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Drewelite ,

Off topic, but... Can we retire this idiom? It's in this thread like 3 times and it's always used by people uncomfortable by the fact that someone they don't like made a good point.

'LLM-free' is the new '100% organic' - Creators Are Fighting AI Anxiety With an ‘LLM-Free’ Movement ( www.theatlantic.com )

As soon as Apple announced its plans to inject generative AI into the iPhone, it was as good as official: The technology is now all but unavoidable. Large language models will soon lurk on most of the world’s smartphones, generating images and text in messaging and email apps. AI has already colonized web search, appearing in...

Drewelite ,

They should go ahead and be against Photoshop and, well, computers all together while they're at it. In fact spray paint is cheating too. You know how long it takes to make a proper brush stroke? No skill numpties just pressing a button; they don't know what real art is!

Drewelite ,

Maybe other artists should do that too. Art isn't built from nothing but the sheer magical creativity of the artist. If that were true we'd have Sistine cave paintings instead of the finger painting we currently have in prehistoric caves. Inspiration, is in fact, a thing.

Drewelite ,

Yeah and what is the first thing they teach you in art school? History. From day one you're studying the works of other artists and its implications. How they managed to make an impact on the viewers and how it inspires you. Then we produce output that's judged by our teachers on a scale and we use that as weighted training data.

Drewelite ,

Being afraid of truth is a bandaid. Yes, sometimes saying a truth can cause short-term harm. Like Biden supporting war crimes. But if you start silencing truths instead of countering them with more truth, it just proves you don't really believe you have the truth on your side. The group who is unwilling to face the truth, is sure to lose it all together.

Drewelite ,

Worth mentioning: life is a construct created by humans. We decide if it's alive, just like we decided if anything else was alive. There's no definite answer that science can provide on this topic. It can only provide humanity with more facts with which we can contrive a distinction.

Drewelite ,

Welcome to the internet, where people try their best to find people with the same opinions so they can feel good and get pissed when they can't.

Drewelite ,

Yeah, they're both pretty wildly off base. Publishing papers that are vetted and used as a foundation for other work is science. Also, sorry, but developing advancements behind closed doors is still science. Oppenheimer's secret research for the government is pretty fucking foundational. Thomas Edison wasn't interested in sharing his ideas, but rather in selling them. Everyone remembers him.

This argument reads like two people having an ego trip past each other.

Drewelite ,

Well, what political stances do you think the people committing the hate crimes have? You're right to point out that most of the people protesting Israel's actions are not violent or necessarily antisemitic. But the post your responding to is highlighting that it IS happening. Antisemitism existed before this and it'd be foolish to act like those people wouldn't be the first people to jump on an anti-Israel political movement. So if you're interested in keeping the heart of this political movement untainted by antisemitism, then you'd do well to acknowledge its presence.

Drewelite ,

Most of the progressive role models I see for straight white men focus on uplifting minorities and the disenfranchised. When it's not done to white knight or virtue signal, that's awesome. But it misses a crucial part of what a role model should be. Someone who understands your struggles and promotes self love and empathy. And encourages you to stick up for yourself. Secure your mask before helping others.

But when these men talk about their struggles they're branded as incels. If they say they're proud of their heritage they're branded as racist. If they try and do something about injustices they face they're branded conservatives.

Drewelite ,

Or how about: " It's fuckin' BUSTLIN' in here"

Drewelite ,

You could just open an LLC that researches if having lunch everyday kills you and each day report, "Not yet." For this to work you'd have to prove the value of anything you'd want to do for work to the government and what happens if the government is bad at knowing what has potential. You know, hypothetically.

Drewelite ,

So you're saying that in whatever system is created for libertarianism there will be a potential for people to use their freedom to subvert libertarianism, right? That makes sense to a point, but it's the same issue that exists in every other system. Socialist need to have checks and balances to ensure the government doesn't subvert the needs of the people, capitalists need to bust monopolies to ensure someone doesn't takeover the market, etc. I know I'm mixing economics and politics, but I hope you see my point.

Drewelite ,

I love the theory of a really effective government that can produce things that are consistently better than private corporations. But that's just never been my experience. In fact, it feels like the bigger a government gets the worst it operates. So how would you imagine a government that produces all the products and services for a society better than a free market?

Drewelite ,

What comes to mind is like Russia, Venezuela, China, or North Korea. Maybe something could be learned from the Chinese economy, but it feels like a lot of the successful parts are free market based. What am I missing?

Drewelite ,

Yeah I'm a gun enthusiast. I really like the laws the way they are now as they relate to me. So I get it. But how many mass shootings do we need before we admit there's a problem right now? Maybe far in the future we can consider relaxing some of the regulations again. But right now, something about the current social situation is basically creating domestic terrorists. We need to start locking things down until it stops.

Drewelite ,

I mean I know black gun enthusiasts who are pro-gun...

Drewelite ,
Drewelite ,

/s ?

Drewelite ,

Yeah, I know a lot of Republicans that claim the left is only on their "high horse" when it suits them. I still don't believe that, but this thread really helps me understand where they got this notion of duplicity. Not a good look. SMH

Drewelite , (edited )

People are always looking up, so they think about themselves as the little guy. Meanwhile people with smart phones and designer clothes are wading through a river of blood themselves, but they don't look down, so they don't see it. Reality is, if you live in America or Europe there's a good chance you're in the top 10% of global wealth. So when I hear this sentiment that we should start chopping from the top, I always notice how they think the chopping should stop right before it gets to their neck. Oh and look who that would leave on top... Interesting.

Drewelite ,

Got a penny in my left hand and a knife in my right.

Drewelite ,

I can absolutely see the difference, just like the Vietnamese factory workers can see the difference between them and you claiming you have to buy an iPhone. In a billionaire's world, what they're doing is the norm. Do I think they have a responsibility to wake up and smell their bullshit? Absolutely.Their actions hurt many people and it's inexcusable. But doesn't that ring a little hollow if I'm not willing to do the same?

Cybertruck Deliveries Halted Due To Car Being A Big Piece Of Shit That Doesn't Work ( defector.com )

Tesla, a future case study for securities law classes across America, had to stop delivering Cybertrucks this past weekend. No, not because the hundred-thousand–dollar medium-duty pickup, which is only any of those things in the loosest interpretive sense, tends to brick when it gets rained on; nor because its stainless steel...

Drewelite ,

I love unbiased journalism! Lmao, I know it's a blog / opinion piece but still, at least consider why people buy them. This just reads like a boo Elon circle jerk.

Drewelite ,

Elon seems like a douche. So I think we're on the same page there. But if we're calling the Cybertruck literal shit, then we've lost the meaning of the word. The product seems to have some crappy flaws. But it is a first gen of a radical new idea. I personally really like finally seeing some innovation when it comes to automotives. It feels like no one's really tried to make a big change up in decades. Everything on the street is the same concept in 4 different shapes. Every now and then they add a no-brainer feature like Bluetooth and that's it. The Cybertruck looks like a totally unique new electric pickup built with stainless steel, a 4-wheel steering system, and steel rolling bed cover. I don't see a reason to buy it myself, but I get why someone would. And I'm really happy that someone is trying something new in a stagnant market.

If the product is shitty, then by all means call it out. But I think understanding why some people are excited for it is worthwhile. No one is asking you to eat this particular "shit soup."

Drewelite ,

I think you're forgetting that a lot of churches are small fellowships co-opting an office space or like the other commenter said, out in the middle of nowhere. This wasn't a post about mega churches, but it's a fair point.

TIL the dev of Iron Lung, an acclaimed indie horror game, faced significant backlash over increasing the price from $6 to $8 ( www.ign.com )

Then, responding to those who have said he’s “only doing this for the money", Szymanski tweeted: “Yes, no fucking shit. I make games for a living. If I didn't want to earn money from them I wouldn't charge money for them.”...

Drewelite ,

Consumers these days have so much entitlement. I understand not wanting to be tricked with advertising or wanting a safe product, without toxic chemicals or whatnot.

But at the end of the day, assuming that's the case, someone should be able to make whatever they want and charge whatever they want. If no one buys it, they're a bad business person. The end. But lately I've seen so many people doing things like starting witch hunts to go after makers of something they don't like. Or trying to strongarm a company into changing a product by holding their reputation for ransom. Or deciding as a community on an idealized business model and punishing companies that don't use it.

And the gaming community is the worst of them. Like if you don't like multiplayer games, fine. Don't shit on a game for like 5 paragraphs just to finally say, "See? RDR2 did just fine, we should be making single player games. Anyway I didn't actually play this and neither should you. 0/5 stars."

Like bro, this team worked really hard to make a game they believed in. They didn't have to run it by you. If you don't like it play something else. But people will claim you have no right to have created what you did, the audacity that you thought you could is appalling, and frankly... You're an immoral person to work for money. Like damn guys, chill. Nobody has to make you games. I don't go see Starry Night and write a letter to Van Gogh's estate like, "I'm not a fan of blue"

Drewelite ,

Gamers: Where's my game? Why do you subject your developers to crunch? Why is it so expensive? Why don't you pay your developers more?

Drewelite ,

I mean, some people genuinely don't get it. If you've got a good answer, give it.

Drewelite ,

Or simply emoji based "reactions" like in most messaging platforms. This user friendly and immediately understandable system invites many ways to express how you feel about a comment. I think the community would eventually develop a sort of nuanced language to capture how we feel about a comment. Like "we all know what 🏴‍☠️ means." But perhaps this is too abstract.

Drewelite ,

Man, the Zune was the best MP3 player experience in its day... They even had the OG music subscription service. For $15 bucks a month and then they let you keep $15 of music forever. So it was a no brainier if you'd buy an album a month anyway.

Drewelite ,

Feels like a bit of a loop back there. "It can only ever be as smart as human output. So we'll always need humans." To... What? Create equivalent mistakes? Maybe LLMs in their current form won't be the drop in replacement, but it's a critical milestone and a sign of what's around the corner. So these concerns are still relevant.

Drewelite ,

I don't think it needs to be our goal, but I think if the fediverse gets popular, we should let it grow. I see this place as an infinite green space for people to come and feel free to discuss their interests. Lemmy's communities ensure that it scales, because you only join ones that interest you. Then the community can enforce whatever spirit of discussion it wants to maintain and people can create another community if they want to try something different.

Drewelite ,

"I didn't personally know them, so I can't really speak to their life or character. But to their loved ones: I'm sorry for your loss."

Drewelite ,

3D Printer. You'll probably need to learn a bit of 3D modeling to get the most out of it and it is a hobby in its own right... But man, the amount of little bullshit stuff I had to buy from Amazon that now I print for pennies and to the exact specifications that I need. I made a new door shelf for my fridge to hold my coffee carafe, a door stop, a loop for my bedside table to hold cables, bracket to hold my webcam, hydroponics tower, drawer organizers, pegboard hooks, a plate to cover a weird shaped hole in my wall, a bracket to hang a rgb smart bulb behind my monitor, a phone stand, angled smart doorbell mount, broom and mop hanger, board games, and of course attachments for my 3D printer!!

Redditors Vent and Complain When People Mock Their "AI Art" ( futurism.com )

Setting aside the usual arguments on the anti- and pro-AI art debate and the nature of creativity itself, perhaps the negative reaction that the Redditor encountered is part of a sea change in opinion among many people that think corporate AI platforms are exploitive and extractive in nature because their datasets rely on...

Drewelite ,

So it won't be popular. But then there is AI art that's popular isn't there? Did a landscape have a point of view when someone took a picture of it? No. But the photographer and everyone that saw something in it afterwards did. The viewer can give the piece meaning. It's well known that art is subjective. That means you, the subject, determine if what you're seeing is evoking emotion.

For what it's worth, I don't think the brain is magic. So someday something synthetic will have a complex opinion and express it metaphorically. Maybe we're already there, just not on a human level. Could a rat make art? Because at some point soon computers are going to be on the spectrum of intelligence of a living thing, if it's not already.

Drewelite ,

Can animals or aliens create art?

Drewelite ,

You talking about humans or AI?

Drewelite ,

I just need to press a button and my DSLR will automatically upload the picture I took. Is photography art? Different people get different things from art. If you want to see something that took a human a hundred hours of consideration, that's fine. But I don't care what the artist was thinking most of the time. I care how it makes me feel. What inspiration it sparks in my mind. I've been moved and inspired by AI art. Admittedly I could also probably have been moved by inkblots. But people hang inkblot prints in their house because it does something for them. Art is subjective, meaning it's more about the subject viewing it than the artist.

Drewelite ,

This is because different people enjoy different things about art. Some people see it as a connection, hearing another person's voice in the piece. Some love to see sacrifice, like spending hundreds of hours on creating something. Some view it almost like a sport and want to see a display of pinnacle skill. Others want the art to connect with them and their past.

Drewelite ,

You caused me no distress, I was just inspired by your comment to share my perspective.

If a machine isn't an athlete for throwing a football, there are no athletes. If a computer can't be a musician, there are no musicians. The line you're drawing where a computer is worthy of being called an artist, is whether or not it was created by evolution. But there's no technical differences between the two. Or at least there won't be soon.

I understand you're under a different opinion and I thank you for it. I have no need to change it.

Drewelite ,

Kinda off topic, but I love Lemmy. How many more people actually think about what they say here. Refreshing compared to a lot of other social media. Anyway thanks for listening to others point of views.

Drewelite ,

Is it possible this is because of Apple though? Feels like a whole generation is coming of age that we're told they were too dumb to figure out settings and to just let papa Apple take care of all that nerd shit.

Drewelite ,

There's no realistic way to enforce that. The answer is to go the other way. We used to have systems in place for accountability of information. We need to bring back institutions for journalism and historians to be trustworthy sources that cite their work and show their research.

Drewelite ,

Don't get me started on the sham that is recycling icons 😂

I'm all for making regulation that would require media companies to disclose that something is fake if it could be reasonably taken as truth. But that doesn't solve the problem of anyone with a computer pumping fake images on to the web. What you're suggesting would require a world government that has chip level access to anything with a CPU.

As for the public enforcing the truth; that's what I'm suggesting. Assume anything you see online could be fake. Only trust trustworthy institutions that back up their media with verifiable facts.

Drewelite ,

Well for the majority of human existence we got by on talking to each other in person. So I think the collapse of humanity is a bit dramatic.

Now, as we've seen with torrenting, if any country doesn't comply or enforce laws against how their citizens should interact with the internet you can just VPN through that country to do what you want.

Ok so

  1. Create the infrastructure for an entire world government.
  2. Force every country to join and fully enforce laws tying every person to their online accounts.
  3. Of course this will create a dangerous police-state like China's government for many countries where speaking out against your government is dealt with harshly. So either abolish free speech or fix all corruption in all the countries in the world.
  4. Of course this level of control over the world will attract a lot of corruption itself, so build an unassailable global set of checks and balances for how this government should be run that literally everyone on earth can agree on.


Proper journalism.

Drewelite ,

If you're talking about the problem of someone acting like they get to decide who is allowed and what happens on the platform, I agree in principle, but that's why the fediverse exists.

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