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Anticorp , (edited )

I love their ear tufts! Squirrels around here just have boring round ears.

Anticorp ,

The price of gold has kept up with inflation. Same amount of gold required in both periods.

Anticorp ,

You cannot see the fish bowl when you're a fish inside the bowl.

Anticorp ,

Rose left that family after the sinking of the Titanic. She gave it all up and started a new life for herself, under a new name. But she did find a measure of success as an actress, so she was probably doing alright. No where near her previous wealth, but comfortable.

Anticorp ,

She died in bed at the end of the movie, so technically she was on her death bed every night that she slept on that ship.

Anticorp ,

Did they come up with that idea while floating in sub-freezing water, after having just experienced multiple near-death scenarios, while afraid for their lives? The reality is that it's easy to solve a problem in a lab, not so much under duress.

Anticorp ,

There definitely won't be 8 billion people for very long if we have to resort to hunting and gathering. We already hunted and gathered everything hundreds of years ago. Wildlife populations are less than 10% of what they were just last century. But the collapse of farming is the complete collapse of society. If that happens, everything is fucked.

Anticorp ,

I'm sorry for your loss. When we had to put our cat to sleep, I thought I would be stoic and strong. As soon as it was final I broke down like a blubbering baby, and kept at that for a solid 20 minutes. I thought that was hard until a couple years later when we had to put our most precious little doggy down. That had me wrecked for weeks on end. I'm still not healed from that loss, and it has been six months. We occasionally talk about getting another dog, but I don't think either of us will be ready for quite a long time.

Anyways, it does heal, but you'll never be the same. I'm sorry for your loss.

Anticorp ,

You have to buy a $120,000 car to charge your phone? That's an expensive accessory!

Anticorp ,

I mean, they/we also could create these spaces

We had these spaces, they were accused of sexism, and forced to open up to everyone, where the female spaces stayed all female. Boyscouts and Girlscouts comes to mind as an example.

Anticorp ,

Thank you for sharing. That's the coolest story I've read in a long time. It harkens back to a simpler, more laid-back time. My favorite photograph from the article is this cool mix of chill and hell.

Anticorp ,
Anticorp ,

The same thing happened to Huntington Beach California. It used to be a chill little surf town. It was even called Surf City. Now it's an over-commercialized conservative area full of trumpers and skinheads. I don't understand how an area can change so drastically within a couple of decades.

Anticorp ,

I'm not sure how they've changed in Europe. I know France, and a couple other places are sick of the mass Muslim immigration. Is that what you're talking about? Here in the USA it seems pretty polarized, just like everything else. 99% of the people I know don't care about immigration at all, but I don't really know any conservatives, and there are conservatives that think immigration is the source of every problem in the country. Well... I guess they think half the problems are from immigration, and the other half from Obama and Biden. HB definitely wasn't conservative when I lived there, but it sure is now. It's probably from the gentrification, like you said.

Anticorp ,

I think a lot of that and sort of how crazy the left is, is turning people to the right

That's a statement I can wholeheartedly agree with. The left has done more to turn me off to the left than the right could ever do. But it doesn't push me right, because the right here in the USA is now pure insanity. It just pushes me out into the cold, feeling homeless, and without mainstream group to identify with.

The issues you pointed out with immigration are real issues, and they need to be dealt with. Plus having huge groups of people in a country that have no desire to integrate into that country's culture can completely fragment and destroy a country's identity and unity. Ignoring that as a problem is self destructive.

Anticorp ,

Sure is, and the other guy has an ak-47 over his shoulder. They were in a part of the world with pirates, freedom fighters, and warlords. The article details that this area had recently been overrun by pirates, and they were looting the town not far from the beach. They had to smooth talk their way past a government checkpoint to even be allowed there. USA Special Forces troops weren't allowed through, and were pissed when the surfers got past.

Anticorp ,

Cool. Fire everyone responsible, pass new legislation, and replace the people who were removed. No? I guess no constitutional enforcement for us. QQ

Anticorp ,

Is there enough available, usable land in California for 20 of these?

Anticorp ,

A lot of that open land is BLM land, so idk if they could get it re-zoned for this type of use. I suppose they could use the Eastern desert portion, assuming they can build the grid to transfer the power, and actually finish the ecological impact reports.

Anticorp ,

Yeah, I completely agree. I'm sure there are groups that won't though, and that's the kind of stuff that really stalls these types of projects.

Anticorp ,

I go over them, like that paladin in Honor Among Thieves.

Anticorp ,

Thanks for sharing this, it reminded me to turn my VPN back on.

Anticorp ,

Most people aren't interested in learning anything, which was a hard realization to come to as an adult.

Anticorp ,

How will it not help? It's an encrypted connection to a single server, and that's all the ISP sees AFAIK.

Anticorp ,

Right, but you're talking about two distinctly different things. The ISP doesn't own the websites you visit. They only have a record of your traffic. The individual websites that you visit can bust your privacy through 3rd party cookies, browser fingerprinting, cross-site tracking, and a bunch of other methods created to circumvent the user security features built into the browser. Nobody shares that information back to the ISP for free. The real issues are that huge companies like Google, Amazon, and Facebook have scripts running on millions of websites, so they can track you everywhere you go. But they're still just single companies. The linchpin is that they then sell that information to Big Data brokers like Cambridge Analytica, and Informatica. Those companies combine literally everything you do online, everything you submit, all your history, all your data points, and build these fully accurate pictures of you. You need to take proactive measures to prevent this sort of data harvesting that go well beyond a VPN. But your ISP doesn't have these systems in place. So unless the ISP is buying your profile from Big Data, and then selling it to the NSA, having a VPN is enough to thwart your ISP, and the issue identified in the article. You still have to take a bunch of other precautions to prevent the larger issue if you truly want any anonymity, and they'll probably figure you out anyways.

Anticorp ,

ChatGPT has been quoted as a cause in at least one of the layoffs. The tech industry is specially positioned to be quickly affected by AI, but AI is going to impact 80% of the jobs on the planet within the next 8 years. Our world is about to experience a massive change to the way things are run. We can try to prepare, but it's going to change in ways previously unimaginable.

Anticorp ,

You're doing yourself a big disservice if you limit your understanding of AI to what you read from the opinions of Lemmings. It is incredibly powerful, and every major corporation has large investments in AI integration.

Anticorp ,

Get better at the prompts you use. My entire team uses it daily, and it has made us probably 600% more effective. Learning to prompt AI is a valuable skill right now.

Anticorp ,

Then you're using it wrong.

Anticorp ,

I wish!

Anticorp ,

Look man, I don't work for OpenAI, or Microsoft, or Google, or any other company that is developing their own AI. I'm not evangelizing. If you don't want to use it, then don't. But it's going to affect everyone, regardless of what they think about it. If you want a leg up in the changing world, then start learning about it. Or don't. I'm not your dad.

Anticorp ,

It's going to happen regardless of what you personally do. You might as well get some benefit from it while you can.

Anticorp ,

Yeah, it's pretty scary. I don't know what the future holds, but I think a lot of jobs are going to go the way of the vacuum tube salesman.

Anticorp ,

True as that may be, it's not going to stop them.

Anticorp ,

I don't disagree with you. But that doesn't change the reality we need to live with today, and it's veering off topic. AI has already achieved a lot of cool stuff, like assisting in the creation of vaccines in record speed, helping us to identify diseases, finding planets in habitable zones around distant stars, and a bunch of other cool shit. Just because it can be abused, doesn't mean it can't also accomplish great things. If you're worried about corporations abusing AI, then call your senators, or launch a petition for a new bill. But just sticking your head in the sand doesn't accomplish anything, and doesn't change what is to come.

What are the odds that extreme weather will lead to a global food shock? The insurance giant Lloyd’s evaluated the risks in a recent study. ( )

The report looked at “major,” “severe,” and “extreme” scenarios. The authors found that the “major” case would cost the world $3 trillion over a five-year period, which they estimated has a 2.3% chance of happening per year. Over a 30-year period, those odds equate to about a 50% probability of occurrence —...

Anticorp ,

That's one of the reasons I wanted to be sure we have an area for a garden at our house. I'd like to be as self sufficient as possible, so that we're less impacted by all of the shortages we've seen over the last few years. The shortages will become more common in the future.

Anticorp ,

You're right! I've seen that too. It's near the billboards that say "pray for rain".

Anticorp ,

I'm in the PNW, and we're on a well, so water is no issue. We'd definitely need a larger garden than we're willing to maintain to be completely self-sufficient, but we can heavily subsidize our fruits and veggies with not a lot of work. My best friend has an area in his backyard that is about 25 feet, by 10 feet, and almost all of his vegetables come from his garden. His parents live on a couple acres and have a garden twice that size, and they're completely self-sufficient, with a bunch of excess. They also have some fruit trees though, about 10 orange trees, some lemon trees, and various other fruits.

I've been looking into hunting too, to harvest my own meat. I've tried being a vegetarian, and I hated it. But I also hate contributing to the industrial meat complex. I figured that if I'm going to continue eating meat, I need to be willing to do what's necessary to harvest it. My wife isn't really on-board with that idea though, so it's something I'm slowly trying to convince her to agree to. Once she does then I'm going to try deer hunting. I figure 1 deer probably has enough meat to last the two of us for the whole year, or most of the year.

Typing all of this out is making me feel like some sort of doomer/prepper. I don't think I'm those things, I just like the idea of being as self-sufficient as possible, and getting our own quality, organic food. I'd raise chickens too if we could, but our HOA says no chickens. I did see a chicken coupe in a neighbor's backyard, so maybe we can get away with it. We're new to this neighborhood, so I'll feel it out first.

Anticorp ,

I'm already a fisherman, although not a very good one. I was a decent fisherman when I was younger, but something changed and I'm not that good at it anymore. I've watched a bunch of videos and read a couple of books, but I still skunk out more often than not. I've been at a spot for hours before, had someone walk up 3 feet from where I'm fishing, catch their limit in half an hour, and take off. I'll continue fishing for another hour and not catch anything. I have no idea what I'm doing wrong. I even bought all new gear, thinking that maybe mine was like old and smelly or something, and it didn't change anything.

Anticorp ,

Yeah, I guess that's what happened to me. I learned to fish in the high Sierra Nevadas, and I'm still pretty good up there. But those techniques don't seem to work in the PNW.

The best fisherman I know says to walk until you can smell the fish. That always seemed nonsensical to me, and I assumed he was trolling me. But last year I was walking along the water's edge and actually smelled fish! So I think he was being truthful. I'll definitely give that a try this spring.

Anticorp ,

Thank you! I'll look into this. We finally have a little land after years of working and saving, and I'm looking forward to cultivating it this spring.

Anticorp ,

I have eaten venison before, but it was when I was a little kid. My friend's dad was an avid hunter, and they always had venison jerky in a jar on the counter. I remember it being the best tasting jerky I've ever eaten. I would like to taste it as a cooked meat in a dish though. Good idea about sourcing some somewhere. I'm going to do that to be sure we actually even enjoy it. I think I will enjoy elk based on what I've read, but I have been a little worried about the potential gamingness of venison.

I already have a .308 that I use for target shooting, and it's more than adequate for deer hunting. My son and I went scouting for deer last summer, and it wasn't looking very promising. But I recently gained access to some amazing hunting territory, so I'm sure I can be successful if I follow through with it.

Thanks for the recommendation and information.

Anticorp ,

That's not introversion, that's procrastination.

Anticorp ,

Because you can't cast spells while raging, so a barbarian/caster multi-class is usually a bad idea.

Anticorp ,

That could work!

Anticorp ,

Our Brother laser printer just ran out of toner for the 2nd time in 12+ years. We bought a new toner cartridge for $12 that will last us another 5+ years.

Anticorp ,

Thanks for your response, and I'll be more mindful of how I convey that perspective in the future.

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