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ElleChaise ,

Maybe what they meant was that it's one of those things the government had to approve, similar to when big companies merge and the SEC has to weigh in first. Just a guess.

ElleChaise ,

Oh yeah? Well... If we were both birds, and I was flying next to you while you were also flying as well, and, and you said to me that I had to carry your school books, well then that'd make you look bad... So... So I win, and you're wrong, and dumb, and I'm like really super smart for coming up with this example impromptu.

ElleChaise ,

The dude who repairs clothes must be pissed.

ElleChaise ,

Time to act is yesterday, fellas. May your pitch forks be pointy, and your torches be burny.

ElleChaise ,

That shit cuts both ways, you might wanna start carrying if you were here too. I carry a gun everywhere now and don't have any credentials, and I'm happy knowing the playing field will be more even when brown shirts shorts start goose stepping down my street. Sleep safe, everybody.

‘This is B.S.’: Maddow shreds ‘cravenness’ of Supreme Court delaying Trump trial ( www.msnbc.com )

"This is B.S.—you were doing this as a dilatory tactic to help your political friend," says Rachel Maddow on the Supreme Court agreeing to hear the Trump immunity argument, delaying his coup trial. "And for you to say that this is something that the Court needs to decide because it's something that's unclear in the law is just...

ElleChaise ,

Tyrants must be quelled. The law is breaking down around us. Be safe out there, folks.

ElleChaise ,

At this point, doctors being rich is an out of date stereotype from before today's rich guys screwed us, and the doctors, out of the good economy we would've had. This is the fundamental misunderstanding holding the idea back from mainstream audiences, they seem to believe "eat the rich" means literally to destroy anybody who makes as much as a doctor or lawyer makes, forgetting these are simply further examples of often abused workers, same as the person cobbling shoes, welding, cooking, whatever.

ElleChaise ,

Not to mention learning about reality is banned in schools now.

ElleChaise ,

Maybe my local brand is the margin of error, but this comes as a surprise to me, because my area's Walmarts have started carrying a new suppliers' serranos, and those suckers are even hotter than the jalapenos, which have seemed to cool down over the years as reported elsewhere.

ElleChaise ,

Not too shabby. All it really needs is some personalization, maybe some things hung on the walls to show your personality and taste in decorating a little bit. I'd tuck that loose wire behind the bed and under an area mat between the bed and wall in the last photo. Lastly, you're not super messy so that's good! Maybe slightly untidy, but that's all ADHD people (speaking from experience), and it only takes a minute to spot clean or tidy up a room with this many items in it.

ElleChaise ,

The psychos see what happens in places where the ruling class gets what they want at all costs, and they still want the juice. Says everything you need to know about society.

ElleChaise ,

Lotta good people you're throwing out with the bathwater there, but fuck 'em, I guess. You're stoking the flames whose destruction you condemn.

ElleChaise ,


ElleChaise ,

Don't worry, I heard Georgia Southern is gonna take over operations. Ship shape I tells ya.

ElleChaise ,

I got food poisoned at Rally's four times growing up! No idea why my family took so long to put two and two together but seriously... four damn times.

ElleChaise ,

... And that's why I'm proud today to announce a newer, better solution; Trump private prisons. The biggest, best prisons, big beautiful prisons the likes of which, frankly... D'y'know we never had a prison like this before? It's unfathomable! It's really disgusting frankly, the way they claim this and that about the best prisons. That's why we've got to get rid of all this stuff standing in the way of doing what I think we... And we all know who I'm talking about here, don't we folks? It's a gigantic fraud and we've got to do something about it before it's too late, cause they're coming for the private prisons, and they're coming for your freedom, and we're not gonna let them, are we? Beautiful. Beautiful.

ElleChaise ,

Some people are so obsessed with their vehicles that seeing one destroyed feels like a personal attack on their rights. Acting like a bunch of cars don't kill a bunch of human beings every day regardless of who's driving them, professing blame belongs solely to the victims for being in the wrong place and time. Then you can see how they act when roles are reversed and the idea pops into their minds that people might destroy their precious cars, instead of the norm where cars destroy human bodies. Americans particularly seem to be completely brainwashed since the reeducation campaigns of the likes of AAA a hundred years ago.

ElleChaise ,

Love that they still do this with all their enemies. The left is simultaneously the most dangerous, and also comprised of effeminate weaklings. Biden is both an evil super genius, and a befuddled geezer. So refreshing to know they've at least remained consistent in one thing; being dumb asses.

ElleChaise ,

Let's burn this mother down, pookie!

ElleChaise ,

No way man, this is the middle of the end. The beginning of the end was when they introduced legal bribery after dumbing down the general populace for a couple decades.

ElleChaise ,

‘We got it back to the same as it ever was. Why are you upset?’. smh

ElleChaise ,

Well said! Very well said.

ElleChaise ,

I get my credit score up through tricks of the trade, get whatever procedure I need on credit, and then don't pay at all, because I can't afford basic medical even though I work, for above minimum wage no less. They want too much for essential medical treatments, so now I have to do this to survive, I just hope that between every 2 years when my credit tricks work again, that I don't get mysteriously ill with no way to pay. I tried everything. I work 40 hours and live in a very basic tract home built in the 90s with roommates, I sell things on the side, my old man does repairs/handyman services, we don't shop, or go on dates, or get to enjoy life really at all outside the home, hell, I've even tried selling porn; but apparently I'm not hot enough to pull that off either. And to top off this absolutely lack of sundae; I work enough to not qualify for any assistance despite all the above details keeping me stuck renting/working a shit job until something breaks or I get sick or somebody dies. I know some of y'all are gonna hate me for this, but I didn't create this broken economy where $10-$30 a month for insurance is an unaffordable expense on top of copays and deductibles and all the BS to make sure you never use the service they've made you purchase... When is enough gonna be enough? Then our leaders have the balls to ask why we're upset? Give me a damn break.

ElleChaise ,

Really? Because I've never lived in a place where cannabis is legal, and I've been consuming it near daily for about 19 years now.

YSK: Indeed and other job sites are saturated with scams

For the past two years, legitimate job postings on Indeed and Glassdoor have been replaced by scams. If you're tricked, the scammers aren't satisfied with your contact info in your CV, they reach out via email to request that you connect on an encrypted messenger app where they can privately scam you out of thousands in pre-hire...

ElleChaise ,

In my area it's like they want you to be poor. Those legitimately posted listings in my area are exclusively "scams", in that they will technically hire some people through those listings, but in reality they're just hiring immigrant labour for pennies on the dollar, and using state-funded labour agencies to promote these jobs which objectively could not support American citizens. I've seen one listing that said they wanted harvesters for crops, they were paying by the amount picked, not an hourly wage. This is a classic scam where you end up getting less than minimum wage, and the Federal government has to step in after the fact to get you up to the disgustingly low minimum wage to make up for that discrepancy.

ElleChaise ,

You don't have to be an asshole to want to carry a gun around everywhere. When you're surrounded by people who openly discuss murdering you for your political stance, or your personal identity, or how you were born, and those people are intent on carrying guns to "defend" against threats that do no exist, meanwhile feeding themselves a steady diet of hate and discontent mixed with conspiracy theories... carrying may be the only thing between you and a lynching.

In short: take those people's guns and the rest of us can finally abandon these barbaric relics to the anals of history.

ElleChaise ,

You can't ungay people with force, donkey brains. This is how gay(and so on) movements have made the strides they have in the first place. You push against nature, nature pushes back.

I'm aware the people here aren't likely lining up to agree with shitty enforcement of old laws, this is just a rant to people who do agree with this sentiment.

Man Displays Father’s Severed Head in Horrific Video Railing Against Biden, Immigration, ‘Far-Left Woke Mobs’ ( www.mediaite.com )

Justin Mohn, a 32-year-old Pennsylvania man, is in police custody after allegedly murdering and decapitating his father, claiming the latter was a "federal employee" and a "traitor." Before his arrest, Mohn posted a 14-minute video to YouTube in which he displayed his father's severed head, proclaiming: "This is the head of Mike...

ElleChaise ,

its also a bit hyperbolic to compare full on genocide with electing a fascist.

Did you fall asleep in history class or something? How do you think genocides happen?

ElleChaise ,

Mine too. Reading too quickly for that series of words to come out correctly, I guess?

ElleChaise ,

Do you make barrels for a living? Do you forge iron with a big hammer? Do you rivet? I would wager not, and this is due to the people who employ people changing with a changing world. Add humans into the equation, and you can see how employers also need to assess that aspect of their operation; changing with the people who themselves change with the world around them.

ElleChaise ,

The weird thing here is that when you run these sources through one of those media bias websites, TRNN says 'far left bias', and The Hill says 'slight left bias'. Are these bias sites blind; or am I just missing what having a 'left bias' means? Is there some far-left plan by whatever think tank to make me want to support this idea, which I very much do not support? An idea which usually falls under the 'extreme right-wing' category, no less? What the hell?

ElleChaise ,

Aren't Linux people usually programmers anyway? Why develop for developers?

ElleChaise ,

Holy cow, the wife looks hardly 25 years old. They really popped kids out back to back in them days. I guess it's true you just believed in the Lord, had a bunch of young'uns, and hoped and prayed to Jesus Christ at least one of them made it to adulthood. Contrast that to the middle class lifestyle of many Americans just a little more than a decade later and it becomes even more of a mind-blower.

ElleChaise ,

An old pot grower's adage goes something like: if the sentencing minimum is for between 1-99 plants, you might as well grow 99.

People like Bud serve as the real life example for this kind of saying sadly.

ElleChaise ,

I agree with you. It's a catch 22 it though. When you live in a state run by shit birds, they cut off the fed from helping you in every way they can, meanwhile holding their little town hall events and talking to press saying stuff like: ‘the fed doesn't care about American citizens, they're too busy sending aid to [x country] to fix their problems’ and with the very same breath saying how cool it is that they conned the left into giving their state the most funding this year, but the media doesn't hold them accountable anymore and further push the issue "for fear of losing access" to them. The big secret, and the key to the issue in my opinion, is that the media is bought by billionaires who are no longer accountable to reality when reporting the news, the regulatory bodies in this country have been eroded to shit by capitalists, the now obligatory talking point: Citizens United, and that nobody is going to swoop in to save this awful mess from imploding into fascism any time soon. You all need to take personal safety measures; arm yourselves, and train with your weapons in whatever way you can safely afford. These fuckers are coming for us all, and they'll have the full support of a dictatorship soon enough, if we aren't able to get out the vote. UNITE!

Hamas releases video of three Israeli hostages saying they'll learn 'fate' on Monday ( www.standard.co.uk )

The undated 37-second video of Noa Argamani, 26, Yossi Sharabi, 53, and Itai Svirsky, 38, released on Sunday night showed them speaking presumably under duress, pleading with Israel’s government to end the war and get them home....

ElleChaise ,

You ever heard of 'time and place?' Like when you're on line at an ice cream shop; it's not the time, nor the place to whip out your genitals and take a fat, farty shit on the floor... On account of you'd look like a crazy ass hole. If somebody then called you out, and you proceeded to smear the shit all over your face, you'd look like an even bigger, crazier ass hole. Get it? Your above comments are kinda like the verbal equivalent to smearing your own farty shit all over at the wrong time and place. Nobody cares if you do those things, but maybe do them amongst other farty shit boys in your own venue, so you don't stink up the place, 'ya know what I mean?

ElleChaise ,

Honestly these people are such a bunch of soulless fucking freaks, they almost make me wish heaven was real, just so they could be judged the way they claim others will be. Piece of shit demons walking around in human costumes, stinking up the place.

ElleChaise ,

Like when they put interstates through the Southern United States, then had to actually force Florida to enforce drunk driving rules, threatening to take away highway funding iirc. Just one of the million examples I can remember being controversial briefly. I wanna say there was a similar debacle surrounding seat belts. Basically any time the Fed gives you money, it comes with some (albeit basic, somewhat common sense) rules and stipulations.

ElleChaise ,

I let the last handful of tomatoes rot on the vine, this lets some seeds naturally get into the soil and start their journey. Early spring right before the end of cold weather, I take the old plant out completely, add pot ash, clear any debris gently, and allow the new seedlings to take over. This isn't a sure-fire method, and may result in freaky mutant tomatoes on year two and beyond so do your research if you apply it. Good luck!

ElleChaise ,

I noticed a lot of 92-96ish babies feel the same way. Either they agree with most of both Millennial stuff and the Gen Z stuff, or they really don't relate to either for whatever reason.

ElleChaise ,

I'm pretty sure the "sound mind" thing doesn't work like that anyway. The insanity defence, for anyone who doesn't already know, is not a claim that you're too coocoo town banana pants to go to prison for crimes you have no credible defense for. The insanity plea is a claim that the defendant straight up doesn't understand, and may in fact be incapable of learning how to understand, right from wrong. They may confess immediately to a murder for instance, believing that there was no wrong in murdering, due to the severity of their own delusions.

ElleChaise ,

First the cigarette itself was marketed as better than rolling your own. Next came filters, so called "light" and "ultralight" versions of existing products, electric cigs, then finally vapes.

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