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Delphia ,

But this solution doesnt kill any billionaires, install linux, implement communism or defund the police! It accomplishes nothing!

Delphia ,

If I could find a woman who could pay all our bills on one wage I'd go house husband in a fucking heartbeat. I'm the better cook anyway.

If you want to make that your personality thats the weird part.

Delphia ,

So its no different to every other culture, ideology, fad or lifestyle choice.

Delphia ,

That was my point too, the lifestyle sounds great. If you want to hang a bunch of ideological bullshit on it too then thats on you.

Delphia ,

Yeah I meant to type "If my wife could find a job that could..." but my brain backfired.

She might not be a good cook but she really is the brains of the operation.

Delphia ,

I think keeping a bear, even a very well trained and "domesticated" one is cruel and horrible. I also think that Russians make it look super fun and awesome on youtube.

But eventually the bear is probably going to maul me and my last thought will be the Chris Rock quote on Siegfried and Roy... "That tiger didnt go crazy, THAT TIGER WENT TIGER!"

Delphia ,

You know when that tiger was crazy? When it was riding around on the little bicycle "Ohhh Im a crazy tiger!"

Delphia , (edited )

The worst thing about Biden is his age. The worst thing about Trump is LITERALLY EVERYTHING ELSE.

Unfortunately these are the two choices you have and putting them both on the platform of "Ugh neither" only benefits Trump because theres a legion of easily led fools who would still vote for him if there was video of him raping a puppy.

Delphia ,

When I saw the initial thing about using the Lego heads to disguise identities I did think "How long until I see the story about the cease and desist?"

Delphia ,

Not a specific game, but Ive had this discussion before and been downvoted to shit for my stance. Ive bought plenty of not great games on extreme steam sale and I cant help but mentally review them on a dollars to enjoyment over time scale.

Was it a great game? Not really. Did I play it for 3 weekends? Yes. Did I get $10 of entertainment value out of it? Absolutely, it seems like I cant leave the house without spending $10. Thats significantly better value than how I feel about buying D4 at launch.

Delphia ,

Oh you have to start screenshotting that.

I used to have a lot of fun with scam callers with a character named "Heinrich Licksumweiner" who insisted on being called "Heinie" a character simultaneously horribly offensive to both gay people and germans but it turns out that a lot of the Indian scam callers are SUPER homophobic.

Delphia ,

I would answer the phone with "Ja, zis is Heinrich Licksumweiner, who wants a little Heinie!?!" If they cant figure it out from that then Im about to have a lot of fun with a very dumb cunt.

Delphia ,

I cant comment on the ubiquity of these jobs. But I work for a (non us) national government organisation with a union. Pay is the same the country round so living in a relatively major city with significantly lower cost of living than the majors means I get a pretty damn good quality of life, better cost of living and job security out of less money than some jobs.

Its not just the dollar figure but what it gets you and where.

Delphia ,

I know two people who have been on it. It seems to be a momentum builder, you require significantly less food to feel full and you feel full longer. So a reasonable portion of chicken and a salad does feel like a full meal, so a calorie restricted diet is easier to stick to. The weight DOES start coming off and you see progress and build good habits.

Delphia ,

Gas outlet.

Delphia ,

Gas heaters.

They are one of the most cost effective ways to heat a home... bugger all use in summer and with reverse cycle AC being a lot cheaper these days they dont see much use but last time I checked, still very cost effective to run.

Delphia ,

I mean, I would like a free Hugo Boss suit and a Mercedes convertible. But not like that...

Delphia ,

Alternatively fill the tank and use a storage additive. Like this stuff

Dont just disconnect the battery, take it out of the car and put it inside, on a battery tender if you can afford it. Put 1 or 2 of those closet dehumidifier tubs in it as a precaution against mould (especially if its been rainy in the leadup to storage) and if you're relatively smart with cars go into the fuse box and take out the fuse for the ecu/fuel pump so that if someone breaks into the house and finds the keys they cant just steal the car.

Also yes, DEFINITELY get a cover that fits well. Poor fitting covers can really damage the paint if they move around too much.

Delphia ,
Delphia ,

I know it isnt the question you asked but the easiest way around this is to find someone you trust who can just use it sparingly, preferably someone with a garage who can keep it out of the weather for you.

this royal family stuff sure seems like a manufactured distraction, but from what?

My feed is filled with this stuff and all I can think of is the conspiracy seems like it should be focused more on the attention it's taking vs whatever crazy takes are floating around. Is this all to distract from the multiple wars going on? Or is there something else that should have our attention but doesnt?

Delphia ,

No offense but how old are you? Because this is nothing new. They have been plastering the UK royals across magazine covers for my entire life and I'm 40 this year.

As for the why... my theory is that the British monarchy (like it or not) is a part of western heritage and history, they have impacted more of the worlds cultures (for better or worse) than not. They certainly arent as relevant to power as they once were but as a lineage they are part of our collective history and having them be pseudo celebrities that we are constantly keeping tabs on gives us a sense of continuity and like everything is going to be ok. Theres plenty of cultures out there keeping really bigoted ideas alive out of "tradition", "history" and "culture"... by comparison suffering some tabloid stories on rich white people doesnt seem that bad.

Delphia ,

Yes, and?

Does anyone think that China is just full of the warm fuzzies and wants us all to hold hands, make smores and sing kumbaya? They are every bit after power as the US is to hold onto it.

Delphia ,

"I hope she killed him"

See this is the fucking problem. If the dog vomited up a pair of dudes jocks and the guy said " I only wear boxers" commenting "I hope he beats the fuck out of her" would be an absolutely vile thing to say.

No domestic violence is ok.

Delphia ,

Major US corporations havent noticed that people are already shooting up churches, schools and shopping centers and are feeling left out.

Delphia ,

Oh theres so many reasons. The highlights?

Theres a strong probability that you are time poor, this kicks your ass in two ways. You get a lot less incidental movement. You drive more and walk less, order things to be delivered instead of going and getting them. Secondly sacrificing sleep which leads to...

Testosterone dropping, not only does your testosterone start to fall in your 30s, low sleep has a terrible impact on T production. Which means a whole bunch of lovely side effects including lower lean muscle mass, depression and fatigue. Oh also being overweight also fucks your T levels...

Lets throw in the fact that most of us have indoor jobs that are very sedentary, which ruins your vitamin D levels. Which leads to fatigue, depression, poor sleep (theres that sleep again) and a bunch of other shit.

The thing is its actually not that hard to stay in shape. Its about a sustained conscious effort and finding things you like that work FOR YOU. Theres no secret diet or workout plan. Calculate your Macros and eat accordingly, find an exercise you LIKE doing and do it often. Dont have a vision board or a body goal, learn to love the process and its the easiest thing you can ever do.

Delphia ,

I had a friend who lost the family house (100+ year old farmhouse) with 4 generations worth of heirlooms and antiques and so on in a bushfire a few years ago. He will never ever admit it to his family but he swears its the best thing that ever could have happened.

He never could have sold great grandads dining room table he built with his own 2 hands it was the size of a fucking snooker table and weighed about the same and took up the biggest room in the house... now its just gone

Delphia ,

Forget Science hell, this is everyones hell.

I might not have a degree but Ive been in my industry for 12 years and frequently get told how wrong I am about it.

Delphia ,

Lemmings also seem to love moving the goalposts and then arguing that whatever I said doesnt fit their goals. I posted about how we could possibly use machine learning to optimise traffic (adjusting speed limits and light timings) with the goal of getting everyone to their destinations just a little bit faster and reducing the time each individual car is running.

Some Lemming just hooked in that it wouldnt work because we need better public transport, more trains, cycleways, people need to drive less... blah blah fucking blah. Treating me like I'm a fucking idiot because it didnt solve a problem he decided it should.

Delphia ,

Ive worked in risk management and The Fight Club quote while (sadly truer than you would like) is wrong, or at least has moved on a lot since the writing of rhe movie.

You also have to factor in potential brand damage. I.e "How many potential customers will we lose" if this issue becomes synonymous with our brand?


Outlier settlements, If the car catches fire due to the faulty switch in a house and kills a father of 3, not only will the settlement be huge there may be potential criminal negligence charges.

So its not quite as grim as the Fight Club quote these days.

Delphia ,

Its one of the times that in most cases the courts and the 24hr news cycle have worked in the peoples favor over big business.

That ignition switch recall that company didnt do killed a father of 3 because the recall would have cost X will be hammered on the news, theres a face to the tragedy of corporate greed and a politiciamln who wants to look like they are tough on big business (despite taking lots of BB money) will use it to grandstand and make an example.

So recalls have to be fucking EYEWATERING before they think not doing it.

Delphia ,

Ive said that if there is a God he did me one favor.

  1. Made me just smart enough to realise how dumb I am and held my ego back just enough for me to be aware that "I might have fucked up" is always an option.
Delphia ,

Hollywood is too formulaic, at least when you shake it up with foreign media you dont really know where its going to go.

Delphia ,

Its a trainable skill. Ive got it to the point where my boss doesnt give me shit about listening to audiobooks while I work because I'm faster when I do.

Delphia ,

I mean, Body language is a bit of a stretch too. I wonder if that was canon.

Delphia ,

You have more superpowers than Shaft.

Delphia ,


Aside from my commute being better I'm not really uniquely qualified to do anything else.


Delphia ,

Now I'm a crossfit guy, it works for me. But its not for everyone, I dont drink the koolaid.

But if you find the right gym, with good trainers and people its amazingly social and its great exercise. Join a running club. Do a spin class. Dont go with the intention of meeting women, thats how you be a perv. But I can almost guarantee that you wont be the only person there who is single and there to improve themselves.

Not "Go to the gym" but something that brings you together in a class, work your ass off and be polite and friendly. Nothing women at the gym like less than a dude on the prowl.

Delphia ,

I think the problem is that theres a lot of niche communities created for an exodus from Reddit that didnt really happen.

If you search for a certain community and find that yeah it exists but nobody has posted there in 6 months...

Delphia ,

I do wonder if its a help or a hinderance though.

If someone wanted to start a community they might actually do something to generate interest, nobody wants to put the effort in to build up a community that the mod can just ban them from or they look and go "Its not that theres nothing, theres just no interest."

Delphia ,

I started dating a Japanese girl in highschool, her parents found out I was white and forbade her fro. Seeing me. "We are very traditional" was what her father said.

Now if my daughter brings home a black guy and I insist that its "traditional" that she doesnt date him because he isnt white...

Delphia ,

The answer to damn near every question being "the complete tear down and rebuilding of society as we know it"

Delphia ,

Lets be real, the comment section of some of the meme communities is best left behind.

Delphia ,

I have one account I blocked it on and one I didnt.

Its useful for dumbscrolling.

Delphia ,

The specific numbers dont matter.

If you take 1 million cars with an average useage time of 1 hour a day and reduce that by 10 minutes thats roughly the same as taking 1 in 6 cars off the road from an emisions standpoint.

Make it 500,000 cars and reduce it by only 5 minutes its roughly the same as 41,000 cars worth of emissions that werent pumped out of exhaust pipes.

No it doesnt solve everything. Yes a well designed public transport system would be a much bigger environmental benefit. But its something that could be done with current tech and without massive infrastructure overhauls with a real tangible benefit for the environment and society.

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