Stop being elitist, spread Linux!

Linux needs to grow. Stop telling people it's 'tech-y' or acting like you're more advanced for using it, you are scaring away people. Linux Mint can be used by a senile person perfectly.

Explain shortly the benefits, 'faster, more secure, easier to use, main choices of professionals and free'. Ask questions that let you know if they need to dual boot, 'do you use Adobe, anti-cheat games, or Microsoft Office', 'how new is your computer', 'do you use a Mac'.

And most importantly, offer to help them install.

They don't understand the concept of distros, just suggest Linux Mint LTS Cinnamon unless they're curious.

That's it, spread Linux to as many people as possible. The larger the marketshare, the better support we ALL get. We can fight enshittification. Take the time to spread it but don't force it on anyone.

Linux has no advertising money, it's up to us.

Offer family members or friends your help or copy and paste the below

how to install linux: 1) copy down your windows product key 2) backup your files to a harddrive 3) install the linux mint cinnamon iso from the linux mint website 4) use etcher (download from its website) to put the iso on a usb flash drive 5) go into bios 6) boot from the usb 7) erase the storage and install 8) press update all in the update manager 9) celebrate. it takes 15 minutes.


and if someone is at the level of ignorance (not in a derogatory fashion) that they dont know what a file even is genuinely dont bother unless theyre your parents cause youll be tech support for their 'how do i install the internet' questions.

nifty , avatar

More users usually ruins things, that’s how we ruined and lost the internet.

Plopp ,

Sure, but I need more software and hardware to be Linux compatible, so I still need more people to come over.

Jakeroxs ,

I like Linux, but it sucks to support it in a corporate environment, specifically when it comes to trying to help end-users with it.

There's so many distros and configurations, and the ones who call in with issues are the ones who probably shouldn't be using Linux because they barely know how to work a computer, it was just their well meaning family member who put them on it.

zephr_c , avatar

I'm not elitist. I'm a weirdo who likes weird things. If we get a bunch of normies in here normying up the place I'll just end up having to switch to FreeBSD.

hendrik ,

Hehe, I think it's more the Windows people who spread that urban legend. While I completely agree with you, I didn't learn anything new here 😉

Kristof12 , avatar

Billions need to switch to linux to save the planet

Squizzy ,

I got Linux mint and I'm shit at it, terminology and step by steps are lost on me. It definitely needs a significant time commitment.

Facebones ,

Im not particularly adverse, but gaming largely still keeps me a Windows main. I tried dual booting Ubuntu (I know it's not the best choice but it handles dual boot nicely,) but if I keep having to switch back to windows I just stay on windows

wahming ,

I've not actually run into any games so far that can't run on Proton.

DeltaWhy ,

It's pretty good for single player games on Steam but a lot of multiplayer games use anti-cheat that doesn't work on Linux, and some launchers don't work well. And of course if you use Game Pass for PC you're out of luck entirely. Most VR headsets also won't work on Linux.

So it really depends what kind of games you play. It's kind of similar to the Adobe situation. I suspect most gamers will have at least one deal-breaker that forces them to keep at least a dual-boot around. But many people could use Linux most of the time, including for games, and that's already pretty exciting for Linux fans.

wahming ,

Fair enough, I'm not into multiplayer so I've not run into that

DeltaWhy ,

I'm not either (besides Minecraft and such) so my personal experience with Linux gaming has been pretty good. There's some jank with needing to pick the right Proton version and adding command line options, but I'm not sure it's any worse than Windows - I've had to reinstall my graphics drivers way too many times. But there's a large portion of gamers that almost exclusively play the big multiplayer games, and Linux is definitely not ready for that group.

spittingimage , avatar

I gave my neighbour's teenager an old laptop pre-installed with Linux Mint LTS Cinnamon to study programming on. So at least I know his weed dealer is enjoying the Linux experience.

1984 , avatar

I haven't seen anyone scaring people away. All I see is people saying "try Linux" and others complaining that it's too much Linux encouragement. They want to stay with their windows. Not our fault. :)

I like a small Linux community so I'm fine. The more people who stay on windows, the more likely it is that Microsoft feels like they have enough users to leave the rest of us alone.

backhdlp , avatar

use rufus (a website)

rufus isn't a website.

jackpot OP , avatar


backhdlp , avatar

I don't want a lot of tech illiterate people using Linux.

soulfirethewolf ,

Well congrats, a lot of tech illiterate people don't want to learn it either :/

jackpot OP , avatar


backhdlp , avatar

It boils down to them having no idea what they're doing, asking for help with almost every tiny thing, and cluttering forums with basic questions that have been answered thousands of times already.

I only recommend Linux to people who I think could actually use it with little help.

jackpot OP , avatar

again, elitism. i get it's annoying but theres a diffrtence between someone who refuses to look things up themself and people who arent techy. have faith

backhdlp , avatar

I recommend it to the people I have faith in.

AnUnusualRelic , avatar

Don't tell them, just break in their home at night and install it. They'll call you in the morning. Probably to thank you. Probably.

olbaidiablo ,

You do have a point. Most of the issues I've ever had on any of my computers has been with windows. Linux just keeps on humming along. Every one of the hand me down laptops I seem to get because they are "too slow", gets wiped, Linux installed and they work great after.

meekah , avatar

My chromecast recently gave up.

So I went on our equivalent for craigslist and bought a cheap, old-ish laptop for 80€. It was okay with windows, but it feels snappy and like new with linux. Not only can I control it from my couch using my phone similar to the chromecast, but it also enabled me to consume media off of a USB stick. looking forward to playing around with this thing as a game server.

olbaidiablo ,

I have a laptop I bring all over just for media. It works great in hotel rooms too.

meekah , avatar

good point!

abby ,

no one in my family or friend group is tech literate enough to follow most of those steps, let alone deal with all the tiny troubleshooting they're in for at every step.

Chakravanti ,

I try to preach GNU/Linux to anyone who will listen. GNU/Linux & GPG.

Only had one success on the former. My wife. Technically there is another but every time I see that guy I fix petty easy stuff that's obvious. Sure, I've been doing it a decade and a half but...WHY DOES NO ONE LISTEN? IT'LL BE THE END OF THE FUCKING WORLD IF YOU DON'T START NOW!


yianiris , avatar

Convenience and pop-whores .. it is what capitalism prescribes. Add games, bookmarks on Edge, saved passwords, that people don't want to change ... and this is the disability they develop. Then win gets all borked BSOD and all, and they start the only way they know how, disk, format, new install.

They buy their own prison cells and the camera that monitors them like they live in a reality show.

What did you expect, a social revolution?

@Chakravanti @jackpot

Chakravanti ,

Once I learned the truth, I decided to figure out how to teach people how to save the world. Not a single individual has listened to the obvious let alone bothered to learn a single bit. Even my father, a fucking career programmer won't fucking listen or learn.

jackpot OP , avatar


Chakravanti ,

RMS's FOSS flip of PGP.

Pretty Good Privacy

GNU Privacy Guard

Adanisi , avatar

I love the creative naming schemes that come from our community.

Chakravanti ,

I just think that if we include the name of GNU/Linux into FOSS we could call it IA! FGLOSS! And summon a Cthulhu we know and understand.

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