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BobaFuttbucker ,

Seconded. Seth had to pitch the show to Fox as a sort of live-action family guy and kept it going for the first few episodes, but it quickly sheds that vibe and keeps getting better.

BobaFuttbucker ,

Then just remind them that they have something in common 😂

Biden admin to ban medical debt from credit reports, loan decisions: reports ( )

"Our research shows that medical bills on your credit report aren't even predictive of whether you'll repay another type of loan. That means people's credit scores are being unjustly and inappropriately harmed by this practice," Chopra told the outlet in an interview.

BobaFuttbucker OP ,

Non-partisan take: You shouldn’t be penalized for needing medical care, no matter who you are.

BobaFuttbucker ,

In other words “acknowledging other people exist causing business executives to flee to less tolerant states”.

BobaFuttbucker ,

Use a fork to hold the Oreo in and scoop it out. No milky fingers

BobaFuttbucker ,

They don’t “have” to. It’s a nothing burger law for optics.

Federal supersedes state law anyway.

BobaFuttbucker ,

That’s the thing, they are making their own donations with the money you provide so they can write it off as a charitable donation, so they can pay less in taxes.

Just donate directly to a reputable charity and mash that “HELL NO” button

BobaFuttbucker ,

“Defund” was taken out of context at the time too in order to write overreactionary stories. While I’m aware some people were full on wanting to abolish the police, they were a tiny minority.

“Defund” literally means “give less funding than before”, which itself I could get behind, considering many location’s budgets are not managed or audited effectively, and I’ve seen first hand in my hometown and other places I’ve lived where they get a huge budget, buy a bunch of shit they don’t need and there’s no tie between budget and performance like literally every other workplace.

Just because people want some fiscal responsibility from law enforcement doesn’t mean they don’t want law enforcement, but the word “defund” has scary connotations and the media leaned into that to protect the boys in blue.

My own brother became a LEO and quit after trying very hard for a couple years to be a force of change, but after seeing the abuse of the system by his fellow officers he eventually left when he realized he was powerless. It was pretty sad, actually. He otherwise loved the job.

The movement to defund the police was less to “get rid” of the police and more of a movement to reallocate much of the funds into multiple public service programs. Personally, I’m still cool with that concept. We prioritize the wrong things in the US for the most part.

Rather than buy more weapons and shit for officers who are clearly not always trained appropriately on how to use them, maybe we should direct those funds into programs for mental health, poverty and living assistance, healthcare payment assistance, drug rehabilitation and counseling, and similar public services to provide the public with a better standard of living. It works in other countries, so why not here too?

BobaFuttbucker OP ,

The party of law and order wants to defund the legal system as revenge for convicting their god emperor, I am SHOCKED.

BobaFuttbucker ,

If we just set aside our differences for one voting cycle and vote according to issues like this that span the entire political spectrum we might be able to get some shit done.

The U.S. Finally Passes An Internet Privacy Law… For Rich Jet Owners ( )

The U.S. yet yet to pass even a basic internet-era privacy law — or regulate data brokers. And while there’s a lot of misdirection and pretense to the contrary, the primary reason is (1) because the U.S. government is too corrupt; and (2) because the U.S. government really enjoys being able to purchase massive amounts of...

BobaFuttbucker ,

That might be, but sadly most Democrats also voted for this.

That’s the only way it was even able to clear both the house and senate, then it had to be willingly signed by Biden.

They can work together when it appeases their donors, but at no other time.

The vast majority of both parties are sadly, just shills for their donors and laws like this are proof of that.

BobaFuttbucker ,

Maybe in the house. Now go look at the senate voting records and remember bills don’t become law in the US until the House passes with a majority and the Senate passes with a supermajority, and either the President signs it (which Biden did) or congress overrides a Presidential veto with 2/3 majority.

Translation: Bipartisan cooperation is required to pass literally anything. So the passage of any bill into law means the parties agreed on something. Therefore, Democrats agreed with Republicans (and Biden) on this being law.

BobaFuttbucker , (edited )

IMO the simplest answer is L2 charging everywhere, DCFC on highways, both with reliable uptime and repair windows.

If one could charge at home, work, the grocery store, the bank, the mall, the theater or everywhere else they might run an errand from time to time, the chargers don’t need to be that fast or expensive, EV batteries don’t need to be as big, and L2 chargers are a fraction of the installation and upkeep cost of DCFC with minimal wear on battery life. This also means EVs could be lighter and cheaper with smaller batteries.

DCFC makes sense every 50 miles or so on freeways to more than cover anyone looking to road trip.

Ubiquity and SLA’s are the two biggest areas functionally holding back our infrastructure.

It annoys me to no end when you see a mall advertising EV charging and it’s like 2 plugs that work maybe half the year for their parking lot with like 1k spaces.

The problem isn’t range or speeds. It’s availability and reliability. That’s it. Not all chargers need to be DCFC, we just need more of them with reliable uptime

Source: EV driving apartment-dweller who’s never been able to enjoy charging at home and lives this daily.

BobaFuttbucker ,

With more J-1772 chargers around we wouldn’t need as many CCS/NACS chargers except on highways for long-distance travel. Does NACS include Tesla Destination chargers? Genuinely not sure.

It’s not the range or speeds that’s the problem, it’s charger availability and reliability.

BobaFuttbucker ,

I mean yeah ideally we would instead improve our infrastructure to not be so car reliant. But that’s sadly much less likely to happen and much more disruptive and costly.

At least with the infrastructure we have now and the way our cities are laid out, we should make what cars we do have as efficient and clean as possible.

Fuck cars, but we’re not gonna get totally rid of them any time soon. Might as well mitigate in the meantime as best we can.

BobaFuttbucker ,

Lack of self-affirming care does not do any good in the end, it leads people to take matters into their own hands, often at the risk of their own safety.

The problem isn’t the gender-affirming surgery, it’s whether we provide them with a support system and the ability to be themselves regardless of who that is, even if it doesn’t fit your cookie-cutter mold of who they should be.

Gender is fluid, as are all forms of self-identity. Rather than outright deny access to gender affirming surgery we need to augment it holistically with other forms of care as well.

But this country can’t even get its shit together with basic healthcare or mental wellbeing because “MuH TaXeS” so we’ve got a lot of work ahead of us.

BobaFuttbucker ,

Why post this anecdote? Are you trying to draw a comparison to Muslims in general?

BobaFuttbucker ,

Nope but we’re learning a lot about you

BobaFuttbucker ,

lol the faith disappeared when you tried to compare Muslims with white supremacists.

One of these things is not like the other….unless white supremacy is your religion, in which case get help.

BobaFuttbucker ,

The fact that this is all you see tells me you don’t have the full context of the thread. Good try, though.

BobaFuttbucker ,

Yellow 2003 Suzuki Aerio SX. Ugly-ass car, but had a 6-CD changer standard and despite a rating of 20mpg by my calculations I got around 40-ish mpg. As a teenager working a retail job at minimum wage, it was awesome.

The "martyrdom" of Donald J. Trump. "It’s all slapstick comedy: Posing as a Christ-like figure is so outlandish and absurd" ( )

Donald Trump has repeatedly shown that he can reasonably be described as evil. Yet, white “Christian” evangelicals are among his most loyal, stalwart, and enthusiastic supporters. Moreover, when his behavior and character are evaluated relative to the Christian mythological framework, Trump is actually much closer to being...

BobaFuttbucker ,

Nah, mashed potatoes. He has a thing about that.

BobaFuttbucker ,

this guy would fuck and kill your children if it made him an extra buck, he doesn't give a fuck about you.

Lol this is the most confidently incorrect statement about Woz I’ve ever read.

BobaFuttbucker ,

Trump’s GDP growth was 4% in 2019. I seriously doubt it would’ve doubled in 2020 without COVID.

Not that GDP growth is the only thing that matters, it’s just the comparison being used here.

BobaFuttbucker ,

It wasn’t republicans, it was nazis. People were saying to punch nazis.

Interesting you combined the two in your head.

BobaFuttbucker ,

It’ll be hilarious if they spend all their money and still lose.

BobaFuttbucker ,

Would they defend the child’s right to life if they were still in the womb? Or is that just performative theatrics for their voter base?


Republicans, please weigh in here. How do these contradictory truths live harmoniously in your head?

BobaFuttbucker ,

Maybe don’t listen to someone that shits themselves at parties

BobaFuttbucker ,

You need this statement to be true because you can’t stand the thought of his reputation being stained. Unfortunately, he’s already been found liable for both sexual abuse AND defamation:

You can continue to try and argue it’s because “he’s successful” even though he and his company have also been found to have lied about their finances MANY times:

Your view of Trump as some ultra-successful person who women throw themselves at is a fabrication he desperately keeps up, and his base falls for it and his many grifting schemes, but can’t seem to put the two together. Don’t believe me? Look into what happened to his “Official Election Defense Fund”.

You’re right, Trump didn’t get a single wife because of his personality, because he’s a massive piece of shit who has also been found in court to have committed sexual assault. His own wife (at the time) even accused him of it at one point.

BobaFuttbucker ,

Sure can!

"I don't even wait. And when you're a star, they let you do it. You can do anything. ... Grab 'em by the pussy. You can do anything."

He’s admitting to being able to, because of his status, grab women by the pussy without waiting because “they let you do it”. This means he’s not checking for consent, which matches up with a court finding last year that he IS liable for sexual assault.

He’s literally bragging about it and being found liable, and you’re still here trying to defend him by focusing on semantics, because it’s easier that way to turn a blind eye to actual events. Textbook delusion (ignoring some information to focus on another piece of information so as to construct a false reality).

BobaFuttbucker ,

What integrity? He’s already been found liable of sexual assault.

Please show me an example of Donald Trump’s integrity, and I will back down.

BobaFuttbucker ,

Where are the criminal charges?

You don’t need to be criminally convicted to be guilty of sexual assault, which is what happened to him last year:

You’re not defending truth, you’re defending a delusion.

BobaFuttbucker ,

Maybe you should read the case again. The case was about defamation.

Defamation, AND Sexual Assault. Here’s a quote:

In the civil case, the federal jury of six men and three women found that Ms. Carroll, 79, a former magazine writer, had sufficiently proved that Mr. Trump sexually abused her nearly 30 years ago in a dressing room of the Bergdorf Goodman department store in Manhattan.

Maybe it’s you who needs to re-read?

A civil trial can’t convict someone of a criminal offense.

I never claimed it did, I think you’re just expecting it to have been a criminal trial. They found him liable of it, so he’s been found to have sexually assaulted someone. And once again, I prefer Presidents who DON’T sexually assault women.

You’re the one who brought up Trump’s integrity, I’m simply responding to it.

BobaFuttbucker ,

That’s not a troll, that’s the situation as I see it. Otherwise, why continue to engage if you agree?

Just checked, bp and pulse are within normal limits and I’m feelin good. If you detect hysteria it’s not coming from me.

Got anything else to say in his defense?

BobaFuttbucker ,

Sexual assault is a form of sexual abuse yo. Try to keep up.

Furthermore, the terms are different but the acts typically fall under one or more definitions. A more accurate, broader term used nowadays would be “sexual violence”. I’ll let you look up the specifics if you’re interested in learning more about it.

It’s all sexual harassment too, so however you want to split hairs about it we should be able to agree that it’s at least that.

With this in mind, justifications for what he said in the access Hollywood tape kind of lose all credibility.

BobaFuttbucker ,

Not my problem if you can’t see the connection between the two.

Maybe I’m just using bigger words than you’re used to?

BobaFuttbucker ,

I mean you’re free to project your problems onto me if you want. I can handle it.

Doing a really good job of keeping with the primary GOP modus operandi:

Project <- You are here

BobaFuttbucker ,

I literally cannot make it any clear, sorry if you still don’t get it I guess

Gaslight <- You are Here



BobaFuttbucker ,

Sexual Violence isn’t an official definition you are correct, but it’s a broader term with which you can describe both acts. I’m simply trying to find something we can both agree on, but it doesn’t seem you’re very interested in agreeing on anything here.

I think they used the term because they could prove it. And they did.

BobaFuttbucker ,

Oh no, now you’re in a repeat loop.


Obstruct <- You are Here


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