GottaLaff , avatar

Via Melissa Murray:

She's been saying this for a long time. You're delusional if you think banning birth control is off the table.

Biden-Harris HQ:

Top Trump supporter Marsha Blackburn says Griswold v. Connecticut is “constitutionally unsound”

(Griswold v. Connecticut is the 1965 Supreme Court ruling that legalized birth control)

bronakins , avatar



ATTENTION Younger folks — let that sink in! You probably assumed birth control was always legal … because why wouldn’t it be?

It took a Supreme Court decision in the 1965 legalize birth control for MARRIED women; it wasn’t available to unmarried women until another Supreme Court case in 1972!

Now Republicans want to turn back the clock to make birth control illegal again — taking away women’s health choices even more than when they got the right to abortion reversed.

The ONLY thing women can do to fight this is vote for Democratic candidates at every level of government — but particularly in Federal elections. Gove Biden/Harris the majorities in the House and Srnate they need to pass Federal laws to protect our freedom of choice.

1dalm , avatar

@bronakins @GottaLaff

And it's important to remember that the legal doctrine that was used to legalize birth control was the same legal doctrine that SCOTUS found to be unconstitutional in Dobbs. And in his concurring opinion, Justice Thomas wrote that the Supreme Court “should reconsider” its past rulings codifying rights to contraception access as a result.

So, yeah. Banning birth control is 100% definitely on their to-do list.

GottaLaff OP , avatar

@1dalm I've been sounding the alarm on this for years, even before Dobbs. @bronakins

1dalm , avatar

@GottaLaff @bronakins

For that matter, let's not forget that raping wives was legal in many states into the 1990s.

Harrybear , avatar

@bronakins @GottaLaff
If you let the MAGA minority have the reins of power to control all of us, America is quickly heading to the dystopian and theocratic, misogynist future Margaret Atwood portrayed in her 1985 classic novel The Handmaids Tale. 😟😬😱 (where the only relief for those oppressed was escape to Canada--such as you're doing preemptively, Laffy)

Snowshadow , avatar

@Harrybear We now have Maple MAGAs, so US please defeat the US version so our idiots will take note and back off.

@bronakins @GottaLaff @SherBeareth @bkahn @rabbijill

themaskerscomic , avatar

@bronakins @GottaLaff I'm thinking you should mention to men that they're not gonna get laid anymore (without child support and/or prison-time involved).

bronakins , avatar


YES! Men have just as large a stake in this fight for restoring women’s freedoms!


GottaLaff OP , avatar
LizDylan , avatar

@bronakins @GottaLaff

Married women couldn't have their own checking accounts or credit cards until the 70's

And credit cards were issued in the name "Mrs. John Smith"

GottaLaff OP , avatar

@LizDylan @bronakins Mine weren't. They were in my own name.

LizDylan , avatar

@GottaLaff @bronakins

Good for you. In the 70's, my mom's credit cards were Mrs. John Smith. She said weren't issued in her name until the early 80's

janisf , avatar

@bronakins @GottaLaff Just need to note: I get a notification for any edits made on toots I boost. I boosted this one. I kinda regret it, now.

If I have a long one to do, because I'm a terrible typist, I paste into or just use a text editor and proof it a couple times before I post it. That's just me-- I've found that process useful.

bronakins , avatar


Sorry and thank you for the advice— I’ll be more careful in future & utilize your tip on pre-editing.
Fwiw, I didn’t know edits created additional notifications.


GottaLaff OP , avatar

@bronakins @janisf Edits create more notifications??

janisf , avatar

@GottaLaff @bronakins they do for me. It's Mastodon's default way, that my instance retained, of making sure I know what I'm endorsing. I could boost something, and someone could easily change it to something spammy, or worse. I'm glad it does even though it creates a high bar for me as a typo-prone user.

GottaLaff OP , avatar

@janisf Yeah, I agree. @bronakins

bronakins , avatar


When i first got here a year or so ago, I edited all the time cuz I was advised to use hashtags but I kept forgetting them. In fact I posted to ask if edits created notifications but don’t remember getting a definitive answer.
Now, I usually edit when I catch a typo—especially it’s something got a lot of attention—cuz it’s embarrassing & drives me nuts. But now that I know an edit is a pain for some, I’ll just let the picayune stuff go. I can certainly see the point of notifying those who engaged — for their own well-being.


GottaLaff OP , avatar

@bronakins I edit often. I won't change that. @janisf

bronakins , avatar


I hear ya — I said I’d TRY to refrain from editing for picayune stuff— but that’s the kind of thing that becomes a “mindworm” 😹


Urban_Hermit , avatar

@GottaLaff @bronakins @janisf yeah, I feel dread anytime I fix a typo - I know that I am pinging the people who already favorited a response, potentially annoying them, but I can't let the mistake lie once I notice it (autism).

I think it is to let people have the chance to retract a boost or favorite if it is edited.

MisterMoo , avatar

@GottaLaff Pretty sure we have three "Justices" who would agree, and Trump would appoint the rest in a second term. If you vote for anyone but Biden, you endorse that outcome.

kbsez ,


Alito spelled it out in black and white when they over turned Roe. Contraception was just the start…

dalfen , avatar

@GottaLaff Absolutely. We can’t take it for granted that birth control will always be legally available to us.

Oldfartrant , avatar

If states prohibit birth control then fathers should be liable for child support regardless of their relationship with the mother. This would necessitate a DNA database of all men so paternity could be determined.

GottaLaff OP , avatar

@Oldfartrant We always come up with the Shoulds. Sadly, they're meaningless. There are so damn many.

GottaLaff OP , avatar

@Oldfartrant Where in BC are you? We're moving there next month.

Oldfartrant , avatar

We're in Powell River, the Northern Sunshine Coast. We have the cheapest real estate anywhere on the coast because we're a bit isolated. Terrific family and retired city. Lousy for young people wanting nightlife. Shopping isn't great but I buy everything online anyway. You can fly Pacific Coastal to South Terminal at YVR or float plane Harbour Air downtown Vancouver to Powell Lake at Shinglemill Pub/restaurant for $120 each way (my Favourite)

GottaLaff OP , avatar

@Oldfartrant You're way north then. Must be gorgeous. We're moving to Port Moody from Calif.

I'll catch your sequel toot later. I'm getting offline.

darwinwoodka , avatar


I think the new argument is "Don't you want women to have reproductive freedom? You're not against FREEDOM are you?"

GottaLaff OP , avatar

@darwinwoodka We've used that argument. We're using it now, in fact, in ads.

otownKim , avatar

@GottaLaff I told my Daughter the minute Roe was overturned they were coming for Birth control!!!

asbestos , avatar


Not the minute, they'll wait until after the election

GottaLaff OP , avatar

@otownKim I told the world that. Years ago.

quincypeck , avatar

@GottaLaff as a Tennessee resident, I do hope Gloria Johnson is able to unseat the worthless bag of hair that is Marsha Blackburn. I’m sure encouraging everyone I know to vote for Johnson, but as I live in one of the few blue pockets of the state, that’s just preaching to the choir.

GottaLaff OP , avatar

@quincypeck I wish!

jonberger , avatar

@GottaLaff In fairness to Blackburn (and I can't believe I just typed that), Griswold announced the fundamental constitutional principle that Roe was based on. If the principle is unsound in Roe, which, hey, surprise, looks like the Supremes are saying that it was, then it can't be sound in Griswold either. (For those who have suffered through logic classes, if Griswold -> Roe, then not-Roe -> not-Griswold because the contrapositive is always true.) So yeah, I don't see how Griswold survives if Roe doesn't. Stock up on condoms now!

CubeThoughts , avatar

@GottaLaff Loving is the only one they are not targeting, difficult to keep Thomas on overturning that one... But if I understand, they're essentially on equal constitutional footing.

clarkvalentine , avatar

@GottaLaff Trajectory will be similar to abortion. Overturn the scotus ruling, claim to let the states decide, finally move to use comstock or similar to functionally ban it nationwide

GottaLaff OP , avatar

@clarkvalentine Among other laws, yes.

HistoPol , avatar


Yes. And I read legal analysis in that vein as early as the same month that was overturned that saw that as their strategy


philip_cardella , avatar

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  • HistoPol , avatar


    Yes and yes, but not quite:

    1. There is no effective right to privacy anymore, after the FISA ruling, unless you "rip out" your Internet line and lose your mobile.

    1. The real game plan of the is this, even though I doubt that many of them will have read the books.
      (I think I'm missing out on two.)

    Quiz time:

    Who is the only author with two novels in this dystopian Venn diagram? 😉

    (W/O looking it up, OFC!)

    obot50549535 , avatar

    @HistoPol @philip_cardella @GottaLaff
    Brave new world and animal farm?

    philip_cardella , avatar

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  • HistoPol , avatar

    @philip_cardella @obot50549535 @GottaLaff


    Animal farm is not but a political satire mixed with a fable, I'd say.

    philip_cardella , avatar

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  • HistoPol , avatar



    The content fits in quite nicely. In fact, apart from the plutocrats/kleptocrats/autocrats, the rot in society is sztongest among politicians, maybe even more do in the US, who also wanted to be a beacon of hope for democracies around the globe:

    "...Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!" cries she
    With silent lips. "Give me your tired, your poor,
    Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
    The wretched...
    @obot50549535 @GottaLaff

    carturo222 , avatar

    @HistoPol @philip_cardella @obot50549535 @GottaLaff
    If political theory is a science, Orwell is definitely SF.

    philip_cardella , avatar

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  • philip_cardella , avatar

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  • HistoPol , avatar

    @philip_cardella @carturo222 @obot50549535


    however in contrast to the fantasy genre (Conan, Lord of the Rings, Game of Thrones), science fiction is always based on (sometimes imaginary) science, even a similar saga, .

    In fact, there is one dystopian book missing, which impressed me a lot reading 📚 it in high school, which is most definitely not , 's : he elegantly...

    philip_cardella , avatar

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  • HistoPol , avatar



    Actually, giving it a second round of contemplation, though not chronologically, but evolutionarily speaking, the points to the root of all evil: humanity. It is the philosophical antipode of 's concept of a "noble savage."
    No, savages are not noble, they are just savage, they fight for their survival every day and every hour. And, I daresay from what I have read as a layman, not an...
    @carturo222 @obot50549535

    philip_cardella , avatar

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  • HistoPol , avatar

    @philip_cardella @GottaLaff

    You got it Philip 👍

    I never thought that all these novels would become a script for the autocrats and superrich. Especially not all at once.

    emc2 , avatar

    @GottaLaff Griswold was always the target.

    GottaLaff OP , avatar

    @emc2 Among others.

    Aviva_Gary , avatar

    @GottaLaff @emc2 The big prize is the 14th Adm (followed quickly by the 13th and 15th) 😉

    BruceMirken , avatar

    @GottaLaff The absolutely wants to criminalize non-procreative sex.

    clarkvalentine , avatar

    @BruceMirken @GottaLaff Some are even saying this out loud.

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