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masquenox ,

Plenty of people thought that Don Draper and Walter White were heroes.

In our defense, I'd like to say that we have been living in a society that has been teaching us from birth to worship - no, fetishize is a more accurate term - the Don Drapers and Walter Whites of this world for hundreds of years now.

It's not an excuse... more just a mitigating factor that should be taken into account.

masquenox ,

In the same way that the 13th amendment does the exact opposite of abolishing slavery, I suppose.

There is no contradiction here for people who believe themselves entitled to protection from the law as opposed to being repressed by it... it is the unspoken contract that white supremacism implies.

YSK: Using dairy milk after being tear gassed or pepper sprayed doesn't provide more relief and has slightly increased infection risk. Use water or saline instead

Generally medical professionals do not vouch for using milk for tear gas despite it often being touted. The research seems to suggest they are largely the same in providing relief...

masquenox , (edited )

The capsacin is dissolved in an oil,

That only counts for OC gas (pepper spray) - most anti-dissent chemical weaponry doesn't contain capsaicin. Milk won't do shit for CS gas, for instance. For CS gas, water is the only thing that works.

Considering how many different types of this shit there actually is and the fact that they can mix them up pretty easily regardless of what the law actually says makes a one-size-fits-all solution pretty difficult.

edit: did I just say a one-size-fits-all solution to this is difficult? Silly me.

masquenox ,

His left wing credentials are a bit lacking.

No one in the US political establishment has any "left wing credentials" or ever has. FDR (and every other so-called "social democrat" then and now) are merely advocating for measures to make the status quo more stable and resilient - not for dismantling it (which is what an actual leftist wants).

masquenox ,

Making a small minority of people happier at the expense of everyone else is bad, actually!

FTFY - note I also removed your /s, as this is your actual belief.

masquenox ,

How would making the few happier at the expense of the majority be increasing stability and reinforcing the status quo?

Very simple... it's literally recent history. FDR's New Deal (for instance) enriched the white working class and thereby separating it from the non-white working class, making any kind of class consciousness in the US very unlikely and preventing a repeat of the labor movements that rocked the imperialist nations in the aftermath of WW1 and the subsequent Influenza pandemic. The Apartheid-regime in South Africa essentially did the same thing without bothering with all the liberal propaganda.

It worked. In both states, it created a white "middle class" that was loyal to the status quo - you can witness that loyalty in it's full glory right here on Neoliberals (as personified by Reagan and Thatcher) easily manipulated this loyalty to usher in the dismantling of New Deal-style Keynesian economics, leading to the deprivations you see in the US right now.

masquenox ,

I highly recommend the book The Unwomanly Face of War by Svetlana Alexievich for anyone interested in the history of female participation in the (so-called) "Great Patriotic War."

It's pretty riveting stuff.

masquenox ,

Both the Nazis in Germany and the Nats in South Africa was inspired by the US's white supremacism-drenched society.

However, it is simply not fair to blame the US for all this. White supremacism seems to be the defining feature of (so-called) "Western" civilization - one could argue that the very concept of a "West" would collapse without it.

masquenox ,

Oh there’s not point on following this around.

Appealing to ahistoricity - I thought you liberals were above that?

The entire thing was a complete shitshow coming from all sides

You are free to show me any proof that there are competing racialized "supremacies" being violently enforced on the world any time you feel like.

There’s no point on trying to poin-point it at the “West” either,

Really? Are we to assume that "race science" just appeared all over the world as if by magic?

masquenox ,

Because that’s a very famous one.

Then this should be easy for you - prove the existence of this "yellow supremacy" that (somehow) grew up independently from the west's (yes - as in the West's) "race science."

IMO it’s a nasty time-sink that won’t add anything of value to one’s life.

Soooo, again... I thought you libs were above ahistoricity?

masquenox ,

I was planning on saying, "whatever" to this... but seeing the creepazoids pasted onto this community's banner makes me feel like I should rather be apologizing to those who came after.

masquenox ,

Pretending that hatred of pig is somehow a bad thing is peak liberalism.

masquenox ,

They are all parties of "Law & Order..." whether they admit to it or not.

Men are from Mars...

Disclaimer: This meme may include negative depictions and/or mistreatment of people or cultures. These stereotypes were wrong then, and are wrong now. Rather than remove this content, I want to acknowledge its harmful impact, learn from it, and spark a conversation to create a more inclusive future together.

masquenox ,

Israel is a genocidal white supremacist settler-colonialist project regardless of what government it has. That is what it has been since the day it was created, that is what it will be until the day it is dismantled.

This will not change no matter where it's government sits on your silly little political axis infographic.

masquenox ,

so clearly no.

Which part of...

Israel is a genocidal white supremacist settler-colonialist project regardless of what government it has.

...didn't you comprehend the first time around?

masquenox ,

You dehumanize people for existing in a social construct they have not created

And again - which part of…

Israel is a genocidal white supremacist settler-colonialist project regardless of what government it has.

...are you still having a hard time comprehending?

It does not matter what this or that individual Israeli citizen's personal feels are on the matter - it does not change the fact that Israel is a genocidal white supremacist settler-colonialist project regardless of what government it has.

There's nothing complicated about this.

masquenox ,

makes is OK to talk of dismantling Israel.

It is perfectly okay - and necessary - to talk about dismantling Israel. It is even more okay to actually do it.

You cannot just dispossess a whole people of their land.

You mean... like was done by Israel since 1948? I'm going to guess you also think the Soviet Union tossing Nazi Germany out of western Russia was some "great injustice?"

It's amazing how easily you liberals turn pro-colonialist at the drop of a hat. It's almost like you're no less right-wing than your (so-called) "conservative" cousins - you just need a different flavor of propaganda before you start shilling for the status quo.

masquenox ,


But who built the systems that allowed a fraud like Trump to pull off this con?

masquenox ,

Political parties don't build systems - the interests that they represent do.

masquenox ,

If you truly wish to treat Trump, the system that created him and the system that protects him like some aberration of your (supposedly) "perfect" and "infallible" liberal pseudo-democratic system little ole' me certainly won't be stopping you - but only one of us will be surprised at what is coming.

masquenox ,

Said no one ever.

Oh, you don't have to - it is perfectly obvious that you and the rest of the liberal hive mind that is rapidly gentrifying Lemmy believe liberalism is (supposedly) "perfect." That is the very reason you see people like Trump and the systemic violence he represents as an aberration and not a predictable product of this very system.

There's a saying amongst leftists (actual leftists - not the co-opting shitlibs self-applying that label on here), "scratch a fascist and a liberal bleeds." Or, as Malcolm X put it...

“The white conservatives aren't friends of the Negro either, but they at least don't try to hide it. They are like wolves; they show their teeth in a snarl that keeps the Negro always aware of where he stands with them. But the white liberals are foxes, who also show their teeth to the Negro but pretend that they are smiling. The white liberals are more dangerous than the conservatives; they lure the Negro, and as the Negro runs from the growling wolf, he flees into the open jaws of the "smiling" fox.”

MLK noted it, too, in his "Letters From A Birmingham Jail" - there's nothing new about having a proper understanding of what liberalism really is.

It's just new to you.

masquenox ,

This is just stupid.

I wouldn't worry about it if I were you... after all, if I am wrong (and, of course, I must be) all you have to do is "vote harder" and all those "aberrations" will magically disappear as soon as you vote another smiley face "good cop" into the Waffle House.

Is that not so?

masquenox ,

No, we should all take your lead and encourage everyone to not vote or vote third party

Oh, not at all... you're going to vote Dem (or whatever pack of interests is masquerading as a third party in the US - as if that is really going to change anything) because no person in the US with a shred of integrity is allowed any other choice. The gaslighting demands it. You can, of course, choose not to play - but that is only slightly more meaningless.

Take a look over there, on the sidebar - it says "US Authoritarianism," not "US Authoritarianism With An Easy Escape Button."

Do you think all the homeless people in the US was made homeless because they didn't vote? Or all the incarcerated people are in jails because they didn't vote? It's almost as if your vote is the last thing they rely upon to keep you in line and keep everything running the way they want, isn't it?

It's a lot more than just the particular political racketeer gaslighting you from the screen of your television in an election year.

masquenox ,

You’re literally advocating for people to think their actions

Holy crap... do you liberals do anything other than shoot the messenger when you're confronted with that which you should have already figured out for yourself because it's literally been in front of your very nose all this time?

No, genius - I'm not the one telling you that your "actions don't matter" - your political establishment is.

Did you miss this part?

Do you think all the homeless people in the US was made homeless because they didn’t vote? Or all the incarcerated people are in jails because they didn’t vote? It’s almost as if your vote is the last thing they rely upon to keep you in line and keep everything running the way they want, isn’t it?

It's very easy to tell when your actions actually do start mattering... wanna take a guess how, liberal?

masquenox ,

no one cares about that but you.

Well, then, again... you have nothing to worry about - all you have to do is “vote harder” and all those “aberrations” will magically disappear as soon as you vote another smiley face “good cop” into the Waffle House.

You have a very strange way of demonstrating certainty in your beliefs.

masquenox ,

I have made has just criticized your views?

That's quite the logical leap - I hope you packed a parachute.

You know the government would

Lol! You're really new to this, aren't you?

I’ve literally said nothing about

You think it's difficult to clock your politics from a mile away? Here... with you standing right underneath the liberal hive mind?

I have made has just criticized your views?

Is that what you've been attempting to do? You haven't even managed to counter one thing I've said... do you know what the term "criticize" means?

masquenox ,

Lol! Easy to fix, liberal.

and the veiled suggestion of a violent overthrow.

So again... that’s quite the logical leap - I hope you packed a parachute.

You were about to offer something that can be called criticisim with a straight face, yes?

masquenox ,

I wasn’t.

Oh... what a surprise.

I guess Putin doesn’t pay for that thoug

Blaming Putin for the abysmal failures of liberalism is so 2016... I guess you didn't get the memo?

masquenox ,

The people that are desperately clinging onto the hope that this is any kind of victory needs a reality check.

In the extremely unlikely scenario that he actually gets jail time they'll be high-fiving him all the way in - and you better know that any parole hearing he's going to get (which will probably be sooner rather than later) will be staffed by people who think exactly the same way he does.

Hierarchy is the bedrock of reactionary politics - and it doesn't get any more hierarchical than the (so-called) "justice system."

masquenox ,

Activists don’t need the personal information of people they disagree with.

Speak for yourself. If you believe that intelligence work is beneath you, the other side has already won.

masquenox ,

That is not what they’re saying.

This is what they said:

Activists don’t need the personal information of people they disagree with. Terrorists do,

This is not a case of somebody saying something smart but just wording it terribly. It's no different than idots who spout "only cowards wear masks!" It's something only somebody that has no familiarity with actual activism - ie, no familiarity with the actual stakes and risks involved in real activism work - would say.

masquenox ,

What you are alluding to is no longer activism

The libs on here are really good at demonstrating that they know absolutely nothing about activism in any shape, way or form whatsoever - but are still willing to feign expertise on the matter.

I guess heckling antifa from the sidelines back in 2016 gave you lots of practice in that, eh?

masquenox ,

hating on jews doesn’t seem unreasonable now.

Conflating Israel with Jewish people isn't "white supremacy with extra steps" - it's just plain ole' white supremacism.

masquenox ,

Oh, I wouldn't blame it all on Trump and Netanyahu - we are only now starting to learn how thoroughly undeserved your (supposedly) "good" rep were long before those two showed up.

masquenox ,

A bad union is still worse than no union - though I wouldn't want to be quoted on that.

masquenox ,

stuff is just worse blatantly reverse engineered copies

The reason they only had reverse-engineered copies is because the bigwigs at the CPSU decided that the workers didn't need personal computers, despite the fact that all the computer research facilities in the USSR (of which there were plenty) recommended that they do.

If the USSR had thrown it's weight behind personal computing we could have had some interesting shit.

masquenox ,

Sure, when you can force the workforce to do a thing,

Yeah... turns out that homelessness is a great motivator.

But they’ll probably do it slower than if they chose to do it.

Soooo... just like wage slaves, eh?

food production, basic manufacturing

After 1947 there was no great problems with food production in the USSR. Still... you're not really wrong. The capitalist mode of production does offer a feedback system for consumer goods - even though it's a pretty terrible one that only works as long as the capitalists have to compete for a well-paid populace's buying power.

masquenox ,

It's not just that... thanks to the USSR we have technologies that wouldn't have even existed if it was left up to the capitalists. Such as synthetic diamonds and... you know - anything and everything to do with space.

masquenox ,

As far as I'm aware, the USSR started importing grain in the 60s - primarily to feed livestock as meat became a regular thing for Soviet citizens.

masquenox ,

Direct democracy would literally be a popularity contest.

Democracy is not a popularity contest - if that's what you've got, the people organizing the popularity contest have already neutralized democracy a long time ago.

The concept of democracy is compatible with any consensus-based decision-making process that happens from below - once it's dictated from above... well, you get the picture.

masquenox ,

I don't disagree with anything you've typed here.

But if you call any of what you described democratic, I will say that your bar for what qualifies as democratic or not is so low you'd need a bathyscape to see it.

masquenox ,

See, this is why you don't get your politics from a dictionary.

a: government by the people especially : rule of the majority

If a was true, where is your universal healthcare?

I could ask a book's worth of, "If a was true, (insert blatantly obvious contradiction here)" questions that this worse-than-useless dictionary description doesn't provide answers to.

And that's just a... it just gets worse from there on in.

Let's rather try this - why do you think labor unions have been historically necessary? After all... if it wasn't for labor unions, you wouldn't even have the week-end - or anything resembling safety regulations. Labour unions are a democratic force (in theory - and sometimes in practice) acting on an anti-democratic power structure (ie, a for-profit, privately owned corporation - in this instance)

If you lived in a democratic society, such a force wouldn't be necessary, no?

masquenox ,

This got far less attention on here than liberal grifter Fetterman turning out to be a bog-standard liberal.

I have to wonder... are there actually any leftists here on lemmy.word? Or is the only thing on here really just a liberal hive mind made up of edgy right-wingers trying to pretend they're not imperialists?

Capitalism is essentially alive

I think capitalism can be understood as a living entity, a being composed of billions of smaller beings (people), essentially cells. It evolves (legally and through market innovations), has an immune response (police), and grows and reproduces itself (imperialism). The cells are independent life in their own right, but they...

masquenox ,

I'd say it's more apt to think of capitalism as a parasite that turns all the functions (as you described them) of an organism into something that induces self-destructive behavior that only serves the short-term goals of the parasite - you know, like Cordyceps fungi.

masquenox ,

Sounds like wishful thinking if you ask me.

Gen X didn't rebel - instead, rebellion was packaged and sold to us by our corporate overlords and we were far too ignorant to even realize it.

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