GottaLaff , avatar

Via Fred Wellman: 🧵 1/...

I've seen a lot of people telling me that this story means they think is weak so they want him in the election.'re missing the goal here. What they are doing is declaring how they will conduct a coordinated lawfare campaign to screw the Democratic nominee.


Npars01 , (edited ) avatar


What has turned out to be useful is how the "Biden Must Withdraw" malign influence campaign is revelatory.

  1. With Republicans, Accusations are Confessions.

Which Republican megadonors are getting cold feet in their drive to fascism?

Hilter had late stage defectors too.

  1. It's flushing out the quislings & collaborators who have infiltrated Democratic leadership.

Folks like Lloyd Doggett. It ID's the men not to trust with anything. Sideline them.


Npars01 , (edited ) avatar


Democrats have always struggled to identify the traitors in their midst. Now they know.

The Allies had their traitors too.
Edward & Mosley

  1. Getting support to subversives within the GOP. People who will "accidentally" lose the power cords to voting machines in red states. Folks who will wonder how the state RNC office got flooded.


TruthSeeker54 , avatar

@Npars01 I hope someone asks him if he’s now on Trump’s payroll.

Npars01 , (edited ) avatar
TruthSeeker54 , avatar

@Npars01 Pretty much the same I would imagine. They all want industry deregulation and with a generous donation (pronounced “bribe”) Trump would be only too happy to oblige.

ralfmaximus , avatar

@Npars01 @GottaLaff

There we go. I wondered if Doggett was stupid or nefarious and now we know.

jefframnani , avatar

@GottaLaff thanks for posting this analysis. I agree and it is useful to share with people who are in the panic.

CptSuperlative , avatar


Forme it's the total impracticality of switching horses that's ludicrous.

Can a change to all ballots be made?

Not likely. Not likely at all.

Will the new candidate have any campaign funds or organization or systems or feet on the ground?


This is people panicking.

This is people who would rather torture their friends than vote for someone they don't like coming up with convenient reasons to do so.

GottaLaff OP , avatar
letsbekind2 , avatar


the national democratic convention doesn't happen until august so biden isn't even officially nominated yet.

why do you think they can't change ballots which are yet to be printed?

GottaLaff OP , avatar
michaelgemar , avatar

@GottaLaff Replacing Biden at this stage is a fantasy, one that would produce all sorts of chaos even if the GOP weren’t trying to screw things up further.

GottaLaff OP , avatar

@michaelgemar Agree.

michaelgemar , avatar

@GottaLaff Also, the only possible replacement would be Harris, unless you want to shatter the party.

GottaLaff OP , avatar

@michaelgemar Yes, that's been said everywhere. I think we all agree.

michaelgemar , avatar

@GottaLaff I wish all Dems agree — I’ve been seeing various other names bruited about.

GottaLaff OP , avatar

@michaelgemar Oh, me too, but the consensus is Kamala.

HOWEVER, I have my nagging horrible doubts that a Black woman can win these days. Also, what Fred W. said above.

But she would likely be the one.

michaelgemar , avatar

@GottaLaff I’m very dubious that Harris would get more votes than Biden.

GottaLaff OP , avatar
sasha92 , avatar

@michaelgemar @GottaLaff Who cares about the party at this point? If Biden is on the ticket Trump is going to handily win.

The Supreme Court just gave Trump Carte Blanche for his next administration. Who cares about silly nomination rules? They need to turn heaven and earth to get someone else on that ticket in November.

michaelgemar , avatar

@sasha92 @GottaLaff So dump the support of black (and female) Democrats by passing over the vice president? How is that supposed to defeat Trump?

sasha92 , avatar

@michaelgemar @GottaLaff You're living in fantasy land if you think most people of any group in the population are going to vote for Biden at this point. He's never getting a second term, it's over.

GottaLaff OP , avatar
dan131riley , avatar

@GottaLaff I'm not concerned that Biden will give away classified secrets to Russian diplomats. I don't worry that Biden will give Putin license to dominate the EU. Biden has extremely competent staff, and he's not sending them out of the room when he talks to Putin. The whole concern seems to be that he'll do badly in a second debate and lose the undecideds, and I have a hard time taking that seriously as a reason to dump a President with a truly impressive record and a competent VP.

GottaLaff OP , avatar
jefframnani , avatar

@GottaLaff also I think another facet of this is, why isn’t this a good time to showcase the deep bench and let them get experience?

coffeetest , avatar

@GottaLaff I'm voting Biden, never wavered a second. If Joe thinks its time I would support him in that because I trust him but he is running, so I am voting for him. 1=1 no more logic needed.

But, one thing that really bothers me is that this isn't just GOP stuff. Right now, or 10 mins ago (old news?), the news is the debate and if he should withdraw, so that's what is being covered. Its being amplified because its news and not just by GOP. Even some who I did follow and did have some respect for seem to have amnesia suddenly about all the good that Biden has done and now its, oh, bad debate, its over. wtf. Its where the clicks are so they are giving it life which really makes me sad.

On the other hand, Meidas Touch, has stuck with the pro-democracy message. I rarely promote anyone/thing but I am going to sign up for their Patreon and I'm going to send Joe some money.

GottaLaff OP , avatar

@coffeetest Good on you! And yes, I've seen that too.

JBVPoet , avatar

@GottaLaff This baloney. 13th Amendment. You can’t compel a candidate to stay in the race. You can’t compel someone to keep working.

Utanapishti ,

@GottaLaff Two things can be true. It means both.

WhiteCatTamer , avatar

Goal: get Trump elected.
Means: reduce Biden support and/or increase Trump support.
Tactics: anything and everything that induces terror, apathy, or an inability to differentiate between candidates in moderate-left voters.

This country and world and NATO will survive even a Weekend at Biden’s presidency due to his VP and administration staffed with competent and constructive professionals.

It will not survive Trump.

Nahmia ,

@GottaLaff I believe that people want Bideon off the election because they know that Trump is such a weak candidate that they realize that is the only way they can win the election. Their only way to win is to be the only person on the ballot and have no write-ins allowed.

Lazarou , avatar

@GottaLaff The Heritage Foundation is not on anybody's side but themselves.

GottaLaff OP , avatar

@Lazarou How Trumpy of them!

IAmDannyBoling , avatar


(I see what you did there.😉)


GottaLaff OP , avatar
serendip1959 ,


What it shows is that democracy in democratic countries is under threat from non-democratic forces seeking to manipulate the ballot.

barryjsullivan ,

@GottaLaff Yep, Yep, Yep…

ReedsDad , avatar

@GottaLaff. Ridiculous. If we're looking at two resumes, on Trump and One Biden, with successes and failures listed. With no knowledge of each of their ages, I believe more people (most) would hire Biden. But the mass media will distract and point things out for clicks and advertising revenue.
I dislike this timeline very much.

tdwllms1 , avatar


ya.. right now we are being deludged by a massive propaganda campaign by the RW and their foreign assets.... we are at war... and we are at lawfare and have neen since 2009....

MiriShuli , avatar

@GottaLaff I wrote to the Frisch campaign just a bit ago informing them their candidate is not ready for prime time because to take him off the ballot now leaves us with no one in some states. No more money from me for a candidate willing to sabotage us all.

GottaLaff OP , avatar

@MiriShuli Good!

mls14 , avatar

@GottaLaff The plan isn’t even a secret. It’s out in the open and we still have “liberal” media suggesting that Trump run against a write-in candidate. Unbelievable

GottaLaff OP , avatar

@mls14 Unbelievable is right. Sigh.

Breathe , avatar

@GottaLaff the purveyors of the dump Biden campaign are false flag gaslighters. They know it will leave the Democratic Presidency candidate off of many State ballots. Fake Democratic pundits and talking heads will say " we will take it to court to put a new candidate on the ballot". It will end up in the hands of the Historically Corrupt Roberts Court. Joe is the candidate or we surrender now. But do take note of the people asking him to step down, and never trust them again.

GottaLaff OP , avatar

@Breathe Sadly, many are Dem officials, ex officials, current MOC. It's hell.

Breathe , avatar

@GottaLaff and they all should know better.

GottaLaff OP , avatar

@Breathe Absolutely

lin11c , avatar

Exactly what they did with Hillary. To the letter. "But her emails".

GottaLaff OP , avatar

@lin11c Yep

peachfront , avatar


recommended thread


GottaLaff OP , avatar

@peachfront Thank YOU

wndlb , avatar

@GottaLaff And GA, at least, has a R judiciary.

GottaLaff OP , avatar

@wndlb Yes.

GottaLaff OP , avatar

2/ Wellman:

First it will be this lawsuit. In close order various Republican AG's will sue the DNC on behalf of their citizens "who voted in good faith in the Primary for Joe Biden." Then they will launch coordinated campaigns to split the Democratic coalition. "See how they are treating Kamala?" "Why didn't they think California's governor leading the 3rd largest economy in the world should be nominee." it will be relentless and targeted to get people to stay home.

GottaLaff OP , avatar

3/ Wellman:

Millions of dark money will go to third party candidates. Suddenly RFK Jr. will miraculously have the resources to get on every ballot...on and on and on.

They don't care who is on the ballot. They want us to spend time, money, and anger on each other and on defense so Trump simply strolls into the White House with 45% of the vote.

GottaLaff OP , avatar

4/ Wellman:

The Biden campaign needs to stop nevel gazing and get back in the fight. We all need to stop eating each other alive and remember the real enemy to our democracy is the one's cheering this on in Florida.

GottaLaff OP , avatar

5/ Wellman responds to this:

You really only need to worry about swing states controlled by Republicans - and even in those states they're not likely to want to deal with the outrage of trying to game the Democrats out of the Presidency in this fashion.


With respect you’re missing the point. Time is our enemy. All the have to do is drag their feet while Dems scramble and hire lawyers and fight. If you’ve learned nothing in the last 8 years, the Republicans don’t want a fair fight.

GottaLaff OP , avatar

6/ Via Angry Staffer:

Read all of this. This is exactly what the GOP wants.

They’re using the media as part of their influence operation to fracture Democrats with the ultimate goal of limiting turnout on the left.

GottaLaff OP , avatar

7/ Via Katie Phang:

FWIW my two cents:

The only person who can, and will, decide whether Joe Biden drops out is Joe Biden.

I, personally, support Joe Biden as the Democratic nominee. I think calls for him to withdraw discount his first term’s successes, of which there are many. It also ignores some practical realities that cannot be overlooked a mere months away from Election Day.

Danetteb , avatar

@GottaLaff it is shortsighted and stupid for Democrats to support anyone other than Biden. Full stop.

GottaLaff OP , avatar

@Danetteb Agree.

mentallyalex , avatar

@GottaLaff literal Cambridge Analytica.

They can't defeat the cause so they break up the cause and inject apathy.

GottaLaff OP , avatar
rlstone4dems , (edited ) avatar

@GottaLaff Laffy: Pres. Biden has had our back from the very beginning. So the least I can do is support his reelection. There’s only one choice here and that is to vote for Pres. Biden.

I don’t know who’s making these idiotic claims that Pres. Biden should dropout. There are also talk about the president finding another VP. That’s even more ridiculous. Some really need to chill out…

GottaLaff OP , avatar

@rlstone4dems I've been saying that for days.

And some of those idiotic claims are coming from Dem officials and MoC.

annietime , avatar

@rlstone4dems @GottaLaff I’m starting to feel skeptical of these reports. Coming from who? Joe Biden is my candidate unless he says otherwise, my support isn’t “cracking.” The disinformation campaign is in full swing.

Muddobbers , avatar


One person is a convicted felon, the other is a person with a positive track record. I think I'll stick to the positive track record person..

RuamiGrey , avatar

@Muddobbers @GottaLaff

And if it's going to be held against Biden that he did not do a good job countering Trump's constant stream of lies, then I can think of a whole heck of a lot of reporters, journalists and interviewers who also need to resign.

GottaLaff OP , avatar

@RuamiGrey THIS TIMES INFINITY. @Muddobbers

martinlentink , avatar

@GottaLaff @RuamiGrey @Muddobbers You're just ahead of me 😉, and right as always.

GottaLaff OP , avatar
SuneAuken , avatar
SDParris , avatar

@RuamiGrey @Muddobbers @GottaLaff Biden actually did counter a lot of Trump’s lies. You know who didn’t? the moderators, the pundits, democrats.

Bellaboo , avatar

@SDParris @RuamiGrey @Muddobbers @GottaLaff I don’t understand why the Democrats don’t pull out all the “nice guy” stops and just run a major campaign initiative documenting all of Trumps lies. I mean really documenting with real backup supporting the truth. Take the top 10 lies and truths and put them on billboards, on TV, on social media, etc. Then do the next 10 and so on. What’s it going to take to get the Democrats to understand 1Biden will be the nominee and 2 it’s got to be all out war.

saversms , avatar
GottaLaff OP , avatar

@saversms Yes?

saversms , avatar

@GottaLaff sorry my system has been hiccuping

GottaLaff OP , avatar

@saversms 👍🏼

Annekin , avatar

@GottaLaff if Biden loses in November, I won't blame him. I'll blame the media for amplifying one poor debate performance, & those in the Democratic party who are spreading doubt in the minds of the electorate by suggesting he step down and who are putting forward completely unviable alternatives. Shame on the Democrats for not remaining loyal to their president or their citizens who support him. And who won his goddam primaries.

GottaLaff OP , avatar

@Annekin I couldn't agree more

Jack991 , avatar

@GottaLaff Joe Biden is cognitively gone...

GottaLaff OP , avatar

Hey @Jack991 So are you.

(And by Biden, you meant Trump, of course)

GottaLaff OP , avatar

Hey @Jack991 So are you.

(And by Biden, you meant Trump)

CharJTF , avatar

@GottaLaff I have so missed WhackATroll and whomp, whomp 🙂

GottaLaff OP , avatar

@CharJTF I've been posting both consistently

CharJTF , avatar

@GottaLaff Work and gardening and life have been bonkers, so I think I've missed a lot of posts.

GottaLaff OP , avatar

@CharJTF Probably, lol

socprof , avatar

@GottaLaff To the airlock!

dbc3 , avatar


Jack... off! 😄😄😄

GottaLaff OP , avatar

@dbc3 Seriously

iuculano , avatar



#LHPF #Block

jeaton , avatar

The is a willing participant!

GottaLaff OP , avatar

@jeaton Oh hell yes. Journalistic malpractice as always

troy_frizzell , avatar

@GottaLaff @jeaton

But is it "malpractice" if their intention was never journalism in the first place?

gif of Joey from Friends thinking

luv_wins , avatar

@GottaLaff Don't buy into it...use your own critical thinking skills and if you don't understand this you probably fly a Trumpie flag!

Eetschrijver , avatar

@GottaLaff Why the intercourse is this so hard for people to understand??

GottaLaff OP , avatar

@Eetschrijver Well put and Fuck if I know!

Eetschrijver , avatar

@GottaLaff 😂

annietime , avatar

@GottaLaff ah yes which is why I just read this headline from the WSJ: “Democratic Unity Starting To Crack in Wake of Biden’s Debate Performance.” We have to be really smart now and DON’T TAKE THE BAIT.

NZedAUS , avatar

@GottaLaff Honest q - can Biden sustain a presidential campaign? The debate was pure anguish. Every other public appearance will be anxiety-causing, hoping he performs even just ok. Biden's a decent man and has done some good things during his first term...but I believe the Dems are sleepwalking the US (and indeed the west as a whole) to a theocratic autocracy.

GottaLaff OP , avatar

@NZedAUS Ask Biden. If he thinks he can, then he can.

If he doesn't, then he won't.

I don't do speculation, sorry. I have no idea what will happen.

As far as "DEMS" sleepwalking the US to a theocratic autocracy, maybe blame the ChristoFascists, not those trying to stop them.

That just irked the hell out of me, sorry.

NZedAUS , avatar

@GottaLaff A comment by Biden's biographer that he believes he can "tough out any situation" (and his stubbornness) may in fact mar his decision-making.
Just read measured piece from David Corn that a Harris candidacy may - on balance - represent the lesser risk. Absolutely the christo-fascists are driving the theocracy bus BUT a Biden candidacy for a 2nd term embodies a huge inflection point for the US: who ultimately has the best shot at stopping Trump & the theocrats?

hu_logic , avatar

@NZedAUS @GottaLaff it ain't Kamala.Case in point, low info voter - my wife. She doesn't know who Kamala is. If you remind her - she'll remember, but other than that she'll draw a blank.

She's voting for Biden and hasn't heard about debates. When I explained it to her, she responded with "who cares".

That's the type of voter you'll alienate the moment you replace Biden with literally anyone else.

NZedAUS , avatar

@hu_logic @GottaLaff a sample of 1 is kind of courageous to then draw an assumption for a majority of voters. Personally, I think Whitmer is the best Dem on the bench but low national profile. Equally, by running with Biden you suppress young voter enthusiasm, donors.

hu_logic , avatar

@NZedAUS @GottaLaff not trying to run a poll here, simply pointing out a sizeable cohort of voters you'd have to make up for.

And guess what? If MSM can't reach them - nobody can. These voters will see replacement as a clusterfuck in the party and just stay home instead of voting for someone they don't recognize.

NZedAUS , avatar

@hu_logic @GottaLaff equally, a Biden candidacy won't ignite younger voters, some donors.

GottaLaff OP , avatar

@NZedAUS Please un-tag me from this thread. I'm also muting the convo; I'm sick to death of your pessimism.


NZedAUS , avatar

@GottaLaff @hu_logic I will but I desperately want to avert a Trump presidency and it's more reality than pessimism.

paezha , avatar

@GottaLaff @n69n

It should be clear by now, if it was not before, that is another player in the propaganda campaign to return Trump to the White House

janisf , avatar

Republicans have become the short-sellers of democracy.

RiaResists , avatar

@GottaLaff sick to death of hearing about the fkng debate.
The entire belongs under the prison.

SuperSpaceFan , avatar

@GottaLaff @DemocracyMattersALot I am just sick right now watching all this unfold, especially how many cannot see this for what it is, a classic psyop move meant to do one thing, destabilize. SMH

GottaLaff OP , avatar
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