@DrJenkem@lemmy.blugatch.tube avatar



hacker / leftist / shitposter

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DrJenkem ,
@DrJenkem@lemmy.blugatch.tube avatar

I'd be willing to bet humans also innately believe the earth is flat (in your day-to-day life it certainly doesn't look like we're on a spherical object hurling through space), but that doesn't make it so.

DrJenkem ,
@DrJenkem@lemmy.blugatch.tube avatar

Fuck off with your antivax bullshit. Don't you have some new anti science to peddle?

DrJenkem ,
@DrJenkem@lemmy.blugatch.tube avatar

Science is that and so much more. Any imbecile can question the curvature of the earth. But if they aren't actually building a model, formulating a falsifiable hypothesis, testing that hypothesis with a reproducible experiment, and publishing their findings for peer review, then they're not doing science. That is pseudo-science and you are just a member of a cult.

DrJenkem ,
@DrJenkem@lemmy.blugatch.tube avatar

Not at all surprising to me. America is deeply reactionary. Made worse by the fact that our electoral system gives disproportionate representation to rural areas.

DrJenkem ,
@DrJenkem@lemmy.blugatch.tube avatar

Okay, here is what is going on and why people are getting mad. A lot of people are getting sick of the pandering to other cultures that seems way out of place. They just want their games to be games without some political message or propaganda being pushed to them.

When gamers complain about this shit, it's usually just dog whistling. These same gamers never complain about the political bias inherent in the call of duty franchise. They're doing the enlightened centrist thing where they pretend to hold a moderate position but are actually deeply reactionary.

This is not the case with this AC game. The person actually exists and Ubisoft loves putting notable historical people in the ACU.

Yeah exactly my point.

Don’t automatically assume malice or racism

Void of logic and reason, I can only assume their position does boil down to malice and racism. Or are you being charitable and assuming ignorance?

DrJenkem ,
@DrJenkem@lemmy.blugatch.tube avatar

Doesn't FOSS refer to software this is both free and open source? Not a union of free software and open source software? My understanding is that if a piece of software is not both open and free then it is not FOSS.


From the wiki page:

Free and open-source software (FOSS) is software that is available under a license that grants the right to use, modify, and distribute the software, modified or not, to everyone free of charge. The public availability of the source code is, therefore, a necessary but not sufficient condition. FOSS is an inclusive umbrella term for free software and open-source software.

Source: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Free_and_open-source_software

DrJenkem , (edited )
@DrJenkem@lemmy.blugatch.tube avatar

You maybe replied before seeing my edit, but I actually quoted that article in the edit.

DrJenkem ,
@DrJenkem@lemmy.blugatch.tube avatar

I see, so what is the difference between the two?

I've been thinking of OSS and source available as interchangeable. But now it kind of seems to me that free software is interchangeable with open source software. Is it just a matter of branding?

What do you think of the term "short king" as a term that's supposed to champion body positivity for men?

Body positivity is such a strange concept to me. There's efforts to reclaim words while simultaneously calling them bad if used as an insult. Ideally, people wouldn't be offended by someone describing their body with common descriptors, but socially there is so much value attributed to certain body types that it's almost...

DrJenkem ,
@DrJenkem@lemmy.blugatch.tube avatar

I agree that we should strive for people to be healthy. But there's a lot of evidence to suggest that shame not only is ineffective but can actually have the opposite effect.

Besides, I think you're being pretty reductive. Health includes both physical and mental, we should take steps to improve both of these. And I get the sense that you specifically take issue with body positivity specifically around fat people, as I assume you don't think being short or tall is unhealthy. In which case, you're ignoring the economics of it (at least in America, there are a ton of government subsidies for corn, incentivizing businesses to load up our food with corn syrup).

The issue is complex and so would any solutions. At least in America, we need to deincentivize the production of unhealthy food, better access to healthcare, and cultural shifts as well. And I'm sure there's a whole lot I'm missing.

DrJenkem ,
@DrJenkem@lemmy.blugatch.tube avatar

I don't think most women are that cynical. Like do transactional relationships exist? Absolutely, but I don't think that's the majority of them and you probably don't want that kind of relationship anyways.

In fact, in my experience, women are typically made uncomfortable when I try to insist on paying for the entire bill on a date.

I think for a lot of women, it's as simple as, "am I comfortable and do I have fun when I'm hanging out with this guy?".

But at the end of the day, women are not a monolith that all think and act the same. Just as men are not a monolith that all think and act the same. So it is unwise to assume all women want the same things out of a relationship.

DrJenkem ,
@DrJenkem@lemmy.blugatch.tube avatar

Do you have any platonic relationships? Like family or friends? Are these relationships transactional for you as well?

DrJenkem ,
@DrJenkem@lemmy.blugatch.tube avatar

Damn that's sad to hear man.

I think I now understand why you believe women are only interested in extracting value out of you. It's because that's how you've been treated. And further, you've accepted this as a universal truth. And when entering new relationships yourself, you start with the question, what value can I extract from this other person? That's probably why you don't have any male friends, because you can't extract any value from them. And you self-select for romantic relationships in the same way. You're stuck in a cycle. If you remain set in your view that relationships are transactional, it's hard to imagine you ever experiencing one that is not.

DrJenkem ,
@DrJenkem@lemmy.blugatch.tube avatar

If you’re ashamed for being overweight, that’s something that should motivate you to lose the weight.

You would think so, but you'd be wrong. As I said before, shaming not only doesn't work but has the opposite effect.

As James Corden said:

If making fun of fat people made them lose weight, there'd be no fat kids in schools.

If you're sincere in your desire to make people healthier, then shame is not the way.

If you're only interested in a feeling of superiority, then carry on I guess.

DrJenkem ,
@DrJenkem@lemmy.blugatch.tube avatar

Do I need to repeat myself for a 3rd time? Do you not realize that "ashamed" is the adjective form of "shame"?

DrJenkem ,
@DrJenkem@lemmy.blugatch.tube avatar

I'm frankly not even clear what the conversation is that you're trying to have. You claim, "I'm not saying we should shame people" and then go on to once again declare that "if people feel ashamed they'll lose weight". So which is it, is shame helpful as a weightloss tool or not? Spoiler alert: it's not.

To me it honestly seems like you accidentally triple downed on an objectively bad position and are trying to buzzword your way out of it with accusations of virtue signaling and trolling.

Just take the L and move on dude.

DrJenkem ,
@DrJenkem@lemmy.blugatch.tube avatar

To shame someone is entirely different than to feel ashamed of yourself.

Is it? The end result is a feeling of shame. And that feeling of shame, doesn't make people lose weight. I've now said it for the 4th time. But yeah, I'm the one that doesn't understand words.

If you kick a dog, you should feel ashamed of yourself without someone shaming you. If you forgo a healthy weight or lifestyle in favor of overconsumption and ignorance, you should feel ashamed of yourself without someone shaming you.

I see, so it's a moral failing of someone to be fat? Akin to kicking a dog? Wild take.

In the end, you're right. I'm not interested in having this conversation. Because this isn't a conversation about making people healthier, it's a moral conversation. And I don't think someone is immoral for having an eating disorder just as I don't think someone is immoral for having cancer.

If you would like to discuss actionable, material ways to help people I'm all in. If you want to larp as a televangelist screeching about the evils of being fat, I'm out.

DrJenkem , (edited )
@DrJenkem@lemmy.blugatch.tube avatar

Literally quoting you lol.

I'm old enough to remember "asl?". Why do you ask about my age, looking for an easy way to dismiss me?

Out of curiosity, are you religious?

DrJenkem ,
@DrJenkem@lemmy.blugatch.tube avatar

The Dispossessed had been in my backlog for a while now. I really need to get to it.

DrJenkem , (edited )
@DrJenkem@lemmy.blugatch.tube avatar

Most people would probably intuitively answer "no", and most computer scientists agree, but this has still not been proven, so we actually don't know.

I disagree, I think most computer scientists believe that P != NP, at least when it comes to classical computers. If we believed that P = NP, then why would we bother with encryption?

EDIT: nvm, I misread it.

DrJenkem ,
@DrJenkem@lemmy.blugatch.tube avatar

Reading comprehension is hard my bad.

Edit: wait no, it's "easy" I'm just dumb.

Israel using Meta's WhatsApp to kill Palestinians in Gaza through AI system ( www.middleeastmonitor.com )

According to software engineer and blogger, Paul Biggar, however, one key detail on the methods employed by the Lavender system that is often overlooked is the involvement of the messaging platform, WhatsApp. A major determining factor of the system’s identification is simply if an individual is in a WhatsApp group containing...

DrJenkem ,
@DrJenkem@lemmy.blugatch.tube avatar

Depends on the man. Depends on the women. Orgasm is not guaranteed for some men.

[solved] Audiobookshelf not fetching latest podcast episodes ( slrpnk.net )

Hiya, quickly wondering if anyone has had any issues with ABS not fetching/pulling latest podcast episodes? I added my podcasts via OPML, around a week ago, and it doesn't seem to be pulling in any new episodes. I've set a schedule to scan the lib each hour, but im assuming this feature is just for scanning for new local files...

DrJenkem ,
@DrJenkem@lemmy.blugatch.tube avatar

That scan only scans your hard drive once an hour.

To check rss feeds for me podcast episodes, you need to go to the settings of each podcast and schedule it to scan the podcast feed.

Do you have some kind of subconscious awareness of interests you already have or know you eventually will take deep dives into at some point in life?

I mean like awareness that, just under the surface, there are deep explorations waiting for the right time and place to emerge; things you've set aside or placed on the back burner but will tackle eventually/many you already have tackled....

DrJenkem ,
@DrJenkem@lemmy.blugatch.tube avatar

Regarding the assembly and cracking stuff, I've actually taught myself that (not RISC-V, but x86, arm, and a little mips and PPC). The way I did it, was largely practice by doing. Specifically, I tried to almost every weekend put some time into competing in CTFs. Focus on the reversing challenges, look for writeups on similar challenges, fail, and once the CTF has ended, read the writeups and try solving again. Rinse and repeat, each weekend you'll slowly get better and better.

Additionally, start messing around with an assembly debugger. For me, being able to step through instruction by instruction and watch as the values of the registers change, made everything sort of click. Start with making your own program in c, then debug the assembly, and pay attention to how your c code got converted to assembly.

There's also some decent books out there, I like NoStarch (there's a malware book and also hacking: the art of exploitation, the malware book is more reverse engineering, but both should be decent starting points for assembly).

Btw, picoctf is a good starter one that is hosted year round.

DrJenkem ,
@DrJenkem@lemmy.blugatch.tube avatar

Computer support helpdesk at a university.

DrJenkem ,
@DrJenkem@lemmy.blugatch.tube avatar

VC's and companies like OpenAI have done a really good job of propagandizing AI (LLMs). People think it's magical and the future, so there's money in saying you have it.

DrJenkem ,
@DrJenkem@lemmy.blugatch.tube avatar

They're kind of right. LLMs are not general intelligence and there's not much evidence to suggest that LLMs will lead to general intelligence. A lot of the hype around AI is manufactured by VCs and companies that stand to make a lot of money off of the AI branding/hype.

DrJenkem ,
@DrJenkem@lemmy.blugatch.tube avatar

Yes, rich white men like Musk are very oppressed and getting very racismed.

Canonical's Steam Snap is Causing Headaches for Valve ( www.omgubuntu.co.uk )

Timothée Besset, a software engineer who works on the Steam client for Valve, took to Mastodon this week to reveal: “Valve is seeing an increasing number of bug reports for issues caused by Canonical’s repackaging of the Steam client through snap”....

DrJenkem , (edited )
@DrJenkem@lemmy.blugatch.tube avatar

Isn't SteamOS based on Debian, not Arch?

EDIT: nvm, it used to be Debian, but the newer versions for steamdeck are based on Arch.

DrJenkem , (edited )
@DrJenkem@lemmy.blugatch.tube avatar

As far as I know, SteamOS is already based on Debian. The dev is complaining about users trying to install steam on their own Ubuntu installs, not SteamOS.

EDIT: nvm, it used to be Debian, but the newer versions for steamdeck are based on Arch. Apparently they wanted rolling updates so that it would be easier to push out changes more frequently.

DrJenkem ,
@DrJenkem@lemmy.blugatch.tube avatar

Yeah I just saw that, forgot/didn't realize they switched.

The Irish government wants to pass a law that could see you or your loved ones jailed for possession of memes, cartoons or any content that could be deemed "hateful".

The Bill includes no definition of hate and is wide open to abuse by bad actors. Defend free speech – say no to this legislation, and any legislation of is kind... Anywhere!...

DrJenkem ,
@DrJenkem@lemmy.blugatch.tube avatar

Does the bill need some amendments to clear up some ambiguity? Maybe, idk, I'm not Irish nor am I a legal expert; I know virtually nothing about the Irish legal system.

But based on the BBC article, it sounds like the intention of the bill is to get some hate crime laws on the books for Ireland, which they apparently have none so far.

I am very much in favor of punishing hate crimes/hate speech. Free Speech absolutism is braindead, and those who preach it are often hypocrites. Take Musk for example, self proclaimed free speech absolutist. Sure he allows people to hurl a variety of slurs on his platform but then goes and bans a bunch of left-wing accounts. Advocating for white supremacy is covered by free speech but advocating for socialism is not? That really ought to make you question if free speech is really Musk's goal.

DrJenkem ,
@DrJenkem@lemmy.blugatch.tube avatar

Slippery slope fallacy. Hate crime laws have been on the books in America since 1968 and I'm not aware of them leading to the end of free speech in America.

DrJenkem ,
@DrJenkem@lemmy.blugatch.tube avatar

Watch yourself, don't want to fall down that slippery slope.

DrJenkem ,
@DrJenkem@lemmy.blugatch.tube avatar

Sounds not unlike America. We've had hate crime laws since 1968, I don't know why everyone's acting like it's the end of the world.

DrJenkem ,
@DrJenkem@lemmy.blugatch.tube avatar

The bill covers both hate speech and hate crimes. Which aspects of the bill do you take issue with? I personally don't think it should be legal to incite violence against people of a protected class. I didn't realize that was such a hot take.

DrJenkem ,
@DrJenkem@lemmy.blugatch.tube avatar

True, but another commonly cited exception is that it's illegal to yell fire in a crowded theater where there is no fire. My assumption is the rationale being, if your speech is likely to present a danger to people it shouldn't be legal.

But you're correct, America is pretty tolerant of hate speech, and it does lead to some pretty negative consequences imo.

Probably a better comparison would be countries like Canada or Germany.


I do applaud you for taking the time to research it rather than getting caught up in the sensationalism of a Twitter post like so many others replying to me.

I think that it would be good to mirror the Lemmy repositories to a FOSS alternative (e.g. Codeberg)

Currently, the Lemmy Project only uses Github for its repositories related to Lemmy’s development (e.g. Lemmy, Lemmy-UI). GitHub is a proprietary service, and it is owned by Microsoft. These facts open the door for a myriad of potential issues across the ecosystem, and community. I would like to clarify, though, that I don’t...

DrJenkem ,
@DrJenkem@lemmy.blugatch.tube avatar

You can self host gitea and begin mirroring the Lemmy repos yourself right now.

TLS/SSL Certs for Docker-based Lemmy deployment

I was hoping to get some help from you all, since I assume there are a good number of people here selfhosting their own instance of Lemmy. There doesn't appear to be a search bar for per community searching, so I thought I'd post my question in case anyone else has a similar one. I've created my own Lemmy instance running in...

DrJenkem ,
@DrJenkem@lemmy.blugatch.tube avatar

Nginx-proxy-manager makes dealing with certs easier imo. You can either have it setup to double proxy (point to the nginx you already have running) or replace the existing nginx (you'll have to copy the config into nginx-proxy-manager ui).

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