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ohitsbreadley ,

Listen, Jim - how much do you realistically own in unrealized gains? It doesn't even matter to be honest - since you're shit posting on the Internet, I wouldn't put your net worth much higher than $10-20 million - and that's me being an absolute philanthropist, in terms of how much "benefit of the doubt" I'm willing to afford an Internet shit poster.

Even if you were somehow blessed to have more than that - you still wouldn't qualify as one who needs to pay this kind of wealth tax.

Where'd you get the idea that it would "tax all unrealized gains"?

ohitsbreadley ,

...constantly discovering things that I can't find...

Maybe I'm having a stroke...but...


ohitsbreadley ,

What the fuck mate.

Trump literally just said "time to finish the problem" regarding the Israeli bombardment of Gaza.

I know it's a shit choice, but it's the choice between the status quo of global imperialism, or global imperialism AND domestic fascism.

I don't want either of these things, but I really don't want to get executed at home.

ohitsbreadley ,

Trump said he'd make the courts partisan and he did exactly that. Now we have some of the most extreme right wing federal courts, and an extremist christofascist supreme court.

Alabama declared that IVF embryos are children.
A federal court is arguing that FDA overstepped in approval of mifeprostone, an abortifacient and uterotonic medication that is considered essential to first world medical care.
Roe v. Wade overturned.
Gay marriage on the docket.
Interracial marriage in their sights.

Do you really want to have Gilead at home?

ohitsbreadley ,

You don't speak for all leftists.

Signed, a leftist.

ohitsbreadley ,

Right, that's why you right wing lunatics referred to him as "God Emperor of the United States"

ohitsbreadley ,

Even the DDR wasn't doing socialism. The public were sold on the idea or they were discredited or arrested. It was an authoritarian autocracy acting in the name of socialism.

ohitsbreadley ,

No, I think I'm far enough on the left to be aware of capitalist propaganda. In all fairness to you, my statement did not treat the subject with the appropriate nuance the subject should require.

The DDR was socialist. However, it was state socialism, which in my opinion is not ideal and not something we should strive to replicate. Yes, the means of production were "owned by the people," but the state tasks itself with protecting the people. And therein lies the problem with state socialism - the state is easily commandeered by a corrupt minority who then uses the governmental apparatus to run an authoritarian regime. Precisely what happened in the DDR and the USSR.

We should be able to recognize the imperfections in prior socialist attempts, without immediately calling it "capitalist NGO propaganda."

ohitsbreadley ,

Bruh - where'd anyone say there isn't a genocide happening in Ukraine?

Let me be clear: The question of Russia's genocide of Ukrainians is no less uncertain than Israel's genocide of Palestinians. If one is genocide, both are genocide.

You're acting like this is some big-brained, "checkmate atheists" point you're making, but it completely falls apart when you consider who is and isn't getting help.

The US is arming Ukraine in it's defense against genocide.

The US is arming Israel in the perpetration of genocide.

If the US was arming Russia instead of Ukraine, you could bet your ass that "the kids" would be "whining" about it just the same, and you'd still be calling it manufactured outrage.

On the other hand - this all begs the question - would the US be so readily aiding Ukraine if the population weren't white and culturally similar? What if the Palestinians were white and christian?

Gender pay gap means women work first two months of the year unpaid - so today is Women's Pay Day ( www.thecanary.co )

New Trades Union Congress (TUC) analysis reveals Women’s Pay Day – the day when the average woman stops working for free compared to the average man – is today, Wednesday 21 February. In some industries and in some parts of the country where the gender pay gap is wider, women effectively work for free for even longer...

ohitsbreadley ,

Bro probably has his w4 withholdings set to take minimal tax out, but his liabilities are higher - then cries at tax time when he owes money.

ohitsbreadley ,

It doesn't matter.

Even if the third party candidate was literally the best candidate possible in the eyes of every American - they still wouldn't have a snowball's chance in hell at getting elected under a first past the post system.

We must enact and enforce a ranked choice voting system nationally, otherwise it will always come back to red vs blue, and a third party vote is electoral masturbation.

ohitsbreadley ,

Education is anywhere from free to really cheap in Germany, and we still don't get many people from poorer families into uni.

I am not German myself, but I am familiar with the system. Please correct me if things have evolved, but...

I thought the post-elementary education system in Germany was a tiered system. University admission requires completing the Abitur exams, but one can only feasibly do this if they've attended Gymnasium, or the "highest" tier of high school. It may be possible to do if one gets very high marks in Realschule (mid tier), along with Abitur preparation courses, but it's virtually impossible if one attends Hauptschule (lowest tier). These schools are not intended to provide university preparation, but instead provide a general education to prepare students for trades/vocational careers.

Whether a child attends Hauptschule, Realschule, or Gymnasium is decided at 9 or 10 years old, and is dependent on performance in elementary classes and teacher recommendations.

And when one considers that a child's educational performance is directly related to both familial socioeconomic status and parental educational attainment, it's not surprising that poorer people are less likely to attend or complete university.

Capitalists' dominant position within the class hierarchy necessitates exploitation of the working class, and this is maintained by fomenting division. This tiered system is just one manifestation of how society can be stratefied and divided.

DeSantis orders Florida National, State Guard members to Texas border ( www.orlandosentinel.com )

Gov. Ron DeSantis said Thursday he is sending National and Florida State Guard troops to Texas to help that state put up razor wire fences on the southern border, a move in apparent defiance of the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision on the contentious immigration issue....

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  • ohitsbreadley ,

    Where are these "men's groups" you speak of? As a "man," I've not heard of any, at least none that aren't inherently linked to toxic masc MAN-man personality traits.

    ohitsbreadley ,

    ...they put just enough oxygen in those helium canisters consumers can buy to stop people...

    I'm not so sure that's true... At least, I know for certain it wasn't true for at least one brand of consumer grade helium canisters sold in the US, around 12 or 13 years ago.

    In the early 2010s, I worked the day shift as an EMT for a small town ambulance company. One morning, right as I was clocking in for the 5am shift change, a call came in for an adult male unresponsive. My partner and I didn't think much of it - it was a college town and we worked the Friday morning shift, so it wasn't unusual to get early calls for drunk frat kids passed out in a yard from the Thirsty Thursday parties - don't get me wrong, these were often serious situations, but run of the mill stuff for the job. So we told the overnight volunteers to go home, jumped in the rig and got on our way to the scene.

    I started to get a bad feeling on the way over though, because it was at the local fishing pier, which was in a park - kind of a scenic place, not really near the college - but my partner played it down, said rush week had just finished so it's probably some pledge bullshit or something.

    We arrive at the park, pull into the parking lot, and see the police lights off to the right - the dock is off to the left, with a small beach to the right, with the parking lot overlooking the coast - the police officer has back against the trunk of a grey Nissan, thumbs in his vest, head hung low - looks up at the ambulance makes eye contact with me and shakes his head.

    We get out of the rig, ask him what's going on, he tells us that we'll need to pronounce, and it isn't pretty.

    I walk around the driver side of the car and see a kid in the front seat. He couldn't have been older than 20. There was a clear plastic bag over his head, the edges pulled taught to his neck with a length of string tied in a bow, the bag mostly inflated so it wasn't touching his face. There was one end of a tube inside the bag, held in place with an extra knot from the string. The other end traced back to a tank sitting on the front passenger seat, still in its cardboard box with pictures of happy children playing with balloons on the side. There was a bottle of brown liquor in the cupholder.

    I'll never forget the blank stare of his semi-open eyes, set in his young, handsomely featured, yet now lifeless face - his skin the ashen, mottled, and pale blue-grey color of the recently deceased.

    It was immediately obvious this young man had parked there for one last nice view of either a sunset or sunrise, drank up some courage, donned his gear, and drifted off to a final sleep.

    I stood there only for a moment, but it felt like an eternity passed as I absorbed the emotional intensity of what had transpired there. I regained my sense of composure with the crack of my partner shattering the driver-door's window, saw him reach to check for a pulse, turning his head away after a moment while waiting for the full, painfully requisite 60 seconds, pronounced him dead, and we were back in the truck on our way back to the station.

    I'm still not right from that call.

    I really hope things have changed, and that manufacturers are required to add oxygen or bitter compounds or something that prevent this kind of thing from happening.

    If you've read down this far, I thank you. Writing this out was helpful for me to process - I took a few minor liberties in writing this story, mostly to obfuscate potential recognition, and for dramatic effect - but made no changes to what I felt and saw in my description of that scene.

    And lastly, if you're struggling with your mental health or substances - you're not alone. This world can be hard and cruel, terribly isolating and dark - but there is warmth and kindness too. If you feel like hurting yourself, please don't. You are loved. You will be missed by the ones who love you. If you're in crisis, and there's someone you know and trust, call them and talk to them. If they cant talk or don't pick up, or if there's no one you feel you can trust, call a crisis prevention hotline any time, any day, and they will listen to you with the utmost respect, dignity, and empathy.

    [US and Canada]
    Call 988 for the suicide and crisis lifeline.
    Call 911 for life-threatening/imminent situations.

    [Most other countries]
    Call your local emergency line, most often it's 112 if you're outside of North America - they will direct you to help if you're in need.

    Additional information:

    ohitsbreadley ,

    That sounds like an entirely unpleasant experience.

    Reading your post inspired me to write a wryly informative yet droll linguistic comment for your edification and enjoyment (and my own entertainment). However my comment may strike you, in any case, I am certain it is entirely unrelated to the miserable experience you describe in your comment, as well as the content of the original post. Ready? Ok.

    At face value, the message is entirely clear from what you've written. The restaurant owners required you to use a tablet to browse the menu items they have on offer, and that tablet had a particularly poor user experience.

    However, I found your last sentence quite ambiguous, and interestingly so:

    ...it was an iPad which only pensioners use,...

    I see at least three interpretations of this sentence fragment:

    1. iPads, as a category in general, are devices used by pensioners and no one else. (Note: my guess is that this is what you actually meant)
    2. This particular iPad had specific features that indicated all preceding users were pensioners. You don't mention any of these features, but perhaps there were fingerprints of denture glue on the screen, or a distinct odor of moth balls.
    3. The particular iPad was restricted for use by pensioners only and no others, in which case you've broken the law and the Police Nationale are on their way. The laws are strict in France, I don't make the rules.

    Okay, yes yes, readings 2 and 3 are hyperbolic; however, this was intentional, partially for the lolz, but also to convey a sense of saliency for the respective interpretations.

    The internet comment section is such an interesting treasure trove of human language. See, in typical language use (by typical, I specifically mean how language evolved, as humans in the bush, making sounds at each other around a fire), there are a multitude of cues that go beyond the simple string of words, collectively referred to as "pragmatics." These are nonverbal cues like body language and facial expression, but also verbal cues like prosody, intonation, and stress. There are also "discourse" level aspects, like how we can follow the overall point of a speaker. (As an example of discourse, I told you up front that my comment would be somewhat amusing and educational, and hopefully I have delivered that to you - if I haven't, well it's still the discourse level pragmatics that underlie your feeling of annoyance or disappointment.)

    Another pragmatic element is shared knowledge. Off the bat, we both have some fluency in English, but pragmatically (ha, see what I did there?), that's a given, but it goes further than that. Friends and family have a history of shared experiences. On the Internet, well we're both Lemmings, so we likely have an aptitude for technology, as well as other niche hobbies or interests. Shared knowledge is more or less anything that one speaker can assume about another on the basis of experience or overt group membership.

    This is what is so interesting about Internet comments though - the pragmatics of language are often missing! This sentence might have been 100% clear if we had more shared knowledge. Perhaps all that was needed was hearing you say it, which would have carried prosody and stress.

    Anyway, I hope you learned something interesting.

    Was the food good at least?

    ohitsbreadley ,

    Nope. I'm just a bit loquacious.

    ohitsbreadley ,

    Why's it yikes? I'll admit it was a bit of a ramble, but my comment was (mostly) coherent, factual, and at least a little humorous. No?

    ohitsbreadley ,

    Ooh, gobshite has a nice ring to it 🤪

    Sounds about right for French cuisine. Yes, I said it - French cuisine ain't that great, it's just buttery.

    "Reasonable, but not exceptional, and ridiculously overpriced..." Could be an apt descriptor for the iPad too!

    It's a bummer that they kind of dominate the tablet space though... I want a tablet, but have been avoiding pulling the trigger because iPads are designed for the sticky fingered folk.

    ohitsbreadley ,

    Fair enough. Ski resorts in the US mostly only offer burgers and fries, so the seasonal worker attitude is more understandable. Leave it to the French through to try to put a fine dining experience atop a ski slope.

    Will check out the Samsungs, thanks for the recommendation. Cheers, good chatting with you :)

    ohitsbreadley ,

    Fuck that, let's just repossess their Lambos, Ferraris, Bugattis and whatever other gold plated platinum bullshit they own and sell it.

    Why are we asking for loose change?

    ohitsbreadley ,

    Tell me you're compensating for a tiny dick without telling me you're compensating for a tiny dick.

    ohitsbreadley ,

    Needs to be anthropomorphic cop cars or something though.

    ohitsbreadley ,

    Adguard and pihole rely on DNS redirects - googs has already implemented "secure DNS" for Chrome in Android, which circumvents network level/local DNS by connecting to a Google owned DNS, serving content using those listings instead.

    They'll likely bring this to all flavors of Chrome.

    Yes, one should use Firefox. Yes that could also avoid the android problem, but also no, because Google forces chrome at weird times (eg, some apps will load a minimal web viewer for hyperlinks links, without leaving the app - sometimes apps don't respect the default browser setting and instead just use chrome.


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