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DahGangalang , (edited )

Yeah, these numbers don't make sense.

To explain the first panel alone, by removing the top ten earners from the data set, you'd move the median to.the lower end by 5 "slots". I'm confident that there are more than 100 people in the USA who make between $65k and $75k (I know at least 25).

If they mean the average/mean, that still doesn't add up. Assuming that the US population is about 350 million and that 350,000,000 - 10 ~= 350 million.

NGL, formatting the equations and walking then out step by step is a pain, esp on mobile, but the answer I came to is by multiplying the difference in mean values (~$10,000) by the US Population (350 million), which yields $300,000,000,000 or about 10 billion per person once evenly distributed.

Elon Musk (2nd richest man in the world at time of writing) has a net worth of less than $5 billion rn, but the numbers here imply that the top earners in the US made at least 60x that amount.

TL;DR: I'mma need some sources on this.

Edit: on my app (Voyager/Wefwef) I can't save draft comments to go look at the meme while commenting, so definitely have some things off from.what the meme was saying, but they're close enough I'm leaving as it.

Also, spelling/grammar

DahGangalang ,

Yeah, I def misread the original meme, but was too committed to the comment when I wanted to.double check somethings.

I use Voyager/WefWef or browsing Lemmy and (to the beat of my knowledge) don't have a way to save draft comments while double checking the content I'm commenting on. I suppose I should probably make an edit addressing this....

DahGangalang ,

Ugh, yeah, but it just gets so tedious.

Besides, I figure it doesn't matter since we're all just bots talking to bots. /s

DahGangalang ,

As a "non-foot" person, my rationalization: seeing people with bare feet isn't typical. Usually, when you do see a barefooted person, its in an intimate or very personal setting and so your brain gets those vibes from seeing feet.

Why dirty / smelly / gross feet appeal to people will forever be beyond me.

DahGangalang ,

Needs to have a non-felony conviction spot for U. S. Grant.

DahGangalang ,

I'm out of the loop. What's prompted this? I assume it's something to do with Supreme Court Justice Alito?

DahGangalang ,

A man of strong conviction, I see.

DahGangalang ,

If factories in your country have suicide nets, maybe you aren't doing domestic governance right.


DahGangalang , (edited )

Like, it feels like this should be the kind of money to put a real dent in the problem......but I worry that the corruption of local governments and the associated contractors will probably soak up a lot of this on tangential things (e.g. lead pipes crosses under this really old road at one point; guess we'll need to tear up the road for 10 miles in each direction of the cross under point and then repave the whole thing, just to be sure)

Edit: modifying example for clarity.

DahGangalang ,

Yeah, but every dollar spent on repaving roads is a dollar that can't be spent on lead pipes.

I suppose the example I've provided is flawed in a sense though. Probably a better example would be that an intersection gets torn up to replace pipes, but the local town council insists on using his brother's asphalt company. "They might cost twice as much for the repavong, but I promise, it'll be higher quality" kinda junk.

DahGangalang ,

If that's really how that works, then I can see why the expense has been kicked down the line so long. I worry this allocated money won't be enough then and that we're probably talking "show" money vs "getting things done" money.

DahGangalang ,

Probably the Columbia University protests. I expect this means someone was arrested for having a bike lock (which can be used as a bludgeon).

DahGangalang ,

This also sounds like a reasonable explanation.

DahGangalang ,

This also sounds like a reasonable explanation.

DahGangalang ,

Wow, I think that is an instant winner for the annual "most dogshit excuse for cops to do a thing" award.

DahGangalang ,

So that's what people keep telling me will happen, but I watched a More Perfect Union video once and now my recommendations are completely clogged with urban planning and union organization things (I'm primarily a watcher of edu-tainment things, e.g. sci show, CGP Grey, Knowing better, etc)

DahGangalang ,

Yeah, even if we're not quite "there" yet, it feels like we're at least moving in that direction

DahGangalang ,

I have some cousins from South Carolina and Georgia.

It's so frustrating to talk anything tangentially related to the American Civil War with them, and they ALWAYS wheel out the War of Northern Aggression bit.

DahGangalang ,

See, I'm almost convinced that it isn't even Biden. Like, Biden is not a strong leader at all......and I think that's been a great thing (at least for domestic policy).

It feels like he's gotten out of the way of the competent people who actually "run the show" in all the myriad departments of government and just let them do their thing.

DahGangalang ,

I would argue that what you've described is a good leader.

To me a strong leader is someone who gets out front of their team and acts as a strong face for their team. That means that the team is getting all the accolades and recognition for their good work, that is keenly running damage control for their mistakes, and that is talking up their team at all points.

I feel Biden is failing as that strong leader.

Unless you're chronically online, you probably aren't aware of the recent actions of the NLRB nor of some of the other wins the people Biden appointed over the term of his presidency. He's not out there blasting some of the absolute W's his team has gotten, and I think that's showing in the lackluster polling Biden is getting atm.

The implication of what I've said that I want to be clear on: a strong leader isn't necessarily a good leader, nor is a good leader necessarily a strong leader.

The downvotes I'm getting says the wider community disagrees with this assessment, and in my mind that is what it is. I feel that not recognizing this distinction makes one more inclined to overlook how their voting peers can be swayed towards strong but bad leaders (e.g. Trump) and will thusly make said person less able to influence their voting peers to change their vote.

DahGangalang ,

Au contraire Mon ami, I think the community has mistaken what I mean (probably my fault, I didn't think my original comment through very thoroughly and accept responsibility if I communicated it poorly).

I mean to imy that Biden has made good choices in his appointments, but that his ability to speak and his general lack of charisma are the reason he's not trumping Trump (pun intended) in the polling for the upcoming election.

I would define Trump as a strong, but bad, leader due to his charisma and ability to take ownership for his people's actions (even if he takes "liberties" in defining who "his people" are). In my workplace, I would want someone who speaks highly of the actions of me and my team.

I don't see that from Biden.

As such, I would not describe Biden as a strong leader, but with the caveat that "Good" and "strong" exist on independent axes of the "leadership chart".

DahGangalang ,

I'm down with this actually.

Dulles is by far the WORST airport I've ever been to/through. If we're gonna name anything after Trump this feels most fitting.

DahGangalang ,

Not JFK, which I hear is a terrible one as well.

DahGangalang ,

Maybe they should have just gone all in and named it Titan after that one famous boat.

Can't remember what that boat was so famous for tho /s

DahGangalang ,

Wait, are these the dates when the brand that eventually was deemed a "common word" were first trade marked? I was reading this as the years they were deemed common words.

Cause 2011 is WAYYYY too early for zoom to be common. If anything, that would've been Skype on 2011. Similar thing for Tupperware and zipper.

Also, wtf was heroin's common name before being branded heroin? Lol, also, I can't help but imagine heroin got its name as some kind of "there's a hero in every needle" marketing campaign.

DahGangalang ,

Derp, thanks for pointing out the legend. Totally missed it as I gave the thing a once over.

But also, obviously this means heroin's name must come from "a hero in every pill"

DahGangalang ,

Yo, yeah, what's up with the acorns?

I guess it's being associated with the sounds of a gun shot?

DahGangalang ,

....and so just to be clear, by pig, you mean a cop, yeah?

DahGangalang ,

You need to get a federal permit (costs ~$300 per permit) for each of those features.

So maybe.

DahGangalang ,

Are the tax stamps still only $200 each? I thought they got upped to $300 a few years back.

But yeah, definitely agree that regulations feel more arbitrary than objective in how they're implemented.

DahGangalang ,

.....now that's some weird economics.

It's my understanding that there's minimal additional machining to take a typical rifle to "machine gun" status. Is it, like, demand that drives the price up like that?

DahGangalang ,

Just so I'm clear on what you're saying: per U.S. law, it would be illegal for me (a civilian) to own a machine gun manufactured after 1986? And that's regardless of passing background checks and/or paying for the tax stamp?

DahGangalang ,

This is probably more a question for a lawyer than a rando on the internet, but how legal would this be: let's say you have a rifle that was designed as a semi-automatic, but can be easily modified to become automatic and that was manufactured before 1986. Would it be possible to legally modify it in [current year] to be an automatic?

We're getting pretty deep in this comment chain, and I appreciate you letting me pick your brain over this. Usually people abandon threads way before this mark and just wanna give a shout-out for your time.

DahGangalang ,

Yeah, it's nice to think what could have been, but still feels like a long shot at best.

DahGangalang ,

6 O' Clock News by Merkules and Chris Webby always gets me with the horn and siren bit.

DahGangalang , (edited )

Dolphins are federal agents, confirmed.

DahGangalang ,

For additional context, two world wars were fought between the "discovery" of the green house effect in the global context. It really feels like marking the time the climate movement started as somewhere in the 1950's (History.com mentions the first major study on the matter was in 1958 ) is a more realistic timeframe to say "we really should have known better" (since that's when word would have begun trickling to the masses).

That's not to say that we're smart - it's not to say that we're not stupid, its just to say we're not quite as stupid as the comic would have you think

DahGangalang ,

I don't know, but making a comment so I can find this thread later

DahGangalang ,

I appreciate that they're trying to do something here, but this doesn't feel like it's aimed at stopping actually dangerous people. This feels like it's aimed at beating on people who were already willing to deal with Maryland's already more-strict-than-usual gun laws.

But I guess we'll see how this pans out in a few years.

DahGangalang ,

This thread really has brought out some real crazies.

But you sir are, in fact, a demon among men.

DahGangalang ,

How did a machine gun mounted in the back of a Hilux beat out this marvel of engineering as the stereotypical weapon of insurgents and rebels?

DahGangalang ,

I've spent the entirety of the last five minutes thinking about this thing, and the real pro move would to be making it a two person crew and to mount the main gun facing the rear so as to capture the momentum of the rounds as speed.

In this case, it'd probably be worth it to have a small machine gun for the forward facing "driver" to use, maybe with a rack of grenades/other thrown explosive on the front.

So anyway, I'm sure this comment will get me onto some kind of FBI/NSA/CIA watch list.

DahGangalang ,
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