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Thief_of_Crows ,

It's like a cone of shame but for when you have Aural sex and get hearing AIDS

Thief_of_Crows , (edited )

Same idea as Chelsea Clinton speaking at 2016 DNC. Not to mention the 3 prior times a presidents son has been elected president...

Edit: One, the second Harrison, was actually the presidents grandson, not son. Also FDR was a presidents brother.

Thief_of_Crows ,

Nvm, I guess they're fifth cousins, wild. I meant teddy Roosevelt.

Though Eleanor was Teddy's niece. So apparently the first lady was more closely related than the president, lol

Thief_of_Crows ,

I recently saw a poll of current 18 year olds that showed the women are very democrat leaning, while the men are very right leaning, though not as extreme as the female lean was. Young people are leaning left more than ever, but primarily due to the women

Thief_of_Crows ,

Nobody wants to see 2 old men ramble incoherently at each other. Right now trump is the more cognitively capable of the 2, unfortunately. Though it's certainly close.

Thief_of_Crows ,

Compare his speaking now to the 2020 debates. Very clearly worse, this isn't the same thing.

Thief_of_Crows ,

Very clever, nobody ever called me a Russian bot before.

Thief_of_Crows ,

Bro I'm a leftist and I'm voting for Trump this time. If you want to win, don't run a genocider. Myself and other leftists have a few very hard and fast rules, and genocide is one of them. Id rather have J6 #2 than trail of tears #2

Thief_of_Crows ,

Okay but we all know we can't believe anything trump says, especially anything he only says once. He didn't even build the wall last time, and he said that thousands of times. What he did do is get us out of Afghanistan. So yes, he MIGHT keep doing the genocide, but Biden definitely will. Trump is the only president in 50 years (maybe 100 or 150?) to not start a new war. So if we're going off what he each man actually DID, trump is the obvious choice, because he didn't do a genocide and did end a war.

Thief_of_Crows ,

If every liberal on the internet calls me a Russian agent when I am not, you think that speaks poorly of me, and not the liberal ideology as a whole? Interesting. Like, when I get that comment, I immediately dismiss the speaker as unintelligent and incurious, because they instantly jump to trying to put me in a box they can ignore, rather than interrogate their own beliefs. Correct beliefs do not need to be shielded from interrogation, they will actually be strengthened by interrogation. In my ideal world, every single person fully understands socialism, because then most people would agree with it and make it happen.

Calling me a Russian agent is very much shielding oneself from my beliefs. If people actually believed that I was a Russian agent, they'd have to believe that all leftists are. But they don't actually believe that, liberals just need to dismiss all leftists as being right wing trolls, because otherwise we would challenge their ideology too drastically for them to keep holding onto it. And there's nothing liberals cling to more desperately than the status quo being acceptable, because liberals fundamentally do not want to change the status quo. So as a result, every single leftist must be dismissed as an individual bad actor, totally disconnected from a larger ideology beyond their desire to destroy democracy.

I understand why y'all do it, but I beg of you, please stop doing it and simply interrogate your own beliefs instead.

Thief_of_Crows ,

Okay, so nominate a guy who isn't genocidal. Leftists arent going to vote for a genocider, so give us somebody we can vote for. If I knew for a fact Trump would overturn roe v wade, and also attempt another coup, id still vote for him, because he didn't do a genocide. Like I've said, I'll take J6 part 2 over trail of tears part 2 every time.

We are NOT asking that much. Literally all we want is a guy who hasn't already committed a genocide. If y'all can't give that to us, it is not OUR fault when roe v wade gets overturned, it's yours. You didn't give us a choice in the matter. Waving off genocide warning signs is exactly how Germany got Hitler, and if the American voter does NOTHING else, the least we can possibly do for the world is not have a second Holocaust.

I don't care how it happens, but I think I speak for all true leftists when I say we will never vote for a genocider, period. I agree with you that trump is awful, but the Democrats have made him the only valid choice, and so I will be voting for the only candidate that good people are allowed to vote for. If Dems actually want to defeat Trump, they'll put up someone else. Personally I don't actually think they give a shit, cause the spice must flow.

I'm not even saying they have to oppose the genocide. Just stop funding it. Stop making me directly complicit.

We all said never again, and some of us meant it.

Thief_of_Crows ,

I don't spread disinformation, I spread information. It just tends to be information that conflicts with the official US propaganda, given how much the US media lies. Who is benefitting from the truth being spread should be completely irrelevant, we spread it because it's true, not because it makes us look good. If y'all want me to spread more favorable information to America, maybe America should start making the truth be more favorable to them.

American liberals call me a Russian agent purely because I spread the truth, and they don't like the truths I speak. Let that sink in. I'm telling y'all the emperor has no clothes, and y'all call me an agent of the emperor's enemies.

For instance, you ever heard of unit 731 in Japan? Atrocities on par with the Holocaust done to unsuspecting Chinese civilians, and America gave the perpetrators immunity in their version of Nuremberg in order to obtain their biochem research and keep it out of the soviet's hands.

Is this Russian disinformation? I mean it sure makes America look bad, so it must be, right? But it's also literally true.

Thief_of_Crows ,

Okay genocider.

Thief_of_Crows ,

No wait, you have to call me a Russian troll first, or else you haven't finished deflecting an argument you've already lost. Do you even know the first thing about being a lib online?

Thief_of_Crows ,

No, I said all TRUE leftists. No true leftist would vote for a genocider, and that's not debatable. I think Lenin actually said as much in his book on imperialism, where he outlines how capital is going to react to WW2 40 years ahead of time (he explains that they will flock to the fascists due to their shared interests)

You're clearly just a typical lib that doesn't understand politics. Read some news that isn't fake or STFU.

Thief_of_Crows ,

Right, because you're deflecting. But you haven't finished deflecting yet.

Thief_of_Crows ,

By not voting for genocide, I will cause genocide. Incredible logic.

There are plenty of true leftists, we are bigger than you seem to think. We just don't include people who are genocide apologists. You can't vote for genociders and be a leftist. It's really not a high bar.

Thief_of_Crows ,

Not this incumbent, I suggest you read some polls. Biden is probably the only person besides Hillary Clinton that could lose to trump in 2024.

Thief_of_Crows ,

This is obviously an insane thing to claim, but even if it were to come true, that would mean it's entirely your fault for not turning on genocide Joe months ago. Trying to push a genocider on America is both very foolish and deeply evil. America is a lot of things, but at least so far, we still hate genocide. You would have voted for Hitler. That is a fact, not an opinion.

Thief_of_Crows ,

Yeah, Cornel West could easily win if the DNC got behind him. Probably Sanders too. Did you mean Ben Shapiro? What?

Thief_of_Crows ,

Explain why you would have voted against the fascist genocider, even though you are currently pushing a fascist genocider. Cause let's be clear: there is nothing more fascist than literally committing a genocide. All your claims of trump being a fascist are irrelevant when the other guy is literally already being a fascist.

Thief_of_Crows ,

Just because west isn't polling there now doesn't mean he couldn't be. Trump is unpopular enough that literally any random person on the internet could beat him if they were made the dem nominee. If Dems want to win this election, they have to cut Biden out. He's going to lose, because of the genocide. I don't doubt that Shapiro could also win, as long as the DNC gets behind him.

Thief_of_Crows ,

Still not seeing why America is supposed to give a crap about a war on the other side of the globe. We are still responsible for the deaths of millions if we give Ukraine all the weapons they desire.

Thief_of_Crows ,

Damn, good thing America has all 10 of the worlds largest militaries then. Very much not concerned with that.

Thief_of_Crows ,

The weapons we give Ukraine are going to be used to kill millions of Russians

Thief_of_Crows ,

Why should I, an American, care that they need aid? Those $160 billion could have been spent on healthcare for our people. We have our own problems to deal with, wars in the eastern hemisphere are not our problem.

Thief_of_Crows ,

Okay but why should I care if Russia takes a small portion of Ukraine? Y'all got relatives in sevastopol or something? Let them take it, we need to fix our own problems, like healthcare that nobody can afford.

Thief_of_Crows ,

Genocide is awful. If Russia were doing that in Ukraine, I'd be all for a war over it. This is a war over a couple ports Russia wants. Completely irrelevant to america, and not our problem.

Thief_of_Crows ,

Why would it be millions of one side but not the other?

Thief_of_Crows ,

LMAO, because I don't want America to get in a war with Russia that is not remotely relevant to us? Y'all are brainwashed as fuck if you think Russia is the only evil country in the world.

Thief_of_Crows ,

That just sounds like typical late stage capitalism, lol. But I have nothing against defense spending. America has very little defense spending though. The thing we call "defense" is very obviously 90% offense. America should spend our money helping our own people, not screwing around in wars half way around the world.

Thief_of_Crows ,

So they aren't solving them then? Why do we have to pay for their missiles? We can't afford to fight their war for them.

Thief_of_Crows ,

Yes, I too can tell by what I write that I disagree with America on a lot. Good observation.

Maybe since you don't know anything about me you should just take me at my word that I hold the extremely common belief I am claiming to.

The fact you talk about fixing America's problems as a stick to hit people with shows that you hate america. You want us to be in forever wars and keep getting drained by billionaires

Thief_of_Crows ,

Please, tell me more about how acknowledging the fact that Americans can't afford healthcare is a conservative dog whistle. LMAO.

There are options between full isolation, and the current state of America which is to jump at any chance we find to sell people missiles. Even better if those missiles are being aimed at brown people.

America needs to stay out of other people's affairs. The UN exists for a reason. If the UN (along with the country itself) formally requests military aid somewhere, then we should go. Otherwise there shouldn't be a single base or soldier not on American soil.

Thief_of_Crows ,

Old stock? We've spent $75 billion on Ukraine. Does hurting Russia actually help us $75 billion worth? Hardly. Sure, it'd be great if Ukraine won, but that money could rebuild the crumbling infrastructure, give us M4A, or a million other things that are actually impacting Americans.

Thief_of_Crows ,

You said we need the grain there. We will still be able to get the grain that's there. How's that appeasement?

Thief_of_Crows ,

No, they are not. Israel is though. These things have definitions for a reason. If Europe and Russia want to have a war, they can go right ahead. America needs to stay out of it though. Fuck their wars. I would happily dodge a draft, as would most people I know. America needs to learn to make money by building things, instead of by blowing them up. No war with Russia, no war with China, ever. If Congress wants a war, it better be drafting every single child of a congressman first. Otherwise Americans are not going to show up.

Thief_of_Crows ,

Do you think civilians would die if Ukraine surrendered? Based on what evidence?

Thief_of_Crows ,

Sure thing, just bring several million men to my house.

Thief_of_Crows ,

Do you think Hamas started the violence? Because, no that's not remotely close to true.

Thief_of_Crows ,

What happens is the other 90% of Ukraine will be fine, and Crimea will be Russian.

Thief_of_Crows ,

Let the UN stop them then. America can't afford to be the world police.

Thief_of_Crows ,

I'm pretty obviously not a bot, this is next level cope.

Thief_of_Crows ,

It's important as context for understanding why one is a genocide and the other isn't

Thief_of_Crows ,

Yes. Why would anyone think otherwise based on logic?

Thief_of_Crows ,

I'm sure he doesn't believe it, but he has to act as if he believes it. This is part of that act.

Thief_of_Crows ,

Because nobody in Gaza is naive enough to believe Israel would actually do as they say. Israel has been steadily taking their land for decades, it's already over half gone. 2050 is an optimistic guess.

Thief_of_Crows ,

Hamas not starting it earlier? Gaza wasn't capable of it prior to 10/7. 10/7 happened because Israel got complacent and assumed the "animals" they were caging weren't intelligent at all. Israel assumed they had all given up.

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