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ApathyTree ,

I really want to know what joke that raccoon told..

ApathyTree ,

Plus side for squick thoughts, probably not that warm. The ocean is quite cold and things lose heat 25 times faster in water than air, so it would likely cool down considerably between being….. extruded..? And consumed.

Then again, I don’t know a whales body temp to start with, so there might be a lot of heat to lose. Idk if that’s better or worse..

ApathyTree ,

So I’m not a biologist either but I’m going to speculate on the temp thing. (Somewhat educated speculation - science of all varieties is my jam)

Basically my hypothesis is that between insulation and size, they aren’t capable of losing heat fast enough to fall below their baseline temp, but any old temp would probably have worked fine, as long as their fats stay liquid (and for all I know that’s 36C, but that seems highly unlikely - you’d want to be several degrees warmer in case of emergency, else you’d get stiff and die for sure).

They have a nice layer of fat for insulation and that’s all well and good, but they are massively huge and a lot more spherical than most animals. So, they have a small surface area to volume ratio, and lose heat slower as a result. And because they are huge, and muscle twitch is heat generating (to say nothing of leaky heat-producing brown fat, idk if they have this, but most mammals seem to for thermoregulation), they likely produce a gob of heat internally just existing. Much like we believe the larger dinosaurs were endothermic due to sheer size (and some evidence from their bone structure).

Side note - Imagine how many calories it would take to maintain basal metabolic rate when you are losing that heat to 4C water at literally all times. It takes us about 1500-2000 calories for this function and we only lose heat to air that’s relatively close to our body temp.

I did a super quick scan of melting points of various fats, and while without knowing exact compositions of whale blubber idk the melting point, a surprising amount of the animal fats we use for cooking melt around 25-40C, with most large terrestrial animals (cow, pig, deer, etc.) falling between 32-40C (goose fat was the 25C).

If their composition hadn’t worked, though, they could have evolved a polyunsaturated fat (like fish oil) with a lower melting point.

Anyway, thanks for coming to my ted talk ;)

ApathyTree ,

They’d have to focus on getting rid of their smell… that’s probably why foxes didn’t win the dog/fox pet battle. They smell very strongly.


But agreed on ferrets/cats :)

ApathyTree ,

My drunk self is a pretty good speller. Incoherent ramblings, but all properly spelled and punctuated (best I can tell).

Got anything stronger?

ApathyTree ,

I’m so curious as to why you think us/canadian toilets don’t flush if you pour water into the bowl..

ApathyTree ,

Ok, but siphonic systems still flush just fine if you pour water into them..? I’ve been doing it my whole life. Like even if you just pour water from a pitcher at a normal rate it’ll eventually hit a pressure point and flush itself (assuming there’s no clog). If you do it from more than a foot above the bowl it flushes basically instantly.

ApathyTree ,

I’m not really sure how I feel about this..

On the one hand if they are spending more than they take in to handle cash, that’s obviously broken, so the move is logical.. but aren’t there alternatives that don’t disadvantage people who don’t have plastic options for whatever reason?

Like idk, making them free to enter and paid for entirely by business taxes or something, the way they should be? I realize they are basically self-funding a lot of what they do by charging admission, but that is still an unfair barrier on public enjoyment of a public good. And so unnecessary.

ApathyTree ,

With maggots.

Whole mess.

Whoa, man!

Weaponized masturbator?

Sorry couldn’t help myself :D

ApathyTree ,

It’s season 14 of the 2005 reboot. The pre-2005 stuff is “doctor who classic” now, and there’s I think 26 seasons?

ApathyTree ,

I’m really interested in the different reactions of the two litigious guys.. (in all of it of course, but especially that)

Kaechele admits the museum has amassed a “large file” of complaints over Ladies Lounge. But apart from the current case, only one other complainant has sought formal redress.

“Like Jason, he felt it was sexual discrimination and wanted access for men. And when I said, ‘well, men can’t come in’, he said ‘then why should I have to pay the same amount if I don’t get to experience the artwork?’ And I said, ‘you do experience the artwork, because the rejection is the artwork’. And he understood that and he appreciated it and he dropped the case.”

The one understood that his discomfort with it was the point, and something women have experienced throughout their lives, and was willing to listen and learn. And the other, still suing, still feels entitled to women’s spaces. Because of course. Lots of men like that.

I’m curious how this will play out, even though I’m not from your country :p This whole article just felt really good in a lot of ways.

ApathyTree ,

You know what else monitors my activity levels and provides calorie intake suggestions and food suggestions based on that and macro/micro nutrient levels?

My body, via hunger and food cravings. And it’s free (for me)!

And I can 100% guarantee this little device isn’t going to know what I’m actually in the mood for, so it will literally never be what it suggests.. Plus my fridge is sad single person fridge half the time - most of my food is dry goods (which it has no ability to track), and I get what produce I need when I need it or it goes bad.

Samsung: “You have beer, milk, ketchup, mustard, hot sauce, sweet chili, and jelly in your fridge. Make it a soup I guess? I can’t work under these conditions! I’m going to order you real food and then tell you to cook it.”

Me: “No samsung, I don’t feel like cooking today, that’s why I don’t have any food to make.”

Samsung: “Did I stutter?”

Real talk tho, their smart TVs aren’t even any good, which doesn’t build confidence for their even-more-niche smart stuff, why would anyone want all this other trash?

ApathyTree ,

That’s why I said for me, but I can see my word placement wasn’t great, and probably not clear. Such is life.

I’d never trust a company trying to sell you an overpriced product that monitors your purchase and consumption habits to get you to spend even more on ordering services or whatever nonsense their fridge does, to give better advice than a persons own body, even when said body is not working properly with signaling, or has been otherwise hijacked by empty foods.. I’d sooner trust even the worst malfunctioning body than this nonsense.

ApathyTree ,

So does that mean we probably have brains of other preserved and possibly extinct species..? That would be pretty neat.

ApathyTree ,

That was a really fun read. I lost some faith in humanity but it was the wavering variety anyway that comes and goes with the social tides. Tide goes in, tide goes out.

ApathyTree ,

This seems like a really good time to test out some CRISPR adjustments.. I mean if it’s going to die out anyway, may as well tinker with it now and see if they can reintroduce sexual gene transfer. Let it breed itself into robustness once more. Probably change the taste but that’s the price.

ApathyTree ,

Alternate option - he was able to secure it and is making out like he can’t until the last minute to take in as much from his base as possible.

ApathyTree ,

Scientists have discovered that the diaphragm is not the only body part that aids in breathing; the other will blow your mind.

ApathyTree ,

You could give up, but then the wood wins, and really you can’t have that. What an affront to your ego!

No, the better course is to make that project regret crossing you, by learning where you went wrong and doing it better next time. Weep over that, glue marks! Learn your place!

In all seriousness, can’t help with your first question but I’ve fucked up more often than I’ve gotten things right, and it’s wicked demoralizing, but that’s the process to improve. If you were perfect at everything right from the start, where would be the fun in even doing it? No growth no challenge.

ApathyTree ,

A building down the street from where I live has like 3 families with kids renting and they are always outside in a big gaggle. Like is the weather close to halfway decent? They are out.

I think because their parents are never around supervising them. But that’s about the only place with obvious kids. There must be more, but I have no idea where.

ApathyTree , (edited )

Previously the only thing I knew about her came from doctor who.

But now, thanks to this painting, I also know she has no knees or a very long torso.

Emotion-tracking AI on the job: Workers fear being watched – and misunderstood ( theconversation.com )

Emotion artificial intelligence uses biological signals such as vocal tone, facial expressions and data from wearable devices as well as text and how people use their computers, to detect and predict how someone is feeling. It can be used in the workplace, for hiring, etc. Loss of privacy is just the beginning. Workers are...

ApathyTree ,

This would absolutely flag me for something. I tend to have flat delivery, low pitch, avoid eye contact, etc. and when combined with other metrics, could easily flag me as not being a happy enough camper.

I mean don’t get me wrong, I’m never going to be happy to be working, but if I showed up that day, I’m also in a good enough headspace to do my job… and if you want to fire me for that… for having stuff going on and not faking vocal patterns…

This is why I don’t want to work anymore. It’s gotten so invasive and fraught if you happen to be anything but a happy bubbly neurotypical fake. And that’s wildly stressful. I’m not a machine, and refuse to be treated like one. If that means I have to die in poverty, well, dump me in the woods, I guess.

This shit should never be legal.

ApathyTree ,

I’ve changed my whole life around to avoid that fucking sun spot. I sleep late into the morning.

It’s amazing how many sets of blackout curtains I needed, plus a doorway curtain (cats), to kill the light. And I had to rearrange my room, and even that isn’t enough some days (cats realized there’s an eastern window in my bedroom… yaaaaay…)

Plus side, my place has “lots of natural light”.

ApathyTree ,

So like I know horseshoe crabs have been around nearly unchanged and all. And good for them!

But are you (general you, not op specifically) really trying to tell me that not once in their entire historical span of time on earth.. not one single time did anything evolve from a horseshoe crab?

Clearly I’m not saying the whole species changed, but that is separate from an offshoot population evolving into something different. Which surely must have happened, no?

ApathyTree ,

Do you have any citations for that?

I’m not saying you are wrong, because I’m open to new information, but that’s not ever been my understanding of how evolution works, and I’ve read a ton on the topic.

Evolution continues even if a species doesn’t obviously change over time. Unless it’s an asexual reproducing species, gene recombination ensures some level of diversity, and more opportunity for novel traits. But even a clonally reproducing species have a chance for mutations, they are just significantly more likely to be detrimental than useful.

ApathyTree ,

I have a strategy to avoid this. You might find it helpful also.

I go through stuff and set aside in boxes anything that I think might be useful, but I don’t really want or need. This brings that item into my mind, the same way throwing it out does. I label the boxes with the date, and either donate or trash, and put stuff in accordingly.

If a box sits unopened for 6 months, I toss it or donate it without opening it and seeing what’s inside. If I open a box to use something, I put the new date on it and reset the clock.

Then there’s no pain from actually getting rid of stuff. There’s no “man I just threw that out!” regret.

Just wanted to say a quick hello to all the other women out there on Lemmy

I've been happily posting away here on two accounts since just before the Great Migration, and have no problem being openly a woman on the internet. Up to and including correcting people who assume I'm a guy, and even occasionally acknowledging the existence of periods....

ApathyTree ,

I never felt weird posting to Reddit that I was a woman, and never got any weird dms or anything.. no clue why, just luck I suppose. Or could have to do with where/how I shared that info.. either way I was openly asexually female for the entire 5 years I had an actual account. Worst that happened was a bit of banter with a user about whether or not boobs float (something I honestly don’t know); they told me to go check and report back and I said their man boobs would be more likely than mine to float since I’m thin and not well endowed.

But I’ve been more vocal about it here because Lemmy is an absolute sausage party, and it’s so so so so obvious. It hasn’t been weird here at all either, but there also aren’t a lot of conversations in which I feel it necessary to divulge (probably because it’s a sausage party, so those sorts of conversations don’t happen as much)

I wasn’t using that as a treat myself excuse, but I’m shopping for a fancy new bed frame (with headboard storage, power strip, lights, and drawers underneath to keep my cats out) and it was gunna be a birthday gift to myself, but now it’s a women’s day/birthday gift 🤭

ApathyTree ,

Proof she’s a woman, I guess. :p

ApathyTree ,

Depends; does it float? 😜

ApathyTree ,

Hey thanks! I got a really high quality ultra plush mattress for myself last year, and it’s about time it had a nice frame to go on. Plus then I can use the old frame and decent mattress in the spare room, and give away the shitty futon that’s in there. Win win.

I was around the internet back in the pre-social media days of “tits or gtfo” and all, so I know I dodged a firestorm of bullets. 😳

I saw some sort of demographic poll a while back about the makeup of fedi users, and it was something like 10% being female? I suppose that’s probably a self-selected response type thing and probably not super accurate depending how they went about finding participants, and It’s probably also highly dependent upon the instance, but that’s why I said it’s a sausage party. Also every post about ladies things is like 80% “I’m a guy but”, which is fine and all but.. feels sausagy.

ApathyTree ,

Haha I feel that’s pretty normal tbh. Most people I know don’t have spare space. Couch or floor or too bad get a hotel. Maybe they have a hide-a-bed or a morris bed, but usually not.

It’s more that I can’t bear to get rid of stuff “just in case I need it, you never know when something is going to happen”. Poverty mindset. I actually almost never have people over and I don’t really want them over often, tho one of my close friends lives a few hours away so she stays sometimes.

And if I can get rid of something junk and still maintain the things my mind has deemed necessary backup, all the better. Tho I’ll probably disassemble part of the frame to store it all upright when not in use.. I move stuff around a lot as I remodel.

I have a plant grow tent for year-round veggies in that room, and can use it as an office too, so not totally wasted space when not in use. It’s a big, old, much in need of expensive repair sort of place that I got cheap years ago, and it’s getting improved as I go.

ApathyTree , (edited )

It came at the cost of having no tail!

I’ve always wanted a prehensile tail. Maybe CRISPR can make that happen someday 😜

On a more serious note, it really bothers me when evolutionary biology articles say “this must have some advantage”, because that’s simply not how evolution works.

A trait can be absolute dogshit and still get passed around even with no advantage. It just depends how big the population is in the first place and how deadly the trait is. If it’s mostly benign, and the founding population isn’t huge, it’s going to persist regardless of usefulness. Especially if it’s a dominant expression.

ApathyTree , (edited )

You can run both, since you have Plex paid for anyway. Then you get the best of both worlds, and can maybe get new users on the jellyfin. If they catch that last 10% difference or Plex goes to shit, and jellyfin is a platform you like since you’ll have low-stakes experience with it, maybe you’ll eventually want to move everyone over.

Plus if one service goes down the other may still be up which is nice.

ApathyTree ,

The most prized pigment of antiquity was processed not from a tangle of root or the frothy extract of a weed, but by drawing out a slimy secretion from the mucus glands behind the anus of murex sea snails …

This is one of those things that makes a person go “how the fuck they find that out??”

ApathyTree OP ,

Thank you, genuinely. I am definitely not an extrovert. I generally go out to just exist in public, to vicariously extract social experiences through those around me.. but when I went today it had been 30+ hours since I’d slept so I was wired on cortisol. I was a chatty mofo. (Good outcome to a bad situation. Also got a fucking great latee before I’m normally awake, so today was a good day in spite of being a bad day) 😊

ApathyTree OP ,

Thank you! I’m super pumped!

ApathyTree ,

I used to have that every day of the week. Anxiety attacks were my alarm clock, typically 2 hours before I needed to be up with no chance of getting back to sleep. I stuck it out for 2 years.

Now when I start getting that I make note. If it continues for more than a few months, I quit. (I’ve never been stable even when I took shit, so what difference does it make?)

It’s not stable, but nothing about the present system is stable, and I’d rather be unstable on my terms than theirs.

ApathyTree ,

I have a hideous lamp that I hate that’s worth about a grand. It doesn’t look like it’s worth that much, just a heavy brass base and reverse painted landscape shade.. but all antique and sought after.

My cats are probably going to break it so I should sell it but it was the last lamp my mom refurbished before she died (why it didn’t get sold and I got it in the first place)

I also have a brass fairy floor lamp that, with no shade, is worth about $1500, but that one looks valuable, and is very rare (and super cool)

ApathyTree OP ,

That sounds like a good place to start, thanks! I’ll get in touch with them and see what happens. I know a place indirectly through a friend who just moved on (who thus knows a lot of people still there) which is ripe for unionizing, due to disrespect of the existing workforce. So I have a start point in mind.

ApathyTree OP ,

Yeah I just want to get an idea of what the process might look like for an external person, I have a place in mind to try reaching out to to start, so I’ll contact those orgs and see what I can do, thanks :)

ApathyTree ,

That can’t be good for bullet movement tho, right? Like that just seems really inefficient..?

I don’t know much about guns but I’m fairly certain they need to build up pressure behind the projectile, and this design seems inherently flawed there… but it also needs a straight trajectory out or it’ll go all wonky in flight and be super inaccurate.. would this not drastically impact that?

Or is this a nonfunctional thing?

ApathyTree ,

Moth spaghetti deer innards was not on my list of things to see today, but kinda glad it happened anyway.. I think..?

Jk, very well done and interesting :)

ApathyTree ,

So wait, is anyone supposed to be left there other than the few well off people who can already afford it comfortably??

How do you expect that not to immediately collapse?

ApathyTree ,

But that’s not what would happen because the people who can’t afford to live there are mostly the people who make society function.

You can’t have a working city without the people at the bottom. So what you are proposing is that the city should collapse.

Rather than, you know… just making sure people can afford to live there instead..

ApathyTree ,

Avoiding swearing isn’t even that important in most human-human interactions, so meh.

Fragile snowflake ai being all on the pc…

ApathyTree , (edited )

Meat is actually much much easier to break down than plant material. It’s mostly soft-walled structures, where plants have hard cell walls that need to be broken down with special processes to get the goodies out.

As a result, plant material requires multiple processing steps (chewing cud like cows and other ruminant animals, consuming first-pass fecal matter like rabbits, etc.), and then basically ferments using bacteria to break down the cell walls, so they have special adaptations to accommodate all that extra processing, like the multi-chamber stomachs, large cecum, etc.

Meat, on the other hand, is relatively simple to break down, so obligate carnivores actually have much shorter, simpler, intestinal paths. Omnivores are, as you might expect, in between, with digestive systems more complex and longer than carnivores, but shorter and simpler than herbivores.

Thus, nearly every animal is capable of digesting meat (all, afaik, but I’m not certain so I’ll stick with this), but not every animal is capable of digesting plants.

Here’s some fun links with more info :)



Edit to fix second link. Whoops.

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