Drama in the Fediverse

Carrolade , in Bad opinion is expressed in a bad-opinion safe space, and the comments are mostly highly-upvoted responses that just say "*removed by mod*"

Israel is not an ethnostate, nor is it historically fascist, though it has been sliding in that direction under Netanyahu.

73.2% (about 7,208,000 people) are Jews, including about 503,000 living outside the self-defined borders of the State of Israel in the West Bank
21.1% (around 2,080,000 people) are Israeli citizens classified as Arab, some identifying as Palestinian, and including Druze, Circassians, all other Muslims, Christian Arabs, Armenians (which Israel considers "Arab")[2]
An additional 5.7% (roughly 554,000 people) are classified as "others". This diverse group comprises those with Jewish ancestry but not recognized as Jewish by religious law, non-Jewish family members of Jewish immigrants, Christians other than Arabs and Armenians, and residents without a distinct ethnic or religious categorization.[2][1]

According to a 2011 Government Social Survey of Israelis over 20 years of age, 49% report Hebrew as their native language, Arabic 18%, Russian 15%, Yiddish 2%, French 2%, English 2%,[3] Spanish 1.6%, and 10% other languages (including Romanian, and Amharic, which were not offered as answers by the survey). This study also noted that 90% of Israeli Jews and over 60% of Israeli Arabs have a good understanding of Hebrew.

Pretty poor numbers for an ethnostate. And while I have little doubt there is systemic racism and discrimination present in the society at large, the law provides all citizens of Israel with the same rights to vote, own business, etc etc.

Worth noting, it is likely a long-term goal of Israel's far right to change them into an ethnostate. But that does not make them one today.

ImplyingImplications , in Bad opinion is expressed in a bad-opinion safe space, and the comments are mostly highly-upvoted responses that just say "*removed by mod*"

I'm just glad I'm not American. I can't imagine being told I'm only allowed to choose between a politician I disagree with and a fascist and not chosing one means the fascist wins by default. There honestly doesn't seem to be a winning move.

mozz OP Admin , (edited )
mozz avatar

It's just the nature of power: Because governments are powerful and therefore attract people who want to grab control of that power, you're never going to see a big, powerful government that's not doing some large amount of naked fascism. Russia, China, and the US all succumbed to it to some degree, regardless of what high-minded rhetoric went into their formation. It's always going to take a significant battle by "the little guy" to make them behave in any at all reasonable fashion.

We're always going to have to be putting some sustained energy of resistance, activism, politicking, good works outside the machinery of pure politics, what-have-you, into the system in order for it to behave in any way that's not just naked oligarchy. It's just a natural result of what powerful people will tend to do in order to grab the reins of government to continue and extend their power: If there's nothing counterbalancing their pressure, then they'll win. It's a lot easier in the US than in Russia or China but it's definitely not easy.

Put another way: If showing up one day and pushing one button to choose a clearly better option over a clearly worse option is too much to ask of you, then there's absolutely 0 chance that you have the energy for the amount of work that would be needed to create an actually good government like the one you're saying the US should have (which, absolutely yes, I agree with you.)

noride , in Kagi search engine, mod censorship, fun stuff

Did I accidentally make 'totally hinged' a thing?

homesweethomeMrL ,


morrowind , in Kagi search engine, mod censorship, fun stuff
@morrowind@lemmy.ml avatar

The event is worth discussing, but the mod's clear one sidedness and trigger happiness makes it clear that that is not the place to do it

PP_BOY_ , in Kagi search engine, mod censorship, fun stuff
@PP_BOY_@lemmy.world avatar
mozz OP Admin ,
mozz avatar

Yeah, is bullshit

@PP_BOY_@lemmy.world avatar

Fediverse/alttech users are some of the most thin-skinned people around. Square that with them being a forum mod and you've got a power trip of near-infinite potential.

homesweethomeMrL ,

I think they’re just done playing with trolls, and are erring on the opposite side now. Which, makes sense if they’ve been through enough on that other site. Especially in a fediverse of near-infinite community options, who cares. Sure, ban away.

@NOT_RICK@lemmy.world avatar

Was planning on it. Your mom says she's still sore from last time I creampied her with my gigantic, thick, juicy cock. So looks like it's just me and Pamela Handerson until your sister gets back in town, L.O.L.

This you?

@PP_BOY_@lemmy.world avatar

Yeah dude. Give me a childish reply to my serious comment and I'll match your energy. Here's the full exchange (my top comment was removed before my reply). And L.O.L. stands for "lots of love," I was trying to extend an olive branch and settle our differences before the OP banned me :/


NOT_RICK , (edited )
@NOT_RICK@lemmy.world avatar

Fair enough, their response to your difference in opinion is childish.

southsamurai ,
@southsamurai@sh.itjust.works avatar

I remember snorting at that one :)

MrGG , in Kagi search engine, mod censorship, fun stuff

That thread is fucking bizarro, and is itself unhinged.

The CEO seemed fairly reasonable to me (if someone were bashing my company on their blog I'd like a chance for rebuttal), though they did ignore the "please stop emailing me" request.

It almost feels like everyone involved from the blog post to the thread comments are in the middle of a manic episode. What in the heck is going on?

If anything I bet this results in a net subscriber gain for Kagi.

mozz OP Admin ,
mozz avatar

I mean, the CEO's response seems a little over the top, unless you bear in mind that this is his livelihood.

Everyone's within their rights to say whatever they want about whatever private company, whether it's accurate or not, of course. But imagine that someone made a post at your workplace that was filled with things that weren't true about what you were doing in your job performance, and then you reached out to them to say "yo what's up with this" and they refused to talk with you about it. Given the context, I think the CEO's response is perfectly sane and that response of, no I'm not interested in talking with you on any level get away from me, is totally irresponsible and unreasonable.

If anything I bet this results in a net subscriber gain for Kagi.

I tend to agree

themoonisacheese ,
@themoonisacheese@sh.itjust.works avatar

The response of "I'm not debating this with you" is sane. You don't owe that to anyone. However, I still see the ceo's point in that he thinks his product is good, and he worked hard on it, so he's going to defend this. Imo he should've just let the guy be after he told him to not contact me again, but the linked thread seems insane to me.

mozz OP Admin , (edited )
mozz avatar

The response of "I'm not debating this with you" is sane.

Not really. Or, not reasonable or responsible, I would say.

Not wanting to have a public debate about it sounds fine. Hearing the CEO out and then saying "I'm sorry but it sounds like we're just not on the same page on this and talking more is not productive" sounds fine.

Deciding to make statements in a public forum that could materially impact someone's livelihood, and not being at all open on any level to someone who wants to tell you hey I think some of these statements are just factually wrong and this person you're convinced is a bad person and are publicly saying is a bad person, is not actually a bad person, that seems like middle-school levels of weird and hostile and self-centered.

Imo he should've just let the guy be after he told him to not contact me again

Yeah. In my armchair mode, I feel like at that point you should back off and maybe make a short public response like "Hey I saw this and tried to reach out privately, not to get into a big back-and-forth but here's why I think most of this is a misunderstanding of what we're about. (point a, b, c) Happy to talk more if you change your mind."

themoonisacheese ,
@themoonisacheese@sh.itjust.works avatar

Yeah you're right. I think the original author is also trying to hide behind the fact his post didn't get traction to make this "actually this was quite private" when it wasn't.

Riven ,
@Riven@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

I'm not defending anyone here but if consent is not given it's a full stop. If ands or buts don't matter if there isn't consent. The moment the person replied via email that they weren't interested that was a clear no. What the ceo should have done is just make a public statement on their socials as is their right and not continue to privately message the person.

Again I'm not on anyone's sides, it's just a consent issue for me.

Pra ,

Why am I forced to listen to the owner of a company ramble off selling points of his product if I don't want to? If I say fuck Nintendo they're a shit company do I have to listen to Gary Bowser list off every Nintendo game that sold over a million copies?

The person who posted the thread did so on mastodon, to their 1200 followers, who maybe half of them even saw it and then another half of that even engaged with it. That is not going to materially impact anyone.

mozz OP Admin ,
mozz avatar

It wasn't selling points though, it was specific rebuttals to specific things that someone had said about his company in public.

It should cut both ways. If you want to publicly say "hey this is what I think of company X," people with company X should be able to say "hey what you said is bullshit, and now that you started the conversation I'm going to explain why, whether or not you feel like the conversation needs to continue after your side and only your side has been expressed." I mean, the CEO was way more polite about it than that for understandable reasons, but I think some level of that frustration is probably behind him wanting to be able to explain himself even after she said she wasn't interested.

Such is my opinion at least. As long as nobody's getting sued or silenced or harassed at length beyond a few emails, he who opens the slinging of ideas that aren't friendly, should be prepared for responses to their ideas to come back at them that might not be friendly. This whole "free speech for me but then shut the fuck up and don't tell me anything back about what I said" seems unfair. At least, in my opinion.

viking , in Beind banned on Lemmygrad for different opinion
@viking@infosec.pub avatar

Lemmygrad has always been a toxic shithole. As soon as my instance updated to 0.19, I blocked them entirely. Lemmy is a much better place now.

hodja_nasreddin OP ,

And there is no alternative for leftists. At least I don't know about it.
I guess I'll have to stay on lemmyworld.

viking ,
@viking@infosec.pub avatar

Lemmy itself is overwhelmingly left, I don't feel like you need any specific instance to be in a solid majority.

RightHandOfIkaros , in Beind banned on Lemmygrad for different opinion

Everywhere is an echo chamber for people. Lemmy is generally an echo chamber for very politically Left people, but there are people in the Fediverse that are on the opposite end of the political compass as well.

The internet is kinda like the American Justice System:

  • Anything you say can and will be used against you

  • Most of the time there is no real justice

  • Lots of people complain about it, but nobody has actually been able to fix it

hodja_nasreddin OP , (edited )

I think a lot depends on the moderators. There are normal ones who give freedom of speech and opinion. Punishing only for breaking the rules or real thrash posting.
In such cases it is hard to call the community an echo chamber. And there are some assholes, like on lemmygrad, who will ban you forever for the slightest deviation of your opinion from their own. In such a case, the community is doomed to degradation. As we can clearly see from my ban without any explanation, respect and fair punishment for the real rulebreakers.

wahming , in Beind banned on Lemmygrad for different opinion

No idea what you posted, but the replies make your comments sound pretty toxic, so... 🤷‍♂️

Gradually_Adjusting , in Beind banned on Lemmygrad for different opinion
@Gradually_Adjusting@lemmy.world avatar

I've only been here for a few months, but my impression is that lemmy isn't "a" place, it's a bunch of places that connect. Quality of moderation varies a lot; you don't judge humanity by the worst people you meet, same applies here

hodja_nasreddin OP , (edited )

My bad. I was of course referring to Lemmygrad, on which I was banned and which has become disgusting echo chamber full of libs and hypocrites. I wasn't talking about the whole lemmy space.

awwwyissss ,

Lemmygrad isn't full of libs, it's full of shills, bots, and a handful of useful idiots spreading authoritarian propaganda to undermine democracies and enable the Kremlin's barbaric war in Ukraine.

hodja_nasreddin OP , (edited )

I don't have issue with their position about ukro-reich. It's a a garbage right-wing regime that has no place on earth. Believe someone who has watched his degradation since the first maidan.
I have a problem with their neoliberal western ethics, in which even the slightest idea of looking at situations from a different realistic perspective, the slightest deviation from the line of radical feminism, invites the wrath of the soyjaks. They don't realize that the world of relationships is far more complex than their meaningless, chatgpt level takes about "rEsPecTing boUndAries". They don't even want to realize it.
Colonist mentality as it is. It's scary to imagine how these "comrades" would interact with people from the middle east and non-first world countries.

Ildar ,
@Ildar@lemmy.world avatar

Бля, вот у тебя насрано

yukichigai , in Why I left Startrek.website, created TenForward, and the admin abuse I've suffered from ST.W since then
@yukichigai@lemmy.sdf.org avatar

Alright, this is one hell of a rollercoaster, far beyond anything I figured would be in play in a dispute over community moderation. And of course, of course it had to involve the guy who is rabidly defensive of Discovery. If anyone wasn't aware, that stance was in part what led to people leaving /r/StarTrek for /r/Star_Trek, the latter quickly turning into a brigading alt-right dumpsterfire that was eventually banned. They can't be blamed for the latter part obviously, but at the same time forcing Trek fans to choose between "no opinions we don't like" and "every opinion is valid including the super racist ones" is a dick move.

Of course the other reason for the schizm was Corgana banning anyone who even remotely questioned them in a stickied post about moderation changes.

Bottom line is that there's a track record of bad behavior from these folks that predates their transition to Lemmy.

wahming ,

There's a lot of irony here considering the values that star trek espouses...

Jennykichu , in Why I left Startrek.website, created TenForward, and the admin abuse I've suffered from ST.W since then
@Jennykichu@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

You ignored the mod, they warned you, and instead of going with it you made a bunch of posts calling them names, and they reported those posts for violating lemmy.world rules?

.......am i missing something?? I kept waiting for the part where ValueSubtracted did anything to you. This is not even drama this is a tantrum on full display I and regret reading it.

toasteecup ,

Can I recommend you reread any of the post? That or stop hiding behind an alt account.

Jennykichu ,
@Jennykichu@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

OPs entire rant boils down to "asking me not to harass people is the real harassment". One of the people in OPs story communicated through dms and reports, the other made giant public drama threads in their own unrelated community. Posts like this were actually removed from SRD.

wahming ,

It's weird how many lurker accounts with little to no engagement prior to this are popping up to take an interest in one specific drama, on one specific side.

Jennykichu ,
@Jennykichu@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

I take no side I just don't think this is good drama. This is the exact kind of "wah wah wah a mod asked me to be nice I am le harassed" stuff that SRD would have removed back on the other site.

PakledBrain ,
@PakledBrain@lemmy.world avatar

You missed nothing. See my comment below. Stamets is a bully and plays the victim when he is called out for it. He also deletes any comments that make him look bad so you need to screenshot. If he dms you dont reply just screenshot and send to the admins.

Stamets OP ,
@Stamets@lemmy.world avatar

Yet again you're making accusations but you don't have a single shred of evidence. Mind providing these screenshots that supposedly exist?

PakledBrain ,
@PakledBrain@lemmy.world avatar

Like I said in my other comment this thread is all the evidence needed to prove you know you werent harassed

If you actually believed your own narrative that you were personally targeted by an admin from another instance for no reason you would have reported it to the lemmy.world admins and they would have taken quick action. Instead you create drama for others while you get to pretend your the victim.

Stamets OP , (edited )
@Stamets@lemmy.world avatar

And if lemmy.world admins believed that I was causing drama and lying about another admin and causing shit then they would have removed these posts. They didn't. In fact, I've gotten messages from two admins who read the post and said how fucking insane it was and how they got bad feelings from Value before hand. So... It's almost like I responded publicly to a public accusation about me. Right, Value?

As mentioned before, you are clearly his alt which is why you've been abusing the report system in the exact same overly dramatic fashion.


Equally, lets use your logic, shall we?

If you had proof of things that I did then you would have gone to an admin. You didn't. If you did then you wouldn't be making these public accusations, right? If you believed you were targeted and harassed for no reason then you'd go to the lemmy.world admins, right? You've been shit talking me for a month but nothing has happened. So you very clearly didn't report it and don't even follow your own logic. Unless you're Value Subtracted. He did go to the Lemmy.world admins. Let's use that logic then, shall we?

"If you actually believed your own narrative that you were personally harassed by Stamets for no reason you would have reported it to the admins and they would have taken quick action. Instead, you create drama for others while you get to pretend you're the victim."

That is what Value did. Went to the lemmy.world admins. But that didn't work so here you are. Lying and creating drama for others while pretending you're the victim.

You are so transparent. Like I'm not even mad. I just pity you.

Jennykichu ,
@Jennykichu@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Thanks but this is not my first rodeo with giant baby-like "men". He did delete a reply to me but no dms yet! I hope he tries with me lol

Fades ,

You’re so gross

FlyingSquid ,
@FlyingSquid@lemmy.world avatar

Stamets is a bully

Do you expect anyone to buy that?

PakledBrain ,
@PakledBrain@lemmy.world avatar

he is clearly trying to do a mob justice with this post

even if you buy that what value did was harassment the evidence should be reported to the admins not a big "we're going to the capitol, let's walk down pennsylvania avenue" speech posted in three different communities

FlyingSquid ,
@FlyingSquid@lemmy.world avatar

Damn, dude. You are so desperate. You can't even use your real account to do this nonsense.

Stamets OP , (edited )
@Stamets@lemmy.world avatar

He also sent false screenshots to admins that were so blatantly false that the messages I supposedly sent had an edit/delete button underneath it.

Desperate is accurate.

"HE WANT MOB JUSTICE" he says, making false accusations publicly and having to manufacture evidence for it privately lol

wahming , in Why I left Startrek.website, created TenForward, and the admin abuse I've suffered from ST.W since then

Welp, guess I'm gonna go explore the new instance block function

Pratai , in Beehaw considering Leaving Lemmy and the Fediverse

As I said many times on the subject… walled gardens don’t have a long life expectancy.

kellyaster , in Why I left Startrek.website, created TenForward, and the admin abuse I've suffered from ST.W since then
@kellyaster@kbin.social avatar

Lol I'm in one of those screenshots. I'm flattered a mod from another instance felt they had to report me, but tbh I'm not at all surprised it was a former mod from r/startrek. Those subreddit mods were always a bit baggy, which is why I avoided that subreddit for a majority of the 15 years I was there. D-bag central.

First place I check is BTs profile to see if he’s cooled off at all. No.

I take back what I said. He's an insufferable duck.

We explicitly decided to not call out Risa by name or USS Burrito Truck.

I noticed that, and I think it was a smart, classy idea. Well, I guess they're not the reciprocating kind, so fuck'em. I'm sorry they keep harassing you, the amount of energy they're expending on you is ridiculous.

Stamets OP ,
@Stamets@lemmy.world avatar

The first comment that was reported I could maybe see at a push being against rule 1. But yours?

This whole situation is just so sad and childish. I see this type of behavior from television shows made for toddlers, not for adults. I stopped being angry a while ago and now I'm just filled with pity.

kellyaster ,
@kellyaster@kbin.social avatar

Yeah, it's just so petty. Like, following someone across the internet and harassing them over a frickin internet forum is just sad. Unhinged mostly, but also really sad. You gonna be all right, we got your back, man! Let me know if there is anything I can do to help.

Stamets OP ,
@Stamets@lemmy.world avatar

It is what it is.

As for help, I require one hug and one pizza

kellyaster ,
@kellyaster@kbin.social avatar

Best I can do is one hug

Somebody pizza this man!

wahming ,

Sure, just need your name, phone number and address for the delivery driver. Probably also your id and that of any housemates you may have, just in case of wrong delivery.

CoD payment is fine, right?

Stamets OP ,
@Stamets@lemmy.world avatar
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