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Some migrants flown by DeSantis to Martha’s Vineyard qualify for victim visas, feds say ( www.miamiherald.com )

Some of the 49 migrants flown to Martha’s Vineyard by the state of Florida are now able to legally work in the United States and have temporary protections from deportation — because they are considered victims of a potential crime, their attorney says....

EldritchFeminity ,

For some context, the Massachusetts state government is helping the migrants flown to Martha's Vineyard sue the airline company that flew them out there (and I think DeSantis too?). I'm assuming that those who are involved in the case are the ones who are eligible for these visas, while those who may have chosen to not pursue legal action aren't. This doesn't necessarily mean that the others haven't gotten other forms of visas or anything though. It is Massachusetts after all, and Mass is a sanctuary state on top of Cape Cod having a major seasonal migrant workforce annually for the summer. The article also says that they had legal status in the US as asylum seekers.

Some further context from the article:

Now, some of the migrants have been granted U visas, which are “set aside for victims of certain crimes who have suffered mental or physical abuse and are helpful to law enforcement or government officials in the investigation or prosecution of criminal activity,” according to U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services. They can eventually lead to permanent lawful status in the United States.

The migrants — who were from Venezuela and Peru — were eligible to apply for the visas after Bexar County Sheriff Javier Salazar, a Democrat, certified that they were victims of a crime.

After waiting for more than a year, some migrants earlier this month received “bona fide determinations” in their U visa petition, a status that allows them to obtain temporary work permits and protects them from deportation until their visa becomes available, Self said.

It was not immediately clear how many migrants had received that status from the federal government.

Congress only allows the federal government to issue 10,000 such visas each year. The “bona fide determination” gives the migrants targeted by the state of Florida temporary protections from deportation while they wait for the visa.

It looks like they said "some" because it wasn't said whether or not all of the migrants had received these visas in the announcement from the federal government.

EldritchFeminity ,

The short of it is that Ares dies at the end of the first game.

The game was originally supposed to be a one-off and was never intended to have a sequel, so Kratos kills Ares and becomes the new God of War at the end of the first game. The ending scene even has Kratos on Ares' throne and talks about how he, as the new god of war, is responsible for all sorts of heinous acts throughout history while footage of modern wars like Vietnam flash by.

But the game did so well that the studio execs demanded that they make a sequel, and then another, and another, and another, etc. They had to keep coming up with new gods to kill and ways to up the stakes by casting Kratos off of his throne, so by the third game, Kratos just murders the entire Greek Pantheon and causes the apocalypse. And then they had to figure out where to go from there. The "reboot" was probably one of the smartest things they could've done for the series. Don't have to keep upping the stakes with gods to kill if Kratos just goes to therapy and deals with his issues.

EldritchFeminity ,

To be fair, it was self-defense this time.

EldritchFeminity ,

I'd always heard New Hampshire referred to as "the south of the north," but on this map, at least, it looks downright heavenly compared to Maine.

What Would Jesus Do? ( lemmy.world )

"Now listen, you rich people, weep and wail because of the misery that is coming on you. Your wealth has rotted, and moths have eaten your clothes. Your gold and silver are corroded. Their corrosion will testify against you and eat your flesh like fire. You have hoarded wealth in the last days. Look! The wages you failed to...

EldritchFeminity ,

Who pissed in your Cheerios?

And that does not describe US Christianity. Most of the regressives haven't ever read the bible.

EldritchFeminity ,

TERFs stop objectifying women challenge: impossible

EldritchFeminity ,

Do stun guns use an explosive propellant? I never thought of it before, but it would make sense that they do. I only ask because I know that weapons that don't aren't classified as guns.

Stuff like coil guns, rail guns, and compressed air rifles aren't controlled by gun laws and are unaffected by bans like this because they're not "firearms." For example, some states have a ban on putting a silencer on a gun, but nothing about owning a silencer. So it's perfectly legal to put one on a compressed air rifle, and with how quiet they are, that makes them whisper quiet. Plus, 80% lowers aren't considered guns either, so unless this law specifically calls them out, it's still legal for anybody to go online and have one shipped right to their door. You usually don't even need an F-ID card for that. Hell, even gunpowder doesn't require a license below a certain amount.

Laws like this are, at best, a post hoc solution to a national and cultural problem, and more often than not just security theater.

EldritchFeminity ,

Not to sound snarky or anything, but since when do prices go down? If people were willing to pay the inflated price, there's no incentive for them not to make that the new standard.

EldritchFeminity ,

I agree to some extent, but even before then hardware was getting expensive thanks to stuff like the Bitcoin mining craze. Harddrives have been getting cheaper on a dollar per TB basis for a long time (as they should), but I remember the days when it was cheaper to build a gaming PC than to buy a new console, and those days are long gone. And after COVID hit, greedflation set in to declare what the new normal is.

EldritchFeminity ,

In before the Vanta Black guy copyrights this too.

EldritchFeminity ,

Ceramic plates have been used in armor for almost a century now for this reason. Bricks are cheaper than mom's fine china I guess.

EldritchFeminity ,

The concept of "white" as a race dates back to WW2, at most. Before then, being from France was as ethnically important a distinction as being from England, Spain, Germany, Ireland, or China. Due to the long history of conflict amongst European nations, there was no unified sense of race due to something as simple as skin color.

When the Irish immigrated to the US, they were considered equivalent to black people by Americans and competed for the same jobs.

The British, inspired by the American ethnic cleansings of the Native American tribes, attempted to ethnically cleanse the Irish from Ireland for their land. That's what the famine in Ireland actually was. There was a scarcity of potatoes, but otherwise there was plenty of food - so long as you were British. In fact, there's a statue of a Native American in northern Ireland commemorating the Native tribes' aid during the famine, because they recognized what the British were doing and were one of the few groups to send supplies to the Irish. Nobody else cared, because they were Irish, not (insert country here).

EldritchFeminity ,

I saw some context for this, and the short of it is that headline writers want you to hate click on articles.

What the article is actually about is that there's tons of solar panels now but not enough infrastructure to effectively limit/store/use the power at peak production, and the extra energy in the grid can cause damage. Damage to the extent of people being without power for months.

California had a tax incentive program for solar panels, but not batteries, and because batteries are expensive, they're in a situation now where so many people put panels on their houses but no batteries to store excess power that they can't store the power when it surpasses demand, so the state is literally paying companies to run their industrial stoves and stuff just to burn off the excess power to keep the grid from being destroyed.

EldritchFeminity ,

Management forgets that strikes and unions were the concession negotiated in lieu of beating factory owners to death in the street.

EldritchFeminity ,

Not only did he not use a scope, but the rifle he was using was his hunting rifle. He was so feared by the Russians that if they thought he was in an area, they'd barrage the whole place with artillery fire rather than risk getting shot by him. IIRC, he survived direct artillery strikes near him on 2 separate occasions.

EldritchFeminity ,

Not a dev, but I have 3 monitors on my rig that I use for work and play.

A 24" 1080p as my main monitor for stuff like games or Blender, a smaller 18 and a half inch 720p for secondary stuff like Firefox, Discord/TeamSpeak, and monitoring Cura when the 3d printer is going, and a 21" 1080p Wacom on a monitor arm. The Wacom is kinda outside my field of view unless I'm actively using it, so most of the time it just has a performance monitor running so I can see what's hogging my resources. Having Spotify on there is nice though, the touchscreen/stylus makes running it quick and easy.

EldritchFeminity ,

So which story is Jesus on the cross in a jar of piss?

I'm guessing #1, but this sounds like a load of #2, so...

EldritchFeminity ,

You guys are getting Home Ec.?? All we got was HTML and Latin... unless you count that carpentry class they offered in middle school where the teacher got in trouble for ogling the girls...

EldritchFeminity ,

Came in to say something similar.

Another issue is that people don't remember anything from school because they have no reason to. Stuff isn't taught, it's trained for the next test and then promptly discarded as useless. The purpose of school is to train factory line workers to be able to do one repetitive task over and over again. It's how the public school system was originally designed.

School almost made me hate learning, and I love learning new things and skills. I literally never learned how to actually learn and be afraid to make mistakes until after I dropped out of college. I still struggle with it in my 30s.

Republicans Worry They Could Lose the House—Before the Election ( time.com )

When Republicans gained control of the House in November 2022, many in Washington wondered how they would be able to govern effectively with one of the slimmest majorities in history. Some Democrats even speculated if they might be able to take back the House before the term ended....

EldritchFeminity ,

They don't care about what actually happens in the government. They would happily get torched under a flamethrower if they could hold a couple of immigrants down underneath them while it happens.

Or, as my grandfather used to say, and my boss when I was a teenager, "I'm a Republican. I vote for the nominee."

EldritchFeminity ,

Spreading Managed Democracy, one liberation round at a time!

EldritchFeminity ,

Basically, one side believes that they should be allowed to kill anyone who disagrees with them, and the other side believes in the "excise the tumor" approach (use force now to remove the militant extremists and fascists to prevent their proganda from radicalizing more people and making the problem worse).

Both would technically be correct just by reducing the population of one side or the other, I guess. Can't disagree if you're dead.

EldritchFeminity ,

You'd have to look at the size of the middle class back then, as that's what the "American Dream" scenario is based on there, but as a kid born in 1990, I can say that when my dad was looking for apartments when he was around college age in the 60s, the rule was not to rent an apartment that cost more than 25% of your salary. By the time I was around that same age in the late 2000s/early 2010s, it was 50% of your salary. Now, it's closer to 120% of your salary for those same apartments.

EldritchFeminity ,

I see 3 outcomes: she became a copy of her parents, she's part of the "cringe is dead, embrace your passions" group, or he's doing just fine.

EldritchFeminity ,

They'll have to open it up and clean out all the gender fluid so it'll run better.

how can something be so courageous and yet so true ( slrpnk.net )

Edit: Jesus Christ, people. If you buy a $150 Thinkpad made by slave labor instead of a $1,200 MacBook made by slave labor, you're still supporting a capitalist economy based on slave labor. We all do. We have no choice. The number of smug liberals in the comments saying "well I buy a cheap used laptop" or "well I buy coffee...

EldritchFeminity ,

Artificially inflated as in the way that the price of a taco at Taco Bell has doubled since 1990 when accounting for inflation. If things were more expensive to pay workers better, people wouldn't care. But the federal minimum wage is currently set at 2 McDonald's hashbrowns an hour and prices have increased faster than inflation in most sectors in the chase of infinite growth.

Threads is automatically hiding comments that mention Pixelfed ( mastodon.social )

For anyone wondering if Threads and Facebook at large will be a fine neighbor in the space and compatible with other apps/services in the fediverse: they’re already automatically hiding comments that mention Pixelfed https://mastodon.social/@dansup/112126250737482807

Thread showing meta hid a comment that mentioned Pixelfed
EldritchFeminity ,

This is basically how I feel about Instagram. I just can't understand why people use the platform, or even how they do.

Every time I try to use the app, I just end up closing it in frustration a couple of minutes later. What's the point in following people when the algorithm is just going to show me a randomized assortment of their posts from the past week where every one is followed by a "suggested" post from somebody I don't follow and then a "sponsored" post (ad). And then it stops after like 20 posts and refuses to load any more because "You're all caught up from the past 3 days!", even if I haven't opened it in 5 months.

I guess following people whose content you're interested in has gone out of style in favor of consuming whatever the algorithm vomits up in front of you. I feel like even Tik Tok does a better job of letting you see content from people you're following, and that thing is basically all algorithm.

And now I sound like my parents in the 2010s trying to figure out why people use Facebook...

EldritchFeminity ,

I knew there had to be something fishy considering the video game industry alone has laid off 30,000 people in the past 2 years - 20,000 last year and a further 10,000 in January and February alone of this year.

EldritchFeminity ,
EldritchFeminity ,

Yeah, the things that really stand out to me on this particular example are the quotes from people in the industry saying that it's the worst instability in the industry in the past 15 years (so since the 2008 recession) in an industry know for its lack of job stability (it used to almost be guaranteed that devs would be laid off after a project finished) and that up to 73% of developers say that they've been affected by the layoffs, either being laid off themselves or somebody they know getting laid off like members of their team.

I watch a lady on YouTube who works for Sony who said that the average time to find a new job is 2 months, and that with the number of layoffs it's very likely that many of these developers will never work in the industry again.

It's just another example of the situations like companies bragging about record-breaking profits while an increasing number of people making six-figure salaries are living paycheck to paycheck.

EldritchFeminity ,

YMMV, but I've had more issues with people being this obtuse here on Lemmy than I've ever seen on Tumblr.

Plus, Tumblr is basically all queer content creators who have been on the site for 10-14 years. Subtext is like oxygen to them at this point.

EldritchFeminity ,

On the bright side, 9mm is cheaper than a retirement home. Somebody's getting a blowjob on my 60th birthday, and it ain't gonna be me!

EldritchFeminity ,

No, they said that their choice was either an extra expense of $360 a month for the car that they bought, or $4,000 for a cheap beater that's guaranteed to die on you at some point and be a hole that you perpetually shovel money into if you keep replacing it with more junkers.

That doesn't mean that they can afford the extra $360 a month. Just that it was the cheaper option.

EldritchFeminity ,

The TL;DR of it is that the people with the power to change that are the same people who benefit from it the most and therefore whose best interests are to prevent it from changing.

And America is the greatest democracy in the same way that corporations find that they did nothing wrong upon investigating themselves.

EldritchFeminity ,

I would say the biggest factor is the emboldening of the people who were already toxic, because this has been progressing for decades now in the US, if not the rest of the world.

Once the racists could hide their hatred in plain view by simply saying "it's just a joke", it became that much easier for them to say the quiet part out loud. And once they got bold enough with that, all bets were off. The divisiveness of media (both traditional and social) is profit-motive driven and probably comes as a direct result of the former developments. Clicks bring in the ad revenue, and nobody clicks faster or more often than an angry crowd.

There's plenty of other factors too, I'm sure, like lead poisoning from all the lead being spewed out by cars with leaded gasoline back in the day (one of the side effects of lead poisoning is increased aggression), and the removal of third places that had once allowed people from all walks of life and social classes have a common area where they'd meet and interact. But letting the racists get away with it is definitely a big one.

EldritchFeminity ,

This doesn't surprise me at all, PFAS is in basically anything plastic/waterproofed. I worked on a contract for a company that took samples of the town drinking water, and when they started sampling for PFAS, the steps that they had to take to avoid compromising them were pretty crazy. They couldn't wear waterproofed clothes/boots because they have PFAS in them. They couldn't park the truck within 100ft of the well that they were sampling for the same reason.

EldritchFeminity ,

Yep. I saw a fairly recent study talking about this. The short of it is that they found no correlation between age and political leaning for ANY generation, but a strong correlation between political leaning and wealth.

As people begin to benefit more from the system, the more they support pulling the ladder up behind them.

The correlation to age here is that it gets harder to adapt to new information the older we get, so people are more likely to double down rather than change their perspective as society gets more progressive and inclusive. The best weapon against racism is experiences that put people in situations to meet people with different life experiences than them. Get them outside their little white suburban bubbles. This is why conservatives hate college so much. It's often the first time kids are put in a situation where they're both out from under the thumb of their parents and exposed to kids who grew up in different circumstances than their's.

EldritchFeminity ,

How close did you grow up to Boston, or did your parents live in a city for a period of time? The closer you get to a city, the more liberal the population becomes, and there are some pretty backwoods areas of Massachusetts. My dad was conservative until he went to Boston College and worked at the bank collecting loans from the poorer sections of the city. Even Cape Cod had MAGA protesters yelling at the Bourne Bridge about the plan to house immigrants on the Air Force base for all 4 years of Trump's reign of terror, and I could probably still find the Trump 2016 flag that I used to drive by all the time.

EldritchFeminity ,

That's pretty similar to me, though I grew up just over the bridges on the Cape. I always thought we were in a super liberal area being in Massachusetts (plus we were like halfway between P-Town and Boston), but as I got older, I was shocked by just how conservative it is there. It's like a bastion of snowbirds' summer homes and retirees who all care more about their property taxes than the kids who live there.

EldritchFeminity ,

Nah, I'm sure the principal is already spanking reprimanding them for distracting the boys and teachers with their "hot underage bodies."

EldritchFeminity ,

That's how you know it was drawn by a self-taught artist and not AI generated.

EldritchFeminity ,

There's a major flaw in your logic. Money donated to advocacy groups doesn't correlate to money that would've been donated to Democrats.

The Republicans do this to waste money, yes, but also to waste time and energy fighting battles that don't need to be fought and arguing against positions that they don't actually believe in (theoretically), while also giving their constituents targets to get riled up about and unite against in their joint hatred of said minorities.

It's play #1 in the fascist handbook.

EldritchFeminity ,

Damn right, I say it all the time myself.

I just wanted to point out that there's no direct link to donation money and campaign funds, and it's only a part of the bigger picture of the strategy - the time and energy wasted, the infighting amongst leftists, and the unification of their voting bloc.

It's why I always advocate for people to vote in local politics. Because Republicans sure do, and so much of this stuff starts at a local level and needs to be stopped at a local level long before it gets to the presidential race. They're the ones voting people to school boards to ban books from schools and such. We need to stomp it out at the source rather than fighting fires after they're already started.

Tumblr and Wordpress to Sell Users’ Data to Train AI Tools ( www.404media.co )

this could not be timed worse for Tumblr which is in huge hot water with its userbase already for its CEO breaking his sabbatical to ban a prominent trans user for allegedly threatening him (in a cartoonish manner), and then spending a week personally justifying it increasingly wildly across several platforms. the rumors had...

EldritchFeminity ,

They made an announcement at some point after flipping the switch that noted that some people would be opted out by default based on their blog settings. I think if your blog is set to mature or has certain search parameters turned off already.

It wasn't on for me or several artists I sent messages to who hadn't even heard that this had happened, and the general discourse around it was pretty clearly upset about it not being opt out by default.

They must've updated the app; at the time I wrote that you couldn't do it through the app.

EldritchFeminity ,

If they hadn't given people the option, I don't think the site would be up today. I already saw one artist who wiped their account and left the site within a couple of hours of the announcement.

And they couldn't have picked a worse time to do this after the drama with the CEO banning a popular trans woman permanently off the site last week and threatening to sic the FBI on her for a "threat" of cartoon violence she made after the year-long harassment campaign she suffered had been ignored leading up to her being banned over a transition timeline picture of her face. The CEO then went on to spend hours going into trans women's dms to insist how he's not a transphobe after writing a post about how she had been banned for the "threat," not the picture, even though it had been known for a while by that point that she had been banned for that photo being "nsfw/sexual content," while he eventually started calling her "it." He then topped it off by chasing her and harassing her on Twitter, still insisting that her wishing cartoon violence was a tangible threat and posting the names of accounts she had had at various times on Tumblr. All while he was supposed to be on a 3-month vacation.

Between that and the rumors of this AI deal happening that popped up last week as well, people were already looking for alternative platforms. Allowing people to opt out is the least that they can do if they don't want to run off the users who keep the site running. I don't think many of them are happy that they even have to do that.

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