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ApathyTree ,

It’s not super easy but a pihole, with a vpn to always have your device on your home network, isn’t that difficult or time consuming to set up, and will block shit network-wide. No ads in apps, browsers, smart tv firmware, etc. unless it’s hosted within the same domain the content is accessed through (like Amazon's trash).

I’ve used that setup for years and it’s wonderful.

picklejr , to [Outdated, please look at pinned post] Casual Conversation
@picklejr@mstdn.social avatar

Had go to the shitty Reddit site for the first time in a couple of months today. Aaaaaaannnddd servers are down.

Lol, meanwhile I haven't had issues with Lemmy for a couple of months, and never had any issues with mastodon.


ApathyTree ,

I think you can bypass that by requesting the desktop version, but it may have changed since I last tried to access a cat video link and got the mature content warning..

ApathyTree ,

Fun fact - in Wisconsin, you can legally drink in public if you are under 21 with consent and presence of a parent, legal guardian, or spouse, as long as they are over the legal drinking age. Regardless of your own age!

Most non-rural establishments don’t actually allow it, even though the law does. It’s too messy from a liability standpoint. It’s not even something you are required to know to get a servers license.

ApathyTree , (edited )

I think the idea here with not mentioning too cold is that rocky planets (at least those we can find) are usually relatively close to the stars they orbit (unless there was a realignment event in the solar system that knocks one to a larger orbit), and can have a lot of strong tidal forces and radiation that heat up the planet.

Within the range most rocky planets fall, too hot is much more common than too cold, and models and data indicate that even snowball exoplanets can have some far-from-ocean land regions that host liquid water, extending the range even further.

Just look at our own solar system for an idea of the possible spread, assuming we are relatively average (which so far seems to be the case). We have 2 uninhabitable hot planets, two not too hot and not too cold (mars may not have atmosphere, but there’s evidence of liquid water, maybe even somewhat recently, putting it in the “not too cold” category.) and none that are too cold (moons yes, rocky planets no). Where we would commonly get “too cold”, on the outer edge of the habitable zone for that star type, we usually see gas giants, just due to how solar systems form.

(When solar systems are forming, there is a cloud of dust and gas that starts to rotate, and collapse toward the center. The disk of material outside of the center will mostly become planets, and the rotational energy eventually turns into the orbital momentum. When the star finally amasses enough material to ignite, a wave of radiation goes out in all directions, pushing the gas, but not as much of the dust and rock, outward, to right around the edge of the likely habitable zone. Planetoids out where the gas wasn’t blown away form gas giants, those within the wave form rocky planets.)

ApathyTree ,

Yeah, I had that in my comment originally (we have people living in Antarctica, but not too many volcano explorers) but it was getting a bit wordy and didn’t seem to fit terribly well because, I believe, “too cold” takes that into consideration already. It would be planets without any liquid water at all because it’s all completely frozen (at those temps it could be a real struggle to produce enough heat to prevent equipment seizing, depending on the heat source, and it may cause batteries and such to freeze up). But NASA believes even snowball planets completely covered in ice shells which are outside the habitable zone may have liquid oceans beneath the surface ice, as long as they have internal heating, like Europa and Enceladus do. And we can probably work with that the same way we do geothermal here.

When I was writing that comment I went looking for stats on rocky planets considered too cold, and there isn’t much. A few papers about land masses/liquid oceans/geysers on snowball planets, one paper about what makes a planet uninhabitably cold (spoiler, it’s a lack of atmospheric co2, to the surprise of absolutely no-one), and a ton of articles that have nothing to do with too-cold exoplanets, just the habitable zone generally. It’s sort of a weird gap, but I think it’s because snowballs tend not to be in the habitable zone (and were likely booted out of it, so less common) so we aren’t really looking for them for habitability, we can handle cold better, and we know how to warm a planet.. :(

ApathyTree ,

On the other side of this, I’m white as they come, born and raised in the Midwest by very white parents also born and raised in the Midwest.

People ask where I’m from way way more often than they should, in my own home state. Where I spent all but 5 years of my life.

I have no clue why, but they don’t think I’m from the US.

Some possible related things -
When I was a kid people used to tell my mom I look “exotic” and I still don’t know what that means in relation to my appearance; I look like everyone in my dad’s family.
I spent a couple years in California and a couple years in Texas, and learned Russian, Spanish, and Japanese (and a spattering of phrases and grammar from other languages, almost none of which I remember), plus consume a fair bit of foreign media. But I don’t really think I picked up accent features, at least none I’ve had anyone able to pinpoint.

Either way, that conversation always turns into a slog of “there’s just something that tells me you are from somewhere else, are you sure I’m wrong???”

ApathyTree ,

I had a therapist dismiss me by saying “it sounds like you need friends”.

No shit asshole, I literally told you I don’t have anyone to share this shit with, but also, you can’t just make a new friend and drop a lifetime of trauma on them, that’s why I want to -pay for a friend- in the form of therapy. Even if I maybe could open up to them eventually, wtf am I supposed to do until I find this diamond of a human who takes all my trauma upon themselves at first meeting?

Like really.

ApathyTree ,

Was he supposed to be doing something specific during halftime? If so why didn’t they just switch off the tv? If not who cares?

(I don’t watch football, so no idea)

ApathyTree ,

I’m working really hard to never pay my own student loans. (I’m not actually, just chronically unstable enough that it’s not worth trying).

Even when I find work that pays enough to end up with payments, it never lasts long enough to end up with payments. (contact is all I’ve been able to land really, and I’m fine with that due to the major time off between jobs - I’ve gotten good at budgeting)

Good on these parents for being willing to do that though, even if it is super shitty they feel they have to. My mom never would have.

ApathyTree ,

I don’t think I’ve ever intentionally clicked an ad, with the very very infrequent exception of product results that come up in searches. It’s literally never been to buy the product, though. It’s to see if I’m interested in doing more shopping around. Ads are never for the best priced or highest quality product, but if it’s something you’ve never looked into before they can be informative, and it’s easy to access.

But since I started running a pihole years ago, I don’t even do that, because it gets blocked when I click it. Rightly so, it was a bad strategy anyway.

ApathyTree ,

If you are going to be a single issue voter, that’s arguably the most important issue, so I think you’d get a free pass on that one.

ApathyTree ,

That slurry is fantastic for compost piles. It’s loaded with bacteria and nutrients, and seeps down into the pile to help jumpstart the internal brown waste decomp. Extra bonus if you add it right after turning (if you bother with that).

I… may forget, and let things liquify more than I’d care to admit.. which is great news in fall and spring (added heat from active microbes helps warm the pile and keep it active longer), less great in winter when the pile is frozen solid.

ApathyTree ,

One of my colleges had MDM enabled for staff and students alike. (I realize this is likely a configuration problem, rather than malice or whatever)

The number of students who, nonetheless, did it… mind boggling.

Remote wipe? Lawl fuck no. Not worth the risk that some asshole has a bad day and wipes them all for fun.

I can understand it for certain things but.. frankly there should be some sort of like.. laws? About what your employer can require of you. Sure, company phone go for it, idgaf. But if they would need to remote wipe a device, maaaaaaaybe they shouldn’t be allowed to let employees use their own. You want full control, company, you get to pay for that with another phone, phone line, etc. (extra bonus, most people won’t carry the work phone when they are off work, so they are less reachable for unpaid labor :) )

ApathyTree ,

I wish I could get my partner to see it this way.. they work in IT and manage the MDM tho, and the other person with access has been partner’s friend and colleague for over 10 years, so partner is confident it’ll all be fine.

Such a dumb mindset for someone who constantly complains of being burnt out.. like no shit you are burned out, you check work emails all day/night, and handle them regardless of time..

ApathyTree ,

“Hate to be that guy but…”

“I stopped at “but”. I also hate that guy. Bye.”

Make an income out of content creation while retaining your privacy?

It's been a while since I started my privacy journey, but there was something I always wanted to do even before I started to care about my privacy. I always have loved the idea of having a blog to talk about different things that I am interested in, and creating content of value for others, and not gibberish content full of SEO...

Insect populations flourish in the restored habitats of solar energy facilities ( phys.org )

Bumblebees buzz from flower to flower, stopping for a moment under a clear blue Minnesota sky. Birds chirp, and tall grasses blow in the breeze. This isn't a scene from a pristine nature preserve or national park. It is nestled between photovoltaic (PV) solar arrays on rehabilitated farmland....

ApathyTree ,

Not to mention, we are basically pushing them there by making the rest of the world unappealing to them (non-native flowers, manicured monoculture lawns, insecticides, etc.)

ApathyTree ,

I built a Lego kit recently, for literally the first time in 3.5 decades of life (we had a huge box of Lego growing up, never any kits or sets). I took such pleasure from seeing all the creatively-repurposed parts, but I was really surprised by some of the colors they used for internal components and other little things. I had no idea they made Lego in those colors, much less that there are variously-colored internals on big kits.

I had white, black, yellow, blue, green, red, and clear, and that was it. And sure it makes a ton of sense that they have a bunch more colors but.. still.. mind blown.

ApathyTree ,

Star Trek voyager meets Skyrim vr.

Hell yeah, I’d play the shit out of that.

ApathyTree ,

I’m fine with that. I’m desperate for a holodeck.

ApathyTree ,

I actually agree with this. If they are no longer an actual threat to society, why do we keep them locked up?

Sure, there are arguments for specific individuals, and maybe there should be a way to appeal to keep them locked up, for example if they have been violent recently, or were criminals that don’t rely on physical ability at all (criminal masterminds or something).

But on the whole, elderly people aren’t a threat to society and cost taxpayers significantly more to upkeep due to their medical needs.

If they have family or an organization willing and able up upkeep them at least as well as the prison is doing, release them. Seriously, what do we gain?

Then again they might run for government, like trump or Biden (both laughably geriatric)…

ApathyTree , (edited )

I’m not op, but this might help

Tho the end bit is too pro-capitalism/anti-communism for my tastes…


ApathyTree , (edited )

I’ve seen that before, years ago. It’s intensely depressing.

Especially when you’ve never even made as much as the far left median income blob. I’ve maxed out at roughly half that amount over my years of employment (I’m mid 30s and never stably employed), and have never yet gotten above 45k in wages (one job had a profit share that brought me just shy of 50k, pre-tax ofc).

I agree that we are in need of reform but frankly I don’t see that happening before revolt does. Too many people with too much of a vested interest are in charge for that to be realistic. Maybe a few “make an example” cases and that fixes things, but… realistically that’s not going to happen… a few examples are explainable..

But anyone who might do the right thing is being threatened by those who don’t want the right thing done.. look at the threats to judges for the trump thing.. it’s so volatile.. and who can blame them for getting the hell out before they get killed; judges aren’t soldiers.

And I hate that. I’m tired of living through historically significant events. It’s fucking exhausting.

I don’t really have any help for your or op’s situation directly, but comrade, we are not alone. We are in this shitshow together, and we can only do whatever it takes to survive. We can worry about thriving when we get past surviving.

ApathyTree ,

I’ve seen the writing on the wall since occupy. I was a relatively young adult with experiences that gave me a far left mindset, so maybe I saw it too early, and was too ready for it.. but I’ve seen where this train is headed and I know that the bridge has been out for years and years. And everyone in charge of the train is adding fuel to increase speed instead of trying to stop.

That was.. fuck over a decade ago? And it’s only been getting worse, at an accelerating rate, since then..

When you strain people to the point they don’t have time to live, you take their ability (through money or pollution) to even live a healthy life, and make sure they can’t openly support what they support… revolt is the only option..

It’s like if you looked through history and cherry picked all the conditions that led to a revolution, and then that was 100% the game plan of the oligarchs…

ApathyTree ,

I hope we are both wrong and we stop this train before it goes over.

ApathyTree ,

I grew up during that time. I was 13 on 9/11. I was victim to the propaganda. I served, and while it allowed me stability of a sort, it also broke who I thought I was, despite not doing a single thing that violated my morals.

Fortunately, in her place is a communist.

Eyes open.

All we can do is bring people around. If people see the status quo as unacceptable, it will change one way or another.

ApathyTree ,

I think the fact that they seem to understand that the whole society we have at present is built almost entirely of bullshit.. is going to work well for them changing things for everyone, even if all they do is not comply. They seem to understand, at least in some contexts, that appearances aren’t worth much if there’s no substance.

ApathyTree ,

I haven’t used kagi, but I believe you can do exactly that with it. You do have to pay for the service, but that’s probably a good thing.

This is a link to the features page. It allows you to permanently ban or boost results from specific domains. But you may need to do some manual effort to make that happen, I don’t really know if there are community-curated backbones or anything for that.

But you can also see if the result is popular, and they seem to work pretty hard to make their platform worth the spend. Everything I’ve heard from people who use it is good.


Video gamers worldwide may be risking irreversible hearing loss and/or tinnitus ( medicalxpress.com )

Video gamers worldwide may be risking irreversible hearing loss and/or tinnitus—persistent ringing/buzzing in the ears—finds a systematic review of the available evidence, published in the open access journal BMJ Public Health....

ApathyTree ,

Best game ever for sounds (in this context), imho, is dysmantle. People have described the sound track as “hikers listening to birds”. Music only happens in specific places, it’s mostly very relaxing/peaceful, and other than that it’s just listening to occasional zombies/turrets, environmental sounds, audio recordings, and breaking stuff.

I always turn the music and sfx way down (voice stays pretty high, sfx about 20% lower, and music very low) so I legit didn’t notice the lack of music for 22 hours of actual play time (out of the about 100 I put into it). But I didn’t change the sound settings at all for it, it was perfect.

ApathyTree ,

I love articles that answer my questions right away.

Female, not albino. Has leucism, which causes washed out pigmentation. It’s white and brown.

ApathyTree ,

Interestingly, I’m pretty sure she got that “dress” (really, it’s panties and a corset with a mesh dress over top) on Amazon. I saw nearly the same thing just today. It was $25 and listed as a rave costume.

So your drug hypothesis is supported so far….

(Yes yes, I know it’s not actually the same thing, but it might as well be… normal people wouldn’t go out wherever in that..)

ApathyTree ,

They plan to buy bunkers and staff (I really do not mean hire staff, I do mean buy - they are debating how to control their staff once the economy collapses, and have floated the idea of bomb collars) to ride out the apocalypse they are actively causing.

It’s all very backward thinking. They can’t even envision not ruining the planet, they are planning for it as an inevitability.



TIL eating 1 gram polar bear liver can be fatal due to an overdose of vitamin A that makes your skin fall off ( animals.howstuffworks.com )

A healthy human liver contains 575 international units (IU) of vitamin A per gram while a polar bear's liver contains between 24,000 and 35,000 IU per gram. Compare that to the tolerable upper level of vitamin A intake for a healthy adult human: 10,000. Signs of toxicity generally occur when approximately 25,000 to 33,000 IU are...

ApathyTree ,

Sure, tons of them in zoos. Well more than billionaires.

Tho I’d like to see them in zoos instead. Rare animal and all. Worth gawking at the way people back in the day would gawk at the strange “savages” from distant lands..

ApathyTree , (edited )

No need to get misogynistic, friend.

“Crazy cat ladies” (formerly known as: witches, spinsters, old maids, among others) have historically been women who don’t marry, and prefer low-key companionship with cats (who demand a consensual relationship, and won’t tolerate being imposed upon) and other animals, as well as woman-to-woman friendships, over traditional domestic duties as a brood mare and household servant.

The whole hoarding thing is a trope, as it can happen to men and women alike, just like all hoarding tendencies. It may be slightly more common in women because women are raised to be more nurturing and compassionate, and often taught to ignore the practical boundaries of their efforts in pursuit of perfection, but that doesn’t mean it is exclusive in any way.

But either way, “crazy cat lady” is highly problematic language, and if you care at all about such things, you may want to avoid using it in the future.


ApathyTree ,

I’ve looked into plasma, apparently a lot of the world won’t use US plasma because we pay donors for it, it does incentivize bad behavior, and most countries won’t allow plasma donation any more frequently than blood donation. Which is every 8-ish weeks. We can do two donations a week (and it’s incentivized to encourage just that). Some desperate people game the system to do it at multiple places, even resorting to eating various things (like ketchup packets) to trick the blood tests.

But even then these companies sell it for enough (I think it’s used for cancer treatments?) to make enough on the domestic market that even paying for it is highly profitable.

ApathyTree ,

Idk how duolinguo works (at all), but if the app can play the sounds for you and judge on your pronunciation, that would be quite enough to do the job. If it can handle mandarin (idk if it can) than any tonal based language is fair game.

I would think any decent speech to text could do a decent job determining pronunciation, if there isn’t a dedicated thing for that.. either it registers or it gets garble and you try again.

ApathyTree ,

Thank fuck because as an android user who swapped to iPhone recently I’ve thought it was just a me problem..?

It’s so bad, and the keyboards suck. I miss my number line and long-press secondary characters. So so much.

ApathyTree ,

I think the math in this assumes everything is being sown directly into the ground, which for a lot of things is the least space-efficient option.

You can hang-grow tomato plants, vertical garden stuff that doesn’t need much soil, and build potato towers to reduce the footprint (25 sqft turns into 5 sqft pretty easily), and leaf veg/herbs grow very well in window planter boxes or pots (with or without supplemental light). You can also grow mushrooms for protein and those hardly take up any space, and can produce very prolifically (and are mostly grown inside anyway).

Lots of options to reduce the actual space needed to grow stuff for self-sustaining food.

Although I’m honestly an advocate for either growing in soilless (cococoir) or hydroponic, if you have the space to have those inside. A single tomato plant is enough for most people, and a couple bell pepper or other self-pollinating plants (easier than pollinating them yourself with a paint brush). Year round fresh foods are so worth it, and a lot easier than canning everything.

ApathyTree ,

I wish I learned it earlier… I’m on the downslope of 30s, and still find myself going above and beyond.

I don’t expect to get anything out of it at this point though.. I learned a long long time ago that hard work doesn’t pay off, but I also don’t want to do my actual job, so I find other things I’d rather do, and do that. I can easily justify doing so, because everyone known I’m out soon, and what I’m doing has direct value even if it’s not really “my job”.

And from here on out, I’m just going to take contract work. Zero expectation of going above and beyond, because everyone knows it’s a temporary arrangement. Perfect, because I have no self control and am a major major people pleaser.

ApathyTree ,

Yo fwiw I have incredible fond memories of andromeda, cleopatra 2525, Xenia warrior princess (them sexy ladies in those costumes 😍 no wonder I’m not straight!), Hercules, Xenia and Hercules, etc etc. 90s-00s sci fy was trash but scratches such an itch now!

The shit they used to air in late night tv after the normal scheduled broadcast ran was the best of tv.

I have a full copy of andromeda in my media self host, along with the others mentioned, cuz while it is cheesy af -today- it was better/not shit/no extra context in its own time.

But also Kevin sorbo is a train wreck in his own rights.. so like… anything touched by that hand was doomed anyway.

ApathyTree ,

I am trying to be a treasure trove of nostalgia. I’m 36 and doing my damndest to maintain media from my childhood (anything I was exposed to, not just stuff from my time)

Do you remember dinosaurs? (If it was during your lifetime, now you do!)


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