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Moneo ,

It's ridiculous too because it's creating whats essentially a reverse wealth transfer. Millennials & GenZ have to give all the money they earn (doing actual labour) to people who did absolutely nothing to earn that money. Housing as an investment doesn't make sense from any perspective, it's one step removed from a pyramid scheme. Prices cannot keep going up indefinitely when no value is being created.

God this shit makes me so fucking angry. Our generation has been fucked by the previous generation and they won't fix it they've caused because it hurts their bottom line.

Moneo ,

Coincidentally I just watched the RLM review of the previous F4 attempt. A large portion of the discussion was about how F4 is just a weird IP to try and depict on the screen. Looking forward to their review of this next attempt.

Moneo ,

These people are seriously fucking scary. Reading roman history with all it's conspiracies, government takeovers etc used to seem like fiction, a relic of the past. But no, we exist on a planet where rich old people use their money and power to manipulate and oppress the masses for their own gain. And there's no solution. How do you fight these people when they've weaponized ignorance and convinced a signification portion of their voter base to vote against their own interests?

Moneo ,

"I'm sorry I angered a popular singers fan base with my hateful rhetoric."

Moneo ,

Shoutout to the climate deniers playbook podcast. Anything remotely anti fossil fuels can and probably has been politicized.

Moneo ,

This joke only makes sense to you because you have zero understanding of what is meant by people when they use this phrase. All you have to do is spend 30 mins or less listening to the perspective of the other side and you will have the context necessary to realize this "joke" is nonsensical.

You won't though.

Colorado Republican Brutally Grilled By Local News Anchor: ‘Why Is Abortion Good For Your Girlfriend? Bad For Other Women?’ ( )

Colorado congressional candidate and sitting State Rep. Richard Holtorf (R) received a tough grilling this week at the hands of local 9News anchor Kyle Clark over his apparent hypocrisy when it comes to abortion rights....

Moneo ,

Cognitive dissonance is fucking wild.

*edit I definitely am not using that term correctly. Double think? Someone help me out here.

Moneo ,


Moneo ,

The point of the trolley problem is you can't stop it.

Series: Conservatives of Lemmy: What do you think has gone awry in modern society and how might it be constructively addressed?

I'd like to start a series seeking viewpoints from across the political spectrum in general discussions about modern society and where everyone stands on what is not working, what is working, and where we see things going in the future....

Moneo ,

I'm not arguing for affirmative action, but the current system does not treat everyone equally. People applying to jobs with black sounding names get hired/interviewed much less than white sounding names on equivalent resumes.

I don't know what the solution is but the current system is not working.

Moneo ,

Idk if anyone can define conservative at this point.

If I was being generous I would define conservatives as people who are in favour of less regulation, less social support systems, more privatization, anti-legalization/decriminalization of drugs.

U.S. company found liable of financing Colombian paramilitary death squad to advance its interests ( )

A U.S. jury in Miami has ruled that Chiquita Brands International is liable for financing the United Self-Defense Forces of Colombia (AUC), a paramilitary death squad designated as a terrorist organization by the U.S. during Colombia's civil war....

Moneo ,

The people responsible went to jail right?


Moneo ,

I feel like a grampa but I really do not like this art style. It just doesn't feel like Lotr, idk how to describe it. Too clean? Too bright?

Moneo ,

Same shit that happens with every climate protest. "Climate protestors deface painting" etc.

Moneo ,

Hey I just want to thank you for this comment. I've been trying to better understand non-white/non-cis culture lately and it can feel a bit daunting.

Honestly idk what I'm trying to say, but your comment meant a lot to me. Somebody has to educate the straights and I appreciate you taking the time to politely answer this persons question despite them coming off a bit argumentative.

Moneo ,

Why does anything exist? Why does firefighter reading exist? Can't it just be, "normal person whose profession is irrelvant" reading hour?

It feels like you're coming at this with the assumption that drag reading hour needs a special purpose otherwise it's weird or something. Why does drag reading hour have to convince you it should exist?

Moneo ,

Homie, what?

Moneo ,

How are you grifting them when you're doing exactly what they're paying you to do?

Moneo ,

That was a fun read. She seems really cool.

Moneo ,

I agree with your sentiment but if everyone is just pointing fingers we're going to keep steamrolling ahead. We need to put the pressure on politicians by actually giving a fuck.

I'm fucking tired of people like my parents making tiny sacrifices and then patting themselves on the back for "doing their part for the climate". Meanwhile they own 6 fucking cars. I'm fucking tired of how most people ridicule climate activists and act all frustrated that 500 strangers had their commute lengthened.

I agree that "taking personal responsibility" is mostly bullshit and isn't going to fix climate change, but I still think everyone should do everything in their power to curb their impact. Not for the minute gains that they'll make but as a form of activism in itself.

Moneo ,

Geo-engineering should be an absolute last resort and should not be considered viable until we are on the brink of destruction. We need to cut emissions not spray more chemicals into the sky because we're too fucking greedy to actually fix the problem.

Power generation is only one part of the problem, so I have questions for you. Do you support zoning reform? Do you support bike infrastructure and public transportation? Do you support spending billions on rail projects to curb plane use?

We can't techbro ourselves out of this problem, society needs to fundamentally change in order to solve climate change. Are you willing to change your way of life?

Moneo ,

Geo-engineering is a rabbit hole we do not want to dive into. We have the ability and knowledge to fight climate change right now, the only thing we don't have is the political willpower. Geo-engineering is a distraction, please don't give it the time of day.

Moneo ,

For a start you could get active in local politics and support zoning reform. Car dependent infrastructure is a huge contributor to greenhouse gas emissions and I am not just talking about car exhaust.

If we want to solve climate change we need to change our way of life, and that means ditching as many cars as possible.

Moneo ,

You can get involved in local politics and support zoning reform. Lookup strong towns, they probably have an initiative in your area.

Depending on where you live it may not be reasonable for you to ditch your car, but you can still change your mindset. You can buy an ebike and ride it whenever possible. You can advocate for bike infrastructure and zoning reform. Its a massive uphill battle but if you genuinely care about climate change you can add your voice to the cause.

Moneo ,

Advocating for zoning reform and reducing car dependency isn't exactly the "agenda of personal responsibility". We can make a difference in our communities and use that as a springboard to pressure politicians to make change.

It's not one or the other, it's both. Just because your reducing your climate impact is negligible doesn't mean you shouldn't try and do it.

Moneo ,

The Netherlands went from car dependent nightmare to cycle capital of the world in a generation. Meaningful change takes time but it is possible in our life times and it isn't going to happen on it's own.

Voting is good, talk to your friends. Be that annoying person who won't shut the fuck up about how annoying cars are, change peoples minds or at least plant the idea in their brain that we can exist without cars.

Apathy solves nothing.

Moneo ,

I'm not sure I'm ready no, but this is a problem that can and has been solved through less dramatic means.

Moneo ,

Corporate home ownership needs to end yesterday.

Moneo ,

Cause I'd rather open an app then deal with an extra browser tab every time I want to use the site.

Moneo ,

How do I sacrifice my privacy by installing an app?

Moneo ,

Yes I find it convenient to press a tile on my home page and have it take me to an app instead of opening a tab in my browser. I'm not sure how this is undesirable.

A new poll shows trouble for Biden with young voters, especially among voters of color ( )

It found that just one-third of all young Americans said they would back Biden if the election was held at the time the survey was conducted. The poll also reflects a virtual tie in the race. Biden leads former President Donald Trump by just two points, and 34% of respondents are currently backing a third-party candidate or said...

Moneo ,

This narrative has really annoyed me on lemmy. So many comments about how Biden is ruining his chance of winning by his Israel/Palestine stance but absolutely no evidence to back it up.

Moneo ,

The point is that we already have tons of cities that are way too sprawly. Adding more cities is way harder than retrofitting the ones we have.

Moneo ,

Jesus fucking christ america. Their bio includes "and, yes, Democrats love criminals and steal your tax dollars." Did they forget their candidate is a felon?

Moneo ,

Sorry I might be confused but, are you calling an 17.5 mile commute modest? Or just modest in comparison to 40 miles?

Not sure if this is obvious to the two of you but a huge part of urbanism is ensuring people can be housed near their jobs. Nobody advocating for bike infrastructure wants people to have to bike more than ~5 miles to work.

Moneo ,

I don't agree with you focusing on that aspect of this interaction but it is interesting to see how many downvotes you got just for pointing out the gender dynamics of men talking over women. Men can be really sensitive to that sort of thing. Source: I am man.

Moneo , (edited )

My parents are well off and my dad specifically really takes pride in the fact that my siblings and I will inherit their wealth. He also claims to be concerned with the environment and made a huge deal about us turning off lights when leaving rooms and is adamant that we recycle all the plastic we use.

Explaining that lights use barely any electricity and that our area is powered 100% by renewables does not matter to him. Explaining that most plastic "recycling" ends up in landfills or burned does not matter to him. Explaining to him that EVs are still really fucking bad for the environment and that if he really cared he would take transit/bike does not matter to him.

Idk what my point is other then, in my experience, most boomers people that claim to care, don't give a fuck about protecting the environment if it means making even the smallest sacrifices to their way of life. They want all the satisfaction of being "someone who cares" without actually putting the effort it. Obviously I'm projecting my own experience on to this comic, but these type of people deserve to be ridiculed. Hypocrisy and ignorance aren't going to fix themselves.

Moneo ,

but you do you

That's what they're fighting for lol

Moneo ,

The fact that "family values" are politicized and cast as the best, most important way to live is honestly fucked up when you think about it.

Why did we decide being het and having kids makes you a fucking hero?

Moneo ,

Are you missing the part about trans people fighting for equal rights? It's not about being liked it's about being allowed to exist.

Moneo ,

I hate this line of thinking so much. Flawed democracies are still democracies. Democracy isn't a word that means "fair elections".

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