iforgotmyinstance ,

I mean stop touching the damn boats. People be touching US boats like 4 times in history and it always turns out bad.

The Imperial Japanese Navy sank 8 US boats and we dropped the Sun on them. Twice.

HorseRabbit ,

The Houthis are blocking Israeli ports in response to genocide.

Why were US ships going to the ports of a country actively committing genocide?

The US is now bombing a sovereign nation to stop trade sanctions on a genocide.

AA5B ,

Why were US ships going to

They weren’t. While you may disagree with US Navy hanging out in the area, they’re in international waters and not trying to go to Israel. You could argue that attacking US ships proves the blockade story is a farce

rbesfe ,

You don't get to seal off a critical global shipping route just because you happen to be living next to it and don't like where some of the cargo is going

splicerslicer ,

They're attacking commercial shipping vessels passing through the suez canal that have nothing to do with Israel or Palestine or the US. If you knew how how to read or think you'd already know this.

fastandcurious ,
@fastandcurious@lemmy.world avatar

That’s the problem, you touch a US boat and you get bombed, the US fucks an entire region over and they face no consequence

Trollception ,

Guess nobody wanted to mess with the US?

iain ,

The US is willing to kill untold number of people because otherwise the cheap shirts made by children in Bangladesh will arrive slightly late. I do hope for this evil empire to fucking die already.

jimbolauski ,

For Bangladesh it's probably faster to go east to get to the US. The majority of ships going through the Suez Canal are trading with Europe.

BraveSirZaphod ,
@BraveSirZaphod@kbin.social avatar

No civilians died in the first strikes, and I'm not aware of any sources claiming any civilian deaths in these strikes either, which is probably to be expected given that they were against a military air base.

iain ,

Would you change your mind if Houthi soldiers died? What is civilians would die?

BraveSirZaphod ,
@BraveSirZaphod@kbin.social avatar

I'm not going to feel particularly bad about people with the slogan "Death to America, death to Israel, a curse on the Jews" being killed in combat in a retaliatory military strike.

Linkerbaan ,
@Linkerbaan@lemmy.world avatar

America has been supplying Saudi with weapons to attack the Houthis with for many years.

The Houthis didn't lose.

Why are people so mad that someone is actually standing up for human rights? The demands of the Houthis are very reasonable.

sailingbythelee ,

What are the demands of the Houthis? I know they are Iranian-funded and trained, and that they've been warring with the Saudis for years. But now all of a sudden they are world news for attacking global shipping. I also know they say they are supporting the Palestinians, but that seems like a fig leaf.

Linkerbaan ,
@Linkerbaan@lemmy.world avatar

You write a lot of without knowing anything about the situation. Very interesting.

Please give me a different reason for the Houthis to attack shipping, it's can't be them standing up to genocide right? is it their scary religion which doesn't mass murder kids in Gaza?

sailingbythelee ,

I'm not sure why your first instinct is to insult me when I just tried to engage you in conversation. Why are you even here if you don't want conversation? Are you just looking for an echo chamber?

Linkerbaan ,
@Linkerbaan@lemmy.world avatar

You can't seriously be partaking in this conversation when you start with "bro what do the Houthis even want they're just firing missles at ships randomly, they are an Iranian proxy fighting for no reason xddd"

Their demands were stated very clearly when they started. Stop the blockade and Genocide on Gaza.

sailingbythelee ,

That's not what I said, and your derogatory misrepresentation of my comment speaks to the weakness of your "argument", whatever it is. There are many people who want a ceasefire in Gaza, but they aren't firing missiles at cargo ships. I also didn't say they were fighting for no reason. It seems hard to believe that the situation in Gaza is their sole motivation for attacking international cargo vessels. The Houthis seem to be acting more like a proxy for a country that has larger geopolitical goals that benefit from chaos, like Iran or Russia. Based on your hostile "response", I'm guessing you don't know any more than I do.

Linkerbaan ,
@Linkerbaan@lemmy.world avatar

They are punishing the west financially for supporting the ZioNazis. Since the west only understands the word money and lacks any basic morals this is an amazingly clean way that the Houthis retaliate in with no civilian casualties.

Would you rather they blew up the Eiffel Tower or something?

Here's Ukraine doing basically the same thing the Houthis are doing right now and you we loved it back then. Guess only brown people can't retaliate against oppression.

sailingbythelee , (edited )

What a reductionist view of the world you have. Everything is about race for you, I guess. Brown people good. Jews and white people bad.

Edit: you should consider some help for your anger issues:

Linkerbaan ,
@Linkerbaan@lemmy.world avatar

You're the only one adhering double standards. What pathetic baseless insults when your arguments all get debunked.

AA5B ,

It certainly looks like attention seeking and piracy for money

bamboo ,

Yemen wants Israel to end its genocide against Palestinians in Gaza.

sailingbythelee ,

That's kind of broad since some people consider the whole conflict a slow-rolling genocide, not just the latest post-October 7 phase of the conflict. Are their demands specific to the current phase of the conflict? Like, if there is a ceasefire in Gaza, will the Houthis stop firing missiles?

I suppose I kind of get their stated motivation. I mean, Western countries are sanctioning Russia for invading Ukraine. The strange part is that the Houthis aren't targeting Israeli vessels specifically. This is more like if Malta was shooting missiles at non-Russian ships in order to convince China to put pressure on Russia to end the war in Ukraine. It's weird.

bamboo ,

The demands seem to be specific to the current phase of the conflict. They want Israel out of Gaza and for humanitarian aid to flow in accordance with international law.

The demands are limited because their goal is to have those demands met, not to be attacking ships. Demanding anything more than what they are currently doing would basically guarantee they won’t be met, and therefore counterproductive. Yemen has other issues they need resources for, a protracted conflict is not the goal. As for why they target non-Israeli ships, it seems they are willing to target ships associated with Israeli allies as well. COSCO, a Chinese shipping company, has stopped doing business with Israel and is continuing to transit the Red Sea without interference from the Yemenis, for example.

sailingbythelee ,

That's interesting, thanks. I had no idea they managed to get a huge Chinese firm to stop doing business with Israel.

splicerslicer ,

"standing up for human rights"

Meanwhile, on the Houthis flags: "death to Israel, death to America, Jews are a curse upon the land"

You, a joke of a person who needs to look in the mirror and laugh at yourself: "very reasonable people"

Linkerbaan ,
@Linkerbaan@lemmy.world avatar

We're talking about their actions at this very moment. Not them as an organization.

If Kim Jong Un decided to block to Red Sea to support Palestinine instead of the Houthis it would be just as morally correct. If America did it too.

It's about getting water, food and medicine to little children who are getting their legs amputated without anesthetics as if it's a SAW movie.

nekandro ,

Idk seems like these airstrikes are doing more to fuck over shipping than the Houthis are.

Shipping Advised to Avoid Key Global Trade Way Point After Airstrikes

fastandcurious ,
@fastandcurious@lemmy.world avatar

It’s paywalled, but the US (and UK) are always bad news

pineapple_pizza ,

Am I missing something? Seems like they're defineding civilians here

fastandcurious ,
@fastandcurious@lemmy.world avatar

They are protecting their civilians or the ones they can benefit from, and killing others who are not, they are not doing this in good faith

BraveSirZaphod ,
@BraveSirZaphod@kbin.social avatar

Do you have a source for any Yemeni civilians dying yet?

sailingbythelee ,

In what way is defending cargo ships not being done "in good faith"? I'm having trouble understanding what that means.

NoneOfUrBusiness ,

No. They're attacking one of the few countries that's doing something about Israel's genocide.

iain ,

Cargo ships can take a longer route, they don't need to be there. The US values cargo over human lives.

xor ,

The longer route costs an additional million dollars in diesel alone. Even if you don't care about the enormous economic impact, the environmental impact alone is huge.

iain ,

Oh okay, so we're killing people over causing environmental damage? Let's murder the CEO of Nestle, BP etc. They deserve it way more!

xor ,

You know that isn't what I am saying.

As far as I'm aware, there have been no reports whatsoever of non-military targets being hit in the strikes. Targeting the infrastructure being used by a non-state group to disrupt the most critical trade route on earth is absolutely proportionate.

The CEOs of those companies should be prosecuted instead, however there is not appropriate legislation for environmental damage in the UK and US.

iain ,

You know that isn't what I am saying.

It is what you're implying. Even in this very comment: you just assume that violence is appropriate for protecting a trade route, but we have to be very nice to CEOs of companies that destroy the environment and use slave labor. Please examine your own biases and see the consequences.

xor ,

Nonono, you've decided on my behalf, based on pulling shit out of your ass, that I'm cool with companies doing environmental damage and slave labour.

If Amazon set up shop in Yemen and started blindly destroying and siezing ships in the red sea, they'd be getting bombed too.

Additionally, you've presented a false dichotomy - protecting trade in the red sea is not mutually exclusive with prosecuting corporations for climate crime.

iain ,

I'm not saying you're okay with it. I'm just pointing out that one offense justifies bombs and the other simply suing the boss (while admitting it doesn't do anything). I'm simply proposing we bomb Nestle before Yemen. In Minecraft of course.

xor ,

If the houthis were acting from US territory, the approach would be very different, but the US government can't exactly go arrest them.

In Minecraft of course

I'm down, what server does nestle use? Time for some griefing

iain ,

Can the US bomb anyone they can't arrest? Don't the Houthis deserve a fair trial by an independent jury? Can any country bomb another country if they feel like it?

I know the answer is that it's because the US it's powerful and doesn't give a damn about people in the global south. But this is a grave injustice and the evil American empire deserves to fall.

nekandro ,

Amazon isn't at war with Israel. Ansarallah IS, and they're perfectly within their rights to enforce a blockade.

xor ,

The houthis aren't formally or de facto at war with Israel either, though you're right that they are involved.

But affected 3rd party countries are equally within their rights to protect critical trade infrastructure in international waters as well.

nekandro ,

I guess the missiles and drones launched at Israel were just part of a special military operation then, my bad.

nekandro ,

Just like how Israel "only targeted valid military targets," right? Yeah...

xor ,

Well yeah, except with the key difference of it being true

If there were credible reports of civilian targets being hit then it would be very different

nekandro ,

Military targets like Sanaa's international airport? To deter Ansarallah launching... Missiles and boats?

Either US CENTCOM is dumber than I thought, or it's just a cover to continue the Saudi genocide of Yemen.

sailingbythelee ,

Cargo includes food, clothing, fuel, building materials and other necessities of life. Fucking with global trade causes inflation, which primarily affects the poorest people. Also, global trade underpins the peace and security of all 8 billion people on Earth. No one group has the right to disrupt the global system of trade over their petty local disputes. If they do, they should expect to feel the full wrath of the rest of the world. Frankly, I'm surprised that the Houthis are being handled with such a light touch so far.

iain ,

The whole world watches as Israel commits genocide. The Houthis are brave to try to slow down the massacre of the Palestinian people, even though they themselves have been subject to a brutal war against them by the US and Saudi Arabia. If you care about the poorest people, then hold the capitalists responsible. They raise the prices on the poor and for any made up reason. We've seen this in the last couple years a when they pretended that it was inflation while they hoarded more and more wealth. Let them pay the skipping delay out of their own pockets first.

sailingbythelee ,

I do, like the vast majority of Lemmy users, hold the extremely wealthy responsible for a lot of human suffering, but this is a thread about the Houthis attacking civilian cargo ships. Both capitalists hoarding wealth and terrorists attacking cargo ships can be bad at the same time. Whatever you think of the Palestinian situation, the Houthis are currently adding to the sum total of human suffering, not subtracting from it.

Rolder ,

Looked at a non paywall source, it was the US advising ships to avoid the area for the next couple days because they plan on doing more strikes and don’t want other ships caught in the crossfire

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