UltraGiGaGigantic ,

I'd like AOC to resign for voting to stop the rail union from striking.

kinther ,
@kinther@lemmy.world avatar

Found the single issue voter

John_McMurray ,

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  • catsarebadpeople ,

    Yikes dude...

    Empricorn ,

    I'm sorry women won't touch you.

    irreticent ,
    @irreticent@lemmy.world avatar

    I'm not. He deserves the isolation.

    Furbag ,

    Like seriously, I'm tired of whining on the internet about this shit. Where can I go to learn about joining a protest? It's better that doing fuck all by tut-tutting the establishment hellbent on fucking us over while they count their money.

    FatCat ,
    @FatCat@lemmy.world avatar

    A few more peaceful protests is sure to fix things in a giffie!


    lennivelkant ,

    Peaceful protests build the sense of consensus and unity. Violent solutions can't succeed without both popular support and enough participants to make a difference, but if everybody's scared of standing alone they're doomed. Sudden upheaval is likely to make more people oppose the change, because most people like stability.

    Peaceful protests that get gradually more frustrated are more likely to support more drastic measures than a sudden upheaval. Whether or not you believe peaceful protests will fix anything, they're the best solution that's viable right now.

    rottingleaf ,

    I live in Russia, I'm having flashbacks of explanations why all the opposition is doing is peaceful protests.

    Nah, it doesn't work. The faster you get to throwing Molotov cocktails, the better.

    lennivelkant ,

    If it's five people throwing them, they're terrorists. If it's five million, they're a problem. (Depending on the size of country and military, I'm pulling numbers out my arse to exemplify a point, not as accurate measures).

    Numbers matter. If you have enough people on your side and willing to join the throwing for your cocktails to make a difference, that might work for you. But if most of the populace are scared to lose more than they stand to gain, you'll end up with the brave throwers arrested or killed, the media denouncing their "undemocratic" acts and possibly the people even more afraid to do anything.

    Any revolutionary movement will need to hit a point of critical mass that allows it to succeed. It's hard to gauge just when that point is reached, but if you misjudge, you'll end up another failed insurrection.

    rottingleaf ,

    The bad guys know this too, they'll penetrate your organization (if it's decentralized, they'll still poison it with plenty of agents, they've got taxpayers' money), they'll use your inaction to communicate apathy, they'll even have something false flag to still cause the effect you're describing without real people using force. And their media doesn't need anything real to happen to report it.

    Any revolutionary movement will need to hit a point of critical mass that allows it to succeed. It’s hard to gauge just when that point is reached, but if you misjudge, you’ll end up another failed insurrection.

    Not hard for a government, no. Anything predictable and organized will not succeed. As chaotic and brave as possible or not at all.

    96VXb9ktTjFnRi ,

    As chaotic and brave as possible or not at all.

    That's sounds accurate for Russia, but could it be that different strategies remain possible in the US? The US could be on it's way to be a totalitarian state like Russia, but it's not there yet, and still has a lot of (flawed) democratic institutions. I think in the US you can still protest without being put in jail.

    rottingleaf ,

    I don't think so, because what I said didn't mention anything about already having totalitarianism. The means today's governments have at their disposal allow to achieve most of things done by classic 30s totalitarian regimes without visible violence.

    96VXb9ktTjFnRi ,

    Thanks for the reply. I'd argue it's still worthwhile to speak out in a peaceful manner and hope that truth will prevail, but maybe you're right and I am too optimistic

    BuckenBerry ,
    @BuckenBerry@lemmy.world avatar

    Peaceful protests are really only effective if they are seen as an alternative to more militant groups.

    Martin Luther King non violence wouldn't have been that popular if it wasn't seen as an alternative for Malcolm X's more radical ideology.

    I'm pretty sure something similar occurred with the suffrage movement but I didn't remember the details.

    Asidonhopo ,
    @Asidonhopo@lemmy.world avatar

    I've always seen it spelled "jiffy" but correct me if I'm wrong

    ASeriesOfPoorChoices ,

    the creator of the GIF image format would disagree with you ;-)

    fukurthumz420 ,

    your sarcasm is on point. only naive children are downvoting you.

    rozodru ,

    think you Americans are beyond a peaceful protest at this point, right now you need a revolution. you are quite literally 4 months away from a potential dictatorship.

    roguetrick ,

    So you can have a revolution with a peaceful protest. The problem is that requires a general strike to go with it to entirely cripple the economy. And Americans are obviously still too fat and happy to even do that.

    ZILtoid1991 ,

    Good luck with that, the fans of the potential dictators have most of the guns, law enforcement is packed with fascists, etc...

    (Although I agree.)

    VirtualOdour ,

    You could get involved in campaigning for a Democrat running in a local senate race, actually get involved in politics and work for change

    fukurthumz420 ,

    why don't you go learn about using firearms and secure communication networks instead? protests accomplish nothing. protests get you put on lists for when the authoritarians really take over.

    abracaDavid ,

    Lol we are so fucked.

    crystalmerchant ,

    Can you.... Can you do that?

    DragonTypeWyvern ,

    With this Congress? No.

    Not unless Biden uses his new powers to execute all his political enemies.

    ZILtoid1991 ,

    Hell, people in the military just need to go on and execute the offending members of the supreme court, the house, etc., then just say "the president told us to do so".

    Avatar_of_Self ,

    Maybe...Congress has impeached one Supreme Court Justice in history, Constitution Article 2, Section 4..

    The Article itself stays within the scope of the Executive Branch but the Section itself just says:

    The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors.

    Likely, if Congress tried, it would be argued that the scope is only the Executive Branch.

    Article 3's scope is the Judicial branch but says in Section 1:

    The judicial Power of the United States, shall be vested in one supreme Court, and in such inferior Courts as the Congress may from time to time ordain and establish. The Judges, both of the supreme and inferior Courts, shall hold their Offices during good Behaviour, and shall, at stated Times, receive for their Services, a Compensation, which shall not be diminished during their Continuance in Office.

    However, Samuel Chase who was appointed as a Supreme Court Justice by George Washington and confirmed by the Senate was impeached by Congress in 1804, and other federal judges (some having life-time appointments apparently) were dissolved.

    Samuel Chase ultimately was acquitted by the Senate in 1805 however.

    Cethin ,

    Article 2, section 4 clear says "and all civil officers." It specifies president and vice president likely because they were getting away from a monarchy and wanted to specify they aren't above the law, but it clearly should apply to any federal civil officers.

    Does this actually matter if the Supreme Court is ruling in the constitutionality of how accountable they are to other's power? Probably not. This supreme court at least will always argue in favor of serving themselves. I don't know how that plays out at that point.

    repungnant_canary ,

    Who would decide tho who can impeach Supreme Court Justice? Because it can't be SCOTUS as that would be deciding in your own case and you guys also don't have a separate constitutional tribunal

    Avatar_of_Self ,

    Congress impeaches, so Congress would decide. In the case of Justice Chase, he also argued against being able to be impeached but was anyway.

    ikidd ,
    @ikidd@lemmy.world avatar

    So when you say "dissolved", would that be a particular type of acid or the stomach juices of nocturnal carrion eaters?

    njm1314 ,

    [Thread, post or comment was deleted by the moderator]

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  • fukurthumz420 ,

    needs moar upvotes

    rottingleaf ,

    Jules Verne's moment about electing a judge?..

    cumskin_genocide ,

    Man America is awesome. They keep doing crazy shit for the sake of it.

    CableMonster ,

    The supreme court ruling is pretty benign, the crazy thing is call to destroy the system because they ruled differently than they wanted.

    Sam_Bass ,

    If they tank biden she should run heh

    _number8_ ,









    Microplasticbrain ,

    Cuz hes a milquetoast coward. He shoulda packed the court day one.

    Pretzilla ,

    *unpacked, by expanding it to 15. But yes.

    Microplasticbrain ,

    Why stop at 15? I want 50 more progressive justices

    experbia ,
    @experbia@lemmy.world avatar

    is biden better than trump? yes. am I voting biden? yes, there's no other real option. is he a feckless snivelling coward that only cares about people if they offer him a chance for power? yes. does he actually intend to do anything to improve our country and stave off a christofascist totalitarian takeover? hell no he doesn't lmao

    he won't do a good god damn thing if the corporations who have their fists up his ass don't force him to, and they don't give a shit about any of this because when it all turns red come inauguration day, regulations and protections will be stripped away and they'll have no restriction on how they can abuse us and our planet for their own gain.

    he has this new power, and just like with the power he holds now, he won't do anything with it that will actually move the needle and improve quality of life for anyone unless it serves his interest. the next guy will use it though. bend over, y'all.

    gnutard ,

    Jesus dude at that point just vote for someone else 💀

    experbia ,
    @experbia@lemmy.world avatar

    if you're not American, I would understand that to be a reasonable suggestion. not how it works here, though.

    under our system of voting, third party votes are less than worthless. I would rather that not be the case, but here we are.

    If you're American or if you're not simply ignorant of that fact, I assume you're salivating at the idea of getting a reluctant biden voter to vote third party to help secure your authoritarian party win.

    gnutard ,

    Authoritarian party win? Do you even know who I was going to vote for? I guess any third party means authoritarian to you? No, and its not just Biden voters, its people who vote for Trump as well. We all need to pick a different canadite now. I'd personally vote for Chase Oliver.

    You may think that's how the system works, but at it's root, you can pick other choices, not just one or the other. The more you say that, the more real it becomes, and the more hopeless you make everyone else feel. You have a very nuanced view of how everything works and what type of person I am.

    Snowclone ,

    The system is set up to only have two options. It's intentional. Also the VP used to be the party that lost. That's how much it matters to vote after the parties pick a nominee.

    gnutard ,

    The founding fathers said a two party system would be the downfall of this country, so no, its not intentional.

    prole ,

    Big tough guy on the internet, but let's see how you feel when Trump's brown shirts are knocking on doors to check if you're harboring any trans people...

    I wish I was joking, but be prepared because this shit can happen fast. Then maybe you'll think back on this election and wonder what could have happened if all you stupid motherfuckers would just shut the fuck up and vote for Biden.

    "Wahhh we had four years to choose a better candidate and we did FUCKING NOTHING. Now we're looking literal fascism in the face and we're suddenly all concerned about who our presidential candidates are." You know we have a whole process for this, right? It doesn't start 5 months before the election.

    It's so fucking juvenile. We get it, you're not going to vote. Stop spreading your cancer.

    experbia ,
    @experbia@lemmy.world avatar

    We get it, you're not going to vote

    not at all what I said. you have terrible reading comprehension. I specifically said I'm voting Biden.

    Snowclone ,

    I mean... in his place I'd probably make them think I was going to do it to see if it would change their mind.

    abracaDavid ,

    It's because the sad fact of the matter is that both of our political parties are working together to fuck us.

    I don't know how else to interpret this.

    Cethin ,

    I think it's much more obvious that one party cares about decorum no matter what is going on.

    NauticalNoodle ,

    tomato tomato

    abracaDavid ,

    Oh thank god for decorum.

    Glad to hear that one party is playing by imagined rules and that the other party is playing by what is actually written.

    Good thing that we're getting fucked either way.

    I don't think that many people have realized this yet, but we are all fucked no matter who is in office.

    It's very evident that nothing is getting better no matter who from our two choices is in charge.

    I'm actually losing weight (that I don't need to lose) because the cost of living is too high. I've had to start working more, and it's barely helping.

    Thank the good lord that the DNC is following decorum though. So glad that they're being polite while we are being absolutely fucked.

    Cethin ,

    I wasn't implying it was a good thing, just the explanation of why they don't get more done.

    That said, they have improved a few things. It just isn't as much as we need. Insulin, for example, is in a much better place, and that should be expanding to cover more drugs. Thr democrats are significantly better than the Republicans. They are not both the same. They just aren't as good as we deserve.

    abracaDavid ,

    I'm sorry to vent at you. It wasn't really meant to be directed at you. I'm just very frustrated.

    My girlfriend is a diabetic, and insulin is indeed more affordable. It still costs her about $120 a month for something that costs pennies to produce.

    My real point though, is that it doesn't matter who is in power. Things are getting dramatically worse every year no matter who is in the White House.

    The Supreme Court is obviously completely fucked. They literally made it legal for them to be bribed. And they are not elected by citizens, and also have a lifetime appointment.

    There is nothing that we as citizens can legally do to curb their power. We are quite literally at their mercy, and they are not being merciful.

    And I haven't even touched on our actual real long-term problems.

    Wrench ,

    The president cannot impeach them unilaterally, and is explicitly out of his power.

    He could, however, potentially send them to a blacksite as a prisoner or conveniently kill them as part of that arrest. They could claim collusion with domestic terror groups, espionage, corruption, etc, as very plausible justification for arrest, and that would probably qualify as official duties, at least how this SCOTUS would classify the same actions if executed by a republican president.

    John_McMurray ,

    [Thread, post or comment was deleted by the moderator]

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  • zyratoxx ,
    @zyratoxx@lemm.ee avatar
    Beaver ,
    @Beaver@lemmy.ca avatar

    We need to hold the supreme court accountable.

    deadbeef79000 ,

    It's ok, the the president can now just have them assassinated as a defence of the constitution.

    Akuden ,

    Blatant misinformation and a fundamental lack of understanding of the ruling. Nothing changed. President cannot commit a crime and say it was in official capacity. Obviously.

    Jonnynny ,

    "Official capacity" has not been defined yet so we don't know what the limits are. We will have to wait and see.

    deadbeef79000 ,

    I can't believe how many (I don't know, shills?) there are about this.

    I'm not American, I'm sitting out side, looking in, and watching the USA become a fascist dictatorship, and I'm terrified.

    Every other democracy's right wing looks up to the USA for inspiration for their own fascist agenda.

    If this all goes sideways from Americans, we're following shortly afterwards.

    ZILtoid1991 ,

    And you have all the reasons to be terrified, the US in case of a Trump victory will either:

    a) Go isolationist, dissolve the NATO, then let the power vacuum to be filled by Russia and China (one is better than the other), all while a big ultranationalist movement will claim to fix the issues.

    b) Make whatever insanity Trump's christofascist call "morals" into the global standards for human rights, heavily censor the internet, etc.

    A second Trump victory will have dire consequences for the rest of the world.

    Schadrach ,

    If the President can communicate with the DoJ or VP, even about doing something illegal or as part of some illegal scheme and be immune to prosecution because being in contact with the VP and DoJ are part of his duties, why would talking to the CIA to ask them to "retire" SCOTUS justices not be an official act that's immune to prosecution?

    ZILtoid1991 ,

    Does that immunity ruling also apply to the VP? If yes, then Kamala Harris can do a few things, all she needs is a fully loaded handgun.

    Schadrach ,

    Shooting political rivals probably isn't an official act, but presumably he could ask, she could shoot and he could pardon and I think it would be untouchable?

    Colonel_Panic_ ,
    @Colonel_Panic_@lemm.ee avatar

    Just like "nothing changed" when Roe was overturned? Got it.

    fine_sandy_bottom ,

    That's not what the dissenting judge said.

    ParetoOptimalDev ,

    We should definitely trust the 1 day old Lemmy account over the dissenting judges.

    Akuden ,

    The dissent said the president can now assassinate someone. The president enjoys no such authority, and therefore, the dissent must be discarded as not a serious opinion.

    fine_sandy_bottom ,

    You're delusional.

    Akuden ,

    Funny, that's what I think about all the people clutching their pearls crying democracy is dead because of this ruling.

    fine_sandy_bottom ,

    I think that's a classic symptom of delusion TBH... everyone else is nuts and you're the only person who sees things how they really are.

    Akuden ,

    Lemmy isn't representative of the US. If you consumed any media outside your bubble you'd see that.

    fine_sandy_bottom ,

    One of us sure is stuck in a bubble.

    Akuden ,

    Is that because I don't vote the way you want me to?

    fine_sandy_bottom ,

    No, it's because your various claims are delusional, borne of a lack of perspective and self awareness.

    ParetoOptimalDev ,

    Your claim is this ruling changed nothing?

    fukurthumz420 ,

    with ropes

    JeeBaiChow ,

    'Primaries and midterms don't matter'. Lol.

    Get out and vote, people.

    Imgonnatrythis ,

    People have been saying that for years. Why not make voting something we don't need to get out to do though? I think it's ridiculous and frankly anti-democratic to only count votes from people that travel to a polling station in the 21st century.

    Corkyskog ,

    A lot of states have mail in voting

    dirtbiker509 ,

    Voting gives us no control with the current party system. We need ranked choice voting, end campaigns and advertising. Only 1 website will have the candidates and their platforms, tax funded only, anyone who wants to run can run and ranked choice voting will make the actual most popular acceptable candidate win.

    JeeBaiChow ,

    Yes, but until we have rcv, we make do with the system we have, flaws and all. Unless you're suggesting we don't vote at all because we are unhappy with the system...?

    John_McMurray ,

    the democrats literally cancelled their effective primary and selected Biden. Remember Tulsi Gabbard? They won't let her run cause she'd fucking win, same as Sanders. It's a one party state, and it's not subtle

    Bernie_Sandals ,
    @Bernie_Sandals@lemmy.world avatar

    That's simply not true, Tulsi Gabbard had the opportunity to submit her name to the primary election after getting enough signatures just like Dean Phillips and Marriane Williamson did.

    She didn't even do that, the most basic step of trying to become president, I wouldn't blame the DNC for her not bothering with the basics.

    John_McMurray ,

    Fucking ostrich.

    Bernie_Sandals ,
    @Bernie_Sandals@lemmy.world avatar

    During a Fox & Friends interview on March 6, 2024, Gabbard was directly asked about serving as Trump's vice-president. She responded, "I would be honored to serve our country in that way and be in a position to help President Trump..." In March 2024, Gabbard was cited by Trump as one of his potential choices for his vice presidential running mate.

    Seems like you're the one who isn't paying attention

    Not only did she not even apply for the Democratic Nomination, she seems more inclined to being Trump's VP than a possible democratic nominee.

    John_McMurray ,

    You think this changes anything or invalidates what I said?

    BigMacHole ,

    Why does Biden not simply EAT the Justices as an Official Presidential Act?

    Adalast ,

    Because eating poisonous animals is dangerous and we all know that Thomas and Kavanaugh have the most toxic blood possible while being able to pass as human from a medical point of view.

    CaptKoala ,

    This one is from Omicron-Persei 8

    TokenBoomer ,

    Too late. The damage is done. It will take years to reverse this decision.

    Sam_Bass ,

    It has become a necessity at this point. That is, if anyone wants to maintain any semblance of sanity

    crusa187 ,

    This is the sane and rational thing to do. Look forward to seeing what comes of it, keep fighting AOC!

    DragonTypeWyvern ,

    Short of federal troops literally kicking down doors as oFFiCiAl aCtS it won't happen. The Republicans want their dictatorship and they're not going to vote against it.

    bradinutah ,

    AOC should team up with King Joe to make it happen.

    Empricorn ,

    Still. This wild "acting in the public's interests" thing will get more progressives in positions to make such a thing even possible.

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