m3t00 ,
@m3t00@midwest.social avatar

been waiting for scammers to exploit QRs. wait's over https://duckduckgo.com/?q=QR+linking+spyware

Wirrvogel ,

We have a rule: Phones stay in pockets/handbags while dining/going out and in flight mode. I also do not install apps on my phone, especially not in a hurry and without checking the app's reviews and taking my time to decide what rights the app should have etc. They can give me a tablet to make my order if they don't want to print menus.

Reddfugee42 ,

They all have print menus. They have to be prepared for phoneless people and melodramatic boomers.

And009 ,

We have both in our guesthouse, some people like spending more time working in cafe but can't have them hoarding the menu for hours at end.

QR is convenient to place around a bigger property. People avoiding tech can simply enjoy walking to the outdoor or indoor seating area for a traditional experience.

nifty ,
@nifty@lemmy.world avatar

I wish restaurants could allow web app based ordering if I just want to get a refill on drinks, ketchup etc. without bothering a person. If I can order things without servers that’d be great as long as a server is available to answer questions if needed.

rabiddolphin ,
@rabiddolphin@lemmy.world avatar

I love how lady liberty is crying in all of these

RizzRustbolt ,

Don't forget Today's No-good Teens.

doctorcrimson ,

Ah yes, the old "insult everyone involved" gag.

Thcdenton ,

I'm gonna start using a nokia brick again if this shit starts getting normalized. You are never interacting with my phone. Take my money, give me your shitty craft burger abd fuck off.

Japan_50 ,

The boomers are right about this one

RagingRobot ,

I prefer the menu on my phone. I can't be the only one

Japan_50 ,

While I think your opinion is vile, detestable, loathsome, abominable, and evil, I don't understand why you're being down voted.
Thank you for sharing your abhorrent, outrageous, and revolting opinion as it does contribute something meaningful to the discussion.

rabiddolphin ,
@rabiddolphin@lemmy.world avatar

This is a great way to disagree with someone, I feel like Abraham Lincoln could have written it

Tikiporch ,

Same. Menus are disgusting.

rickyrigatoni ,
@rickyrigatoni@lemm.ee avatar

you're supposed to wipe them with a moist towlette before you start licking the pictures

calypsopub ,

These Boomer eyes can't see print that small. Give me a piece of paper

lolcatnip ,

You know you can adjust the font size on your phone, right?

calypsopub ,

It's usually a PDF so you have to zoom in and out repeatedly to see everything. Super annoying.

books ,

I had some friends in town and we went to a place that made us use the qr code for the menu and had to order directly from the app and pay (and tip).

Japan_50 ,

Demonic behavior

PM_Your_Nudes_Please ,

Same, but it was so busy that nobody at the table could load the menu; The restaurant’s tiny little closet server was essentially DDOS’ed. So the waiter had to verbally list the entire menu in the noisy restaurant.

Even worse, it was a restaurant where you order in rounds (Korean BBQ.) So every time the waiter came back to see what we wanted next, they had to list everything off again. By the third round, he just had a handwritten list he was handing to the table.

I love tech. But there are some things that just don’t need to be replaced by tech. And the fact that the restaurant didn’t even have any paper menus as a backup was jarring.

bratosch ,

I love tech. But there are some things that just don’t need to be replaced by tech.

Dude. That resonated with me

lolcatnip ,

Meh. I didn't like it at first because it was unfamiliar, but I really don't see anything wrong with it, especially if you can order and pay directly from your phone instead of waiting for a server to show up.

webghost0101 ,

Qr codes can be malucious. Doesnt take a genius to swap one that compromises your phone while still tunneling to the menu so no one is suspicious.

Pika ,
@Pika@sh.itjust.works avatar

if you can get a qr code on a current day phone that can auto install an app or tunnel, there are further issues at hand. the most a qr code might be able to do is redirect you to a website where it might try to prompt you to do something stupid with the phone.

webghost0101 ,

I likely wont be fooled but i am not the target demographic to visit many bars or restaurants.

Soms people are easily fooled, shady people will exploit this.

Industries will also exploit this, if you’re on your phone anyway can easily serve you a form request for private information as well as picking up phone details trough their website already, over time i would not be surprised if the menu gets personalized in price and content to make sure they get the most they can.

lolcatnip ,

You think a restaurant is going to give out a malicious URL to its customers?

Suburbanl3g3nd ,

Not knowingly.You could slap your tag into the page without anyone being the wiser and then them giving to the card to someone else to scan

HexesofVexes ,
  1. Scan QR code

  2. Hello would you like to let cookies into your life?

  3. Time to navigate the decline cookies menu

  4. Tap menu button/item

  5. Goto 2

Nahodyashka ,

Forgot ads

rmuk ,

You forgot:

1½. Install our app.
2½. Give us your email and link to your socials.
3½. Install our app.
3⅔. Install our app.
4½. Push notification? Push notifications.
5½. Install our app.

HexesofVexes ,

I feel that making a flowchart of this could lead to new labyrinth designs!

Mr_Blott , (edited )

Just been in a restaurant in France that thought a tablet would be a good idea for a menu. Fucking dimwits hadn't switched off the screen sleep though, and you had to tap it to wake it every thirty seconds

Plus it was an iPad, which only pensioners use, it was fucking awful

ohitsbreadley ,

That sounds like an entirely unpleasant experience.

Reading your post inspired me to write a wryly informative yet droll linguistic comment for your edification and enjoyment (and my own entertainment). However my comment may strike you, in any case, I am certain it is entirely unrelated to the miserable experience you describe in your comment, as well as the content of the original post. Ready? Ok.

At face value, the message is entirely clear from what you've written. The restaurant owners required you to use a tablet to browse the menu items they have on offer, and that tablet had a particularly poor user experience.

However, I found your last sentence quite ambiguous, and interestingly so:

...it was an iPad which only pensioners use,...

I see at least three interpretations of this sentence fragment:

  1. iPads, as a category in general, are devices used by pensioners and no one else. (Note: my guess is that this is what you actually meant)
  2. This particular iPad had specific features that indicated all preceding users were pensioners. You don't mention any of these features, but perhaps there were fingerprints of denture glue on the screen, or a distinct odor of moth balls.
  3. The particular iPad was restricted for use by pensioners only and no others, in which case you've broken the law and the Police Nationale are on their way. The laws are strict in France, I don't make the rules.

Okay, yes yes, readings 2 and 3 are hyperbolic; however, this was intentional, partially for the lolz, but also to convey a sense of saliency for the respective interpretations.

The internet comment section is such an interesting treasure trove of human language. See, in typical language use (by typical, I specifically mean how language evolved, as humans in the bush, making sounds at each other around a fire), there are a multitude of cues that go beyond the simple string of words, collectively referred to as "pragmatics." These are nonverbal cues like body language and facial expression, but also verbal cues like prosody, intonation, and stress. There are also "discourse" level aspects, like how we can follow the overall point of a speaker. (As an example of discourse, I told you up front that my comment would be somewhat amusing and educational, and hopefully I have delivered that to you - if I haven't, well it's still the discourse level pragmatics that underlie your feeling of annoyance or disappointment.)

Another pragmatic element is shared knowledge. Off the bat, we both have some fluency in English, but pragmatically (ha, see what I did there?), that's a given, but it goes further than that. Friends and family have a history of shared experiences. On the Internet, well we're both Lemmings, so we likely have an aptitude for technology, as well as other niche hobbies or interests. Shared knowledge is more or less anything that one speaker can assume about another on the basis of experience or overt group membership.

This is what is so interesting about Internet comments though - the pragmatics of language are often missing! This sentence might have been 100% clear if we had more shared knowledge. Perhaps all that was needed was hearing you say it, which would have carried prosody and stress.

Anyway, I hope you learned something interesting.

Was the food good at least?

stalfoss ,


ohitsbreadley ,

Why's it yikes? I'll admit it was a bit of a ramble, but my comment was (mostly) coherent, factual, and at least a little humorous. No?

Fleur__ ,
@Fleur__@lemmy.world avatar

Written by ai?

ohitsbreadley ,

Nope. I'm just a bit loquacious.

Mr_Blott ,

I've fixed it for you, ya gobshite 🙃

I meant it's only pensioners who use Apple products, they're designed for people who don't understand stuff

Hence the popularity in the US 😂

The food was reasonable, but not exceptional, and ridiculously overpriced

ohitsbreadley ,

Ooh, gobshite has a nice ring to it 🤪

Sounds about right for French cuisine. Yes, I said it - French cuisine ain't that great, it's just buttery.

"Reasonable, but not exceptional, and ridiculously overpriced..." Could be an apt descriptor for the iPad too!

It's a bummer that they kind of dominate the tablet space though... I want a tablet, but have been avoiding pulling the trigger because iPads are designed for the sticky fingered folk.

Mr_Blott ,

I dunno, France is one of the rare places where it's difficult to find a bad restaurant; they just wouldn't survive as food is so ingrained in the culture.

The problem was, I was in a ski resort; the menus are designed by culinary geniuses but cooked by bored season workers who are only interested in their next red piste or their next chalet girl's vag

Re tablets, was surprised by the S8 I got for my wife; it's an absolutely cracking piece of kit that's as good as any Crapple offering without being tied to a walled garden

ohitsbreadley ,

Fair enough. Ski resorts in the US mostly only offer burgers and fries, so the seasonal worker attitude is more understandable. Leave it to the French through to try to put a fine dining experience atop a ski slope.

Will check out the Samsungs, thanks for the recommendation. Cheers, good chatting with you :)

lolcatnip ,

The Galaxy S series is very nice. The Galaxy A tablets are best avoided.

ChillPenguin ,

Wow, the onion is on point these days. I don't know how they can produce satire in today's America.

hemko ,

Ywait this is a satire?

JohnWorks ,
FatTony ,
@FatTony@lemmy.world avatar

At whom is this aimed at?

Sotuanduso ,
@Sotuanduso@lemm.ee avatar

Taking into account that this is the Onion, it's probably aimed at at everyone like the good ol' days.

samus12345 ,
@samus12345@lemmy.world avatar

People who enjoy mocking political cartoons.

Mr_Blott ,

I like the way you managed to use the correct "whom" to sound posh then completely fucked it up with the "at" on the end :)

Pissnpink ,

You can end a sentence on a prepositional phrase. That's an old style suggestion, not a rule.

HandwovenConsensus ,

But it's redundant in that sentence because it began with "at."

Pissnpink ,

Ah, true thAT.

0ops ,

Who are you, a representative of the redundancy department of redundancy?

Mr_Blott ,

Yeah he pays his membership fees in cash, gets it from the ATM machine

0ops ,

With a secure pin number

Klear ,

Stop it with all the redundant pleonasms!

TurtleTourParty ,

They're filling up the screen on my LCD display!

FatTony ,
@FatTony@lemmy.world avatar

Yeah that's the perfect way to describe my English in general ^^.

Mr_Blott ,

You mean "Yeah that's generally the way to describe my English in general" 🙃

frezik ,

The Kelly cartoons are done by a progressive pretending to be a conservative. The Onion often gets hate letters from progressives who think it's genuinely conservative, and more glowing letters from conservatives who think the same.

DrM ,

I love QR Code menus, especially when you can order through them.

But I hate when restaurants force them on you. Just give me the fucking choice so that everyone can order in the way they prefer.

Sethayy ,

Yeah but they can't data track you through a paper menu, and a company choosing to lose revenue?? impossible

DrM ,

most of them only link to a PDF containing the menu anyways, they can't track you there either

Clusterfck ,

Most services that convert a link to a QR code absolutely track their users. bit.ly (the URL shortening company) has a paid service to track where, when, and device IDs of who accessed the link whether it was through their shortened URL or the conveniently generated QR code that they can also make you.

Sethayy ,

Pretty much any webhosted service out there essentially needs to track ip's (unless they want to be ddos'd), so even the server thats serving the pdf can and will track you

They could even go the easy route and use something like bit.my to do it for them too

DrM ,

Yeah, but want I want to say with this: the restaurant gets nothing out of providing the menu only as a PDF. It's stupid, just give me the OPTION to use a paper card, even though I prefer the PDF

frezik ,

If you're on their WiFi, then they're just getting the restaurant's IP. If you're on mobile data, then they're getting your carrier IP, which is often inside layers of carrier-grade NAT. Either way, they don't get much besides knowing you're attached to a specific carrier.

Sethayy ,

Even then it usually goes through the device's browser and fingerprints as hard as some JavaScript virtually can, but I figured that was a bit long for the original post

(I mean shit your device probably tells google itself where its going, much less the connections on the other end)

edit: and of course this isn't just the restaurant collecting it cause why would they care, usually its a shady 3rd party that already has a massive profile on you they can cross-reference

Xatolos ,
@Xatolos@reddthat.com avatar

[Thread, post or comment was deleted by the author]

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  • Delphia ,

    See, Im going to speak in defence of the QR code in some places. If I go to a pub, staffed by interchangable 20 somethings who are simultaniously taking orders, wiping tables, pouring drinks, clearing tables... yeah I dont think those menus are getting wiped down all that often.

    If its a restaraunt, or trying to be upmarket... yeah make menus.

    ikidd ,
    @ikidd@lemmy.world avatar

    Maybe if you call ahead they'll autoclave a menu and a table for you.

    spookedbyroaches ,

    How much did you tip the waiters?

    HikingVet ,

    At that point what services should they be tipped for?

    Kusimulkku ,

    Walked all the way to your table with a plate!

    Old_Fat_White_Guy ,

    Without spitting on it, while in your direct line of sight, while making eye contact with you, hopefully.

    Deadeyegai ,
    @Deadeyegai@lemmy.world avatar

    My hypothetical thoughts exactly too!

    ImplyingImplications ,
    bingbong ,

    I love how you can easily assume he's French

    nightofmichelinstars ,

    It's the accent

    Maddie ,
    @Maddie@sh.itjust.works avatar

    hon hon hon

    Pissnpink ,

    Those smug cooks, making a few dollars above minimum wage.

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