chemicalprophet ,

Fuck your laws and order. Freedom first!🏴🏴🏴

hedge OP ,

Can Biden win without the youth vote? Does he even want to win?

violetsareblue ,

no, he can’t. That’s why Fox freaked out and wanted to raise the voting age after last election.

But apparently, he doesn’t care.

t3rmit3 , (edited )

First, I must confess that over the past few years I have been gravely disappointed with... the white moderate, who is more devoted to “order” than to justice; who prefers a negative peace which is the absence of tension to a positive peace which is the presence of justice; who constantly says: “I agree with you in the goal you seek, but I cannot agree with your methods of direct action”; who paternalistically believes he can set the timetable for another man’s freedom...

  • Martin Luther King Jr.

“Dissent is essential for democracy,” Biden said at the White House. “But dissent must never lead to disorder.”

He largely sidestepped protesters’ demands, which have included ending U.S. support for Israeli military operations. Asked after his remarks whether the demonstrations would prompt him to consider changing course, Biden responded with a simple “no.”

I'm sure college-age voters are going to love that...

"Hey, do you care about what young voters want?" "No."

hedge OP ,


Bartsbigbugbag ,

I’ve been thinking of how we could revive the “Hey, Hey LBJ, how many kids did you kill today” chant but with Biden, and your comment reminded me to think more on it.

hedge OP ,

Hey, hey, genocide Joe

Bartsbigbugbag ,

That doesn’t rhyme with how many kids did you kill today though, loses some of its catchiness.

Hey hey genocide Joe, how many kids did you kill, do you know?

hedge OP ,

Hey, hey, genocide Joe, how many Palestinians left to go?

I'm not very good at this 🙁

Bartsbigbugbag ,

Better than mine haha

hedge OP ,

Maybe play around with this a bit?

cobra89 ,

"Hey! Bi-den Hey! How many kids have you killed today?!?"

drdiddlybadger , avatar

Dumbest political team. Why would they let him say this. He didn't even have to say shit. The fuck are they thinking.

juicy ,

Thinking? They're sleepwalking off a cliff.

natural_motions ,

Fascist fuck is then confused why he can't scrape together enough votes to beat a felon.

remington Mod , avatar

This is a 'soft warning' about name-calling. Generally speaking, name-calling isn't nice. Please, be(e) nice when using Beehaw. Thank you.

millie ,

Is 'fascist' name calling in this context, or 'felon'?

Do presidential candidates really need to be protected from such milquetoast criticism?

violetsareblue ,

There is some irony is the name-calling warning coming in as a reply to the “white moderate/wanting order” comment.

Penguincoder , avatar

Unsubstantiated name calling. There is no sufficient evidence to support the label you're attributing to the person. It is opinionated and name calling.

millie ,

Joe Biden is literally funding the murder of thousands of children, while Donald Trump is currently being tried for several felonies.

Also, while protecting these fascists and felons, you seem to mistaken me for OP.

remington Mod , avatar

Name-calling is a form of argument in which insulting or demeaning labels are directed at an individual or group.

That's what we, at Beehaw, don't want. It is not nice.

millie ,

They're not insulting or demeaning labels, they're facts. Donald Trump is a felon. Joe Biden is complicit in authoritarian war crimes and genocide, and is quashing public dissent with state force. You know, like a fascist.

What's disturbing, and definitely not nice, is having staff here defend these people from criticism. Slaughtering children isn't nice. Calling it out is.

These are public figures who directly engage in hurting others as a matter of course.

remington Mod , avatar

...staff here defend these people from criticism.

Show me where Beehaw staff have defended anyone from criticism.

The subject at hand is name-calling. It is not nice.

The subject that you keep reiterating is current events and politics.

Do you understand the difference?

t3rmit3 , (edited )

To clarify as another Beehaw user, are "fascist" and "felon" in fact being objected to here, or only the use of "fuck" as a noun/name?

I easily understand the latter as name-calling, as it's purely an invective, but the former 2 don't make sense to me as being violations of Bee Nice.

That seems to be veering into the realm of toxic positivity, if we can't call a person doing fascistic things a fascist, or a person doing felonious things a felon.

remington Mod , avatar

Name-calling is a form of argument in which insulting or demeaning labels are directed at an individual or group.

Labeling Joe Biden as a 'fascist' is name-calling. Whether or not he is, truly, a fascist is not what is being addressed here.

Beehaw is a space that strives to be(e) nice apart from the thousands of Internet spaces that could care less.

t3rmit3 , (edited )

I want to be clear that I am being completely sincere when I ask, does this mean that saying "Joe Biden is acting like a fascist autocrat", is ok, but applying it as a title, as in "Joe Biden the Fascist Autocrat" is not?

If so, I will hew to that distinction, but I want to be perfectly clear about the actual expectations; if the former is also an issue, I would like to know that now.

I understand that the Spirit of the Rules is meant to avoid generally drawing these kind of hard lines, because that allows bad-actors to attack community members and at-risk groups by toeing the line of rules, but Joe Biden is neither a community member nor part of an at-risk group, and being required to Bee Nice to Joe Biden as though he were (going off of a Spirit of the Rules interpretation), feels uncomfortably close to not being allowed to criticize the arguably single most powerful and advantaged person in the world (especially since he is currently being criticized for the harm he's doing to at-risk groups).

remington Mod , avatar

...does this mean that saying “Joe Biden is acting like a fascist autocrat”, is ok, but applying it as a title, as in “Joe Biden the Fascist Autocrat” is not?

In my opinion, yes. However, this is something that I would want to discuss with the other administrators/moderators in order to reach a conclusion.

SinAdjetivos ,

You could've made an argument that the "fuck" part of "fascist fuck" was name calling and uncalled for... But your doubling down on the "fascist" part isn't "be(e)-ing nice", it is using a bully pulpit to push your own views and opinions.

millie ,

I'm going to be frank. Your response to this thread is a huge red flag for me, and it makes me much less comfortable being here.

remington Mod , avatar

I'm sorry you feel that way. I did not intend for anyone to be uncomfortable.

WeLoveCastingSpellz ,

what about you do something useful instead of whatever this is

autotldr Bot ,

🤖 I'm a bot that provides automatic summaries for articles:

Click here to see the summary

WASHINGTON (AP) — President Joe Biden on Thursday defended the right to protest but insisted that “order must prevail” as college campuses across the country face unrest over the war in Gaza.

Tensions have been building for days as demonstrators refuse to remove campus encampments and administrators turn to police to clear them by force, leading to clashes that have seized attention from politicians and the media.

On Wednesday, press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said Biden is “monitoring the situation closely,” and she said some demonstrations had stepped over a line that separated free speech from unlawful behavior.

Despite the White House’s criticism and Biden’s refusal to heed protesters’ demands to cut off U.S. support for Israel, Republicans blame Democrats for the disorder and have used it as a backdrop for press conferences.

“We need the president of the United States to speak to the issue and say this is wrong,” House Speaker Mike Johnson, a Louisiana Republican, said on Tuesday.

Kate Berner, who served as deputy communications director for Biden’s campaign in 2020, said Republicans already tried the same tactic four years ago during protests over George Floyd’s murder by a police officer.

Saved 75% of original text.

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