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ChocoboRocket ,

Indifference is just a tool they use - the root cause is Greed.

They hate immigrants, but love slave labour. Then use immigrants "taking jobs" (what the farm owners actually want, because slaves are very profitable and locals would never do that work at that wage) to rile up the population to vote for Conservative governments, who often don't change the influx of immigrants but who does love to lower taxes and turn a blind eye to labour abuses.

ChocoboRocket ,

I am not sure what point you are trying to make, or how it relates to my comment/the article?

Even if we're talking about someone who simply lacks basic or any morals, that would make them even more susceptible to Greed.

Especially when using a system specifically designed to provide them with vulnerable people who are mostly hidden from public and given less wages and rights, don't know local laws, and are incredibly desperate.

What a convenient coincidence, heartless Greed finds itself flush with unlimited desperate workers. Again.

ChocoboRocket ,

Samurai champloo is a classic and contributed a ton to anime style, but maybe doesn't hit as hard with plot as more recent creations. Fun and campy meets dark and gritty

Inuyasha is another classic feudal Japan and magic environment

May as well mention Afro Samurai if I'm gonna have a string of feudal Japan anime

Most people look like they mentioned Cowboy bebop already

I'm a huge Neon Genesis Evangelion fan, but originally watched it in the early 2000's as a teenager with divorced parents so there's probably a big nostalgia factor

I absolutely loved cyberpunk edgerunners, but it's only 10 episodes (watched this probably 5x already)

The animated witcher movie + Castlevania (not nocturne though) were really good.

Arcane + DOTA I found to be really enjoyable as well.

ChocoboRocket , (edited )

Have you seen the state of reality recently?

"how things work" is, and always has been a suggestion. It used to be enforced, and recently enforcement has been entirely up to the opinions and personal beliefs of the enforcers. If there ever is an issue with this selective enforcement, there is unlimited wealth shielding selective enforcers from consequences.

Trump personally may not be technically able to do anything as president elect for Ukraine support, but multiple cogs in government may suspiciously stop working preventing anything from getting done.

Democrats believe in "how things are done" vs Republicans who believe "who is going to stop us when we're in power"

If you think you're going to stop a Republican from doing what they want by pointing to pieces of paper, you haven't been paying attention to the last decade.

ChocoboRocket , (edited )

Go to any of the "question" subreddits (AITA, TIFU, AskReddit, Two Hot Takes etc etc) and tell me that 95% of the content isn't posts by LLM. Claiming its a throwaway is an easy way to hide the fact that it's a new user with no post history, only difference is now they interact with users to get better understanding of where social lines are drawn.

Every single one has a username like danger -skyscraper-1376 and is obviously a chat GPT scenario asking obtuse questions that normal humans wouldn't need guidance on "my wife slept with the entire office, but we're illegal immigrants with 15 kids and divorce isn't an option. AITA if I want a PS5 pro that I don't share with anyone but my alternate Partner??"

The internet isn't "dead" but it is a corpse marionette that tells people whatever they want to hear, gives them straw man enemies made of everything they love to hate, and convinces them everything they think and feel is absolute truth.

ChocoboRocket ,

So where exactly on the internet are you that's bot free?

News articles are pumping out AI stories, websites chat help is often AI bots, social media is literally a bot farm with human spectators.

Unless you are reading blogs from people you know who aren't familiar with chat GPT, or you're entirely online for small/niche discussion groups, I'd say you're exposed to far more AI content than you realize.

I'm not suggesting everything is fake bot content with some people mixed in yet, but in 5 years it probably will be.

Much harder for people to organize, or even get exposed to reality, if their digital experience is a walled garden of pushed bot content.

ChocoboRocket ,

My dystopian expectation is we'll probably settle on all plastic should be white so it can reflect light back into space, replacing albedo effect we got from all the snow we used to have

ChocoboRocket ,

Don't worry if you're Canadian - wages don't go up here unless you're in a good good union, or crack upper management.

There may be a few industries where job hopping is worthwhile, but there's a kilometers thick crust of nepotism to crack if you don't have connections

ChocoboRocket ,

Sure, it's just "good worker raises" that no other worker gets must be super difficult for the law to determine what is normal employment and business, and what is a bribe.

Would be nice if they could force the trump org to justify why only these few, specific people are getting huge raises or sweetheart deals/bonuses.

Chances are they have similar education and competence/accomplishments as non-bribed employees. Since everyone is working at similar levels they all should get double salaries and multi-million dollar severence, or have their families get high paying jobs simply for being related.

If he didn't bring enough bribes for everyone, than nobody gets any!

ChocoboRocket ,

I didn't look very close at the growing medium, so the "spill" looked like deer poops and I imagined a deer was tricked onto water and literally all the shit was scared out of 'em when they fell in

Happy to see your garden was salvaged and improved, but a little sad that my deer theory wasn't accurate

ChocoboRocket ,

I've heard rubbing alcohol in a spray bottle works great for killing most bugs, but I've never tried it on a hive so they might get big mad before they're immobilized/die

Adding one or two drops of dish soap to a large spray bottle of rubbing alcohol can make it stick to bugs better, making it more effective. Far safer than poison based pest control too!

ChocoboRocket ,

Oh no!

If only capitalism could have predicted the types of electric vehicles people wanted were affordable, small, reliable vehicles to cheaply get around town in!

Thank goodness business and industry don't actually have to worry about that pesky competition part of capitalism, that's just for workers and small businesses who are the only ones actually competing with each other to the benefit of businesses and industry, instead of the other way around

ChocoboRocket ,

I was thinking about this show earlier in the week, couldn't remember the name and was thinking of how in the hell would I explain it to someone.

Thanks for sharing!

ChocoboRocket , (edited )

I totally understand why women would pick bear, as bear society doesn't bend over backwards to victimize women.

Most power structures cater to the people who abuse power. Police, church, courts, military, etc all tend to go crazy easy on men who abuse women.

Republicans want to take away women's rights/independence, limit/eliminate divorce, force birth for rape/incest. Police who assault women are protected and don't face consequences, and most religions literally view women as a subspecies that serve men.

Maybe the average man is totally normal and helpful, but the history of violence between men and women is like 98% men killing women with heaps of Rape, confinement, physical/mental abuse etc.

The worst any Bear could do is kill someone in 1-2 minutes, maybe longer.

It's also an incredibly loaded situation in that being alone in the woods with a bear is "natural" and being alone in the woods with a strange man already sounds like a horror movie plot/murder news story.

There's also the constant "stranger danger" fear women will pretty much always experience because men can consistently and easily overpower most women. All women I have met seem to know at least one or more women who have been sexually assaulted, had their drink spiked etc, so it's not some obsession with crime shows or scary movies driving this fear. It's actual rapists prevalent in society and emboldened enough by lack of consequences to act.

Even in cases where it seems obvious Rape happened, it's a brutal gauntlet of gas lighting, victim blaming, "can't ruin their life for a mistake", etc that stop a huge amount of reporting and convictions.

Going back to the question itself, answer ratios would probably change depending on the area, would women be less inclined to pick bear if they were in a library instead of the woods because it's unnatural for a bear to be in that environment?

People need to relax, and focus on the real story. Women have an incredibly long and valid list of reasons to be afraid of men and society needs to do better to make women feel safe

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  • ChocoboRocket ,

    I doubt Russia cares, but it's usually 'better' to have the injured return behind enemy lines

    Takes more manpower/resource to care for injured

    Other soldiers see what's waiting for them, which is demoralizing

    Other soldiers may notice a lack of care for the wounded which is demoralizing

    People at home seeing large amounts of the population return without limbs, bringing the horrors of war to the population

    Injured person may not be so loyal to Russia anymore

    Obviously there are soldiers who have unique training/skills/knowledge that are hard to replace where their death is more beneficial for war. But for foot soldiers any injury that stops them from participating pays dividends.

    ChocoboRocket ,

    Honestly, in a good chunk of the videos the Russian soldiers injured by UAV will pop grenades on themselves rather than bleed out or experience Russian hospitality

    I've seen a fair bit of soldiers getting hit by UAVs, but they usually came out of damaged vehicles or are embedded in trenches and therefore participating in combat. But it totally makes sense to eliminate threats when Ukrainian troops are moving into that territory.

    It seems wasteful to kill a dieing soldier if no Ukrainians are entering the area anytime soon, especially if there are other healthy soldiers in the area to decommission

    Obviously this video has Ukrainian military actively in the war zone, and it totally makes sense to eliminate any threat with UAV instead of people.

    Not saying you're wrong, but I can only comment on what I've seen

    ChocoboRocket ,

    The Martian when the main airlock blows up.

    He ends up taping a plastic sheet over the hole with what I assume is super strong space tape and plastic and then continues to live in the station for 550 more days.

    We spend the first half of the movie learning how unforgiving the environment is, and how delicate his ecosystem for life is, but you can also blow half the place up and just tape some plastic over the hole.

    They did a much better job of explaining it in the book, but the movie literally went "just tape that bitch up with plastic, then we'll throw a wind storm at it to prove it's good forever"

    ChocoboRocket ,

    Canadian tradition would be nationalize them, improve them greatly at taxpayer expense, and then sell it back to private interests for a song

    ChocoboRocket ,

    I wonder if his symptoms were mild (pink eye) because of a small exposure, because it entered through the eye which is a hostile entry point, or because the cow changed the virus enough to be less/non lethal to humans?

    I know this is a massive oversimplification, and that modern vaccines would likely work far better. But seeing as how we're living in the horse dewormer timeline, I wonder if people who refuse vaccines would prefer to get 'naturally sick' from an infected cow

    Cow pox helped us against smallpox

    Will cow flu help us against bird flu?

    ChocoboRocket , (edited )

    Maybe it played well in focus groups, but I find these kind of videos entirely underwhelming and fake.

    Not because I'm detached from reality, or a Trump enthusiast, but because it's a terrible ad that someone would make when they looked for dirt on someone and find nothing.

    Don't tell me, show me. And I don't mean footage of people who don't like Trump saying "TrUmP bAd", show me Trump being a traitor, show him admitting to crimes, show him being creepy about Ivanka/children, show him hating the military, show him for who he is.

    There's actual mountains of clips/sound bites/direct quotes either from Trump, other Republicans, or praise from Russia that directly expose all the awful pieces that make up Trump.

    It's literally the weakest "attack" ad I have ever seen, to the point where it's basically a Trump ad. If you can't show him sleeping in court, show him babbling and fumbling words, drinking water, walking around ramps.

    How many cult members leave a cult because their leader "changed" or "is not the same anymore" by... Taking naps?

    Yes, a lot of these ads are directed at the population who are on the fence/swing voters - which makes sense in theory, but is actually stupid in practice.

    Anyone who isn't in the MAGA cult should be able to track/map the coordinated trajectory towards facisim driven by Trump, GOP, Russia, FOX/OAN/Qanon etc etc.,
    Everyone with eyes and ears should know exactly how they lie, what they lie about, and it needs to be everywhere.

    If you want to create anti Trump Buzz, you can't just walk into a room, "gesture broadly" and leave, then expect people who haven't been paying attention to get it.

    The non-fascist population needs to be constantly talking about how fucked the situation is, and how aware they are of media complacency. Enough people should feel genuinely scared about the American reality that swing or undecided voters can't exist because there's no information vacuum.

    ChocoboRocket , (edited )

    Diamonds actually get their value because a single entity (DeBeers) owns something like 80% of all diamonds in the market.

    They dictate the price by throttling supply and naming a price. People are willing to pay as a flex but you are right in that DeBeers markets "real" diamonds and "lab grown".

    It's mostly done to capture different market segments, and to keep up the value of their stockpile of nearly unlimited diamonds already mined by people who are essentially slaves.

    That being said, if there was a market for diamonds soaking in vials of oppressed orphan blood (with provenance of course) DeBeers would absolutely sell it.

    If lab grown diamonds became significantly cheaper than slave mined diamonds, DeBeers would still likely keep their mines open to maintain control of the market. Even if they successfully moved consumers on to lab diamonds - can't have someone else get diamond market share.

    ChocoboRocket ,

    Considering what this would do to the human body, I think Engine Failure is a perfect name for this death trap.

    This is basically a deconstructed, reconstructed four loko.

    Spotify CEO Daniel Ek surprised by how much laying off 1,500 employees negatively affected the streaming giant’s operations ( )

    When Spotify announced its largest-ever round of layoffs in December, CEO Daniel Ek hailed a new age of efficiency at the streaming giant. But four months on, it seems he and his executives weren’t prepared for how tough filling in for 1,500 axed workers would be....

    ChocoboRocket ,

    Next time axe the executives and keep the staff.

    Most executives I've met can't read emails and just point to one of two numbers and say "higher/lower!" while dreaming of KPI's that don't improve anything and solely exist to stagnate wages

    ChocoboRocket ,

    Not owning something? sure, that's not necessarily the best way to define someone. especially in a post apocalyptic wasteland.

    But there are certain benchmark things that are consequential enough to define someone. Not having reliable access to shelter is pretty descriptive of a person's situation.

    I don't think you could argue that the only difference between someone who owns their own functional and crewed yacht - and a person who is homeless, is personal preference/taste. Regardless of an apocalypse.

    But, I wouldn't expect the mansionless to understand the nuances of owning things so don't worry about it too much /s

    Honestly, I'm loving the slur mansionless. Thank you for this

    ChocoboRocket ,

    While I agree with you about half measures that divide the workforce/classes I am still all about "raising the basement".

    Too many policies will only meaningfully impact the wealthy, so seeing lower pay bands receive specific attention is always great to see.

    There are still far too many loopholes, lack of enforcement/consequences, and creative schedules that actively repress workers, but this policy sounds pretty great and it is affecting a lot of workers in less than a year which is fantastic momentum.

    It's also more difficult to pass sweeping legislation when Republicans + Conservative supreme Court do absolutely everything in their power to resist any kind of improvement to American life they possibly can.

    ChocoboRocket ,

    Maybe if you're on shrooms or LSD, yeah "it's all the same if you use what they make maaaaaaan"

    But only if you ignore the power dynamics behind wealth, and aren't aware of the concepts of bribery, temptation, and unlimited influence.

    Or the fact that people want greener options but they are intentionally unavailable, sabotaged, prohibitively expensive (but never subsidized), or publicly demonized in media with disinformation and propaganda.

    Between consumers and corporations, only one gets to call all the shots

    ChocoboRocket ,

    Your wife will do well when the water wars start and you'd be wise to start following her lead.

    As as aside, next time you know you're going to a hotel bring a secret, second ice bucket to fill shortly after she fills the hotel one. Bonus points if you can acquire it from the hotel so they're identical.

    Don't mention it or anything, just let her work out the logistics of what happened when she notices. If she's as serious about hotel ice as she sounds, you'll probably get laid right then and there.

    ChocoboRocket ,

    Not if he does the ice bucket thing!

    ChocoboRocket ,

    Very Christian of them to keep Jesus's favorite hobby alive and well all these years later.

    Jesus must have been so mad to die young when there were so many poor and handicapped people left to punish!

    ChocoboRocket ,

    Pretty rough reality.

    People in cities often don't know or understand the first thing about nature and are content imagining it as some pristine "other" place outside of the cities they never leave.

    Rural people who have access to nature tend to vote for the "put every chemical in the environment as fast as possible" parties.

    The poor who live near natural beauty without industry have no clout or means to change anything outside their immediate village (even then its not likely)

    The rich people who actually enjoy nature, live near it, and want to protect it - often only want to protect it for themselves. At best their environmental efforts are offset 1000x by their lifestyle.

    Don't get me wrong, there's plenty of rural/urban hunters, environmentalist, nature/outdoor lovers. But it's a relatively small group with little social crossover. And aside from the cottage are probably spending their entire outdoor experience on public walking paths and aren't aware of the extent of habitat loss, pollution, and mass die offs taking place.

    We're completely fucked.

    ChocoboRocket ,

    China also gets to ramp up war economies for Taiwan

    ChocoboRocket ,

    Republicans threw out respect, formality, duty, and established processes a long time ago.

    With a stacked supreme Court, they are free to flout any law and interpret anything however they chose without consequences.

    I fully agree that a "no" is all they deserve, if an explanation is actually required, hit them with "No, illegal"

    ChocoboRocket ,

    If it was for manufacturing something mundane like lightbulbs, I would agree with you.

    But at this point, leading edge semiconductor production is highly limited, specialized, and is being sought after by nearly everyone - and they're willing to pay top dollar to secure supply.

    You can't really play hardball with someone if they move their entire production and supply output to a political rival, no matter how good your local profit margins may be.

    That being said, this is absolutely a mess of our own making from offshoring everything for profit - 6bn is pocket change for the US though, so decades of profit and a manufacturing blitz isn't really all that bad (aside from carving out the middle class, but that's another story).

    ChocoboRocket ,

    It's absolutely about the cruelty.

    Realistically, if they took her to the hospital wouldn't she wind up with an absolutely eye watering hospital bill? One that would likely take her the rest of her life to pay off?

    Instead, they calculated that the outcome of denied medical care would cost this person more than a lifetime of medical debt - even if the lawsuit against them paid out.

    ChocoboRocket ,

    Awwwwh, but I wanted a peanut!

    ChocoboRocket ,

    Do currently you talk with cats? Or talk to cats?

    Because if you're not successfully working with your cats as cat burglars, you're only talking to cats.

    For what it's worth, I picked the same 3

    ChocoboRocket , (edited )

    Lmao, you think this current loyalty test - and the future party filled exclusively with Trump loyalists - will simply pack up and go home after Trump dies? Or anyone living will be able to wear Trump's mantle next?

    You do realize Christian Nationalism follows the (misinterpreted and cherry picked) words of someone who died 2000 years ago as their North Star right?

    Trump dieing would simply make him the new Jesus. Shit, he's already being accepted as such while he is alive.

    Absolutely nothing will stop the current trajectory of the GOP until the people who make it up find something else more entertaining or fulfilling to do with their time.

    Unless by "Generational shit show" you mean a contest to see who can preform fellatio on Trump's ghost the best.

    ChocoboRocket ,

    All the drone videos are bad, but this one is probably the best resolution, and I kind of regret watching it.

    There's something so helpless about being hunted by drones. I don't sympathize with Russia at all, but it's very haunting knowing how easy it's becoming for suicide drones to be mass produced and effectively employed.

    And it's not something that will stop and go away because the war eventually ends. This is the worst suicide drones will ever preform, and they're already incredibly effective.

    ChocoboRocket ,

    What do you mean?

    Haven't you heard that any organization that doesn't heavily lean into racial and sexual hierarchy and oppression as it's entire operational mandate is now woke?!

    Oh, you want a competent army that actually can focus on warfare, refining military doctrine, logistics, and training? Typical woke mind virus mentality, you don't even have the core ideology of oppressing women or minority preventing actual progress on anything. I bet you don't even know how gay your weapons are.

    The only way to win a war nowadays is by being more anti - woke than your opponent.

    Big fat /s if it's not obvious yet.

    America’s Magical Thinking About Housing: The city of Austin built a lot of homes. Now rent is falling, and some people seem to think that’s a bad thing ( )

    If you want to understand America’s strange relationship with housing in the 21st century, look at Austin, where no matter what happens to prices, someone’s always claiming that the sky is falling....

    ChocoboRocket ,

    Rent doubles in 2022, then eventually drops by 7% by 2024.

    Doesn't sound like lower-middle classes are winning to me.

    Don't get me wrong, it's trending in the correct direction (finally). But people need to push hard until either the average/median workers wages raise, or rents fall until all the costs of shelter are 30% or less of salary.

    Ideally there is a strong public housing presence that heavily depresses the profitability of being a landlord.

    ChocoboRocket ,

    That makes so much more sense than

    Evolive (evolve?)



    ChocoboRocket , (edited )

    Man these drone videos are Fuckin brutal.

    Getting your shit blown off so fast that you only realize your leg is not attached because you're trying to pull yourself together, shocked that direct hit didn't kill you only to die 30 seconds later when the shock/adrenaline/blood runs out.

    Just enough time to appreciate how absolutely fucked you are and that your life is in fact over any second now.

    Fuck Russia for being in a country that doesn't belong to them, but it doesn't make watching people get absolutely slaughtered any easier.

    Hope those drone operators have great mental health support, I can only imagine what watching/directing military gore like that for years would do to someone's mind

    ChocoboRocket ,

    Not to be a party pooper, but ammunition depots have a pretty distinct burn with loads of mini explosions, sparks, etc

    Neither of the fires in the parts of the video available in the link seemed to have that sparkly pop that burning ammunition does - but it's possible that I just missed it.

    Either way, give Russia hell!

    ChocoboRocket ,

    Full quote for visibility

    "Defense lawyers for Trump and the others argued, among other things, that the indictment charging them with that specific count did "not detail the exact term of the oaths that are alleged to have been violated,” McAfee noted in his order.

    McAfee agreed, saying that the language in the indictment accusing the defendants of soliciting elected officials to violate their oaths to the U.S. and Georgia constitutions “is so generic as to compel” dismissal of the charges."

    I understand dismissing a charge of "failure to uphold and oath" when the accuser cannot establish which part of an oath was broken through specific actions in a legal case.

    I'm not exactly familiar with the law, or the oath in question.

    Hopefully oaths become more legally binding with updated, specific, terminology and do away with generic, vague platitudes that are entirely open to interpretation.

    ChocoboRocket ,

    I originally typed 'Arguably the worst thing we've done' but the more I think on it, humans are generally terrible.

    If it wasn't religion, it'd be racism, sexisim, geography based hate, abilisim, left handedness, phrenology, etc etc etc. Religion is just another lubricant to placate docile individuals, and justify the actions of hate focused individuals

    I'm certain we could all live together in peace, but we're so tribalistic that the second anyone says their group is better than X because Y the majority of the population seems to lap it up at nearly any expense.

    U.S. floods arms into Israel despite mounting alarm over war’s conduct ( )

    The United States has quietly approved and delivered more than 100 separate foreign military sales to Israel since the Gaza war began Oct. 7, amounting to thousands of precision-guided munitions, small diameter bombs, bunker busters, small arms and other lethal aid, U.S. officials told members of Congress in a recent classified...

    ChocoboRocket ,

    From google

    The bill raises the threshold for which the executive branch can approve an arms sale of major defense equipment without congressional notification from $14 million to $23 million

    So assuming they maxed it out and only did exactly 100 transactions, that's 2.3 billion going to IDF

    23,000,000 * 100 = 2,300,000,000

    Hopefully the white house is doing this for Ukraine 10fold and running a circuit around the current Russian-American Congress

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