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MyNamesNotRobert , (edited )

I had a "good" job at one point. I didn't put money into a 401k because I knew I wouldn't be employed there forever.

Let's say you're 25 and you put 6% of $50k/yr into a 401k and then get fired 4 years later but then the best job you can find afterwards pays only a bit more than half of what you were making. You don't get that back that until you're 65 or whatever. That would have been $12k that's just gone. I want to actually live to be 65. I needed that money. I'm glad I didn't do that.

I might not have a retirement but at least I've (so far) never been homeless or had to live in my car.

MyNamesNotRobert , (edited )

It'll happen some day. There will eventually be "Illegal" wireless transmitting devices that do things such as transmit data over disallowed frequencies, break the token rate speed limit imposed by the fcc (fuck 56k) and illegally use encryption (using data encryption on amateur radio is illegal). When they do start becoming a thing, they'll be able to transmit data maybe a few miles at up to a megabyte per second (not 1 megabit), or for dozens of miles at a few kilobytes per second. Depending on whether the designers wanted to prioritize speed or distance.

The technology exists to make such wireless transceivers using off the shelf parts available to normal people, there's just no reason for them to exist. Yet.

My mom uses Linux, btw

I installed Debian + KDE on my mom’s laptop. She hasn’t had a complaint since. How tech-savvy is she, you ask? I’m sitting with her right now, so out of politeness she put on headphones to watch her favorite soap opera. Mind you, the headphones weren’t plugged into the laptop. She was sitting there, headphones on her...

MyNamesNotRobert ,

Cinnamon is the only other desktop environment that I can really use besides KDE. To me they're equal in quality. Cinnamon does some things better than KDE, KDE does some things better than Cinnamon. It varies based on how each one is configured in your distro's repository more than anything. KDE on Arch is top notch. Cinnamon on Arch is hot garbage. Cinnamon on Ubuntu is usually really good, KDE on Ubuntu was barely usable last time I tried it.

If you know a lot about desktop environments you could fix either one yourself but I only use them based on which one works better after I download it and configure basic settings.

MyNamesNotRobert ,

I hope she at least died immediately, that sounds like a terrible way to go.

YSK there is a condition that makes your armpits smell worse called trichobacteriosis that is common and easy to treat

I was talking about hygiene with my partner who is a nurse and they were telling me that a lot of people remark that their armpits are smelling worse than normal and they are using more and more deodorant and people just think it is normal....

MyNamesNotRobert ,

Huh, I'm going to try shaving my armpits. I'm a smelly guy and I seem to need to use a lot of deodorant to keep it under control.

MyNamesNotRobert ,

Surprised to not see computer tech majors on here. I have a degree in IT and have to compete with people more experienced than me for jobs that pay a dollar or two an hour more than retail jobs. I'm going for a degree in computer engineering now but I'm starting to doubt if this is a good path.

MyNamesNotRobert ,

If that happens it'll just be a half assed January 6th thing again. If there was a "real" civil war, both sides of the political divide would be fighing each other more than the actual current government. It would probably just devolve into terrorists blowing each other up all the time in more of a gang warfare type thing.

MyNamesNotRobert , (edited )

Nothing brings conservatives to the polls harder than there being important ballot measures to quash. Marijuana and abortion are both on the ballot. Every single conservative in Florida is going to make sure to show up for this one.

They still failed to defeat the marijuana and the abortion ballot measure in Ohio so hopefully that will happen again in Florida.

MyNamesNotRobert ,

Fuck reddit. I always read through the posts on here, I just don't comment if I have nothing to add.

MyNamesNotRobert ,

I liked it when people were posting ai pictures of Jesus stealing ipads and shoplifting and stuff.

MyNamesNotRobert ,

I'm going to try this with some dirt and see if I can identify what the dirt is made of that easily or not.

MyNamesNotRobert ,

I try to avoid setting up an appointment for next year because I don't know what my financial situation a year from then will be like. I've been skipping doctors appointments for years and nothing bad has happened, there exist places that will sell you glasses if you know the lense measurements but there doesn't seem to be much you can do about teeth. Brown stuff eventually grows no matter what. Flossing and brushing twice a day can keep my teeth good for maybe 3 years but I have a permanent retainer on my lower 4 front teeth that is hard to clean. I'm going to have to see about getting that thing removed.

MyNamesNotRobert , (edited )

Is jellyfin good? Several years ago I wrote a very basic php search system and then made another php script to generate a clickable list of every video file in a directory. These 2 put together makes a better than nothing media server that I can use with confidence knowing it's probably really secure and not sending any data to anyone on the internet.

My setups lan transfer speed is slow all the time for reasons beyond my understanding so I have to find a way to fix that first before I can think about changing my media server software anyway. My 1mb/s download/1.2mb/s upload speed on my server and 4-7mb/s for each other pc is good enough to watch some stuff but it really sucks that after overhead and performance losses, that's all that's left of my 400mbits/sec wifi connection. I barely even use it and don't have any non Linux pcs on my network so it's not like it's slow due to actual traffic. Router and wifi card manufacturers are scamming us all. Divide any advertizered wireless network speed by 64 and that's the maximum you can expect in my experience.

MyNamesNotRobert ,

I am trying to use wifi for "everything". I know it's bad but there is no honest to goodness way I can get ethernet to anything except the router and modem. It's complicated. Even a 60hz ac to ethernet wall plug transceiver has to go through enough breakers and stuff it's not worth trying.

I forgot which exact router I have but it's basically the highest end Cisco home router that works with dd wrt. It usually costs $300 on amazon. My internet connection is dsl but I'm not trying to get higher internet speeds, just higher lan speeds.

If my low effort network setup only yields me a maximum of 7mbytes/sec I'm fine with it I just want to be able to get more than 1 meg per second on the one system that needs it the most.

MyNamesNotRobert ,

There's no reason any military needs more than a 10 round icbm mag

MyNamesNotRobert , (edited )

I just be as cheap as possible about everything and use my various DIY skills to save money even more where I can. I've never had a single streaming service, I grow some of my own food, I only use open source software and I avoid disposable products as much as possible.

MyNamesNotRobert ,

They are loud. Try getting some sleep when there's an entire gangbang of locusts going EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEoooooEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEoooooooEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEuuuuuuu outside from all directions all night.

MyNamesNotRobert ,

The police are going to be very busy. There are a lot of cows in Tennessee. They fart a lot.

MyNamesNotRobert ,

Some motherboards in 2024 still don't work if you put the ram in the wrong ram slots. I ran into that problem on an am5 board recently.

MyNamesNotRobert ,

Stop having kids. Doing away with most modem technology to save the planet, if that's what they really want to do, is in no way shape or form even remotely sustainable with this many people on the planet aka mouths to feed. In fact look at current costs of living vs wages. Climate issues aside things aren't even sustainable as it is and that's without extreme downsizing.

MyNamesNotRobert , (edited )

All I know is that life is hard but things could be a lot harder so I'm never having kids so I can focus on looking out for myself. Things could be a whole lot better too. The last thing any government deserves is for us to reward and enable them by birthing more babies.

MyNamesNotRobert ,

If he can bankrupt a casino hopefully he can bankrupt the entire republican regime

MyNamesNotRobert ,

Yeah well the other side also wants to take away our household appliances and our meat, and also everything else by enabling corporations to squeeze everyone dry even more than they already are.

MyNamesNotRobert ,

I hope he goes bankrupt and loses everything - just like all lower class people will if the GOP gets their way.

MyNamesNotRobert , (edited )

Idk, more and more people are switching to mac and ditching windows. If their m1 thing continues being successful they're going to have a more severe monopoly than Microsoft ever did. It's one thing to patch Microsoft's half ass attempts to embrace extend destroy Linux but that isn't going to work out as well anymore once all the mainstream stuff is quarantined to an entire different cpu architecture and computers that no longer use off the shelf parts.

Luckily the only software they really have right now that Linux doesn't is that s tier video editor and then no one wants to use their stupid Metal graphic acceleration so games are going to have a hard time taking off as well. Too bad most people think "command lines are too hard".

The common person is going to lose access to computers as we know them today if Apple wins. If it gets to the point where the only modem mainstream systems left are M1 macs, everything computer related is going to get 10x as expensive. $1000 for a potato ass MacBook Air is already obnoxious but when that's the only choice, that potato ass MacBook Air is going to cost $10k.

Revealed: a California city is training AI to spot homeless encampments ( )

Last July, San Jose issued an open invitation to technology companies to mount cameras on a municipal vehicle that began periodically driving through the city’s district 10 in December, collecting footage of the streets and public spaces. The images are fed into computer vision software and used to train the companies’...

MyNamesNotRobert , (edited )

Being homeless is like the software piracy equivalent of housing. You're not paying but rich people are "losing money" since homeless people aren't paying them $4000+/month therefore it's a crime.

Google will start showing AI-powered search results to users who didn't opt in ( )

If you're in the US, you might see a new shaded section at the top of your Google Search results with a summary answering your inquiry, along with links for more information. That section, generated by Google's generative AI technology, used to appear only if you've opted into the Search Generative Experience(SGE) in the Search...

MyNamesNotRobert , (edited )

Normal search results are already littered with useless ai generated seo optimized crap. It's got to the point where sometimes it's quicker to learn the knowledge you seek the old fashion way: by reading books.

Enshitification must lose.

MyNamesNotRobert ,

Oh, they trained their ais off of that all right.. And then filtered out all the stuff they didn't like such as useful information.

MyNamesNotRobert ,

It'll get commuted to $3.50 which he still won't bother to pay.

MyNamesNotRobert ,

Same. Sometimes I wish I had instead spent all the money I saved and blew on college on anything else. I could have lost it all gambling. I could have spent it all on strippers. Or drugs. I could have bought a helicopter and thrown fistfulls of $100 bills out the window and my money would have still been better spent.

MyNamesNotRobert , (edited )

Yet they blame all the violence on marijuana.. What do they expect people in this situation to do, die? Fuck our broken society.

If they aren't going to make college classes less bullshit they least the could do is make them free. Whether I pass a class or not has always depended more on how reasonable they want to be about it.

If you're paying $100k just to be allowed to get a job, you should be entitled to that or a full refund regardless of anything else. Fuck everyone in charge of this joke of a society.

MyNamesNotRobert ,

John Barnett didn't kill himself and they're doing a damn good job of sweeping it under the rug. It barely got mentioned in by any mainstream news outlets. Even Epstien got more media coverage than this.

MyNamesNotRobert , (edited )

Gaming though. The gaming situation on non-x86 cpus is passable at best. AFAIK you can't put a 4070ti in any non x86 system right now and have it work. Are there even any commercially available non-x86 systems that have pcie 16x slots?

The death of x86 is inevitable I just hope we can still play computer games on cheaper homebuilt systems afterwards because having to replace your entire system just to upgrade the integrated non upgradable gpu is no longer better or cheaper than consoles. I absolutely fucking doubt even indie developers, let alone others are going to downgrade graphics to let their games run on cheaper systems when this happens and everything becomes 10x more expensive.

MyNamesNotRobert , (edited )

If x86 is going to die, Apple has to be defeated at all costs or else computers are going to become 10x expensive once they establish a monopoly. I hope someone starts making real progress in ARM system stuff. If they do away with expansion ports and make it so the gpu, ram, and cpu are all on one chip even on the competing non-x86 non-M1 systems then everything's fucked though.

MyNamesNotRobert ,

Wait until Nintendo's lawyers hear about this. Pretty sure brain chip compatible Nintendo controllers count as illegal homebrew.

MyNamesNotRobert ,

Even North Korea has smartphones. This moron is flying a little too close to the sun. Of all the terrible things that might actually become law someday, an all out smartphone ban isn't one of them.

MyNamesNotRobert ,

They're not exactly the same but they're close. I find frying loose hashbrowns on a skillet in a pancake shape with lots of vegetable oil is a little closer to the authentic mcdonalds taste but that of course depends on which ones you use. If done correctly you can make it into a mashed disc pancake like shape that holds together so you can eat it without utensils.

MyNamesNotRobert ,

The democrats would be like "vote for us and we'll fix the hole" and then not fix the hole just so they can wait 4 years and be like "vote for us and we'll fix the hole for real" while meanwhile Russia supplies the republicans with more drills to drill more holes with while they complain about how long it's going to take to get home so they can each beat their wives.

US sues Apple for illegal monopoly over smartphones ( )

The US Department of Justice and 16 state and district attorneys general accused Apple of operating an illegal monopoly in the smartphone market in a new antitrust lawsuit. The DOJ and states are accusing Apple of driving up prices for consumers and developers at the expense of making users more reliant on its iPhones.

MyNamesNotRobert ,

As soon as smartphones started becoming commonplace in like 2009 or so, I dropped Verizon because I wasn't going to pay $500 for a smartphone that couldn't have custom roms. Verizon can go fuck themselves.

MyNamesNotRobert ,

Everything is going to get a fuck of a lot worse if Biden loses. If Biden wins, things won't get better but at least things won't get worse at a more rapid rate. I'm sorry but if not wanting to send marginalized groups to concentration camps makes me a radical liberal then I guess I'm a radical liberal 🤷

MyNamesNotRobert ,

If a news article gets downvoted hard enough, the event in question gets cancelled. Trust me bruh.

MyNamesNotRobert ,

And they really do mean anything. They're even allowed to assassinate potential whistleblowers.

Trying to pirate a physical book. Where do I get thinner printer paper?

I need to pirate this book thats over 1000 pages. I already have the pdf but I really want a physical copy and the book costs too much for me. Even if I have to buy a bunch of ink (the book has no pictures) and even if I wear out the printhead before the job is done, it's still going to be cheaper to do this. My printer has been...

MyNamesNotRobert OP ,

That will cut down on the amount of paper involved but not the thickness of the book. I do plan on printing a bunch of even pages, flipping them around then printing all the odd pages to make it fully double sided. I've had success doing that before.

I also have successfully printed booklet style pages before it's just that I actually want this to have 8.5 x 11 sized pages.

MyNamesNotRobert OP ,

Good idea. I can use the failed attempts to wipe my ass with so this method has practically zero waste.

MyNamesNotRobert OP ,

Thanks for the write up.

After weighing my options, I think I'm going to just go with normal printer paper. When I said using normal printer paper would be more than twice as thick, I wasn't accounting for the fact that I'd be using both sides. So a 500 page ream should equal 1000 double sided pages. So that means the final size using normal printer paper would only be a little thicker instead of more than twice as thick.

I found some newsprint paper on Amazon that might work but I have an ink jet and I'm thinking it's not going to be worth the hassle considering normal paper isn't as bad of a choice as previously thought.

I'm going to do a few trial runs before deciding how I'll actually bind them together and not print all 1000+ pages before learning somethings not going to work. I want to avoid 3 ring binder. Splitting it into sections sounds like the way to go. I'll experiment with spiral bound. Regular hard cover looks enticing but I'd say that route has a high likelihood of not working out especially with the paper size and quantity I'm dealing with. Maybe I'll dissect a college textbook and see what's inside the spine.

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