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Chakravanti ,

Parasite is much more applicable.

The parasites manipulate the predators to handle the suckers they trap with news nooses.

Chakravanti ,

You used to be correct. Now, the IT have been traded for dice of errors. There is no correct result for anyone, though a few of the result will appear to be correct long enough to sucker the viral tricking the trade of humans for AI.

Chakravanti ,

Money is the Talisman of illusion that tricks the actual giving all real value for it"s essence of being the opposite...

Chakravanti ,

Not if you're exploiting them for cheap labor.

Chakravanti ,

No. Their existence scares shit out of everyone else to work hard for piss money.

Chakravanti ,

You mean "cost" as in the cost of the collective people. Such is not given a fuck about by anyone with enough to not be a communist. That and such wealth would give zero fucks if it weren't for the fact that this level of wealth can, instead of forcing people, simply buy anything to be done that is delirious, disgusting and more that even I don't want to talk about here.

At the end of the day it become the choice of every individual who doesn't want to die to sell their kid to Bill Gates who will do you know what.

Chakravanti ,

In all fairness, as a woman, you have no shortage of reasons today. I'm a man and likewise but I do recognize that the entirety of society today has zero respect for you that isn't taken from the man that "owns" you.

Chakravanti ,

IDK about Canada but here in the US I gotta say that it is technically not theft because corporations are NOT people, despite the Lies of the Law.

Chakravanti ,

No. It's not. It's close. They're mocking the person who took any side. There no side to not commit xenocide and the democrats will knot not do it. We don't have much time left. Their might be one "president" left after this one. I assure you it don't matter who because everyone will die on this planet.

Chakravanti ,

I'm talking about the hidden obvious. They're both on the same side. The lesser of two evils is still a fucking GADDAAR.

Chakravanti ,

Feudalism didn't organize enough intelligent people and trick them into producing enough shit like plastic, nukes, etc. to eliminate all life on this planet. Forever. Soon.

Chakravanti ,

Crypto isn't a gamble when you study them and realize that the only fucking one out there that maintains respect for you is Monero.

Bitcoin is the snitchcoin. Great to force all businesses to handle it and reveal their entire financial existence and movement to tax them knowing everything.

Everything else is just exactly this fucking shenanigan.

There's facts explaining this. Ask your questions because if you have anything contrary to say then I have no problem schooling you. Your welcome.

I know these things because I don't gamble.

Chakravanti ,

The church is a business the way 99% of jobs being equivalent to slavery.

Chakravanti ,

Where does the corruption enter into it?


Chakravanti ,

And even if you vote on every decision, could most workers really understand what they are voting for.

Yeah because 32hrs would become 40 and we would discard another 8. 6hrsx4. When that happens we are no longer deprived of time edilucate and discuss the matter with the relevant folks.

And even if you vote on every decision, could most workers really understand what they are voting for.

Yes. Because of the above.

Also, what about layoffs? While everyone loves to hate layoffs, they are part of keeping peoples work productive

No. They aren't. They actually doing the exact opposite. Your statement to contrary of the obvious is a sucker delusion. Stop consuming sugar to begin with and finish by stopping to listen to money.

Are the workers going to vote/approve them?

Yup. Your delusion is thinking that mass is any kind of importance. Its not when it is compared to life because shit might come from the magick of people but there will never be life as a part of them unless they were to begin with and in that case, you were never the creator. Workers MUST have the right to make decision where they work or the entire planet will die. No fucking exceptions with any financial delusions because ALL of it is doing and being exactly that.

Chakravanti ,

"Flipping the page" wasn't meant to turn the only page you got over and over again.

Chakravanti ,

Fuck all that. Let's try methylone. Also, IA! FTHAGN!

I think Cthulhu wasn't evil. He was just high on metbylone and want to make friends but didn't know he'd accidentally be killing everyone.

I'm just saying, if we're looking for a delirious ignorant cult trying to raise someone to do exactly that then I gotta say that the picture is seemingly being painted plainly everywhere nowadays.

Chakravanti ,

Came here to say exactly these things. Bitcoin is the Snitchcoin.

Chakravanti ,

Then get Monero at and swap it for the Snitchcoin on

Chakravanti ,

He's wrong. Again, bisq.

Chakravanti ,

I am not in any way advertising dope but the operation on the DNM over it is just fantastic evidence at how fucking solidly successful at being as properly encrypted Open Source cryptocurrency doing what it says it does and is.

Chakravanti ,

Fun Fact: Dwarf Fortress is the only video game I still play once in a long ass while. I quit with VG with board games. I have zero regret.

Chakravanti ,

Oh, so that explains where the cocaine comes from.

Chakravanti ,

None of that fake shit, WWE cuz you know we keep it real like the UFC...


Chakravanti ,

Not bad but Yat-Kha is my choice that brought metal to Mongolian music first.

Chakravanti ,

You mean like that?

Points at the Jolly Roger

Chakravanti ,

Let's be real. The Patriarchal Tier have agreed to commit global suicide because it's time for women to take over via the Astronomically measured Yin Yang of LIFE. Men in Charge are refusing to hand over control and oil is the tool of murdering everyone. We're all suckers of their infliction of death itself: OIL. Deadlier a Deity than even Mushrooms. Mushrooms have a choice. Oil will murder everyone.

What I'm really saying is that it's NOT a failed system. It is committing the act it was subscribed to for exactly what it causes. Suicide and nothing else.

Make's OP's point the best description of what I've seen yet.

Chakravanti ,

Nope. Fuck people stupid enough to use FBInc at all.

Chakravanti ,

I disagree. I don't feel murderous of any LGBTQ+

Chakravanti ,

You're missing the point that I'm not stupid enough to say so blatantly here. Hence the innuendo. Take your time.

Chakravanti ,

I think you actually didn't but whatever. You're so sensitive to shit that ain't there IDGAF.

Chakravanti ,

Lower class aren't working because they can't. That's why they're lower class. Also, you're wrong because NOW the middle class of working are the lower class being underpaid.

The truth & problem is that the upper class aren't working regardless if they "have jobs" or not.

So let me spell that out. You are completely fucking wrong.

Chakravanti ,

You're an idiot to think that money defines you. You might think you're not a narcissistic asshole but you are. Regardless if that's all projection from the "rich" class. You're their narcissistic pet boy.

Chakravanti ,

You missed half my post.

Chakravanti ,

That assumption leads to the observation that you didn't read the following point.

Chakravanti ,

You'd lose. Just like you will when the investment into the printed worthless "paper" gets slammed like 9/11 as described in 3:71 & 3:73. Turns out it wasn't a prediction but rather a plan to rob the working class. At least, those like you who were suckers to consider wealth to be valid when it was printed in paper of no true value but painted with the entirety of theft.

I'm of an entirely other direction path. Your blatant narcissist being conduct on behalf of the paper printers, the billionaires, is so blatantly obvious that only you can't see it.

You think your stupid plans have value. Stupid not because you are but because you swallowed the bit of money wholly and have zero track now; when the theft is conducted right in front of your vision.

That theft is being done right now. But sure, it's not theft the way your work isn't slavery. That because you made the choice to work for result of their being rich because you're not lower class...



Chakravanti ,

Yeah. Delusional. Because you think your money has any real value. You'll remember this when it's too late and I'd be like "I told you so" but everyone dies so I won't be here either.

I could change that, but I won't because no one listens and no one cares so I'm of the point to just let everyone die and move the fuck on. Why would I bother to bust my ass magically when everyone else shoves their head in a sandpile of literal garbage? I don't even need real magick this time and yet my only disposition is to not do so when no one else does.

Go on sucker. Idgaf about your blatant insults defending yourself. You just can't deal with the fact that that doesn't do that ever.

Chakravanti ,

Again, insults ignoring everything. Although, I'll give you you might just be thoroughly and blatantly stupid.

The difference: I'm not ignoring what you say as an excuse. I don't need to in order to feel better.

Chakravanti ,

I have no empathy. I simulate it very well but still. I care but the truth is painful and if you can't swallow it, then you deserve zero respect.

There's implied if to the idiot statement. So let meYrehash that a little more explicitly for you. IF you think money is of real value then you are an idiot. A sucker. Dumb.

You clearly don't understand the definition of narcissist. Go look it up and then come back to what I said that claims anything of my own, personal value. I have and do regularly assassinate my own ego. It's only existence is for the sake of communicating with others and recognizing my physical presence. IDGAF. You might jump the same shit and get the fuck over your damn self in order to accomplish andly real education. Unless you've sailed past the notion and refuse to subject any sense of self to any reality.

Chakravanti ,

There is no implied "if" there.

Implied. Not literally written. IMPLIED

The English is very simple and clear

No the fuck it isn't. If you think otherwise, you're ignorant.

Pretty much 'Nuff there. You wanna run your dumbass mouth about shit you don't know shit about and won't educate yourself then I've given you far more words than you're worth.

Chakravanti ,

Considering you don't know how to read...

I am genuinely horrified to see how much data google collected from me

I created a google takeout and in that zip file I found some files containing a ton of data about me. It has logged every single page I visited while using the google search engine and chrome browser. It even logged every single time I opened an app on my old android phone. It even has VOICE RECORDINGS of me and a log of every...

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