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Yeah, no. Fuck everything else. If SAVE sinks, I don’t vote Dem. My life is over if SAVE is reverted.

Get the fucking message, Biden? Time to fight back. You wanted me to hold my nose through Palestine. Fine.

But this? This is my red line.


Dim light on for long time but not plugged in

Literally that’s the appeal LOL, the enthusiast flashlight world is wild (speaking as one of them)


The liberal urge to donate to people who are literally and unapologetically trying to fucking shoot you


Considering the US literally couped Australia when their prime minister refused to give unconditional support for a spy base, this is small fry!

p.s. that military base in Australia now exists, the US has full autonomous control of it, stations soldiers there, and the antennae currently guiding the Israeli missiles leveling Gaza


It’s a bit psychopathic but if you know you need electrolytes, can’t really beat a little salt in some water

Best part is it’s nearly free!


Even with the US pouring every gram of the value generated by its citizens labor into violence and global oppression of socialism

Even with the USSR spending all its money on its own citizens quality of life instead of enriching the bourgeois

The Americans still lost 19/20 space race milestones and called themselves the winner

If Reagan won 20 years earlier and torched American industry, science, and labor a little sooner we might have been posting this from the Jupiter orbital colony.


My favorite part of this debacle are the liberals and conservatives uniting (funny how often they’re doing that these days) to mourn the great senseless smearing of this priceless historical artifact.

The historical artifact that has been completely refurbished, rebuilt, re-assembled with heavy equipment, and literally cast into modern concrete foundations multiple times since the 1960s.

In fact the veracity of the historical thesis is in doubt these days as well, it’s more likely some eccentric ass put these up in relatively modern times a few hundred years ago.

Their efforts are futile and disruptive, yes. So is the fucking climate change that is literally guaranteed to collapse modern civilization within 50 years.


The cruelest part of late stage capitalism is that these immigrants would probably have enjoyed a better life back home.

Sure many are refugees escaping violence or truly desperate conditions.

But many are also normal-ass people that were sold the lie of the Western/American dream. People that struggle to learn English in adulthood (much harder than as a child), have no specialized degree or skill, and no family in the states.

People that could have joined the normal working class at home with less debt, less stress, and less discrimination and led mostly normal lives in their own culture.

Sure the Western consumer has nice electronics and Nike shoes, etc. But everyone seems to be in denial about the impending collapse of the entire economy and how dire the lives of the workers are right now.

It’s going to be a rough century and it’s only getting started.


Frankly I’m surprised they haven’t already. Colliders absolutely shit out discoveries whenever you open a new more powerful ring. Happened with Fermilab and the LHC.


Imagine being this deranged

No, seriously, imagine it yall. Having no grip on what is or is not true, genuinely believing vaccines destroy health, it’s fucking mental.

Imagine that being your reality, every day you wake up. Completely unable to filter lies from fact. Incredible.

I hope the suffering doesn’t last too long.


Mate I’m genuinely not trying to be an ass with this but does your plan specifically include mobile hotspot usage?

T-Mobile has dozens and dozens of different plans from the last decade alone, it’s quite possible your plan has zero hotspot data. Especially as you mention it’s an older grandfathered plan.


I bet you don’t even know what Reagan did to the homegrown American science community that led to this situation lmao.

American exceptionalism at its finest, just shoot yourself in the aorta and stand at the top of the podium claiming you’re the best and if anyone beats you, they cheated.


I missed the part where Dems are somehow simultaneously the weak opposition party 100% of the time, and when they do have all three branches in control, there’s always somehow one Democrat that they can’t whip a vote from and tanks the whole bill.

Why. Won’t. They. Fight. Back. Against. The. Republicans.

Biden says the next president may get to name two Supreme Court justices ( )

LOS ANGELES – President Biden on Saturday night said he expects the winner of this year’s presidential election will likely have the chance to fill two vacancies on the Supreme Court – a decision he warned would be “one of the scariest parts” if his Republican opponent, former President Donald Trump, is successful in...


Seriously, how are people not seeing this??? We have liberal justices pushing 70, who refused to resign before the “most important election of our lifetimes”.

We have fascists having their old ones resign for young bootlickers while Dems are about to repeat RBG twice.

Oh let me guess, waah the dems didn’t have a majority, how could we expect them to utilize the weapons of politics, waah.

Oh except those times we did have a majority but it doesn’t count because here’s always one spoiler vote that can’t be whipped. Guess we just have to keep watching the slide into fascism as Dems claim to be the great protector of democracy no matter who wins.

And yet some people have the audacity to call it a BotH SiDeS argument.

You know what we called people like these Democrat leaders in times of strife?


And yes, I am am voting blue. So fucking tell me, blue MAGA, what are the dems going to do to stop the slide into fascism?


Because even the food safe plastics are proven to leach microplastics and volatile compounds into your water?


Prosecutors, district attorneys, and judges all have a very close relationship with cops. Cops are what physically keep the bodies coming into the prison industrial complex and the rest of the system has political and monetary incentives to keep the treadmill going.

This is why leftists lump them together when saying “ACAB”. The purpose of a system is what it does, and this is impossible to do without the cooperation of those three parties.

This is why you don’t talk to a cop. By initiating a conversation with you, they have already begun acting in bad faith.

It doesn’t matter what lies they legally spew at you, how friendly they act, etc. If a cop talks to you, they are trying to nail you to a cross.

Canadian warship sharing an anchorage with Russian vessels in Cuba ( )

The Royal Canadian Navy now finds itself in the unusual position of both shadowing Russian warships as a threat in the Caribbean and sharing an anchorage with them as a guest in the port of Havana — because Canada accepted an invitation to send a patrol ship to Cuba while the Russian navy is in town....


The funniest part is Cubans have better medical care than the American working class, including completely novel vaccines that have existed for decades that America doesn’t let its citizens have lmao

Question about collective ownership

Suppose I have studied for years to become a pastry chef. I set up my own bakery, investing my time, energy, and labour into procuring equipment and building up a reputation as a delicious place to eat. I run the entire operation myself as the sole worker. Eventually, after years of turmoil, word of my exceptional pastries...


Maybe I am missing something - you need their labor to produce value, yet you think they don’t deserve even a small stake in the success of the business?

Is this not exploitation? Why do you assume they just get to take 50% of your business for being hired?

It sounds like you are concocting a scenario which assumes an idealized socialist/communist society and then projecting your own capitalistic desires onto it.

Isn’t that a little incongruent?


A spaceship, 15,000 years from now:

“This civilization confuses me. Even with their primitive compute engines, they could easily have simulated their own society to identify the glaring flaws preventing the advance of their civilization. It would have been trivial to jump multiple decimals in civilization type.”

“They did see the flaws. The model collapsed in every single simulation on record.”

“Then why did they continue living like this?”

“Who knows. They’re long gone now.”


Oh so now y’all care about standing? Like the case they took about hypothetical damages to a company, that stated they have no interest in pursuing charges, brought to court by an unrelated third party?

What a pathetic attempt to save face. They know it’s already illegal in their territory and blue states would never play ball anyway.

It is genuinely hilarious to see these demons use the tired old propaganda. I would say it doesn’t work anymore, but…


I find it interesting how many self identified leftists are cheering and welcoming a racist and corrupt cop as president of the United States.

Like, this isn’t even about the whole “anyone but trump” or “vote 3rd party” war.

The crowd claiming to be the left are just straight up cheering for cops.

Fascinating how I see the left continually blamed for not meeting Dems in the middle with that 1930s Germany copypasta and yet it’s only one of them constantly shifting right.

Since apparently a rabid mob comes up every time someone touches this topic, yes I understand what’s at stake and will be voting accordingly.

I’m sure all these self proclaimed leftists will be there to advocate for the local socialist parties after we secure the presidency right? …right?


I have some reservations (need to research her more) as she was relatively progressive in an American context it seems.

If anyone has more starting points for my research, I am absolutely open.

However, for the moment she’s a “NO” from me. Even at the most forgiving judgements, it seems she sent away a whole bunch of poor people and did nothing about the system that is driving them to crime.

Ah also her weird racism, nepotism, and stances on LGBT issues. Who refers to art in their home by the ethnicity of the artist???


And that’s a fair assessment as well. It is a scapegoat to say those folks don’t support other leftist policies.

However I must disagree that my conclusion was wild.

My train of thought is, people say they support making peoples lives better and implementing policies proven to work and be more cost effective.

When it comes time to ‘nut up’ and do it, their chosen representatives roll over and compromise and refuse to use the same governing tools used against them to stop the rise of fascism.

Republicans famously grind the country to a halt with a minority. It’s their whole shtick, and yet they sail through these fascist policies nationwide with no fighting back from the Feds.

Is it truly that like minded when the purpose of a system is what it does, and my fellow patriots choose the continued decline of society driven by capitalism?

This, I believe, is the source of this leftist’s anger. Open denial of genocide by party leaders, while capital interests make life shittier literally every day, and no way out between “shit choice” and “literal fascist”.


No word on the good he’s done so far (yes there is bad but the good exists too), no word on trying to stop Trump, just straight up threatening your voter base.

I’m sure glad the DNC and their PACs have learned their lesson from 2016.


The purpose of a system is what it does, and literally all I see from that user is shitting on leftists manically posting multi-paragraph arguments full of fallacies and half-truths every few minutes for literal hours every day. Oh, and maybe one “anti trump” post with 0 engagement.

Yknow, just what we emphatically agreed to ban that ozma poster for the other day except somehow it’s different this time.

Easy filter choice for me. Curate your internet folks!

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