Kit ,

Y'all are getting higher wages?

doingthestuff ,

Took a pay cut this year.

Maggoty ,

I'll save everyone a click. Pay is up 2.5%. Food is up 20%. Those are not typos. They're trying to spin this so hard they're making cotton candy out of it.

FenrirIII , avatar

I don't care. Please tell me corporate profits are up?! /s

Maggoty ,

Oh definitely.

b3an , avatar

But it clearly says everyone is so happy! Our problems are solved! Oh and wages are outpacing the price gouging!… who the fuck writes this shit

papertowels ,

Some much needed context - the numbers This comment refers to are calculated from since the pandemic - the headline of this article probably refers to the results this year, which are.... Less bad. Not quite good, but less bad.

Maggoty ,

Lol. It's not like like that inflation went away. It's baked in. Until wages outpace inflation long enough to eat that lead back up. A good way to visualize it is as a race. Inflation gained a huge lead and wages going faster for one lap isn't going to close that lead.

papertowels ,

Right, but the headline isn't as ridiculous as your original comment makes it out to be. Folks can easily interpret your comment as the article is trying to spin food prices being up 20%, and wages being up 2.5% as a good thing, when it's not saying that. Things are getting better, but there's a long way to go.

Maggoty ,

There's been a long way to go since the 1970's. And that's exactly what they're trying to spin. They want people to read the headline, feel okay, and then not understand the numbers.

Blackout ,
andthenthreemore , avatar

Reduced inflation ≠ deflation

EmpathicVagrant ,

Wages outpace nothing. I got a raise because state minimum wage came to $15, and rent went up 10%.

fidodo ,

Landlords absolutely collude over pricing and land is a limited resource so there's no competition allowing them to bleed people dry. We need to put up limits on rental profit and we need it like 5 decades ago.

DogPeePoo ,

Corporate profits are at all time highs. CPI doesn’t include food, gas or energy. Formulas have been modified.

Fuck Trump, but also— stop lying to the general public regarding inflation, shrinkflation, and greedflation.

This White House actually tried to gaslight the public about the term Recession by changing the definition.
So insulting and embarrassing.

Again— fuck Trump. He is undoubtedly one of the worst people on the planet.

physcx ,

They provide the data with and without food/energy. Looks like as of Dec 23, including food and energy reduces cpi when compared against excluding it because energy prices have dropped.

Maggoty ,

And for context wages have not caught up the baked in inflation. Only the velocity of it. So prices are rising slower than wages.

octopus_ink ,
RizzRustbolt ,

Ooo... Push and pull inflation at the same time. This'll be fun.

Reverendender , avatar

Ah, the America of alternate-earth 329

CharlesDarwin OP , avatar

I still wonder how many idiots will not only vote for donnie (or sit out) because of Gaza, or - just as stupidly - vote for donnie because "Bidenflation" and little d's supposedly "great policies" I keep hearing he supposedly had.

K1nsey6 , avatar

If genocide isn't your red line you are not a good person. Had this happened under Trump, liberals would be demanding action instead of demanding a vote for the condoner of those deaths.

quarksbarandgrill ,

i don’t know if you know this, but Biden isn’t president of israel or gaza

bhmnscmm , avatar

How many dollars of military sales to Israel has Biden approved?

You're delusional if you think the US doesn't have any influence on the behavior of Israel.

K1nsey6 , avatar

Bypassed Congress twice

Telorand ,

Do you suppose Israel would stop if we stopped giving them money?

bhmnscmm , avatar

Israel relies on American arms. That gives the US a lot of leverage to influence Israeli policy.

Telorand ,

Do you think Netanyahu would stop if their American arms supply dried up tomorrow?

bhmnscmm , avatar

You tell me.

How do you think Israel would respond if American arms were contingent on deescalation? Or at least a change in status quo.

Telorand ,

They would continue on this genocidal path with their own weapons they already have and ones they already produce locally. This is a holy war, with Netanyahu's goal being to cling to power. He's already stated that he doesn't intend to stop; peace isn't an option, and I'm inclined to believe him.

So, Biden simply doesn't have the power or leverage to stop him, even if we leveled sanctions at them (which would never happen, because they're still a geopolitical ally). I agree with the general premise that we shouldn't give them more weapons, but it's disingenuous and reductive to talk and act like Biden is somehow directly responsible for the war crimes.

bhmnscmm , avatar

You're over estimating the arms manufacturing capacity of Israel. Belgium has an arms industry too, but they're not capable of suppling themselves in a prolonged conflict. Israel is in the same boat.

Regardless, we can agree to disagree that using US arms as leverage would work. Maybe leveraging US arms would induce change, maybe not. But why not at least try?

We both agree that shoveling more arms into the status quo should stop. So why not at least try to induce some change? Even if it doesn't work, where's the harm?

The fact that Biden won't do that, or at least stop the sale of arms, is a major issue. Is he responsible for Israel? No. Is he complicit? Yes.

K1nsey6 , avatar

But Biden controls the purse strings of the money going to Israel and the weapons being given to them to commit genocide

prole , avatar

No he actually doesn't. That's not how your country works. Congress controls the purse strings.

K1nsey6 , avatar

The president controls the foreign military financing program

grilledcheesecowboy ,

There are degree's of response to genocide. If you think you Trump will have a harsher response towards Israel's genocide than Biden, then you should definitely vote for Trump or not vote for Biden.

But make no mistake: not voting for Biden isn't a condemnation of Biden's response to the genocide, it's an endorsement of how you think Trump will respond.

K1nsey6 , avatar

I dont give a fuck what Trump might do, he's not the one allowing it to happen right now.

grilledcheesecowboy ,

Are you gonna give a fuck what Trump might do in 12 months?

K1nsey6 , avatar

When it comes to that I will be just as critical of Trump as I am Biden. Neither party gives a fuck about their constituents.

prole , avatar

You're so full of shit. Concern troll

BigMacHole ,

Biden when people protest at his events: Maybe possibly sometime in the future I should look into this potentially maybe.
Trump when people protest at his events: sends in unmarked police officers with military equipment and federal backing to arrest anyone they want for no reason in the city the protesters might be from.

I like having a President that allows me my Constitutional Freedoms while protesting for change so I can continue bringing the topic up until something happens.

K1nsey6 , avatar

You must be talking about protesters protesting Genocide then getting arrested for exercising those constitutional rights?

Feathercrown ,

Trump would do the same. There is no choice in the presidential election you can make that will prevent genocide. Biden supports Israel. Trump supports Israel. Not voting means one will get in. Voting third party won't do anything until we can get RCV, approval, or STAR voting to happen.

prole , avatar

No, Trump will be far worse. If any of these people actually care about doing something that has any possibility whatsoever of preserving Palestinian lives, they would shut the fuck up and vote for Biden. Then they can spend four years grooming the next progressive candidates that they want to run and support them in the primary.

They want to sit out so they can tell everyone they're better than them because they didn't vote for the guy who's not stopping genocide, when the reality is that their inaction could very well lead to another Trump presidency. Then we go from not stopping genocide, to becoming an active participant.

That's why I think these people (well, the ones who are genuine, not all the astroturfers here that are concern trolling to get people to question their support for Biden) don't actually care about Palestinian lives and are doing this more out of a personal desire to avoid guilt.

Semi-Hemi-Demigod , avatar

The United States has been committing genocides since before there was a United States. If you want something different you're gonna have to move.

K1nsey6 , avatar

So just accept it because that's what theyve always done?

Semi-Hemi-Demigod , avatar

I'm just saying: If you think a dozen people shouting at a president at a speech is gonna stop 250 years of history you're ambitious.

K1nsey6 , avatar

One voice turns into a dozen voices which turns into two dozen voices which turns into thousands and millions of voices. This is what ended the Vietnam war

Semi-Hemi-Demigod , avatar

When Americans start fighting and dying in Gaza you may have a point

K1nsey6 , avatar

Our money and weapons made here, including illegal white phosphorus, is killing people. Biden needs to be pressured to stop.

Semi-Hemi-Demigod , avatar

Never in the forty plus years I have been alive, not all the history I have read, makes me believe most Americans care about that.

I’m on your side. The rest of the country isn’t.

CharlesDarwin OP , avatar

And the option this fall, as a voter, is....what? Let little d win?

prole , avatar

Yeah that's what these people want. They are concern trolling in order to get other people to second guess their support for Biden. They could not care less about Palestinian lives. If they did, they wouldn't be doing everything in their power to get Trump elected.

papertowels ,

So do you have any constructive paths forward?

prole , avatar

Exactly, you're right; this is exactly why we need to do everything we can to make sure Trump doesn't win. Really good point.

Right now, that means voting for Joe Biden.

K1nsey6 , avatar

You vote for genocide, I'll keep my conscience clear.

papertowels ,

Guess we know how you'd justify the trolley problem lmao

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