GottaLaff , avatar

NEW 🧵starts HERE.

Remember: I cannot reply while live-posting, so plz use NFL (Not For Laffy.. no hashtag) so I can skip your replies. THANK YOU.

1/... Erica Orden:

Trump returned to courtroom accompanied by Eric, Lara Trump, + rest of entourage.


Back in overflow, the rules are as strict as ever—even Chris Hayes
gets ID'd.

"Press credentials?" a court officer demands, as another reporter gives a good natured, "You sure you're a member of the press, Chris?"

chuck , avatar

@GottaLaff NFL Seems like the expanded entourage is there to show solidarity with him against Michael Cohen. But I think that Trump and his supporters sense that this trail has gone south for him and they've missed an opportunity to turn it into a show trail. They wanted to turn the trial into a show trial, like Oliver North, but Trump lacks the skills to manage the lawyers. Witness how he clumsily prods them to object and engage in stunts.

GottaLaff OP , avatar

@chuck To me it's more sinister.

It shows their disdain for the rule of law, and that's not good

chuck , avatar

@GottaLaff Good point. Given that Trump and MAGA are the pinnacle of nihilism, they can only burn everything down. Even when they are still in the burning house with blockaded doors.

IveyJanette , avatar

@GottaLaff (NFL) He has to have an entourage. WTF is this? A Hollywood or Broadway red carpet?

GottaLaff OP , avatar

2/ Tyler McBrien:

"Good afternoon, shall we get the witness?" Justice Merchan says, now back at the bench.

We're back.

GottaLaff OP , avatar

3/ Michael Cohen returns to the witness stand.


As we wait for the jury to get seated, per the hallway pool, Trump ignored the following questions on his way back in:
Mr. Trump how do you feel about the 1st Department's gag order ruling?
Mr. Trump, will you testify?
Will you call any witnesses?
How's it going in there?

GottaLaff OP , avatar

4/ Pagliery:

Now we're back, and it's time for the showdown. Defense lawyers get to cross-examine the man who Trump thinks betrayed him.

Strap in. As Trump said to Cohen before they headed to DC in 2017:

“This is gonna be one heck of a ride."

GottaLaff OP , avatar

5/ Welp.

Anna Bower:

We're off to quite a start with cross examination by Todd Blanche.

You called me a "little shit" on TikTok, didn't you? Blanche says with some real venom.

Objection, sustained.


GottaLaff OP , avatar

6/ Kyle Cheney:

BLANCHE: On April 23 you went on TikTok and called me a crying little shit.

COHEN: That sounds like something I would say.

GottaLaff OP , avatar

7/ McB:

Blanche steps up to deliver the cross, and comes out swinging.

"Mr. Cohen, my name is Todd Blanche," he begins. They've never met but Blanche says you know me, right? "You went on Tiktok and called me a crying little shit?"

"Sounds like something I would say," Cohen spits back.


Blanche swings again, asking about whether Cohen posted something about him and Necheles, objection again, please approach.

👉🏼"This is going to be so much fun," I overhear one reporter say

Nona1 , avatar

@GottaLaff NFL why would Blanche even mention this stuff?

darthstar , avatar

So the orange turd is being represented by a crying little shit.


GottaLaff OP , avatar

8/ McB:

"The question was stricken, though I don't believe there was an answer," Merchan says, and we're back.

Blanche begins again: You've been following what's been happening in this trial, like details about jury selection?


GottaLaff OP , avatar

9/ McB:

On April 23, you said you heard what a witness had testified about correct?
It's possible, yes, Cohen says.
Q: Do you recall saying on Tiktok when Pecker was on the stand, that Pecker is corroborating what you've been saying for 6 years?
A: Yes, I said that

GottaLaff OP , avatar

10/ McB:

Someone called him and told him that, Cohen says.
Q: And have you been following the trial on CNN and MSNBC?
A: Yes I've watched, but not following this trial.

👉🏼Meanwhile, Trump is watching the back of his eyelids.

Q: You've watched because this trial is important to you, correct?
A: Yes, but there are other issues too: like the protests, Israel.
Q: But is this trial important to you, Mr Cohen?
A: Personally, yes.

GottaLaff OP , avatar

11/ [Me: Lawrence O'Donnell will likely note that all these names Trump is being called are now being repeated/part of the record and he'll exploit the hell out of it]


Blanche continues to dig up recent comments Cohen made on social media, one in which he called Trump a "dictator douchebag"?

Sounds like something I said, Cohen repeats, a few subdued chuckles.

Blanche has not a shred of humor in his voice. He sounds serious, disgusted.

darwinwoodka , avatar

@GottaLaff NFL that's because Vinny is a little shit

JasonPerseus , avatar



A real “if the shoe fits” line of questioning.

GottaLaff OP , avatar

12/ McB:

Rewind now to 2021: is it true that the Manhattan DA's office told you repeatedly to stop talking publicly about this case?

Yes, Cohen says.

Blanche asks about Cohen's former lawyer, Lanny Davis.
On 1/15/21—there was a leak to the AP—Davis and Cohen denied being the source of the leak to the DA's office. Blanche shows an exhibit to Cohen, reading glasses back on, to refresh his memory.

GottaLaff OP , avatar

13/ Sidebar via Rupar:

KAITLAN COLLINS: Did Trump ask you to come out and criticize the judge's daughter?

BURGUM: No, not whatsoever. I'm here completely as a volunteer.

GottaLaff OP , avatar

14/ McB:

BLANCHE: Do you recall Davis asking line prosecutors to "report to the top"?
Now, 02/2021, do you recall your lawyer talking to you—objection, sustained—do you recall the DA's office being frustrated about you talking about the case on TV?
Blanche shows B55.

GottaLaff OP , avatar

15/ Press:

Trump's lawyer Blanche: Lanny Davis, your lawyer, do you recall him saying line prosecutors to report to the top?
Prosecutor Hoffinger: Objection!
Justice Merchan: Sustained.
Blanche: Do you remember the prosecutors being frustrated you leaked to the press?
A: No

GottaLaff OP , avatar

16/ Klasfeld:

Asked whether Cohen made a promise to his attorneys to stop talking and stop going on TV, prosecutors make an objection.


GottaLaff OP , avatar

17/ More from McB:

Q: Document aside: do you remember in 02/21 going on TV talking about the investigation?
A: I go on TV often, so I'm not sure what the topic was, Cohen sounds, faintly annoyed.
Q: Do you remember making promises to your attorney you'd stop talking/going on TV?

GottaLaff OP , avatar

18/ Pagliery:

Blanche usually has an apologetic, glossy sort of tone that almost sounds like a whine.

For the first time, we're starting to see the other side of him.

His voice now shows a bit of grit as he directs his anger at Cohen.

AtheistIntelligence , avatar

@GottaLaff nfl that's what whiny little shits sound like.

GottaLaff OP , avatar

19/ McB:

After a bit of technical difficulties, Cohen reviews something on his screen.

They're communications btwn Cohen's lawyer and someone other than Cohen, but Blanche can't get the question—more objections, sustained.

GottaLaff OP , avatar

20/ Pagliery:

So far, he's entirely focused on Cohen's public statements and his continued media appearances.

It's hard to tell exactly where this is going or why Trump's legal team wants the jury to pay attention to this.

Do you recall that you went on CNN and told the news anchor, Don Lemon, that you'd been contacted by the DA's office and been asked to provide your cell phone?

I think so.

And do you remember the District Attorney's office being frustrated about that?

I don't, sir.

GottaLaff OP , avatar

21/ McB:

Q: You continue to talk to the press to this day?
A: About many topics.
Q: Including this case?
A: Sounds correct.
Q: I don't want it to sound correct, is it correct?
A: Yes, it would be correct.

Blanche bounces around in time, now 02/23:

Prior to testimony, you gave cell phones to prosecutor named Jeremy Rosenberg, two phones, two different days? (Yes) Then you went on CNN and told Don Lemon you were contacted by the DA's office? (Sounds correct)

GottaLaff OP , avatar

22/ McB:

BLANCHE: Do you recall the DA's office was frustrated you went on TV and said you turned over your phones?

Cohen doesn't recall, no.

BLANCHE: Are you the one that leaked to CNN that you gave your phones to the DA in Jan '23?

Cohen doesn't recall that either.

Q: If you didn't leak it, who else knew that you gave the phones to the DA's office?
A: Well, clearly Lanny Davis, could be others, idk.
Q: Members of the DA's office knew too, correct?
A: Yes

GottaLaff OP , avatar

23/ McB:

BLANCHE: You promised DA's office in March 2023 no more TV appearances, correct?

But that too, Cohen doesn't recall.

GottaLaff OP , avatar

24/ Klasfeld:

With heavy sarcasm, Blanche asks whether Cohen has detailed telephone recollections of years-old conversations with Trump—but can't recall his promise to the DA's office from last year.

Anna Bower:

So just so I understand, Blanche says, you testified about very specific recollections of conversations with Trump in 2016. But you can't recall things that happened about a year ago?

darwinwoodka , avatar

@GottaLaff NFL oh, ask the what did you have for breakfast last Tuesday question!. Ya little bitch Vinny.

GottaLaff OP , avatar

25/ Klasfeld:

During all of this, Trump's eyes appear to be closed and his head appears to be tilted up.


So let me get this straight, Blanche asks, you remember multiple phone calls with Trump from 2016, but you can't remember these promises you made to the Manhattan DA's office last year?

You don't recall the DA's office telling you that you were unwittingly helping Trump by going on TV? asks Blanche.

No sir, Cohen says, looking at Blanche, then toward the jury box.

GottaLaff OP , avatar

26/ Bower:

Blanche turns to after the indictment. You've been warned repeatedly not to talk about the case? Yes.

What do they say? "Please don't talk about the case."
They called my attorney, Cohen says.


Were you called to the DA's office on 3/20/23 as a possible rebuttal witness to Costello (yes)—then you went on TV that night and said you didn't need to be a rebuttal witness bc Costello's testimony lacked veracity? (also yes)

GottaLaff OP , avatar

27/ McB:

Blanche hammers Cohen on his phrasing, that he recalled, post-indictment, the DA's office told him it would "probably better off" if he not speak about the case.

Well I have a 1A right, Cohen says, but Blanche says he's not asking about his 1A right.

GottaLaff OP , avatar

28/ Bower:

You haven't followed that request not to talk about the case? Correct. I'm responding--before Cohen can finish, Blanche cuts him off. He does some witness control: I'm asking you "yes" or "no," he says quickly, before moving on to the next question.

GottaLaff OP , avatar

29/ McB:

Fair to say that in the course of this investigation, you've gone on TV several dozen times? (I don't recall) More than 20? (Could be) Any doubt in your mind that it's more than 20? (No doubt)

But that's not all—Blanche asks about Cohen's hundreds of podcast episodes as well.

GottaLaff OP , avatar

30/ Bower:

You're active on Twitter? Correct.
And TikTok? Correct.
You do a nightly live TikTok? Correct. It's more than n hour.
What's the point? Build an audience, create community, vent. I'm having trouble sleeping, so it's an outlet.


Blanche turns to Cohen's podcast, "Mea Culpa."

Q: Of those more than 200 episodes, would you agree that you have talked about President Trump in every single one?

A: I would say he's mentioned in every one, yes.

GottaLaff OP , avatar

31/ Bower:

You also make money off of it? Money is made from it, yes.
It's one of the reasons you do it? Yes.

👇🏼Snooze alert!

erica orden:

With Blanche several minutes into his cross-examination of Cohen, Trump is slouched in his seat, his eyes seemingly closed and his mouth slack.

GottaLaff OP , avatar

32/ McB:

Q: Of those more than 200 episodes, did you talk about Trump in every one?
A: I'd say he's mentioned in every one, yes.

Cohen says he's active on X, Tiktok (nightly, live for more than an hour, in order to build an audience, create a community, "really vent bc I'm having a difficult time sleeping, so I found an outlet"). It does make money, Cohen admits, though it's not significant.

GottaLaff OP , avatar

33/ McB:

Since Cohen started "TikToking nightly" (Blanche's words) 6 weeks ago, how many times a week do you talk about Trump?

Well I only do it 6 days a week, Cohen says (chuckles from the press), so I'd say about 6 times a week.

GottaLaff OP , avatar

34/ McB:

Blanche asks about Cohen's prep for testifying, including a binder he received from the DA's office that included publicly available documents, such as his allocution.

Q: On Mea Culpa, have you said you want Trump to be convicted in this case?

Sounds like something I would say, Cohen says, much to Blanche's frustration. He wants a yes or no, so he asks again, but gets another frustrating "Probably."

GottaLaff OP , avatar

35/ McB:

Blanche says he wants a YES or NO, and asks: Do you want President Trump to get convicted in the case?

"Sure," Cohen replies.

GottaLaff OP , avatar

36/ Klasfeld:

Cohen responded that he doesn't know whether he said it those words, but he expressed the sentiment that he wanted to "see accountability."

GottaLaff OP , avatar

37/ Press:

Trump's lawyer Blanche: You've regularly commented that you want President Trump in jail?
Cohen: Yes I would like to see that. Sure.
Blanche: You sell a T-shirt depicting President Trump in an orange jumpsuit behind bars?
Cohen: Yes sir.

GottaLaff OP , avatar

38/ McB:

We see a couple of choice items from the Mea Culpa merch store:
$32 t-shirt with a picture of Trump in an orange jumpsuit behind bars; a t-shirt that says CONVICT 45, also $32; and a $22 coffee mug with the words: SEND HIM TO THE BIG HOUSE NOT THE WHITE HOUSE.

GottaLaff OP , avatar

39/ McB:

And you were wearing the jumpsuit and jail cell t-shirt, and encouraging people to buy it? Blanche asks.

Well yes, Cohen says matter-of-factly, it's part of the merch store.

GottaLaff OP , avatar

40/ Press:

Blanche: You sell a T-shirt depicting President Trump in an orange jumpsuit behind bars?
Cohen: Yes sir. That's 1 item.
Trump's lawyer Blanche: We offer this into evidence: a $32 t-shirt with President Trump in jail?
Cohen: Yes
Blanche: And the coffee cup, Send Him To The Big House Not the White House - so it's not just the tshirt?
Justice Merchan: Sustained.

GottaLaff OP , avatar

41/ Pagliery:

Blanche: When was it that you changed your view on President Trump?

Cohen says August 2018. That's the month he took the fall for his boss in federal court.

Blanche now dives into 2000, the year Cohen and his family members bought a block of units in Trump properties.

darwinwoodka , avatar

@GottaLaff NFL oh, the one that flooded?

GottaLaff OP , avatar

42/ McB:

Q: When did you change your view of Trump from what it is now compared to what it was prior?
A: Around the time I went on George Stephanopoulos in 2018.
Q: You enjoyed working for Trump, and started working for him in 2006?
A: Very much so, and yes, 2006.
BLANCHE: You still live in a building with Trump's name on it, correct?

COHEN: I do.

GottaLaff OP , avatar

43/ McB:

There's a line of questioning now establishing just how many properties of Trump's that Cohen and members of his extended family invested in since 2000 at one point or another. I'll save you the back and forth, but it's a lot.

GottaLaff OP , avatar

44/ Pagliery:

Cohen readily admits he made "millions of dollars" in the tax medallion business before dropping a ton of money on Trump real estate.

And when he joined the Trump Org, he answered only to Trump.

GottaLaff OP , avatar

45/ Press:

Blanche: You rent out an apartment you own in Trump building for $15,000 a month?
Cohen: To an embassy...
Blanche: You made millions in taxi medallions?
Cohen: I did.
Blanche: President Trump was happy with your results?
Cohen: He was

GottaLaff OP , avatar

46/ McB:

Yes, Cohen says, he made millions of dollars in the taxi medallion business.

In the early 2000s, you were a bit of a dealmaker? Blanche asks.

Yes, Cohen says.

We cover well-trodden ground of Cohen's Trump Org origin story, then Blanche clarifies, that, as Trump's personal attorney, you only reported to him right? (Yes.)

But it wasn't only representing Trump, you also represented his family on occasion? (Yes, Cohen says.)

GottaLaff OP , avatar

47/ McB:

Cohen recalls representing Melania and Don Jr.—definitely not Eric—and he can't recall representing Ivanka either.

Cohen says he would speak to the media on behalf of the family as well, all for an initial base salary of $300k+.

Q: You've read Art of the Deal I believe twice, right?
A: Yes.
Q: You've called it a masterpiece?

👉🏼Trump stirs a bit, cracks an eye open.

👉🏼Yes, Cohen says, and Trump closes his eyes once again.

GottaLaff OP , avatar

48/ McB:

Blanche asks whether about Cohen's "obsession" and admiration for Trump, even before working for him, and he pulls up Cohen quotes, in 2015"a good man," and "a man who cares deeply about this county," "a man who tells it straight," "speaks from the heart."

GottaLaff OP , avatar

49/ Pagliery:

In 2015, you publicly said he's a good man.

At the time, you weren't lying right?
👉🏼At the time, I was knee-deep into the cult of Donald Trump.

You weren't lying right?
I wasn't lying. It's how I felt.

GottaLaff OP , avatar

50/ McB:

BLANCHE: You were telling the truth?
COHEN: That's how I felt.

Déjà vu (or entendu?), because they say it again.

BLANCHE: You were telling the truth?
COHEN: That's how I felt.

Q: At a speech at New Spirit Revival Church, you called Trump generous? impassionate? principled? emphatetic? kind? humble? honest? genuine?

Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, says Cohen.

[Me: Anyone else recalling Elaine Benes "Fake fake fake fake" on Seinfeld?]

GottaLaff OP , avatar

51/ Bower:

Do you recall a Vanity Fair profile that was done in Sept of 2017? I do.
You participated in that article? Written by Emily Jane Fox.
You said you were the guy who protects the Pres & the fam? I believe so.
You said you'd take a bullet for Trump? Yes.
You had no intention of writing a book at that time in 2017? I had no intention at that time.
You said there was no $ in world that wd get you to disclose anything about fam? OK.
You described Trumps as a surrogate family? Correct.

GottaLaff OP , avatar

52/ McB:

At the time, Blanche says Cohen said he was offered $10 million for a tell-all book deal, but counteroffered a ridiculous sum—$100m—as if to say he'd never write a book.

Correct, I had no intention of writing a book at that time, says Cohen.

After the initial slugfest, Blanche and Cohen have settled into a needlefest, jabbing each other where they can, but saving the haymakers, presumably, for later.

GottaLaff OP , avatar

53/ McB:

Q: You told Hope Hicks you missed working with Trump?
A: Yes, I had a great relationship with my colleagues, and I did say that I missed Trump.

GottaLaff OP , avatar

54/ McB:

Q: In 2017, you publicly spoke abt disappointment/frustration abt not spending enough time w Trump & his children bc of the investigation?
A: Where was that said?
Cohen seems genuinely confused, Blanche rephrases, & Cohen confirms he was advised not to speak to the kids

Q: On 10/24/17, did you lie in other areas of your testimony, or only about the Russia part?

Just that part, Cohen thinks

Blanche brings up one bit of positive testimony about Trump, Cohen confirms that was truthful.

GottaLaff OP , avatar

55/ McB:

Bouncing around again, now to 4/26/18, Blanche asks, Did you say on the phone, "Boss I miss you so much, I wish I was down there with you, it's hard for me to be here"? He shows Cohen an article to refresh his recollection.
COHEN: No, I don't recall.
BLANCHE: Fair enough.

GottaLaff OP , avatar

56/ McB:

Cohen says he doesn't remember the specific date on which he decided to cooperate with the Mueller investigation.

When Cohen first met with them, he says he planned to protect Trump and give answers that were deceptive.

GottaLaff OP , avatar

57/ McB:

CORRECTION: Cohen did say that this is the
merch store, though Blanche tried to portray it as a Mea Culpa/Cohen-specific store. (My apologies)


This is NOT a Mea Culpa merch store. It is our merch store and not in any way run by Michael Cohen. That being said, you can buy all these items here:

GottaLaff OP , avatar

58/ Klasfeld:

Blanche reviews Cohen's meeting with Mueller's investigative team.

Cohen agrees that he told them that his life had been turned upside down since the release of the Steele Dossier—and that he's never been to Prague.

GottaLaff OP , avatar

59/ Pagliery:

Ah. So Blanche eased up on him for nearly an hour. Cohen was comfortable, so flipping the switch was a hard swerve to catch him by surprise.

Blanche brings up the Steele Dossier, Special Counsel Robert Mueller, and the lies Cohen told the feds about the Trump Moscow project.

GottaLaff OP , avatar

60/ McB:

Q They asked you about the Trump-Moscow project, and you lied to them?
A Yes, the information I gave was not accurate.
Q So is not accurate information a lie in your book?
A Sure.
Q Is it a lie?
A It was inaccurate, yes.
Q So, was it a lie?
...believe it or not, they keep going.

GottaLaff OP , avatar

61/ McB:

BLANCHE: Do you recall lying about that or other things as well?
COHEN: I don't know, I'd have to—he gestures toward the monitor in front of him—refresh my memory.

Blanche clarifies that he only had to plead guilty about lying about the Mosccow project.
That's right, says Cohen

Cohen name-checks a restaurant called LOULOU, if you want to add that to your restaurant tour of the NY Trump Trial, along with the Winged Foot Golf Club.

GottaLaff OP , avatar

62/ Pagliery:

Cohen calls his own statements to feds "not accurate."

"So is not accurate information a lie?"
"Mmm.. sure. (shrug)"

"Is it a lie?"
"It was inaccurate, yes."

"So was it a lie?"
"I don't know if I would characterize it as a lie."

This is where Cohen struggles. Admitting fault.

Blanche: "How are you distinguishing that in your head?
Cohen: "It wasn't truthful. If you want to call it a lie..."

Cohen has the hardest time admitting he's lied relentlessly for years.

GottaLaff OP , avatar

63/ McB:

You testified yesterday that you have a specific recollection of speaking with Trump about the Access Hollywood tape?
But when speaking to the SC office Cohen says he said he "might have," bc he was trying to be deceptive and leave the door open, and remain loyal to Trump.

GottaLaff OP , avatar

64/ McB:

We move briskly through Cohen's guilty pleas and sentencing, pausing again in Feb 2019, at which point Cohen had changed his views about Trump.
Q You had been talking for years and years about your views on Trump, but in Feb 2019 you called him a "conman" and you were "ashamed"?

GottaLaff OP , avatar

65/ Back to Pagliery's "lie" post:

Eventually, Cohen relents.

"I believe they're the same thing... I believe that the information I gave to them was inaccurate."

Blanche: "But you're not testifying today that the information was a lie?"

First long pause of the day. 10 seconds of silence.
"I'll say it's a lie."

GottaLaff OP , avatar

66/ Lol from Bower:

You were looking in the fall of 2019 for a way to get your sentence reduced? Yes.

Do you recall a visitor named Anthony Scaramucci? Yes.

(Fun fact: This trial has lasted longer than The Mooch did in the Trump White House!)

GottaLaff OP , avatar

67/ McB:

The first time you met with members of DA's office was when you were in Otisville in prison? (Correct)

For the jury, Blanche explains that Otisville is about 9mi away, an hour and a half.

You had visitors right, incl Anthony Scaramucci?

Yes, Cohen says.

As Blanche starts to ask about Cohen's attempts to reduce his sentence, but we break for afternoon recess.

👉🏼"Man, way to make it boring," one reporter laments. She's right, it was starting to drag at the end there.

allynkhine ,

@GottaLaff an hour and a half to go 9 miles?

GottaLaff OP , avatar

@allynkhine Maybe he meant to type 90

GottaLaff OP , avatar

68/ McB adds:

After an hour and 15 minutes of cross, most of it boring and seemingly aimless, we haven't spoken about the payments or business records one single time.

bhawthorne , avatar

@GottaLaff Is this all 3D chess leading up to a brilliantly executed strategy? C’mon, think whose attorneys these are. This ham-fisted cross really is the best they can deliver. They think they are nailing it.

GottaLaff OP , avatar

@bhawthorne They may get more effective later, but now... oy

socprof , avatar

@GottaLaff @bhawthorne So was the whole point of this to establish that Cohen lied a lot and that he's turned on Trump? Seems weak tea to me.

GottaLaff OP , avatar

@socprof @bhawthorne Beats me!

mwyman , avatar

@GottaLaff NFL any bets on whether they bring them up at all on cross?

GottaLaff OP , avatar

69/ Klasfeld:

We're back.

Justice Merchan informs jurors that court will break early on Thursday, at 4 p.m., to accommodate a juror's commitment.

Cross-ex resumes.

Cohen agrees that he asked prosecutors what the benefit would be for meeting with them, when they first visited him in Otisville.

GottaLaff OP , avatar

70/ This helps me personally. We'll be loading our POD for the Big Move.

Phang adds:

NEW: Scheduling Update:
👉🏼No court tomorrow or Friday. One of the jurors has a commitment on Thursday so we will only go to 4pm ET on Thursday.

ClassyT , avatar


GottaLaff OP , avatar

@ClassyT Remind me in about a month

RufusJCooter , avatar

@GottaLaff @ClassyT Last time I moved back in '08, I didn't have any choice but PODS (there was a 3 month gap between moving out of the old place & into the new); worked out brilliantly. It was a really good solution for me to move/temporarily store my stuff until the new place was ready!

GottaLaff OP , avatar

@RufusJCooter Exactly. Plus I trust us to pack up the stuff more safely than movers do. @ClassyT

GottaLaff OP , avatar

71/ Pagliery:

After a short break, Trump walks back in looking like he's in high spirits. Blanche gets right back to asking questions.


Asked if Cohen asked prosecutors about their timeline, Cohen replies, "I don't recall saying that; no, sir."

GottaLaff OP , avatar

72/ McB:

Blanche resumes with Cohen's first meeting with Manhattan prosecutors, while he was in prison.

BLANCHE: One of the first things you asked the Manhattan DA about was what the benefit to you would be?
BLANCHE: And you mentioned that you'd been "screwed over by the system"?

Cohen can't recall, so Blanche refreshes his memory via exhibit on his monitor.

GottaLaff OP , avatar

73/ McB:

You wanted to know the benefit of meeting with them—which is fair—Blanche concedes. Are you familiar with a Rule 35 motion in federal court? (yes) And you understand that sometimes it entitles the judge who sentenced you to give you a lower sentence?

Blanche continues to ask about how long Cohen thought it would take for the DA to bring charges, or whether it mattered to him, and Cohen seems confused.

👉🏼McB: Join the club.

GottaLaff OP , avatar

74/ McB:

A second meeting, also in Otisville, Sept 2019, then a third in Oct.

Eventually, Cohen's lawyer—Roger Adler, whom he retained in Aug—filed a Rule 35 motion for reduction of sentence in federal court, which Cohen reviewed pre-filing.

GottaLaff OP , avatar

75/ Pagliery:

It's clear that Trump's legal strategy here is to make Cohen seem like he was willing to say anything to get out of prison—especially if it could happen fast.

On that point, Blanche mentions that Cohen's lawyers asked the DA to help with a "Rule 35" motion—and indeed they did.

That means Manhattan prosecutors asked a federal court to reduce Cohen's original sentence, believing that he provided substantial assistance to them.

GottaLaff OP , avatar

76/ McB:

The bases of the motion was because of Cohen's cooperation with the special counsel's office (yes), thrice with the Manhattan DA (yes), and with the SDNY (I can't recall).

As Blanche winds up for clarifications, he apologizes for "talking about lawyers so much."

Ultimately, that Rule 35 motion was denied.

GottaLaff OP , avatar

77/ Lol, McB:

Fast forward to May 2020 (a time that I'm sure not just Cohen would prefer to forget), when he was transferred to house arrest.

Now, the summer of 2020, Cohen's "Redemption Tour," which could very well be a Justin Bieber tour.

Then, in Sept 2020 Cohen launched his book Disloyal (which, again, could very well be a Justin Bieber album).

GottaLaff OP , avatar

78/ Press:
Blanche: Federal judge denied your motion, right?
Cohen: He did.
Blanche: But after you got out due to COVID, you tried again, w Disloyal & Mea Culpa - you called Trump a boorish cartoon misogynist?
Cohen: Sounds like something I would say
Blanche: You called Pres Trump a Cheetos-dusted cartoon villain?
Cohen: Yes.
Blanche: You said, I f*cking want to see him locked up?
Cohen: Sounds like my language on Mea Culpa.
Blanche: I want you to listen to it, not the jury [headphones on]

GottaLaff OP , avatar

79/ Klasfeld:


SDNY characterized Cohen's description of his assistance to their investigation as "overstated" and "incomplete," as opposed to Mueller's office, which found him cooperative.

Blanche instructs Cohen to don headphones to listen to an episode of his Mea Culpa podcast.

It's not in evidence, and so we can't hear it.

It's to refresh his memory.

GottaLaff OP , avatar

80/ Bower:

BLANCHE: You just heard a portion of your podcast. You said in that same podcast that Trump needs to wear handcuffs and do a perp walk? People won't be satisfied until he's in a cell?

COHEN: I don't recall saying that but wouldn't put it past me.

GottaLaff OP , avatar

81/ Emptywheel on one of the above posts:

I'd like to think "Cheeto dusted cartoon villain" will make a headline or two, but sadly "VonShitsInPants" didn't make any headlines.

Tons of outlets fell for Trump's ploy to write a headline equating Biden w/Gestapo tho.

GottaLaff OP , avatar

82/ McB:

Cohen, Merchan, and counsel put on headphones to listen to some of Cohen's podcast, but Cohen struggles to get them on. (It's an episode of the Mea Culpa podcast on Oct 23 if you want to listen at home.)

Cohen is now listening to his own podcast—Mea Culpa—from the witness stand.

Perhaps struggling with the too on-the-nose irony of Cohen listening to Mea Culpa from the witness stand, Hoffinger objects, and parties approach for sidebar.

GottaLaff OP , avatar

83/ McB:

BLANCHE: You also said in that same podcast, that Trump "needs to wear handcuffs" and to do the perp walk?

I don't recall saying that, but I wouldn't put it past me, Cohen says.

Your podcast had topped 10 million downloads? Blanche asks.

I think it was more, Cohen says.

Is it fair to say you were motivated by fame? (No sir, not fair). By publicity? (No, I'm motivated by many things.

GottaLaff OP , avatar

84/ Bower:

Do you recall saying in an interview that you wanted private planes, wealth, glamour, etc.? Yes, those are my words.

You love being on CNN, MSNBC, even Fox? I loved it when I was speaking on behalf of Trump.

Do you love it now? Less, but I still do.

GottaLaff OP , avatar

85/ Bower:

You put the money you made from your book -- about 2 million -- into a trust for your family? It went into a bank account.

So after Oct. 30, 2019, you didn't meet with Manhattan prosecutors again until January 11, 2021? Cohen indicates that is correct.

There was someone at the DA's office named Mark Pomerantz at that time? Correct.

You started meeting w/ Pomerantz and others in the office? Yes.

Those meetings were on Zoom? Sounds correct.

GottaLaff OP , avatar

86/ McB:

Even in a simple factual question as to the next time Cohen met with Manhattan DA (1/11/21), the two men spar about the semantics of the question.

👉🏼It's exhausting, tedious.

GottaLaff OP , avatar

87/ GOOD.


I wouldn't go so far as to say Cohen's refusal to use "yes" or "no" instead favoring "sounds like something I'd say" or "I believe it may be true" is getting under Blanche's skin, but it's certainly interrupting his rhythm.

GottaLaff OP , avatar

88/ Apparently there was a sidebar.


So back to the Feb. 2021 time frame, you were meeting w/ the DA's office but it wasn't about this case? That's correct.

GottaLaff OP , avatar

89/ Bower:

During that 2021 period, you wanted the DA's office to publicly acknowledge that you were cooperating? I would say so.

You were still serving your sentence at that time? Yes, I was still on home confinement.


Blanche touches on a sensitive topic for Cohen.

"You're still serving your sentence at home?"

"I'm on supervised release," Cohen says pointedly, raising his eyebrows three times on super vised release

GottaLaff OP , avatar

90/ Bower:

What were your restrictions on home confinement?

Cohen says that he could go anywhere in Manhattan for three hours a day. He wore an ankle monitor at first, but then he did phone check ins.

GottaLaff OP , avatar

91/ McB:

We're likely just over 15 minutes from the end of the today, and I'm still unsure what the defense gained from the start of the cross, if anything.

No checks, no business records, no alternate theories of the case presented.

GottaLaff OP , avatar

92/ Bower:

Blanche is trying to suggest that Cohen was motivated to cooperate with the investigation in order to get a sentence reduction so that he could be released earlier from home confinement.

GottaLaff OP , avatar

93/ McB:

Blanche is getting into the conditions of Cohen's sentence, calculations done by the Bureau of Prisons, home confinement vs. prison. It seems we're back to Cohen's desire to lower his prison sentence which, as Blanche said earlier, "is fair."

GottaLaff OP , avatar

94/ Bower:

So during your home confinement, did you meet with the DA at your house or did you go to the DA's offices? Possibly both.

And you were still doing TV at this time? I don't remember if I was doing TV while on home confinement.

GottaLaff OP , avatar

95/ McB:

Blanche asks Cohen about TV apperances in 2021—Ali Velshi, Joy Reid—until the end of 2021, when his sentence ended and he was on supervised release.

Cohen explains that it's less stringent than home confinement, basically check in once a month, and let them know about travel.

GottaLaff OP , avatar

96/ Bower:

At some point you understood that there was a new DA? Correct.

Have you met DA Bragg? No, sir.

Then in October 2022, you publish your second book, "Revenge." How much money have you made from "Revenge"? I don't know exactly, but I would say about $400,000.

GottaLaff OP , avatar

97/ Hope Hicks redux.


BLANCHE: In that book, you call yourself a fixer?

COHEN: I probably referenced it, yes.

BLANCHE: Are you fixing things that you broke?

COHEN: No sir.

Doreen32128 , avatar

@GottaLaff NFL. Why this question?

GottaLaff OP , avatar

98/ McB:

Q: Did there come a time where you became concerned that the new DA was circulating negative stories about you?


A: Yes.
Q: You talked about that in your book?
A: Yes.

GottaLaff OP , avatar

98/ Bower:

Blanche turns to the subject of Cohen turning over his phones in 2023, but he doesn't get far.

Justice Merchan interject: Mr. Blanche, is this a good time to stop?

Blanche agrees to put a pin in it until Thursday.

Merchan gives the usual instructions to the jurors.

GottaLaff OP , avatar

99/ lol McB:

Justice Merchan, in all his grace and mercy, wonders aloud whether this might be a good place to stop.

Blanche, in his own mercy, agrees.

And that's it—the cross began with a bang and ended for the day w/ a whimper. We'll see how the defense adjusts, if at all, Thursday.

GottaLaff OP , avatar

100/ Bower:

Once the jurors file out, Justice Merchan instructs the parties to approach the bench. An out-of-earshot conference ensues.

GottaLaff OP , avatar

101/ Phang:

Katie's Sidebar:

Todd Blanche's cross-examination has no rhyme or reason. It's all over the place. It reminds me of his Opening Statement, which similarly felt rudderless.

If he scores a zinger against Cohen, it gets lost the second Blanche moves on to a new area of inquiry, which is often wholly unrelated to the prior area in a distracting way.

lawyerjsd , avatar

@GottaLaff It's going to be a multi-day cross examination. Today was about laying the groundwork for Thursday.

GottaLaff OP , avatar

@lawyerjsd Katie's an accomplished lawyer, she knows that.

GottaLaff OP , avatar

102/ McB:

Before he vacates the bench, Justice Merchan asks counsel to approach.

Trump remains seated at the defense table, grinning to himself briefly, during sidebar.

Merchan wants to put it on the record: he was asking Blanche whether he thought he'd be finished with the witness by Thurs afternoon.

[Me: Ogodthankyou] 👉🏼Yes, if I finish, it'll be at the end of the day, Blanche says,

and Merchan says no rush.

GottaLaff OP , (edited ) avatar

103/ Oh.


Okay, Merchan did the right thing. He just asked the lawyers to go over what was said.

Looks like Cohen will be on all day tomorrow, and👉🏼 maybe then some. Also, defense had a question about their own 👉🏼expert witness. (So I guess they will put on a case!)


GottaLaff OP , avatar

104/ McB:

Next matter: the defense's expert witness, Blanche asks for an opportunity to discuss the testimony and what is admissible.

Does that sound like something we can do Thursday at 4, Merchan begins to ask—but the video feed stalls, buffers.

GottaLaff OP , avatar

105/ Lisa Rubin:

Done for the day, and the cross has not accomplished much beyond:

— showing Cohen remains wealthy (albeit significantly less so than his ex-boss claims to be) and has made millions off his Trump-related books;

— dramatically turned on his former idol Trump after his 2018 sentencing;

— hoped his cooperation with various prosecutors would result in a sentence reduction; and

— has frequently insulted Trump with a variety of sophisticated-for-the-schoolyard kind of epithets.

tdwllms1 , avatar


hoped his cooperation with various prosecutors would result in a sentence reduction;

and who wouldn't at this point in the movie....

has frequently insulted Trump with a variety of sophisticated-for-the-schoolyard kind of epithets.

just like his old boss.... trumpy.

davidcorbett , avatar

@GottaLaff men are most leaders most of history and men kill the planet too much for biz and politics commit most crimes and have always enslaved way to many in poverty wage and allowed the masses to be underpaid overcharged cannibalized abused n used by the rich who did not do 10 times more hours nor 10 times more better more important work and we can replace all rich with 2 average pay people at 40 hrs a week

PattyHanson , avatar

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  • GottaLaff OP , avatar

    @PattyHanson It's only Day One

    davidcorbett , avatar

    @GottaLaff 40 hrs a week and use the old rich wage to pay the poverty wage people more as better world for most , men have enslaved most too much in poverty age and overcharged raising the cost of living too much too often over war-mongered instead of getting rid of the warmonger leaders in week one , , woman have 1 million yrs of caring for the home reasonably ok and caring for the kids reasonably fare n equal so get women in 51 %

    davidcorbett , avatar

    @GottaLaff get women in 51 % of company and country leadership roles and do that for the masses and home = planet as more vegetation on all properties and half the roofs for clean oxygen carbon cleaning shade animal food and shelter , play robin hood on the rich and use what they and military of the world has to fix poverty and nature as better world for most , please share with many - i have many back ups and additions interconnected for these

    Grant_M , avatar

    @GottaLaff Thank you, dearest Laffy!

    GottaLaff OP , avatar

    @Grant_M You're so welcome!

    fulanigirl , avatar

    @GottaLaff and the most important piece was that he thought Blanche was a piece of shit! 😆

    GottaLaff OP , avatar

    @fulanigirl The best part is, that'll be the headline on TV Legal News all evening.

    andybrwn , avatar

    @GottaLaff Who wouldn’t?

    theogrin , avatar


    Thank you as always for the thread!

    I'm not entirely sure what the defense is going for. The cross sounds like he's made Cohen seem more human and approachable -- rather than a traitor and a turncoat, instead a man who was fanatically loyal until he was thrown under the bus. That's not a very good way to make him out to be the villain of the piece.

    GottaLaff OP , avatar

    @theogrin YVW and I agree

    deborahh , avatar

    @GottaLaff NFL
    tomorrow? Or thurs?

    GottaLaff OP , avatar

    @deborahh He meant Thurs.

    tdwllms1 , avatar



    "Trump remains seated at the defense table, grinning to himself briefly,"...

    must be filling his briefs....

    ChrisHolladay , avatar

    Donald grinning from releasing that pressurized intestinal gas ?
    Or that his lawyers are doing exactly what he wants?

    JanisKay , avatar

    @GottaLaff seemed pretty bland and pointless.

    GottaLaff OP , avatar

    @JanisKay Laying the groundwork but in the worst possible way

    JanisKay , avatar

    @GottaLaff they’ve definitely got me wondering due to what appears lame.

    GottaLaff OP , avatar

    @JanisKay I guess we'll find out. Zzzzzz.

    JanisKay , avatar

    @GottaLaff LOL that’s about the size of it 😴

    bhawthorne , avatar

    @GottaLaff @JanisKay I remain suspicious that we may find out this isn’t groundwork and it doesn’t get any better on Thursday. That this is simply the quality of the defense these lawyers and this client are capable of. It would be consistent with what we have seen from them so far.

    Might they pull off something? Sure, anything is possible. But is it likely to have any impact on the jury? I am really not sure. I think it may just be an already dysfunctional plan being undermined by the Stable Genius Himself.

    JanisKay , avatar

    @bhawthorne that’s my thoughts as well. If they do better I’ll be shocked. @GottaLaff

    GottaLaff OP , avatar

    @JanisKay @bhawthorne Maybe. But Legals on TV claim he's a good lawyer (until now), so I'm in Wait and See, as usual

    Grant_M , avatar

    @GottaLaff Blanche is now the one stuck trying to please the deranged boss, just like Cohen was.

    JonathanDCope , avatar

    This is not the way the defense should have wrapped up their cross-examination, leaving the jury to think about the whimper of a cross-examination until Thursday..

    GottaLaff OP , avatar

    @JonathanDCope It was excruciating. I was bored silly, as were the reporters.

    Poor jury.

    JonathanDCope , avatar

    I understand. But for me, I'm like all attorneys; I'm listening for a half dozen things even when laying a foundation for admission of simple documents. You don't have time to get bored. At the end of the day, all the attorneys in the Trump case are probably dead tired because it's like being on stage for eight hours solid.

    GottaLaff OP , avatar

    @JonathanDCope Oh I know. It is truly exhausting.

    calsnoboarder , avatar

    @GottaLaff NFL. I wonder if all the weak questioning, lack of evidence that no crime was committed, and overall failure to present a strong defense is meant to allow trump to appeal based on ineffective counsel once he is convicted.

    GottaLaff OP , avatar

    @calsnoboarder It could be, someone brought that up on MSNBC. But these are good lawyers (well, WERE, but have decent reputations), so I doubt they'd want to jeopardize their own reps.

    calsnoboarder , avatar

    @GottaLaff I guess it’s all down to what they are willing to do for the guy. But from the outside looking in, as a non-lawyer, they aren’t putting up much of a defense.

    GottaLaff OP , avatar

    @calsnoboarder They don't HAVE much of a defense, so there's that.

    SkipHuffman , avatar

    @GottaLaff have the lawyers just given up and are just trying to keep their client happy?

    GottaLaff OP , avatar

    @SkipHuffman No, but it seems like it

    sufferforme , avatar

    Todd Blanche is obviously building up to the Chewbacca defense…

    CStamp , avatar

    @GottaLaff Hopefully it won't be too hard to correct. Cohen's personal feelings are separate from the detailed paper trail.

    GottaLaff OP , avatar

    @CStamp Correct what? The defense was terrible.

    hasani , avatar

    @GottaLaff @CStamp Not going to lie.. “Cheetos dusted cartoon villain” was a damn good one

    CStamp , avatar

    @hasani @GottaLaff The best part of this is that no matter how many printouts of "you're so great" stories he is handed, he still has to listen to all the bad stuff people are actually saying about him.

    GottaLaff OP , avatar

    @CStamp @hasani He thinks he can't hear them if his eyes are closed, lol

    Fenix , avatar

    @CStamp @GottaLaff @hasani He’s prolly muttering to himself ‘I am rubber you are glue’

    hasani , avatar
    ClassyT , avatar


    JonathanDCope , avatar

    Hella'va judge!

    GottaLaff OP , avatar
    derfwhapper , avatar

    @GottaLaff blanche devereaux?

    Grant_M , avatar

    @GottaLaff NFL so, about $400,000 more than Blanche will be paid by trump.

    Grant_M , avatar

    @GottaLaff NFL trump should have considered cooperating for the same reason. Oh, well. Too bad, so sad. :)

    lawyerjsd , avatar

    @GottaLaff NFL - Sort of a weird tact to follow since Cohen is testifying NOW.

    AtheistIntelligence , avatar

    @GottaLaff wastes an entire day in court.

    GottaLaff OP , avatar

    @AtheistIntelligence Then whines that he can't campaign, which he's not doing anyway

    MarkRDavid , avatar



    Sounds a lot like DJT told them to "get more aggressive," so the flunkies did as they were told...

    GottaLaff OP , avatar

    @MarkRDavid This doesn't sound aggressive to me

    MarkRDavid , avatar


    I meant aggressive in a "trying to unhinge Cohen" way. I agree, not in any constructive way.

    GottaLaff OP , avatar

    @MarkRDavid Or an aggressive way, lol

    cfmccarthy , avatar

    NFL: Anyone have the diagram the Prosecution introduced into evidence I think on Fri 5/10 that shows the mapping of the docs to each of the 34 Counts? The public NY Court website hasn't posted evidence yet from Fri 5/10.

    TeacherGriff , avatar

    @GottaLaff NFL It sounds/looks like they're just trying to discredit MC's testimony by showing how "dishonest" he was, and therefore of course he's still "dishonest" because leopards spots something something harrumph harrumph.

    Pourroy , avatar

    NFL Is he asking so Trump might have an idea of how it works?

    Lizette603_23 , avatar

    @GottaLaff hahahahahahahahah

    qurlyjoe , avatar

    I’ve maybe watched too many episodes of Law & Order, but this sounds like a trick a lawyer would know how to use to throw off the rhythm of the questioner. So much theater for the jury’s “benefit.”

    iuculano , avatar



    "...but it's certainly interrupting his rhythm."

    Just as I've indicated earlier.
    Michael Cohen, being a lawyer, knows this tactic way better than I do, lol

    GottaLaff OP , avatar

    @iuculano He can outsmart them in some cases, yeah

    ClassyT , avatar


    darthstar , avatar

    Pomerantz... didn't they try to subpoena him and get denied? I see more objections coming.

    darwinwoodka , avatar

    @GottaLaff NFL is this little shit Vinny gonna do anything useful for his client or just keep trying to snipe at Cohen's integrity? Jury already knows Cohen lied for Trump and now isn't lying for Trump, so YAWN.

    Starting to think Trump's PAC Save America wasted their $4 million here.

    tdwllms1 , avatar



    Tons of outlets fell for Trump's ploy ... like the NYTimes....

    who suck a "Cheeto dusted cartoon villain's" pecker....

    tinkb333 , avatar

    @GottaLaff 🤦‍♀️

    GottaLaff OP , avatar

    @tinkb333 That emoji should be tattooed on my face

    darthstar , avatar

    @GottaLaff Shorter Cohen: Yes, I said mean things... what's your point?

    tdwllms1 , avatar



    "Blanche: You called Pres Trump a Cheetos-dusted cartoon villain? Cohen: Yes."

    Ok, and what your point... trumps a ‘Dictator Douche Bag’

    tdwllms1 , avatar



    maybe Blanche is having a good time spewing this BS straight to trumps face in court... for all the grief trumps likely caused him....

    caseyjonesed , avatar

    @GottaLaff Biden & Dems should use Cheetos Dusted Cartoon Character in their ads. 💡

    me_valentijn , avatar

    @GottaLaff NFL

    Everyone feels better after a long afternoon nap 😑

    bigheadtales , avatar

    Good luck, @GottaLaff, with your PODs. We had a less than stellar experience with them.

    Late drop off, late delivery, high pressure sales to use their unloading crew (4 hours late, only 2 of 3 showed up, and did a terrible job), and worst of all, their storage service must have been in the Mojave because a number of plastic storage boxes were heat damaged and melted, several leather items ruined, damaged appliances, candles were puddles.

    I wouldn't use them again. Watch them carefully.

    GottaLaff OP , avatar

    @bigheadtales We're not using their crew. We're using their POD.

    He was exactly on time, amazingly nice, great sense of humor, and di the job perfectly.

    Canada won't be hot this time of year, so we're not worried, and we've packed everything ourselves to withstand most issues.

    Liliki , avatar

    @GottaLaff NFL
    😂😂😂 That's the last thing the defense wants to talk about and it shows

    allynkhine ,

    @GottaLaff the opposite of a scaramouche is a Drumpf!

    Pourroy , avatar

    @GottaLaff NFL
    he should have said "it's just locker room talk"

    isomataalum , avatar

    @GottaLaff working for the administration that coined the term alternative facts.

    allynkhine ,

    @GottaLaff understandable! The boy has been in a cult for over 10 years!

    Kencf618033 , avatar

    NFL It could be that Cohen is studiously avoiding even saying a flat "Yes" multiple times, much less saying "I lied... I lied... I lied..." and the jury hearing him saying "I lied... I lied... I lied..." As it is the jury goes "Meh..."

    btrinen , avatar

    @GottaLaff NFL

    This whole line of questioning really sounds like it’s being done just so Trump can hear praise of himself.

    mwyman , avatar

    @GottaLaff NFL feels like the Trump team is making a pitch to the jury “see how disloyal this bastard is?”

    tdwllms1 , avatar
    cfmccarthy , avatar

    NFL: Bonus points for reference to the classic "Master of My Domain" Seinfeld episode!!

    GottaLaff OP , avatar
    cfmccarthy , avatar

    I stand corrected!! Well done! 😆

    leswarden , avatar

    @GottaLaff NFL
    Closes his eyes and back to his safe, dictatorial, Earth2 world. 🤣

    steveportigal , avatar

    @GottaLaff NFL crocodile esque

    lillyfinch , avatar

    @GottaLaff t is such a narcissist

    mrmattburgess , avatar
    Kencf618033 , avatar

    @GottaLaff NFL. Which‽

    tdwllms1 , avatar



    "We offer this into evidence: a $32 t-shirt with President Trump in jail?"..

    If I'm Cohen I'm thanking them for their purchase.... 😂

    ClassyT , avatar


    chuck , avatar

    @GottaLaff NFL Probably many of us chuckling that Cohen's merch got entered into evidence. This is the best defense they got?

    darwinwoodka , avatar


    NFL Nice of ya Vinny to give Cohen's store all this free publicity. Ya little shit.

    iuculano , avatar



    Hey, is this a new hashtag?


    MarkRDavid , avatar


    "Yes sir." Lovin' this 😂

    tdwllms1 , avatar



    “You referred to Trump as a ‘Dictator Douche Bag’?"

    This is awesome and now part of the court record....

    tdwllms1 , avatar



    "Sure," Cohen replies" 😂 🤣 😂

    cavyherd , avatar


    Who's getting under whose skin...? 😈

    mrblissett , avatar

    Falling asleep to one-sided adult arguments must remind him of childhood

    unabogie , avatar



    How can the guy possibly be sleeping through this if he's not on some sort of medication that makes him drowsy?

    tdwllms1 , avatar


    "You also make money off of it? Money is made from it, yes.
    It's one of the reasons you do it? Yes."

    Once again... people make money off trump... so what... it's allowed.. lol... doesn't mean trumps not guilty...

    cavyherd , avatar


    Wonder if they've done a cardio work-up on him recently? Had a friend who was prone to dozing off like that; went in for bypass surgery not long after.

    iuculano , avatar



    «With Blanche several minutes into his cross-examination of Cohen, Trump is slouched in his seat, his eyes seemingly closed and his mouth slack.»

    Quick, where's the cattle prod?

    WastelandWandrr , avatar

    @GottaLaff "mr." FFS 🙄

    iuculano , avatar



    Keep calm, Michael, he's trying to rile you up

    ClassyT , avatar


    Liliki , avatar

    @GottaLaff NFL
    The infamous trumpian ego is not going to work for the defense like they think it will.

    MarkRDavid , avatar



    ",sir." Good for him.

    iuculano , avatar



    "For the first time, we're starting to see the other side of him.

    His voice now shows a bit of grit as he directs his anger at Cohen."

    He's obviously trying to raise Cohen's temperature

    timecraft , avatar

    @GottaLaff NFL

    generic mobster voice
    “Nyeah, shee, ya dish-appointed de boss, now ya’s gonna have ta pay for it, shee.”

    Or at least that’s how it comes off to me as

    cfmccarthy , avatar

    NFL: Whiney Gritty Itty Bitty Piece of 💩y. 😆

    iuculano , avatar



    Objection. Sustained.
    Rinse, repeat

    To me, it seems the prosecution is getting back at the defence for having done the same thing this morning: disrupting the flow of testimony

    jlsigman , avatar


    As a non-lawyer, what in the world is Blanche attempting to accomplish here?

    darthstar , avatar

    @GottaLaff Blanche is angling for a mistrial and wants Cohen to be the catalyst.

    iuculano , avatar



    Basically, he's a VOLUNTEER pos

    spocko , avatar

    NFL @GottaLaff

    While we parse the and the meaning of the word surrogate, Trump's message is being injected into the media over and over again.

    Mike Johnson saying meanwhile along the uh among the atrocities here the judge's own ... daughter is making millions of dollars doing online fundraising for Democrats.

    bronakins , avatar



    Burgundy: “No, trump didn’t tell me to disparage Judge Merchan’s daughter; I’m doing it of my own volition.”

    Cohen: “Yup, I’ve seen this movie and know how it ends.”

    samhkennedy , avatar

    @GottaLaff A whole court case showing the lengths people will go to do what Trump wants and to protect Trump.

    nikihippy , avatar

    The truth is sometimes painful to hear. 😂😂😂

    Lizette603_23 , avatar

    @GottaLaff NFL well Blanche is seriously disgusting, if that counts. 😜

    stevencworlds , avatar

    @GottaLaff NFL I didn’t catch that, are we sure this case is important to Cohen? I think we need this asked two hundred more times just to be sure

    terrymatz , avatar

    @GottaLaff NFL "Meanwhile, Trump is watching the back of his eyelids."
    Best line ever. 😂

    timecraft , avatar

    @GottaLaff NFL

    I almost feel like the “Objection” counter scoreboard would be more fun to watch than many sports games’ scoreboards 😂

    oreoteeth , avatar

    @GottaLaff NFL I'm a bit disappointed that Cohen didn't reply well, you are proving my point in front of a jury right now

    ChrisHolladay , avatar

    From one turd to the other, this looks like a match only sewage pipes would love.

    AtheistIntelligence , avatar

    @GottaLaff nfl 🤣

    Starbrother , avatar

    @GottaLaff Lol!

    mwyman , avatar

    @GottaLaff NFL starting your cross examination of a witness with that sorta proves the point, imo

    Legit_Spaghetti , avatar


    Perfect, 10/10, no notes 🤣​


    tirrimas , avatar

    @GottaLaff NfFL

    Trying to bait him.

    Hang tight, Michael.

    darwinwoodka , avatar

    @GottaLaff NFL oh this is gonna be fun. Will Trump lawyers be held in contempt? ;^)

    iuculano , avatar



    «You called me a "little shit" on TikTok, didn't you? Blanche says with some real venom.»

    Well, maybe Cohen tells the truth sometimes, Mr. Blanche

    stevencworlds , avatar

    @GottaLaff NFL went from Law and Order to My Cousin Vinny super fast there, huh, Blanche?

    PollyWaugh , avatar


    SueDiOh ,

    @GottaLaff NFL
    Welp. I never really liked Michael Cohen. Until now.

    elronxenu , avatar

    @GottaLaff 🤣🤣🤣🤣

    ClassyT , avatar


    jlsigman , avatar


    Gotta use this one again....

    darthstar , avatar

    He won't testify. He's happier whining in the corral they set up for him.

    tirrimas , avatar
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