lavergnetho , to random avatar

her også!

Meteorologisk institutt har laget figurer som viser temperaturstripene for hele Norge, regioner og fylker🤓 Norge har blitt rundt 1,5 grader varmere siden starten av 1900-tallet🌡️

Finn flere figurer her og del!

kevinrns , to random avatar

Climatologist Claudia Sheinbaum is doing extremely well in today's Presidential election in Mexico.

Very very early election results. Less than 1% counted.

#climate #klima #climat

ariadne , (edited ) to random avatar

Key Findings of Oil Change International's "Big Reality Check" - Oil majors fail to align with international agreements to phase out and to limit global temperature rise to 1.5ºC ... Combined, 8 ('oil majors') companies’ current oil and extraction plans are consistent with more than 2.4°C of global temperature rise, likely leading to global devastation."

  • Every company is “Grossly Insufficient” or “Insufficient” on a majority of criteria.

  • Three companies (Chevron, ConocoPhillips, and ExxonMobil) are “Grossly Insufficient” — our lowest rating — on all criteria.

  • These 8 companies alone are on track to use 30% of our remaining carbon budget to limit global temperature rise to 1.5°C.

  • Of the 8 analyzed companies, 6 have explicit goals to increase oil and gas production. Even those without such plans are advancing new projects and selling polluting assets rather than shutting them down, masking their actions as contributing to an energy transition while perpetuating pollution.

  • Integrity: None of the companies we analyzed have set comprehensive targets to ensure their total emissions decline rapidly and consistently, starting now. Every company intends to rely on carbon capture and storage (CCS), offsets, and/or other methods that delay and distract from ending fossil fuels, and prolong the health and community safety impacts of dirty energy.

People-Centered Transitions: All companies fail to meet basic criteria for just transition plans for workers and communities where they operate. All companies fail to meet basic criteria on upholding human rights."

You can download the full report here -

kevinrns , to random avatar

"More than third of Amazon rainforest struggling to recover from drought"

‘Critical slowing down’ of recovery raises concern on forest’s resilience to ecosystem collapse

weakening resilience raise concerns the world’s greatest tropical forest, biggest terrestrial carbon sink, is degrading to a point of no return - human-disrupted #climate - intense strains- dying of dehydration.

This is hammer. This is bad. This is worse

Weve been "reassured" to the brink


rahmstorf , to random German avatar

Der Staat untergräbt die eigene Klimapolitik durch Subventionierung von Verkehr. Das zu beenden würde den Haushalt entlasten.

Einige Hundert Euro Belohnung pro Tonne CO2: Klimaschädliche Subventionen im Verkehr schwächen CO2-Bepreisung | Ariadne

mango , avatar

Welcher (neoliberale) Amtsschimmel denkt sich denn sowas aus?!
»Pauschal umgerechnet in Euro pro Liter Benzin entsprechen die Subventionen Kostenersparnissen von 0,18 bis 1,70 Euro pro Liter. Die Höhe der Subventionen im Verkehr übersteigt also deutlich die des aktuellen CO2-Preises von 45 Euro pro Tonne CO2 oder ca. 0,11 Euro pro Liter Benzin.«

Da ist ja dann kein #Tempolimit nur folgerichtig. Immer feste druff aufs #Klima im #Verkehr, Herr #Wissing!

@rahmstorf @SheDrivesMobility

tagesschau , to random German avatar

Tausende Menschen fliehen vor Waldbränden in Kanada

Die Behörden in Kanada haben wegen Waldbränden Tausende Menschen zur Evakuierung aufgerufen. Auch in den kommenden Monaten soll es heiß und trocken bleiben und damit steigt auch das Waldbrandrisiko.


#Kanada #Waldbrände

Nike_Leonhard , avatar

@tagesschau Und wie üblich fehlt der Hinweis, dass die #Erderhitzung diese #Waldbrände begünstigt.
Wir befinden uns längst mitten in der #klimakatastrophe. Seht es ein. Macht #Klima zum regelmäßigen Thema der Nachrichten.
#DontLookUp ist keine Überlebensstrategie.

ariadne , to random avatar

"Brutal and submerged cities: what a 3C would look like - scientists have told the they expect catastrophic levels of . Here’s what that would mean for the "

Graphical 'explainer' of what a 3C would be like, and what awaits us between now and then (with 'then' being not far off at all)

ariadne , to random avatar

Major bad #ClimateCrisis news just published in today's #Guardian - "Exclusive: Planet is headed for at least 2.5C of heating with disastrous results for #humanity poll of hundreds of scientists finds - World’s top #climate scientists expect #GlobalHeating to blast past 1.5C target.

Hundreds of the world’s leading climate scientists expect global temperatures to rise to at least 2.5C (4.5F) this century, blasting past internationally agreed targets and causing catastrophic consequences for humanity and the #planet, an exclusive Guardian survey has revealed.

Almost 80% of the respondents, all from the authoritative Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change ( #IPCC), foresee at least 2.5C of global heating above preindustrial levels, while almost half anticipate at least 3C (5.4F). Only 6% thought the internationally agreed 1.5C (2.7F) limit will be met."

Many of the scientists envisage a “semi-dystopian” future, with #famine, #conflicts and mass #migration, driven by #heatwaves, #wildfires, #floods and #storms of an intensity and frequency far beyond those that have already struck.

Numerous experts said they had been left feeling hopeless, infuriated and scared by the failure of governments to act despite the clear scientific evidence provided.

“I think we are headed for major societal disruption within the next five years,” said Gretta Pecl, at the University of Tasmania. “[Authorities] will be overwhelmed by extreme event after extreme event, food production will be disrupted. I could not feel greater despair over the future.”

#GlobalWarming #ClimateChange #ClimateEmergency #Klima #Klimakrise #FossilFuels #FossilFuel #UN #ClimateScience #ClimateAction #Climate

ariadne , to random avatar

"UN expert attacks ‘exploitative’ world economy in fight to save planet"
"It has driven me crazy in the past six years that governments are just oblivious to history" - Outgoing special rapporteur David Boyd says ‘there’s something wrong with our brains that we can’t understand how grave this is’"
"The race to save the #planet is being impeded by a global #economy that is contingent on the #exploitation of #people and #nature, according to the UN’s outgoing leading environment and #HumanRights expert.

David Boyd, who served as #UN special rapporteur on human rights and the #environment from 2018 to April 2024, told the #Guardian that states failing to take meaningful #ClimateAction and regulating polluting industries could soon face a slew of lawsuits.

Boyd said: “I started out six years ago talking about the right to a healthy environment having the capacity to bring about systemic and transformative changes. But this powerful human right is up against an even more powerful force in the global economy, a system that is absolutely based on the exploitation of people and nature. And unless we change that fundamental system, then we’re just re-shuffling deck chairs on the Titanic.”
Boyd said: “The failure to take a human rights based approach to the #ClimateCrisis – and the #biodiversity crisis and the air #pollution crisis – has absolutely been the achilles heel of those efforts for decades.

#ClimateChange #FossilFuels #ClimateEmergency #Climate #Klima #Klimakrise #Capitalism #Carbon #CO2 #ClimateDiary @breadandcircuses @pvonhellermannn

kevinrns , to random avatar

We all deserve good news, here is a real good chunk.

When Germany closed its nuclear plants the loud catcalls of defeat said that this means more coal, more carbon.

The good news? Germany built, is building Renewables, and its CHEAP.

The thin yellow line is renewables, look at it SOAR.

And carbon fuels are falling across the board.

Bravo Germany, BRAVO.

dagb , to random Norwegian avatar

Norge vil merke #havnivå stigning, selv om landet fortsatt heves som følge av at isen under siste istid presset landet som har beskyttet oss endel. De store byene på Vestlandet og Rogaland er utsatt for stigning #Norsktut #klima #globaloppvarming

ArneBab , to random German avatar

Es gibt laut Youtube erst 1300 Zugriffe auf das Video, in dem @rahmstorf die Wahrscheinlichkeit des Zusammenbruchs des Golfstroms (genauer: der AMOC) bespricht.

Lasst uns das ändern.

Das Video ist verständlich und liefert tiefgehendes Verständnis. Es ist die Zeit wert.

Nähert sich die Atlantic Overturning Circulation einem Tipping point?

Bitte boostet diesen Tröt und gebt den Link weiter!
#science #wissenschaft #klima

ariadne , to random avatar

" seeing surge of climate-related power outages, report says

Power in the US are surging, as climate-related strain an already burdened energy .

Over the last decade, severe outages increased by 74% compared with the previous 10 years.

High , , winter storms and tropical including , accounted for 80% of all power interruptions over the last 20 years, a new report from non-profit research group Climate Central shows."

rahmstorf , to random German avatar

Incredible turnout at my Alfred Wegener Medal lecture at just now.


djh , avatar
ariadne , (edited ) to random avatar

Between 2016 and 2022, #China, through #coal burning, was responsible for 25.79% of global #CO2 emissions. (And another 3.21% from cement manufacture). Even looked at historically (between 1854 and 2022), Chinese coal is responsible for 14% of global CO2 emissions over this 168 year period.

Is this a problem?

(source - ) #ClimateCrisis #Carbon #Climate #Klimakrise #Klima #GlobalWarming #FossilFuels #FossilFuel #GlobalWarming

captainfutura , to random German avatar

Bei der Förderung von Radverkehr kürzen, um Geld zu sparen, ist ungefähr so klug wie jeden Tag ins Edelrestaurant zu gehen um beim Einkaufen fürs Selberkochen zu Sparen.

NIRGENDWO erreicht man mit wenig Geld SOVIEL für und Mensch.

Förderung von 750 Millionen auf 350 Millionen eindampfen aber Flugtaxis mit Geld zuschütten.

Man möchte der die Porsches pfänden. Scheißverein.

angeldruckt , to random German avatar

Eben in der 19-Uhr-heute: "Bei an die 30° macht das Wetter Lust auf die kommenden Monate."
NEIN, das macht Sorgen vor den nächsten Monaten, manchen sogar Angst.

#Klima #Klimakatastrophe

ariadne , to random avatar

If you think all the little things we ordinary mortals do are the driver of #ClimateChange, think again - "Just 57 companies linked to 80% of greenhouse gas #emissions since 2016

Analysis reveals many big producers increased output of fossil fuels and related emissions in seven years after Paris climate deal

A mere 57 #oil, #gas, #coal and #cement producers are directly linked to 80% of the world’s #GreenhouseGas #GHG emissions since the 2016 #Paris climate agreement, a study has shown.

This powerful cohort of state-controlled corporations and shareholder-owned multinationals are the leading drivers of the climate crisis, according to the Carbon Majors Database, which is compiled by world-renowned researchers."
"During this period, the biggest investor-owned contributor to emissions was #ExxonMobil of the #UnitedStates, which was linked to 3.6 gigatonnes of CO2 over seven years, or 1.4% of the global total. Close behind were #Shell, #BP, #Chevron and #TotalEnergies, each of which was associated with at least 1% of global emissions."

#FossilFuels #FossilFuel #Capitalism #GlobalWarming #ClimateCrisis #ClimateEmergency #CO2 #Carbon #Klima #Klimakrise #US #USPolitics

ariadne , to random avatar

in other words, same old same old #capitalism and business as usual -

"The world’s #FosssilFuel producers are on track to nearly quadruple the amount of extracted #oil and #gas from newly approved projects by the end of this decade, with the #US leading the way in a surge of activity that threatens to blow apart agreed #climate goals, a new report has found ..."

Fun fact - (sarcasm) - "The US, which has produced more crude oil than any country has ever done in history for the past six years in a row, led the way in new oil and gas projects in 2022 and 2023, the report found. Guyana was second, with countries in the Americas accounting for 40% of all new oil sanctioned in the past two years.
Last year, at least 20 oil and gas fields were readied and approved for #extraction following discovery, sanctioning the removal of 8bn barrels of oil equivalent. By the end of this decade, the report found, the fossil-fuel industry aims to sanction nearly four times this amount – 31bn barrels of oil equivalent – across 64 additional new oil and gas fields."

#FossilFuels #BigOil #CO2 #Carbon #ClimateCrisis #Klimakrise #Klima #Klimazerstörung #ClimateEmergency #GlobalWarming #USPolitics #Biden

lavergnetho , to random avatar

Jeg støtter et forslag for at min fagforening (#ForskerForbundet) tar #klima på alvor i arbeidsprorammet sitt, og vedtar en resolusjon mot videre oljeleting i #Norge.

#Norsktut #Opprop #Fagforening #Unionize

AlexanderJulius , to random German avatar

„Uns fliegt das Klima-System gerade um die Ohren“

  • Prof. Anders Levermann, Potsdam-Institut für Klimafolgenforschung -
    im Heute Journal zum aktuellen #wmo Klimabericht

#klima #klimawandel #umweltschutz #artenschutz #transformation

ariadne , to random German avatar

A telling graphic - the is far and away the planet's largest and producer, extracting and producing over 35 million barrels of oil equivlent per day (boe/d). The split is about 50/50 between oil and gas. comes in 2nd place, spewing out 20 million boe/d. They are followed by (12 million boe/d, nearly all oil), then , , and , each outputting about 8 million boe/d. The comes in 7th place, a little over 6 million boe/d.

ariadne , to random avatar

The ongoing #Texas #wildfire has already burned an area nearly twice the size of #Luxembourg

"Texas wildfire - rising temperatures, winds and dry air hamper firefighting - Personnel battle to keep largest wildfire in state history from turning more of the #Panhandle into a parched wasteland
The massive #fire has left a charred landscape of scorched #prairie and dead cattle and destroyed as many as 500 structures, including burned-out homes, in the Texas Panhandle. It has merged with another fire and crossed the state line into #Oklahoma, burning more than 1,700 sq miles (4,400 sq km) and was 15% contained, the Texas A&M forest service said Saturday."

#ClimateChange #Climate #ClimateCrisis #ClimateEmergency #Klima #Klimakrise #US

ariadne , to random German avatar

Es ist halt ebenfalls so in #Großbritannien und mehr oder weinger in den #USA - "In #Italien hat sich der Umgang mit Kli­ma­aktivist*innen in den vergangenen Monaten erheblich verschärft. Vize­premier und Lega-Chef Matteo #Salvini fordert nach Aktionen der Protestierenden regelmäßig Haftstrafen als Allheilmittel, der Ton ist dabei stets rau: Das jüngste Gesetz der rechtslastigen Regierung von Giorgia #Meloni, am 8. Februar in Kraft getreten, trägt den Spitznamen „Dekret Öko-Vandalen“. Darin steht, dass für die Verunstaltung oder Verschmutzung von Kulturgütern und Landschaften verwaltungsrechtliche Geldstrafen in Höhe von 10.000 Euro bis 40.000 Euro fällig werden. Bei dauerhaften Beschädigungen sind es sogar bis zu 60.000 Euro.

Dabei existieren diese Tatbestände bereits im Strafrecht: Haftstrafen von zwei bis fünf Jahren sowie Geldstrafen von 2.500 bis 15.000 Euro drohen danach laut Artikel 635 und 639 bei einer dauerhaften Beschädigung von öffentlichen Gebäuden, für die Verschmutzung sind sechs Monate bis drei Jahre Haft sowie Strafgelder zwischen 1.500 und 10.000 Euro vorgesehen. Das neue Gesetz legt nun Strafen für Verschmutzungen fest, wenn sie im Zuge einer Demonstration oder Protestaktion stattfinden."!5993078/

#Klimaaktivismus #Aktivismus #Protest #Recht #Faschismus #Kapitalismus #Klima #Klimakrise #Climate #ClimateCrisis #ClimateEmergency #EU #Politik


ariadne , to random avatar

Some good news - "‘We don’t need air con’: how #BurkinaFaso builds #schools that stay cool in 40C #heat" - Architects use local materials and merge traditional techniques with modern technology to make schools and orphanages cool, welcoming places.

The Noomdo orphanage was another of his projects. “The Kéré building provides us with good thermal comfort because when it’s hot, we’re cool, and when it’s cold, we’re warm inside,” says Pierre Sanou, a social educator at the orphanage near the city of Koudougou in the Centre-Ouest (centre-west) region of Burkina Faso. “We don’t need air conditioning, which is an incredible energy saving,” says Sanou. Temperatures in this region of the world remain at about 40C (104F) during the hottest season.

“Kéré builds with local materials from our territory like laterite stone and uses very little concrete,” says Sanou. Kéré’s buildings in Burkina Faso are earthy. They start from the ground and take into account that concrete is a material that needs to be transported to the site, is much more expensive and generates waste. “They are permeable buildings that seek the movement of natural air and protection from the sun. For example, they are built with very strong walls and very light roofs so that the cool air that enters from below pushes the hot air out from above,” says Eduardo González, a member of the Architecture School of Madrid.

One particularly ingenious innovation is his use of the ancient idea of raised and extended metal roofs. The rooms of Noomdo are covered by a shallow barrel vault resting on a concrete beam but with openings. Above, a metal plate protects the roof from direct sunlight and rain. Additionally, it lets out the hot air. González says the technique can be found in the vernacular architecture of the Persian Gulf. In Burkina Faso, he says Kéré integrates it into his projects and “gives this technique a contemporary image”."

#Architecture #Sustainability #ClimateCrisis #ClimateChange #ClimateEmergency #GlobalWarming #GlobalHeating #Africa #Klima #Klimakrise

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