Strandjunker , avatar

Serious question: Why are white people so afraid of becoming a minority? Does America treat minorities badly or something?

donato27 , avatar

No, jijijiji jijjijijjiji

joehill , avatar

Actually it's a rhetorical question, as you know.

julescelt01 , avatar

@Strandjunker Jane Elliott who used to teach at the University of Northern Iowa has some of the best videos on racism and the why white people are so hard to get thru to.

piratero ,

@Strandjunker brilliant!

eatyourglory , avatar

@Strandjunker Exactly.

pthenq1 , avatar


Oh, Honey.... 😂😂😂

BluesHarp ,

Because this nation has been built on white supremacy and doing away with it is scary for those who enjoy the privileges of it.

DRBLD2009 ,

@Strandjunker Because of their past treatment of people falling into that category....

demortes , avatar

@Strandjunker serious answer. Those in power don't give it up easily. But also... Yes.

tivasyk , avatar

@Strandjunker serious question: i thought generalizing by skin colour was a sign of latent racism, was it not?

12thRITS , avatar

@Strandjunker Not if they have a lot of money.

scrottie , avatar

@Strandjunker someone once said that gay panic was heterosexual guys being afraid that gay guys would treat them like they [the het guys] treat women. talking to right wingers, I hear a lot of that same basic thing, that they assume everyone is as horrible as they are, and that justifies their "us or them" phobia not realizing it literally is just them. so yeah. lots of projection. lots of fear. white people are a fear and insecurity prion. James Baldwin said it better.

uastronomer , avatar

@Strandjunker because "minority" is a euphemism for the bottom rung of society, marginalized, servant class, and similar.

In countries like South Africa, where we have always been a literal minority, that particular fear hasn't played out.

YakyuNightOwl , avatar

@Strandjunker Because hiding a multitude of ethnic sins behind the generic construct of whiteness kept them from unpacking what Europeans have done to each other.

Now, they will be forced to confront a lot of history, and be exactly who they are in their geneology.

As a person from an ethnic minority with proven cultural value, this sounds like a good idea.

People without something to celebrate among their own are going to be very upset.

tuban_muzuru , avatar


A goodly fraction of white people weren't always white. Poles, Jews ( especially Jews ), Italians, Irish, Russians - who do you think is white?

They'll just find some other group to promote.

pattykimura , avatar

In the US, the following states are already majority non-white:
New Mexico

The irony is those racists who flee majority white blue states for majority minority Texas.

Of those states, only Hawai'i has been majority non-white since Statehood. Shaka brah.🏝

ch1m3r4c0mpl3x , avatar


It's not so much that "America treats minorities poorly" as a hard-and-fast rule. It's more like bigots are afraid that if they lose their power, everyone else will treat the bigots the way they have treated everyone else.

blueemu , avatar

@Strandjunker Right after Trump was elected, I was talking to a friend (now dead) about it. He was a Trump voter, and mentioned that he'd been to California and seen immigrant communities and he didn't want to end up like that. Not sure if he meant immigrants would ruin the whole country or would someday make white people the ones being marginalized, but I think it was both.

AlfNoProblem , avatar

@Strandjunker Your pic seems pretty white. ;-) What is your answer to your own question? ;-) Others noted that this is mostly a problem in the US, and may be right. Generally speaking, those who dominate enjoy privileges and are afraid of losing them. Why are we afraid of losing our status of the world's major military super-power and all of a sudden having to take into account what Russia and China want to do?

jasonrowe , avatar

@Strandjunker was chatting with a comedian and he said minorities fear white people and white people fear AI. I laughed because we will all be minorities and treated badly once AI has needs and desires. Could be something that finally makes us work together if it does decide to do something that causes the human race to not exist. Unfortunately at that point it is already too late and pretty dark so probably why he doesn't use that one on stage.

MardraS , avatar

@Strandjunker Hmmm. Make ya think…

citizencat , avatar

It doesnt worry me.

MaybeMyMonkeys ,

@Strandjunker absolutely. Being on top means doing everything necessary to stay on top because that is fair to the people on top. Everyone else needs to pull themselves up by their bootstraps.

the_Effekt , avatar


When white people do become a minority, they'll likely be treated much worse. Everyone will remember their intentional subjugation of current minorities. They might be thinking about that as well.

Bon_Jardin , avatar

@Strandjunker Thomas Jefferson, who enslaved people, said something like, despite knowing the error, he and countless others were addicted to the lifestyle afforded by such a system, and his greatest fear was wondering what would be the recompense of all this from a just God. Maybe that's part of the reason as well. Ignore guilt, and push everything away that reminds me of it.

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