Blackmist ,

And the third track has buffers at both ends, is covered in weeds and somebody has stolen some of the sleepers to make a nice planter for their garden.

SnerkRabbledauber ,

If that third track were an option the trolley problem would never have existed. If there really is a third track in the real-life situation, then the trolley problem is not a good analogy of that problem.

Sadly, in this election there is no third track and we are forced into choosing the lesser of two evils.

If you want a third track, push for ranked choice voting!

KillingTimeItself ,

the joke is that you are actively removing yourself from the situation by making a decision to do nothing. In essence, that track has no trolley on it, and no people on it, meaning nobody dies.... As long as you don't look over your shoulder.

SmilingSolaris ,

Standing at the lever, close your eyes real hard and wish there was a third choice as you hope someone else makes that choice for you

KillingTimeItself ,

plug your ears, close your eyes, and yell "I CANT HEAR YOU" repeatedly over and over again.


The real joke is how the "no choice" position is such extreme nonsense that even something as dumbed down as a meme can't make any part of it seem logical.

KillingTimeItself ,

it's not explicitly nonsense, one of the decisions that you can make in the trolley problem is doing nothing, this is the equivalent of doing nothing in a comedic fashion.

Semi_Hemi_Demigod , avatar

meaning nobody dies… As long as you don’t look over your shoulder.

archomrade ,

In the same way 'would you rather' is meant to force a decision between two unacceptable choices, the trolly problem is meant to highlight the morality of refusing to choose (and ensuring the worse decision).

The third rail is just redundant.

JacksonLamb , avatar

This is the problem with the trolley problem.

If it were replaced with, say, being told to shoot one group or another by a sadistic guard, the possibility of refusing to choose would be more obvious in terms of what it means morally.

The trolley is an inanimate object. It isn't making choices.

Political parties are more like the sadistic guard. They are making choices.

KillingTimeItself ,

In the same way ‘would you rather’ is meant to force a decision between two unacceptable choices, the trolly problem is meant to highlight the morality of refusing to choose (and ensuring the worse decision).

in a really reductive sense, yes. The trolley problem is at it's heart, a question of whether being involved in an atrocity is better than being uninvolved in an atrocity.

explodicle ,

Very well, I shall push for it by

  • voting the same way regardless if the candidate supports it, and

  • suddenly participating in direct action, because we weren't already doing that.


There literally is a third option that will be printed on most of not all ballots. Rank choice voting is huge but people should be willing to vote earnestly. Nobody wants to be the one to make the change and wants the world to change first but that's not how it works.

SnerkRabbledauber ,

No. In the current system you should not vote earnestly. In a fair system you should. Not in the one we have. The only moral choice is to select the lesser evil. Otherwise you might as well vote for the greater one.

orcrist ,

Only if your vote might change the results. Which isn't true for millions of Americans.

GaMEChld ,

In a FPTP voting system, you cannot vote earnestly. To do so all but guarantees the election of the opposition.


orcrist ,

And we have an electoral college, so actually you can still vote earnestly in most states without major concern.

KillingTimeItself ,

this one is actually really funny, i like this one.

Good shit.

go_go_gadget ,

I appreciate OPs honesty that Palestinians are dead either way.

ashok36 ,

Less palestinians will die under Biden. People who says "how could it be any worse?" have a severe lack of imagination and/or historical knowledge.

go_go_gadget ,

Less palestinians will die under Biden.

This claim is absolutely meaningless without evidence and some indication about how the situation resolves.

There's a very good chance the moment Biden knows he's won the election he'll call you Bibi and go "thanks for your patience. Go nuts."

starman2112 , avatar

I mean the right has already made it clear that they're 100% pro genocide, straight up recommending that every Palestinian is killed. The worst Biden could possibly do is be as bad as Trump.

go_go_gadget ,

Ok? I'm still not voting for a strike blocking genocide supporting candidate.

maniclucky ,

And that places you in the bottom left corner of the cartoon.

go_go_gadget ,

Ohhhh noooooooooooo

nexguy , avatar

You have no one to vote for. Every single candidate supports genocide. Biden, West, Stein, Sanders. Palestinian genocide or Ukrainian genocide. Pick your 'cider

go_go_gadget ,

Will do. But it won't be Trump or Biden which is all that matters to you.

forrgott ,

Well, frankly, your vote obviously doesn't matter to you. Refusing to accept the realities of our voting system as an excuse to throw your vote out the window isn't noble, it's ignorant. Whether you choose to accept it, your choice will do nothing other than help Trump.

But, yeah, go cry some more about how pointing out reality is "attacking you".

go_go_gadget ,

I wasn't crying about being attacked. I was pointing out it's a bit absurd to attack/judge/whatever you want to call this people like me in order to cater to people who would abandon Joe Biden in the general election if he stops supporting a genocide.

You're yelling at the wrong people.

Refusing to accept the realities of our voting system as an excuse to throw your vote out the window isn’t noble, it’s ignorant.

Okay. What are you going to do about it? You want my vote and you can't have it for free. Work for it.

whodoctor11 , avatar

Ukrainian genocide

Yes, the "Ukrainian genocide"... You know that genocide used to be a word with a meaning, right? That we shouldn't go around calling any conflict a genocide?

No matter what your opinion on the conflict, comparing it to the situation in Palestine is the same as denying it, there is no comparison. Russia is definitely not deliberately bombing civilian targets, we have only had the collateral damage that is expected from any war. And this collateral damage is infinitely smaller than any of the wars the United States has engaged in in the last 50 years. Do you call the wars in Iraq, Indochina, Libya and Korea genocides?

Leate_Wonceslace , avatar

I'm adding this garbage to the gross stinking pile of shite labeled "reasons to defederate from ML".

whodoctor11 , avatar

And you are all going late. The way you guys are absolutely incapable of arguing with anyone who doesn't parrot the status quo media's cant tells me you'd be much better off back on reddit, your natural habitat, so to speak.

Do you realize that I never once said that I advocated the invasion of Ukraine? That I simply stated that the situation has NOTHING to do with Palestine? Your mind has been so corroded by ideology that you cannot tolerate anyone even slightly disagreeing with your narrative.

ToyDork , avatar

How about "if Israel and Hamas succeed in killing the last child in Gaza, I will kill all of mankind"? Because I WILL FUCKING DO IT.

whodoctor11 , (edited ) avatar

My man I appreciate your anger towards oppressors, but first and foremost, Israel is the one killing Palestinian children, Hamas is one of the Palestinian organizations that resists the Israeli yoke. I know that the Earth is a sterile promontory, but the disorganized action of one individual, whether violent or not, is incapable of bringing about meaningful change. At best, it would bring you a false, self-indulgent, and brief sense of fulfillment, which would quickly be replaced by a much greater misery than you have ever felt for yourself and others around you. I think it would do you good to find someone in your offline life with whom you could talk about these anxieties. By doing so, you could begin to transform this destructive feeling into constructive action for a world different from this foul and pestilent congregation of vapors.

Leate_Wonceslace , (edited ) avatar

I simply stated that the situation has NOTHING to do with Palestine


comparing it to the situation in Palestine is the same as denying it, there is no comparison. Russia is definitely not deliberately bombing civilian targets

It's one thing to lie about events in the real world that a reader may plausibly be ignorant of. It's a entire other thing to lie about what you just said 2 paragraphs ago. I didn't try to argue with you because I read enough to know that doing so would be futile you tankie bootlicker.

This comment was made for the benefit of anyone unfortunate enough to read yours. Also, I block everyone who participates in Dunk Tank on principle. So this conversation won't be continuing.

whodoctor11 , (edited ) avatar

My man, how is saying

Russia is definitely not deliberately bombing civilian targets

the same to defend the invasion? HOW?! And again, you are the one who is cutting off any possibility of dialogue with those you disagree with. You are so sure that you are right that you do not let a shadow of doubt come near you.

png ,
nexguy , avatar

Not deliberately bombing civilians...ok you know they are. It's a tried and true russian "war" tactic. They are also stealing children and taking them to families in rural Russia in order to russify them. That is a war crime and a very definition of genocide. They've stated over and over that Ukraine is not a real country and the language is not real. Erasing a culture like that is also a definition of genocide. 30,000+ children murdered in locations no where near a contested front line. Defending that is disgusting.

whodoctor11 , avatar

Not deliberately bombing civilians…ok you know they are^[citation needed]. It’s a tried and true russian “war” tactic. They are also stealing children^[citation needed] and taking them to families in rural Russia in order to russify them^[citation needed]. That is a war crime and a very definition of genocide. They’ve stated over and over that Ukraine is not a real country^[citation needed, (saying that Ukraine only became an independent country when the USSR created the Ukrainian SSR is not saying that Ukraine is not real, it is stating a fact)] and the language is not real. Erasing a culture like that is also a definition of genocide. 30,000+ children murdered in locations no where near a contested front line^[citation needed]. Defending that is disgusting.

nexguy , avatar

You felt it was not important to provide citations for your Putin apologist rant so why should you expect any?

ashok36 ,

There's a very good chance...

This is how you know you have brain worms. Biden has to keep the Jewish liberal vote so he's supporting Israel. He also needs congress to fund ukraine which they won't do without also funding Israel.

If anything, Biden turns his back on bibi as soon as the election is over and throws him to the wolves. Netanyahu is doing everything he can to get trump elected.

go_go_gadget ,

Biden has to keep the Jewish liberal vote so he’s supporting Israel.

When you say this while telling me I have brain worms it's easy for me to come to the conclusion you think the desires of Jewish liberals are more important than mine.

And while that's certainly your prerogative I have zero motivation to cater to it.

nexguy , avatar

Trump stoked tensions needlessly by moving US embassy to Jerusalem

go_go_gadget ,

I guess people shouldn't have voted for a terrible candidate in the 2016 DNC primaries.

HiddenLychee ,

I think people shouldn't have voted for a terrible president in 2016 but what do I know

go_go_gadget ,

Sounds like the DNC primaries didn't produce a candidate that was sufficiently popular with all the major factions of the Democrat voter base. I wonder what the solution to that could be. Guess we'll never know since people like you refuse to have that conversation.

zalgotext ,

Technically the DNC candidate was more popular than the RNC one, but years of voter suppression perpetrated by the right wing over the past few decades prevented said candidate from attaining office

go_go_gadget ,

Not popular enough.

h3mlocke , avatar

Future aged like milk comment? 🤔

Sir_Simon_Spamalot ,

Okay, I'll bite.

Why can't Biden stop supporting Israel?

ashok36 ,

He needs liberal jews and lapsed Republicans that support israel in November.

The big funding packages that he signed were part and parcel with deals to fund ukraine.

archomrade ,
zalgotext ,

Holy shit this has me crying

go_go_gadget ,

He needs liberal jews and lapsed Republicans that support israel in November.

Yet here you are attacking us. We can only conclude you believe their opinions are more important than ours.

ashok36 ,

I'm not attacking you. I'm saying as bad as Biden is for Palestinians, Trump is will be 1000x worse. I can't believe that's so hard for people to understand.

go_go_gadget ,

I won't be voting for Biden or Trump. I anxiously await your non-judgemental response.

ashok36 ,

I think that's a foolish short sighted choice. I can be judgemental all day. Doesn't mean anyone is attacking you.

go_go_gadget ,

Ok go be judgemental to liberal Jews and lapsed Republicans.

cumskin_genocide ,

This is why the US should help move all Palestinians out of Israel. Relocate them to a place in the US. Give them a reservation land like the native Americans. They're never going to beat Israel and the best solution would be to move and start over.

nexguy , avatar

Why not move Israelis?

drunkpostdisaster ,

They already have a home.

rektdeckard , avatar

So do (did) Palestine

KillingTimeItself ,

wouldnt be a joke otherwise.

go_go_gadget ,

Lol neoliberals are stroking themselves about how clever this is and just out of view there was another choice back in 2020.

But they like to ignore the fact they voted for a geriatric, procorporate genocide supporting candidates in the 2020 primaries.

Asafum ,

There are next to no 70+ year olds on here to be stroking themselves over this. Most of us young people either didn't vote in the primaries or voted for Warren/Bernie. It's the old voters that choose our candidates because not enough young people can be bothered to vote in primaries... :(

go_go_gadget ,

Why do you acknowledge the Boomers as the problem but your comment still seems to lay responsibility at the feet of "young people"?

Get out there and make sure Democrat voting boomers know: this is their fault. Stop carrying water for them.

Asafum ,

Because the responsibility IS at the feet of us young people. If we could be bothered to actually vote in the primaries it wouldn't matter who the boomers chose.

Unfortunately no one is going to change their minds by me rubbing their nose in the shit they just made. They vote for him because they believe in whatever he stands for. They're too scared of spooky socialism to vote for anyone that isn't a centrist anyway.

go_go_gadget ,

Because the responsibility IS at the feet of us young people. If we could be bothered to actually vote in the primaries it wouldn’t matter who the boomers chose.

Holy victim blaming Batman.

Asafum ,

We are the victims of their inaction for sure, but that doesn't change the fact that boomers gonna boomer. We can counter that we just need to get people to see how important primaries are.

I just don't see how we could possibly convince neolib boomers to not be neolib boomers.

go_go_gadget ,

We are the victims of their inaction for sure

No we are the victims of Boomers actions. Holy shit you are trying so hard to give them a free pass.

starman2112 , avatar

I voted for a geriatric socialist who's against the genocide in the 2020 primaries actually

Omniraptor ,

he seems a lot more alert when he speaks than trump or biden.

go_go_gadget ,

Nobody is willing to admit they voted for Biden in the 2020 primaries so 🤷‍♂️

starman2112 , avatar

I wonder if that's because the people who voted for Biden aren't the people using Lemmy

go_go_gadget ,

Where are those people? I don't see them on Facebook, LinkedIn, Reddit or here. Millions of people voted for him in the 2020 primaries. Are they ashamed of their choice? They should be.

Pissnpink ,

I love how the right and their trolls have picked up on the fact that neoliberal has become a dirty word and is trying to weaponize it.

go_go_gadget ,

I'll ask the same question I always do when someone accuses me of being a troll: where do you think all those people who voted uncommitted in the 2024 primaries are? Do they have zero social media presence?

Stop voting for shit candidates in the primaries. This is non-negotiable.

FatCat , avatar

That ship has sailed now bud. Now its trump or biden and that is what the meme is referring to.

go_go_gadget ,

"It doesn't matter that we made terrible decisions that got us here you're now morally obligated to vote for our strike blocking genocide supporting candidate!"

No. I won't be voting for Biden, Trump or RFK.

FatCat , avatar

"We"? I'm not even from USA ... And I doubt many Lemmy commenters voted for biden in primaries.

Put your big boy pants on and stop whining when people point out that you are wrong morally on a given issue.

Sometimes life isn't fair 🥲😲

go_go_gadget ,

Lol you're like that neighborhood kid who comes into someone's house and starts acting like they're a part of the family.

WinterBear , avatar

What kind of argument is this? "People talking about the current election are ignoring an option that hasn't existed for 4 years" of course they're not?! It's not an option any more! The meme perfectly represents the idiocy of anyone trying to take any kind of moral high ground by not voting. America has made its bed, it sucks but no amount of idealism can change the practical options available to you.

go_go_gadget ,

I never claimed any kind of moral high ground. You're inferring that all on your own.

And I will be voting but I won't be voting for a strike blocking genocide supporting candidate.

WinterBear , avatar

It's funny you pull the whole "ackshually I never said that" but I never accused you of taking the moral high ground. I just said the meme perfectly captures the idiocy of people taking the moral high ground. You lumped yourself in that category.

go_go_gadget ,

Ok bud.

randon31415 ,

they voted for a geriatric...

Joe Biden has won ONE state in all 2020 primary and general elections where there was a major party candidate that was running below the age of retirement: South Carolina, and that was because everyone skipped it in preparation for super tuesday.

The other 99 contests either Biden lost or everyone still running was over 65.

go_go_gadget ,


IzzyScissor ,

He needs a little lever that's not attached to anything too.

qwet ,

That bottom track should a circle or cliff to demonstrate it goes nowhere.

orcrist ,

Meaning what? In the long run, we all get off the ride.

neeeeDanke ,

Why? It would be the best option. If it was an option...

theywilleatthestars ,
Godric OP ,
Fidel_Cashflow , avatar
specters ,

stop the trolley, dumb fucks 😂

Moneo ,

The point of the trolley problem is you can't stop it.

uis , avatar

Derailing is an option.

Entire trolley problem was created to show flaws of trolley problem.

themeatbridge ,


The trolley problem is a basic philosophical thought experiment on the nature of morality. Are we responsible for circumstances beyond our control, and do we take ownership of the consequences if we intercede? Is inaction a decision itself? Does the moral relativism of reducing harm absolve us of the results borne of our choices?

Derailing is a theoretical option, but raises additional concerns. You put the passengers at risk to hopefully save people on the tracks, and you destroy the trolley which is ostensibly going somewhere for a reason. What if there is a pregnant woman in labor on the trolley, and she's on her way to the hospital? What if the detailed trolley still crushes the people on the track? Was your decision to intervene a moral one?

uis , avatar

The trolley problem is a basic philosophical thought experiment on the nature of morality. Are we responsible for circumstances beyond our control, and do we take ownership of the consequences if we intercede?

Well, yes, that too. But also there is part of paper, where different additional information is provided. So paper that introduced it also in a way ridicules trolley problem. You never has complete information, and no solution is perfect in any morality.

you destroy the trolley which is ostensibly going somewhere for a reason.

I've never heard about trolley's body destruction during derailment. And Uraltransmash trolley derail a lot.

What if the detailed trolley still crushes the people on the track? Was your decision to intervene a moral one?

Back to incomplete information. Or what if trolley doesn't have enough velocity to kill anyone?

specters ,

"The whole point of my meme is that you have to support genocide"

neeeeDanke ,

If you were sitting at the controls that would be an option, but allas we are all just part of those doing a tug of (less or more) war for the switch

uis , avatar

There are other options with switch.

specters ,

Blow up the trolley 👍

Brunbrun6766 , avatar

You advocate for blowing up the trolley. Okay, what have YOU done to further this idea?

oo1 ,

I think the demonic elephant already tied them to the middle track.

mlg , avatar

Pakistan got the CIA coup treatment under BIden's term, so this meme is already wrong.

kaffiene ,

What coup?

mlg , avatar
kaffiene ,

Needs an account.

mlg , avatar

Yeah mb, didn't use to ask for one.

Here's the archive:

Important because it was the original source of the transcript publication.

Other two are free access and just general overview info.

kaffiene ,

Thank you so much for the link, I really appreciate it. I guess what counts as a coup had changed over the years. Biden is obviously plotting a coup in Israel, I guess, since he's suggested that bibi would be better gone

mlg , avatar

Tell me again when Bibi is arrested and thrown in jail and banned from the Israeli media.

wreel , avatar

The Intercept is the only publication pushing that story. Al Jazeera only references "purported" information from that very TI article so, by and large, it's unsubstantiated. Also, when that was happening Kahn was already serving a three year corruption sentence. I don't see how any of this actually substantiates your original claim.

257m ,

so how much do you glow at night?

mlg , avatar

The cipher was just the confirmation of what Imran Khan and his party had already alleged leading up to his removal and subsequent arrest. It was already well established that the USA was invovled via the army, which is why he was charged with several phony cases like illegal marriage and state gift sales.

If you want I can share the timeline of events, but it'll take me some time because said army nuked Pakistani media reporting so I would have to rely on 3rd party archives and crossposts of independent journalists who also got content deleted and arrested.

And I do mean nuked, they straight up banned the use of his name in any new article or broadcast, along with banning twitter and flicking the internet connection every other week to reduce info from social media.

The Wikipedia article has some decent sources, but Geo and Dawn are already considered political propaganda.

HiddenLychee ,

Fuck me this comment section is toxic

Cognitive_Dissident ,

Oh fuck this shit, rage-baiting motherfucker.

TheFriar ,

At least you haven’t been fooled into getting angry

Cognitive_Dissident ,

Fuck off

uis , avatar

What is equivalent of derailing here?

oo1 ,

You're a "domestic terrorist" and most likely already tied down to the middle track. You might also get tied down to the top rail - it depends slightly what you yell when attack.

But if that elepant and donkey are capable of tying down all those other people, they're not going to let you derail them.

mycodesucks , avatar
darth_tiktaalik , avatar

I'm assuming the third track being entirely disconnected and therefore not a real option is intentional.

Either way, accurate

Naxxxsfw ,

It’s the track for trains with no windows so the riders aren’t inconvenienced by the impact of their betrayal of duty as citizens. This way they can remain on their high horses and pretend both sides are the same and all that without any of that pesky and deserved shame

Mango ,

Build some rail ya lazy bums!

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