Out of the loop

sodalite , in Why do people chain post on microblogging platforms rather than link to a blog post?

I'm with ya, I prefer to just read a macroblog post, too. More accessible and easier for sharing.

i_dont_want_to , in Why do people chain post on microblogging platforms rather than link to a blog post?

For me personally, there are many times I don't want to leave my app or site to visit something else. I want it right there.

It wouldn't be so bad if so many articles and blogs didn't have paywalls, pop ups that ask me for my information when I am reading mid-sentence, or will straight up block me because I have an ad blocker. If I don't have the energy to deal with those roadblocks, I just won't click the link. I'll just move on to the next thing.

ALostInquirer OP , (edited )

Makes sense, albeit the second part about the bad site experiences is sort of the flipside of what inspired this question.

If the initial content experience is awkwardly formatted, but there's a better formatted version one could go to, would one still want to experience it in the same place forcing awkward formatting? That's not poking at you specifically btw, moreso wondering aloud.

i_dont_want_to ,

If the experience of visiting other sites wasn't so bad, I would happily visit more links. I really like reading articles and long form content. If the contest was purely long form vs short form (or very fragmented long form), long form wins.

I might be the wrong audience though because Twitter and Mastodon never really appealed to me all that much.

otter , in Why do people chain post on microblogging platforms rather than link to a blog post?
@otter@lemmy.ca avatar

People are less likely to click through to another page compared to opening up a post.

Maybe it has to do with loading time? Same with Lemmy where I'm more likely to open a post and read the comments than I am to open the link and read the post

agent_flounder , in Jean Memes
@agent_flounder@lemmy.world avatar

I was under the impression this related to Best Jeanist^1 in MHA. At least that is the context in which my kid and I joke about it. Not sure exactly what memez jemes you're looking at. I'll ask my kid. She's the jexpert on this stuff.

1 jreatest superhero in the jistory of the jeaniverse


LemmyIsFantastic , in Jean Memes

This shit just sometimes happen. Someone posts a meme, sometimes relevant to current events sometimes not, and it picks up traction and becomes a meta meme.

Betch , in Jean Memes
@Betch@lemmy.world avatar

You mean the jemes?

TexMexBazooka ,


eksb , in What's up with all the layoffs in the technology sector, especially in the gaming industry?
@eksb@programming.dev avatar

Salaries for tech workers went up due to supply and demand, and it started cutting into billionaire's yacht money. So they fired a bunch of people (and used that money to increase executive compensation), which pushes salaries down, so in a year when they need to hire more people, they can hire at a lower rate, and then give themselves bonuses for being so smart.


djsoren19 , in What's up with all the layoffs in the technology sector, especially in the gaming industry?

The answer is a lot of companies made dumb decisions during COVID-19. A lot of tech CEO's saw a massive increase of profits during the COVID lockdown, and they decided there was no possible way for the gravy train to ever slow. The tech sector expanded way beyond its means, and now that COVID restrictions have inevitably ended and most everyone has returned to normal, their profit margins have shrunk back to normal. Since tech CEOs all have a brain parasite that compels them to increase growth always and forever, they have to now cut all those employees they hired during the pandemic to make the line go up.

You'll notice that none of the tech CEOs are going to face any consequences for their pants-on-head stupid belief that they'd continue seeing the same revenue as when people were trapped in their homes, and the only ones who are going to suffer are all the employees who have now wasted ~3 years at these companies.

BottleOfAlkahest ,

I'm not sure the CEOs actually thought growth would continue like that forever. They just knew they could get rid of all the extra people they hired when it slowed. The layoffs were always part of the plan, they just didn't say that quiet part out loud back in 2020.

folkrav ,

There is zero way these people didn’t know this would eventually happen. Anyone who was looking at this going on with a critical eye would have seen it coming from a mile away. Tons of more senior tech workers knew it would happen eventually. The market is especially rough for juniors right now.

shalafi ,

You were all over it until you went cApiTisM BAD!

Yes, the tech sector went nuts and overstaffed. For reasons (see below). But now some people have to go.

Ever had a job at a big company where you're doing very little, not accomplishing much? It's miserable and scary.

We're social animals. We do well in small groups, contributing. When you look around your team and no one's doing shit, you get no sense of accomplishment and start asking each other, "Fuck are we doing here and when does the ax drop?" Morale tanks hard.

As to the suits being stupid, were you the CEO of Zoom, what would you have done at the beginning of the pandemic? Just said, "Fuck it. We're riding this unprecedented event out! No idea the fucks going to happen, but we'll tough it out with the staff we got!"

Then you would be bitching about overworked employees, miserable and unable to accomplish anything for the fire hose of work hitting them. Then you would bitch about how Zoom used to be great and really tanked during the pandemic.

I'm sure lemmy will come along and tell me how much more wisely they would have handled a century-event hitting a brand-new sector of the economy.

(And BTW, many of the people let go are walking off with a FAT new entry on their resumes. Tech jobs aren't hard to find, even in slim times. Been there, done that.)

slazer2au , in What's up with all the layoffs in the technology sector, especially in the gaming industry?

Couple causes, and not just gaming. It is happening in most tech orgs.

During the pandemic most tech companies did large hiring sprees to bolster their IT staff to assist the remote workers and increased customer base as more were spending money on digital goods.

Now that the world is returning to normal, the amount that people are spending on digital goods has gone down so they are laying off people.

TubularTittyFrog ,

and on the flip side... restaurants, travel, and hospitality is desperate for workers due to the huge uptick in demand.

KeenSnappersDontCome , in What's up with all the layoffs in the technology sector, especially in the gaming industry?

Its mostly just increased reporting. Tech companies overhired when when they were doing well during lockdowns and are laying people off now that the increased revenue didn't hold indefinitely.

https://layoffs.fyi/ has been tracking layoffs in the tech sector since covid and the charts show how much more layoffs there were in 2023 (particularly January and February). It seems like the biggest change is that now every time there is a layoff it gets more news coverage.

TubularTittyFrog ,

Media wants us to believe we are in a recession so people stop spending and actually cause it, thus the Fed has to lower interest rates and the wealthy can go back to getting lots and lots of free money for virtually nothing.

It's absurd to see a huge company dropping a few hundred jobs as a national headline... but that's how hard the media is determined to pushing the recession narrative/bad economy narrative.

otter , in Why are people posting sinks on the syncforlemmy community ?
@otter@lemmy.ca avatar

I'd assume it's a running joke

SyncForLemmy --> Sink for Lemmy

Ah just checked, maybe it's because the mods haven't checked in with the community in a while and it's a joke about being abandoned. From what I remember, even on Reddit the dev would disappear for some time and then come back with a big update?

If they ARE gone, there are a lot of Lemmy apps available that are receiving regular updates. Boost, Connect, and Eternity might be a similar feeling to Sync

kandoh , in Edward Snowden: Why did he have to leave USA & go into hiding? Where is he anyway? Who is taking care of him? How does he earn money to survive? What is he doing?

Edward Snowden (or Eddy Snow) had to leave the USA and go into hiding after leaking classified information about global surveillance programs run by the NSA and other intelligence agencies[1][2]. He initially flew to Hong Kong and later traveled to Moscow, where he sought asylum in various countries but was eventually granted temporary asylum in Russia[3][4]. Snowden is currently living in Russia, where he supports himself through speaking fees, earning income from public speaking engagements about cybersecurity and surveillance[3][4]. He has stated that he does not receive any financial support from the Russian government and lives independently[3][4]. Snowden's actions as a whistleblower led to changes in laws governing intelligence agencies and technology companies regarding privacy and security standards[3].

[1] Edward Snowden - Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edward_Snowden
[2] Edward Snowden: the whistleblower behind the NSA surveillance revelations https://www.theguardian.com/world/2013/jun/09/edward-snowden-nsa-whistleblower-surveillance
[3] Edward Snowden Speaks Out: 'I Haven't And I Won't' Cooperate With Russia https://www.npr.org/2019/09/19/761918152/exiled-nsa-contractor-edward-snowden-i-haven-t-and-i-won-t-cooperate-with-russia
[4] Edward Snowden asylum in Russia - Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edward_Snowden_asylum_in_Russia
[5] Edward Snowden Revealed As Key Participant In Mysterious Ceremony ... https://www.forbes.com/sites/michaeldelcastillo/2022/04/27/edward-snowden-revealed-as-key-participant-in-mysterious-ceremony-creating-2-billion-anonymous-cryptocurrency/?sh=6f6648723b24

sin_free_for_00_days , in Edward Snowden: Why did he have to leave USA & go into hiding? Where is he anyway? Who is taking care of him? How does he earn money to survive? What is he doing?

He leaked a ton of gov't documents. Some on domestic spying things that had been known about for some time. This was a good thing. He also leaked a bunch of stuff about U.S. international spying. That was not good. He might have gotten away with leaking domestic stuff. Or lightly gotten away, who knows. But he was without a doubt going to jail for leaking international intel. And rightfully so. As said, he ran away to Russia instead of face the music. If you can't do the time, don't do the crime.

gardylou ,
@gardylou@lemmy.world avatar

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  • sin_free_for_00_days ,

    Yep. Every time I bring up the objectively bad parts of the leaks, people just flip out.

    idiomaddict ,

    What parts are objectively bad? see a lot that’s subjectively bad for the US, but plenty of other people are glad to know that they had been spied on and plenty of other countries are happy to have the US lose some significant pr points.

    prettybunnys ,

    It wasn’t just US assets that were uncovered in the leak.

    The Chinese were able to decrypt much of it causing nations other than the USA to need to evacuate personnel for safety reasons.

    Your feelings are one thing, seeing the USA with egg on its face always gets folks happy, rah rah USA bad we get it. That doesn’t change what happened.

    Snowden isn’t the villain he is made out to be by the USA but goddamn did he do a stupid thing in a dumb way and isn’t the hero folks who like to see the USA fail make him out to be.

    Chances are people in your country who work to keep you safe had their lives put at risk because of how he leaked what he leaked. Good still came out of it. It can be both.

    DigitalTraveler42 , in Edward Snowden: Why did he have to leave USA & go into hiding? Where is he anyway? Who is taking care of him? How does he earn money to survive? What is he doing?

    He's in Russia now being used as a propaganda mouthpiece against the West, that's how he survives, by doing whatever Russian intel tells him to do.

    This isn't totally a knock against him, he was caught between a rock and a hard place, and chose the "be used by dictators" route, rather than the "definitely go to prison for a while" route.

    We just need better whistleblower protections and oversight here in the states, but if anything the spying on us has gotten worse since Snowden, while also still allowing for Internet Nazis to spread like a cancer with almost no pushback.

    Yawweee877h444 ,

    Your 1st paragraph, do you have actual proof of that? Serious question.

    I think it makes sense given the situation, and would be completely unsurprising since it's Russia and they torture people. And his wife and child (multiple kids now?) are there with him. In his case I'd just do exactly as told out of fear.

    But just curious if there's any tangible evidence of this or anything he's doing over there.

    DigitalTraveler42 ,

    This blog post is kind of biased but it has good links to some of the articles about the times that Snowden has "toed the party line" for Putin's regime. So mamy articles coming up in those useless garbage we now call search engines just pull up where Snowden has sworn an oath to Russia and has been given citizenship so therefore he's eligible to go fight Ukraine now, rather than things more related to my search.

    bamboo ,

    I'd say this is more than kinda biased, and is heavily biased. They link to a 2015 article that says only 2% of documents have been publicly disclosed through journalists, and then make the claim that Russia and China have the other 98% with no source at all for the claim.

    I might be misremembering the timeline in Citizen Four, but I remember that he had given the journalists all the documents and made a point that he didn't have access to anything before leaving for Latin America.

    It's unfortunate that Snowden's passport was revoked while he was in the Moscow Airport, and that he's stuck there now. For a guy who didn't want to go to jail or be executed for speaking out against the government, I don't blame him for not speaking up against Putin.

    prettybunnys ,

    Remember friends: the enemies of your enemy may feign to be your friend, but their only intent is to hurt their enemy not be your friend

    ^ this is why Snowden is where he is, he picked poorly HOWEVER he likely had little choice.

    PP_BOY_ , in Edward Snowden: Why did he have to leave USA & go into hiding? Where is he anyway? Who is taking care of him? How does he earn money to survive? What is he doing?
    @PP_BOY_@lemmy.world avatar

    This doesn't really seem like OOTL and more like "I need someone to Google this for me." I usually hate snarky answers like the one I'm writing right now, but come on.

    jasep ,
    dbilitated ,
    @dbilitated@aussie.zone avatar

    Snowden later made contact with Glenn Greenwald, a journalist working at The Guardian.[111] He contacted Greenwald anonymously as "Cincinnatus"[112][113] and said he had sensitive documents that he would like to share.[114] Greenwald found the measures that the source asked him to take to secure their communications, such as encrypting email, too annoying to employ. Snowden then contacted

    what the fuck, Glenn.

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