren't so keen on this trump fella? I'm pretty sure I could beat trump if the DNC got behind me, and I'm not even 35. The only guy who can't beat him is the one currently doing a genocide and also overseeing a tanking economy from the working class perspective. It is MARCH. if we had a sane country, the start of the election would still be at least 2 months out. It's definitely not too late, especially with how polls are looking. 100K Uncommitted Democrats in Michigan, a state Biden only won by 10K statewide. This election and the plans moving forward are too important to leave with a guy who is deeply unpopular, losing cognitive function by the day, and is at best 50/50 to even survive his term. Oh yeah and that guy is also committing a genocide.

I'm a socialist, and I plan to vote for trump, solely over the genocide. But even if you think Biden is less bad than trump, we cannot afford to have someone as awful as the lesser of those evils. Like, if the election is Biden Trump, we have already lost, which side wins is almost irrelevant. The urgent problem is not that Trump might win, it's that even if he doesn't, the winner is still deeply unqualified to be president. I mean fuck, let's just nominate Obama. If trump can run then Obama can. And I think obama was an awful president. But at least he is popular, knows where he is the entire time he's awake, and isn't going to die before 2028.

People think that democracy will die by court rulings, trump getting away with a coup, etc. But it won't. Democracy will die when 70+% of the country or so says "that's not my president, and he isn't my neighbor's president, so why would I listen to his government?"

Thief_of_Crows ,

Well, trump is a lot worse, but he hasn't committed a genocide. So that makes it pretty close but in Trump's favor. Why would trump increase aid to Israel? He doesn't stand to make any money off it. We know how trump operates. He just wants to make money and have people talk about him. He is probably the most predictable president in living memory. The reason I think he'd pull back on aid to Israel is that he got us out of Afghanistan, and was the first president in 50 years not to start a new war. Dating back to 1945, it's only him, Carter, and Ford. We obviously can't rely on his words, but actions speak louder anyway. So, why do I think it? It's what he did last time. To be fair though, he will most likely try another coup.

Thief_of_Crows ,

He supports Israel less fervently than Biden, who until a week ago was giving them "full throated support". The trump quote doesn't imply Israel needs to finish the job with our bombs. In fact, I would tend to key in on the word "finish". I think he wants to end it. I mean, consider how little we have all been talking about him comparatively ever since 10/7. He might just end the war so we all go back to talking about him 24/7. It's literally Trump's least favorite thing in the world: something not about him which he cannot profit off of. I'm not saying he's gonna suddenly do the right thing and just assassinate every Israeli politician and general, but I think Gaza will be in less danger if trump is president and the war hawks in DC don't get everything they ask for.

A coup isn't as bad as genocide. We survived the first one after all.

Thief_of_Crows ,

Is this a reference to america's actual foreign policy with a specific country, or just all of them?

Thief_of_Crows ,

When I was young I thought I was too old to watch cartoons for kids. I didnt become an avatar fan til i was an adult.

Thief_of_Crows ,

What kind of fucked up parents stay in the room for that?

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