OlgaPatlyuk , to random Ukrainian
@OlgaPatlyuk@ieji.de avatar

The world still does not understаnd what еvil Ukraine is fighting agаinst. Inhumаns, creaturеs! When you see the еxchange of prisоners of war, you see in what condition our dеfenders return - as if standing on the еdge of lіfе and deаth, or no longer alivе.
My soul scrеams...
Cаptivitу kіlls.
Military Oleksаndr Hrytsyuk, whо diеd in russіаn саptivity.

techbitch007 , to random Czech
@techbitch007@social.kyiv.dcomm.net.ua avatar

A reminder of what exactly the Russians are shelling Ukrainian cities with

Such projectiles do not destroy infrastructure, they are anti-personnel weapons. This is a direct attempt to kill as many civilians as possible.


skykiss , to random
@skykiss@sfba.social avatar

Russia is running a program flooding the newsrooms of 800 mainstream news outlets with fake stories and narratives to overload verification process.

Features of the Contemporary Model for Russian Propaganda
▪️ High-volume and multichannel
▪️ Rapid, continuous, and repetitive
▪️ Lacks commitment to objective reality
▪️ Lacks commitment to consistency.

Lie, Lie, Lie and then more Lies followed by Lies.

Putin suka, bydlo. GTFO of .

sichkovskyi , to random
@sichkovskyi@social.noleron.com avatar

So a Ukrainian team made an investigation of the US media and political space named "From Trumpists to Communists. The forces in the U.S. impeding aid to Ukraine and how they do it"

In it, they list and connect various entities of US politics with russian propaganda narratives and russian propaganda outlets, russian public figures, etc.

It's basically a compilation of already known public information. Everyone who followed the war in the western media and on Twitter probably already knows most of this information.


So now trump team attacks them trying to paint them as "nazis, who created a new Ukrainian kill list using US taxpayer's money provided by the US government"


skykiss , to random
@skykiss@sfba.social avatar

Russia’s combat losses as of June 12, Source: Armed Forces of Ukraine.

521,830 personnel k.i.a. (+980 dead in 24hrs).

#Ukraine #ArmUkraine #nato #StandWithUkraine #EU #RussiaIsATerroristState

skykiss , to random
@skykiss@sfba.social avatar

Republicans need to stop peddling Putin's lies.
-Representative Crockett

The Congresswoman from Texas is sick of treasonous Republicans pushing Putin disinformation and propaganda to undermine our democracy and the rule of law.

She submits evidence Republican Nazis attacked the capitol on January 6th and sentence to prison.

The Congresswoman from Texas: "Republicans need to stop peddling Putin's lies." Americans are sick of treasonous republican pushing Kremlin-Putin disinformation.

September_UA , to random
@September_UA@social.kyiv.dcomm.net.ua avatar
MikeDunnAuthor , to random
@MikeDunnAuthor@kolektiva.social avatar

Russian warships are heading to the Caribbean for exercises. And according to NATO Supreme Allied Commander for Europe General Christopher Cavoli, Russian submarine activity in the Atlantic are "at a higher level than we’ve seen in years.”


Because the U.S. and NATO keep escalating their involvement in the Ukrainian war, incl plans to station hundreds of thousands of troops, inclu US soldiers, along Russia’s entire western border, from Finland to the Balkans. Not surprisingly, Russia is treating this as an existential threat.

But a direct military confrontation between NATO & Russia dramatically increases the risk of accidental, or deliberate, use of nukes, which is an existential threat to the entire planet. And even without the firing of nukes, a ground war on this scale would lead to mass slaughter unseen since WWII.

What about Ukraine, you ask. Well, they've already lost >200,000 lives in this war, which they've been losing badly, hence the rationale for the increased NATO involvement. However, escalation of the conflict will only increase the pace, and the scale, of the slaughter of Ukrainians. And in a direct confrontation between NATO and Russia, Ukraine would likely be decimated. So, no, an increase in NATO involvement doesn't help save Ukrainian lives, and might not even lead to its independence.

A negotiated settlement is the only way out of this morass. Yet that isn't even on the table. And news coverage is so scant, and so biased, that most people don't even realize how serious the threat currently is. Even the peace movement is barely making a squeak.


aerofreak ,
@aerofreak@hessen.social avatar


There has been so much discussion about this matter and still there are people who think putler will be satisfied with a portion of Ukraine. He won't. Just listen to him. There's no other way than to fight him back.


rogerhaase , to Ukraine in Russian woman traveling to the US through Mexico complains that everyone hates Russians.
@rogerhaase@mastodon.social avatar

@iarigby @tal and there is good reason for it. This Lady proves it. Total lack of empathy. Somebody explain to her that murderers, terrorists and assassins are not well liked. At least outside Russia.
...and lots of russians are like this Lady. She is the rule, not the exception.

skykiss , to random
@skykiss@sfba.social avatar
skykiss , to random
@skykiss@sfba.social avatar

Name another country where 508,000, over half-million people could die in a futile war and still, not only is the country not on the brink of revolt, people are pretty chill about the whole thing.

⚡️A poll released on May 30 by the Levada Center, a Russian independent polling organization, found that 71% of respondents believed Russia is "going in the right direction," and another 87% said they supported Russian President Vladimir Putin.


sichkovskyi , to random Ukrainian
@sichkovskyi@social.noleron.com avatar

Все ще триває збір на потреби батальйону "Рарог".

Це великий "дружній збір" на дрони, планшети та ноут.

:monobank: https://send.monobank.ua/jar/8KYh2iKW74
:paypal: filingr000ve@gmail.com

Наразі на нашій банці: 12 665₴ з 20 000₴

Інфа з загальної банки:

Станом на 24.05.24 з урахуванням всіх міні-банок маємо 688 000₴ та 1507$ на PayPal

Лишилось зібрати : ≈ 471 000₴ з 2🍋

було зменшено ціль, через закупівлю 💻📱

Дуже вдячний за всі донати і поширення :neofox_heart:

@rada @ua


randahl , to random
@randahl@mastodon.social avatar

This is where we are at:

Ukraine signed a non-proliferation deal in 1994 and gave up their nuclear weapons… in exchange for the US one day telling them, when Russia fires at civilians in Kharkiv from across the border, Ukraine cannot fire back.

Absolutely insane.

caludio ,
@caludio@mastodon.social avatar

@randahl I am waiting to read the excuses from the russians. Which one will it be? Or maybe they don't even bother anymore?

iryna , to random
@iryna@mstdn.social avatar

Kharkiv these minutes.


akkerman ,

@iryna Two rockets into the printing house, and two bombs into the supermarket now 🤬

andre , to random Ukrainian
@andre@photog.social avatar

Yesterday, russians destroyed the Factor printing house in Kharkiv with missiles, killing employees and burning 50,000 books. This is one of the largest full-cycle printing houses in Europe.

The russians kill Ukrainian writers, they destroyed and are destroying Ukrainian culture. And this will happen again and again if the russians are not stopped.


joaocosta , to random
@joaocosta@mastodonapp.uk avatar

Philip Ingram, former military intelligence officer:

"The only country that I'm aware of that's not allowing it to happen with their weapons is the ... Europeans, French, Germans, I think haven't put a complete ban on it. The Brits are supporting it... and I know Ukrainians are using British weapons inside to very, very good effect."


randahl , to random
@randahl@mastodon.social avatar

While every journalist is trying to figure out why Russia would open a new Kharkiv offensive, @anderspuck has a solid, qualified answer to what is going on:

aerofreak ,
@aerofreak@hessen.social avatar

Very interesting analysis! Makes me feel a bit more relaxed.


HuK , to random
@HuK@infosec.exchange avatar

‼️ THIS! Finally!

The methods used by Russian propaganda described by a Russian journalist:

“I studied at the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University. We had a military department. In an atmosphere of secrecy, we were taught special combat propaganda - the art of sowing discord in the ranks of the enemy with the help of disinformation and manipulation of consciousness.

Let me tell you, it’s a scary business. I'm not kidding.

Combat, or “black,” allows any distortion of real facts to solve propaganda problems. This is an effective weapon used for the sole purpose of knocking out the enemy’s brains.

The "rotten herring" method. The "inverted pyramid" method. The "big lie" method. The “40 to 60” principle. The "absolutely obvious" method.
You also know all these methods and techniques. You just don't realize it. As intended.

We were taught to use special propaganda techniques against soldiers of the enemy army. Today they are used against the civilian population of our own country.

For two years now, reading Russian newspapers or watching television shows, I have noted with interest that people coordinating the distribution and interpretation of news in Russia clearly learned from the same textbook as I have, from the same cheerful colonel or his colleagues.

For example, the “rotten herring” method. It works like this. A false accusation is chosen. It is important that it is as dirty and scandalous as possible. For example, petty theft, child molestation, or murder, preferably out of greed work well.

The purpose of the “rotten herring” is not to prove the accusation. It’s to cause a wide, public discussion... How it’s unjust and unfair.

The human psyche is arranged in such a way that, as soon as the accusation becomes the subject of public discussion, its “supporters” and “opponents”, “experts”, rabid “prosecutors” and ardent “defenders” of the accused inevitably arise.

But regardless of their views, all participants in the discussion again and again pronounce the name of the accused in connection with a dirty and scandalous accusation, thus rubbing more and more “rotten herring” into his “clothes”, until finally the “smell” begins to follow him everywhere. The question “killed-stole-seduced or not” becomes the main one when his name is mentioned.

Or, for example, the “40 to 60” method invented by Goebbels. It consists in creating media that give 60 percent of their information in the interests of the enemy. On the other hand, having earned his trust in this way, the remaining 40 percent are used for extremely effective, thanks to this trust, disinformation.

During World War II, there was a radio station that the anti-fascist world listened to. It was thought to be British. Only after the war did it turn out that it was actually Goebbels’ radio station, which worked on the “40 to 60” principle he developed.

The “big lie” method is very effective It is a bit like the “rotten herring” method, but actually works differently. Its essence is to offer the audience such a universal and terrible lie with the highest degree of confidence that it is almost impossible to believe that it's possible to lie about such a thing.

The trick here is that a properly composed and well-invented ‘big lie’ causes such a deep emotional trauma in the listener or viewer that it then determines his views for a long time, contrary to any arguments of logic and reason.

False descriptions of cruel abuse of children or women work particularly well.

Let’s say that the message about a crucified child due to the deep emotional trauma it causes will determine the views of the person who received this information for a long time, no matter how much someone tries to convince him later, using logical arguments.

But our cheerful colonel especially revered the method of “absolute evidence”, which delivers, although not fast, but reliable results.

Instead of proving something, you submit what you want to convince the audience of as something obvious, taken for granted, and therefore unconditionally supported by the overwhelming majority of the population.

Despite its seeming simplicity, this method is incredibly effective, since the human psyche automatically responds to the opinion of the majority, seeking to join it.

It is just important to remember that the majority must necessarily be predominant, and its support absolute and unconditional - otherwise the desire to join in won't take place.

However, if these conditions are met, the number of supporters of the “majority position” begins to gradually but surely increase, and over time increases exponentially - mainly due to representatives of low social strata, who are most susceptible to the “attachment effect”.

One of the classic ways to support the method of “absolute evidence” is, for example, the publication of the results of various sociological surveys demonstrating absolute social unity on a particular issue.

The methods of “black” propaganda, of course, do not require these reports to have anything to do with reality.

I could continue. We’ve actually been taught for a whole year, and the list of methods is quite long. That’s not important, though.

However, the following is. The methods of “black” propaganda affect the audience at the level of deep psychological mechanisms in such a way that the consequences of this impact cannot be removed by the usual logical arguments.

“Big Lie” achieves this effect through emotional trauma. The method of absolute evidence is through the “attachment effect”. “Rotten herring” - introducing into the audience’s mind a direct association between the object of the attack and the dirty, scandalous accusation.

Simply put, combat special propaganda turns a person into a zombie who not only actively supports the attitudes embedded in his mind, but also aggressively opposes those who hold other views or try to convince him of something else using logical arguments.

It can’t actually be otherwise. All methods of combat and special propaganda are united by a single goal. It is to weaken the enemy’s army by introducing internal discord, mutual hatred, and distrust of each other into its ranks.

Today these methods are used against us. The result to which they lead is exactly the one for which they were created. However mutual hatred and internal discord arise not in the enemy’s army, but in our homes and families.

Just go outside and see how the country has changed over the past three years. It seems to me that combat special propaganda works even more effectively against its own population than against enemy soldiers.

Probably because, unlike enemy soldiers, civilians cannot protect themselves.”

Vladimir Yakovlev, 2016

source https://twitter.com/NatalkaKyiv/status/1790749748581826723

skykiss , to random
@skykiss@sfba.social avatar

Russian propagandists openly say that life doesn’t matter and that it’s an honor to sacrifice it for their country and church. Russians made killing their religion.

Like true fascists, they also advise Russian soldiers to kill themselves rather than wait until they lose their limbs. Their “great” nation doesn’t need people with disabilities.

akkerman , to random Ukrainian

Дуже цікаве інтерв'ю з генералом Ходжесом - командувачем US Army in Europe в минулому.
Цікаве тим, що генерал, це фахова людина з досвідом, яка позуміється на стратегічному масштабі того, що відбувається:

salometsereteli , to random
@salometsereteli@nafo.uk avatar

The Russian government of Georgia🇬🇪 approved the Russian law in the third reading in 64 seconds.

Protests are taking place in all major cities of Georgia.

If the Russian army enters Georgia tomorrow to save this government, don't be surprised, it is a standard procedure.

Europe is our home, look at our culture and history.
Never back to pigsland! Never back to russia!

Here we go again!

partizan , to random
@partizan@pl.m0e.space avatar

Remember that
And do something.

randahl , (edited ) to random
@randahl@mastodon.social avatar

This map shows where Russia is currently attacking GPS signals in the EU.

According to this brilliantly researched article from Peter Møller, Russia has a classified weapons system called Tobol, which is jamming GPS satellites from a base in Kaliningrad.

By using photos and articles from before the war, he has managed to piece together a surprisingly clear picture of what the Russians are doing.

(In Danish but translating it is absolutely worth it.)


ChemicalEyeGuy ,
@ChemicalEyeGuy@mstdn.science avatar

@randahl itself should be added to the list of to be confiscated and auctioned-off to .

randahl , (edited ) to random
@randahl@mastodon.social avatar

Confirmed: Russia is using chemical weapons in Ukraine.

The chemical used is Chloropicrin, known as one of the poison gasses of World War I.

This is consistent with video evidence I have encountered, where white plastic containers are dropped into Ukrainian fortifications, and Ukrainians are seen rushing outside to put on gas masks.

A Telegram post alleged to be from a Russian assault group says: "Pigs start their mornings not with coffee, but with chloropicrin."



aerofreak ,
@aerofreak@hessen.social avatar

This is ruzzia. They don't care about any international treaty. They have used chemical weapons already in Syria -- and hardly anyone cared.


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